...Life hasn’t been easy for me but everything went worse in the past few years. I had to deal with depression and even developed fear over darkness after the incident of someone who hold grudges to my father broke into our house, and sexually abused my mother in front of my eyes. My life has always been on threat because of my father’s drug addiction. Throughout 2013, my family faced financial problems until our electricity had to be cut off because we couldn’t afford to pay it. It hurts to see my father destroy himself with drugs, while my mother struggling to support our life. I was heavily depressed that it in a weird way, I became motivated to end my high school year with excellent results. I managed to accomplish my goal, and was offered...
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...Abstract Substance abuse is increasing day by day in modern world. This indicates that the crime which occurs because of substance abuse also increasing day by day. There are different consequences and effects of violence and substance abuse in the life of people. It is one of the rising concerns of people around the world as people using different kinds of drugs are increasing day by day. It has negative impact in the society as well. There are different organizations around the world which is working to minimize or solve these problems. As violence and substance abuse are interrelated, if we are able to minimize the use of substance abuse then the crime rate will decrease by itself. Tables of contents Abstract 1. Introduction 2. Findings 3.1. Use of substance abuse alter our decisions 3.2. Violence ,substance abuse and mental problems are interrelated with each other 3. Discussion 4.3. Reasons behind the use of substance abuse 4.4. Some solutions to solve the problem caused by substance abuse and violence 4. Conclusion 5. Recommendations Violence and Substance Abuse 1. Introduction Violence and substance abuse are two terms that are interrelated with each other. They are interrelated in a way that when there is substance abuse, violence is inevitable. The use of substance abuse among people is increasing...
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...be reduced by half? These are your half-life readings One-side color: 8 throws Two-side color: 5 throws Three-side color: 3 throws 2. The half-life of a decaying substance is measured in units of time. What is the unit of half-life used in this simulation? Remaining per throw 3. In each case, how many rolls did it take to remove all the cubes? One-side color: 24 throws Two side color: 19 throws Three-side color: 17 throws 4. In which of these hypothetical substance would be the most radioactive? The substance that will decay much faster is the third substance represented by black on the three sides of the cube. According to my tabulation, the curve for the third substance appeared much steeper and at the seventeen throw no cubes were remaining. 5. How might you simulate the radioactive decay of a substance that decays into second substance that also decays? First, the substance always decays because the initial stage is not stable. Lack of stability forces the substance to decay into a second substance with a loss of either an electron, energy or a proton. If the second substance is not stable, it will disintegrate into the third substance. This process might continue until the substance gain stability. 6. Is it possible to estimate the half-life of a substance in a single throw? How accurate might this estimate be? Yes, this is because the first throw might reduce the number of cubes by half especially if the substance being simulated is highly radioactive. ...
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...2013 Substance Abuse and Pregnancy Women are incredible creatures. Women have the incredible ability to aid in the development of a new life within a matter of months. Whether a pregnancy is wanted or unplanned the process of development for the young zygote nestled within the mother’s womb is still phenomenal. The developing bundles of cells are very vulnerable from the very start to the end of a pregnancy. The progress of development for the zygote is a delicate one than can be interrupted or slowed down by many internal and external forces. The forces that can interrupt development can range from biological to environmental. The woman carrying the child is responsible for not only her life but the life of her unborn child. Many activities a mother engages in, the unborn child engages in as well. Activities that the mother participates in can be harmless such as listening to music or enjoying a healthy snack. Unfortunately, some activities are not beneficial for the new life. A mother who participates in substance abuse is putting herself and her child at risk. Substance abuse during pregnancy can have adverse effects on the mother, the unborn child, and raises an ethical dilemma. The online Merriam Webster dictionary states that “Autonomy is self-directing freedom and especially moral independence” (Merriam-Webster). Autonomy is a freedom that many individuals can exercise but it takes a rational individual to do so responsibly. The use of substances is an...
