Premium Essay

The Strength of the Tsar


Submitted By ashraaaf
Words 1122
Pages 5
To what extent do you agree with the view that the Tsar and his government were in a very strong position at home on the eve of war in 1914?

The Tsar’s power and position as a leader was fairly balanced. Many of the main issues which troubled him had slowly silent and his people were encouraging him to go ahead with the war. The Tsar’s position at “home” is very important as it illustrates how his future at the war may result to as he does not have any issues come to be distracted by while fighting against his foreign enemies, he also does not need anymore enemies than he has. I will be assessing the main factors on how the Tsar was at a strong position and how he may have been weak at some areas.

In 1913, Russia had witnessed a celebration of the tricentenary of the Romanov dynasty since 1613. The celebration was incredibly positive and pomp, and it showed how strong the nation stood by their proud tsar’s side. Rodzianko, the duma president described the 300th celebration to be glorious and “the tsar appeared it was as if an electric spark had run through the crowd, and an enormous ‘hurrah’ filled the air”. This clearly signifies that the tsar was at a strong position as many of his people supported him when he declared on going to war and a hostile rebellious attitude towards him had been reduced as the war had joined the people of Russia and the tsar together for a common goal. The Romanov dynasty also showed how loyal the people were to the tsar as they cheered immensely and the blasting noise even overcome the tsar voice as he tried to speak. This had touched the tsar emotionally as he realised how encouraging and caring his people were and the fact that he had many support from his own home nation made him even more powerful (less opposition from the inside).

Nicholas agreed to an October Manifesto in October 1905 as a response to the Russian

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