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...Health Issues Doreen Austin HCA/250 University of Phoenix Psychology and Health Issues Substance abuse is a large problem, that can be found everywhere, and is does not only affect certain groups of individuals. When individual’s turn to substance abuse and become addicted, they will be dependent on whatever it is they are using to prevent from having physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms, which creates a cycle many cannot break on their own. There are two main stages of addiction to substances, or addictions in general, which the first stages is dependence where the individual’s life is dominated by the search for the substance because they depend on it physically and psychologically (World Health Organization, 2013). The second stage is when the individual becomes tolerant to the substance, which causes the individual to start consuming larger amounts of the substance to reach the same effect they had when they first started using. As mentioned before, substance abuse is a very serious public health problem that affects individuals in all areas of their lives, and it does not matter what background they may be coming from. Substance abuse can bring along many problems for the individual that is addicted, as well as their immediate surroundings, including friends, family, and the work environment. There are many reasons as to why one may start using illegal substances or prescription medication, like having other psychological problems like anxiety, and depression...
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...behind why people use substances such as alcohol and other drugs. Many people use substances because they like the way it makes them feel. The substance hijacking their brain’s pleasure system, leaves them wanting to do it again. The use of the substance in such way, influencing the brain to crave the substance, lose control over the use, and continue use despite the consequences. Substance Abuse vs. Substance Use Disorder Substance abuse, also known as drug abuse, is very prevalent in many countries. A drug is any substance that modifies the body’s normal functioning. As stated in our book, Substance Abuse “is the term that is used when an individual uses a compound when there is no legitimate medical need to do so, or, when that compound is used in excess of the social standards” (Doweiko, 2014, p.13). Substance abuse also indicates that the dependence for the chemical or chemicals being abused is nonexistent at this time. One thing to keep in mind is that excessive substance abuse can lead to developing a substance dependency. Addiction affects all aspects of a person’s life. Substance use disorder refers to the recurrent use of one or more substance leading to significant impairment (Clinton & Scalise, 2013). Substance use disorder is occurring when the substance is continued to avoid withdrawals and to function normally day to day. Diagnosis of substance abuse disorder is becoming more common in our society. When diagnosing a substance use disorder you...
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...Personality Disorders Overview In order to understand disorders of personality is it necessary to have a clear understanding of what personality actually means. Every single person in the world has a unique personality different than everyone else. Our personalities are thought of as the way we act, think, believe, and feel that makes us different from each other (Nolen-Hoeksema, 2011). Personalities vary from person to person, and we all exhibit an intense, life long, pattern of behaviors, thoughts, and feelings known as traits. Personality traits are said to be stable throughout our life’s and the situations we are faced with in life. Personality traits can range from happy and outgoing to miserable, lonely, unstable, and unreliable. When personality becomes disruptive, and interferes with life in areas of social and occupational functions they are said to be a personality disorder (Nolen-Hoeksema, 2011). Persons with personality disorders have difficulty in their identities, pursuits in life, and relationships. Important to add at this point is the most common theories of personality disorders. One theory of personality is known as the five factor model (the Big 5). This theory uses five dimensions or factors with negative and positive opposites on a continuum to explain personality disorders from functional to dysfunctional. The Big 5 factors are negative emotionally, extraversion, openness to experience, agreeableness, and conscientiousness (Nolen-Hoeksema...
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...Substance Addictions Versus Process Addictions Substance Addictions Alavi et al (2012) discussed the difficulties in defining the concept of addiction but the authors believed that the core component for defining the addiction concept is “the dependence on a substance (Alavi et al, 2012).” Substance abuse is a pattern of an individual using a substance to achieve a mood altering purpose. Another reason individuals seek out substances can be due to depression or negative self-esteem, they look at the substance as a chance to escape or as a way to feel in power over their own life. Over time this can develop into a serious problem as the addiction takes hold causing the individual to require the substance more frequently and in higher dosages to achieve the same effect. Capuzzi & Stauffer (2012) felt that in focusing on the behavioral aspects that it captured the tone that addiction has a “chronic, relapsing, and compulsive nature (Capuzzi & Stauffer, 2012).” The cycle of abuse tends to cause the abusers to suffer a decline in their performances within the home, their job, and their role within the family. Types of Substances Capuzzi & Stauffer (2012) examined multiple substances of addiction such as “depressants, stimulants, cannabinoids, hallucinogens, and opioids (Capuzzi & Stauffer, 2012).” A depressant is a substance that lowers the anxiety of the individual taking it, it promotes to the user a sense of well-being. Stimulants provide the users with...
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...Substance Abuse Just like many disease or mental illness, substance abuse does not discriminate. Substance abuse can result from sociocultural, due to stress of environmental factors, social economics and unemployment’s. The use of substance abuse whether it is alcohol, prescription drugs, or other method it is a stress reliever for the abuser, helping them escape. The addiction to substance abuse makes it hard to function and work in the real world because the abuser becomes dependent and develop higher tolerance. Those suffering from substance abuse may have genetic been given through it through an addict mother, or suffering through a life crises of depression, stress and anxiety. Psychological Factors There is several reason one would try drugs that may turn into substance abuse, it could be the mere fact of stress and unemployment, abusing alcohol or substance abuse allows the person to be able to relieve the stress and feel at peace. Substance abuse can result from social economics and surrounds, whether it is something we see on television or dealing with peer pressures of friends, family and coworkers. The void drugs fill in your life will take part of you life making it hard to accomplish any tasks. Effects The effect of substance abuse can result in changes in the brain interfering with the ability to think clearly, exercise good judgment, controlling our behavior, and this results in poor work performance. You frequently call out of work, running late, struggles...
Words: 594 - Pages: 3
...Substance Abuse is Serious Problem Substance abuse is on the rise amongst students not just in Fiji, but right around the world. Some common substances that student’s abuse is drugs, tobacco, white benzene and many more. Drugs can be inhaled, smoked, injected and taken as tablets. Glue and white benzene are sniffed whereas tobacco is smoked as cigarettes. This is the reason why “The Ministry of Education has reaffirmed its zero tolerance stands against the possession consumption, promotion, distribution, or sale of sale of all drugs” (Cababenatabua, 2009). Students normally start abusing these substances due to peer pressure; stress accumulated in school and at home, curiosity to try out new things, and to overcome bad experiences that they have gone through. This essay mainly focuses on how substance abuse affects the health, social, academic and economical sphere of student’s lives. First and for most, ‘substance abuse’ drastically affects the health of those students who consume it. As is highlighted by NSAAC Pamphlet, substance abuse affects student’s mental and physical health. In terms of mental health, the use of drug leads to memory loss which also associates with lack of concentration and focus. Other side effects mentioned are the decrease in intelligence level and depression. In addition to that, students who take drugs find it difficult to recall what he or she have read, heard or seen. Secondly, the physical health is also drastically affected when students...
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...Psychology and health issues with Substance Abuse Sherry Ramos Resurreccion HCA/250 03/02/2014 Tiffany Hanshaw Psychology and health issues with Substance Abuse A psychological education program that we have here in our community is a program at our local Hospital. Our local hospital Sutter Delta Hospital has a Substance Abuse program. They provide information about substance abuse and they work with the largest treatment center in Northern California called the Impulse Treatment Center. The Impulse Treatment Center provides resources such as where they can go for group therapy, extended care, long treatment care, and intensive out patient care. This program is not a free program however your insurance company may cover it. When deciding to use this program we should learn more about being a healthy and learning the signs of someone who is unhealthy and need treatment. When you are healthy, you are free from any sickness/illness, you feel good about yourself, and your body is physically fit. When you are healthy it also means that you feel positive mentally and physically. The relationship between health and Psychology go hand in hand because in order to have a healthy life you should be physically healthy but you should also feel mentally stable. If you are not mentally stable it will make an impact on your over all health. Some people who are psychologically not stable will become ill because they may decide that they do not want to eat, they seclude themselves from...
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...Mood and Addictive Disorders Kali LaDuke Psy/275 April 4, 2016 Kristi Collins Mood and Addictive Disorders Mood and substance abuse disorders are among the most common abnormal psychological afflictions. Mood disorders include those who suffer the symptoms of depression and mania. The depressive disorder unipolar depression, are those who only experience the lows of depression, while bipolar disorder is marked by both the low of depression and the frenzied high of mania. Substance use disorders are marked by recurrent use of substances, such as alcohol or drugs, that results in maladaptive behaviors (Comer, 2014). To explain the development if both mood and substance disorders there are biological, psychological, and sociocultural models. Treatment for these maladaptive behaviors also use biological, psychological, and sociocultural methods. Finally, there are several gender and cultural differences in the development, frequency, and treatment in these disorders. Mood disorders Depressive disorder has symptoms such as sadness, low energy, guilt, and low self-worth (Comer, 2014). When these symptoms occur without periods of mania, it is called unipolar depression. Overall, about 19 percent of the adult population experiences an episode of unipolar depression in their lifetime. Severe cases interfere with the daily activities of life and can include physical symptoms such as physical pain and muscle fatigue. Severe moodiness and suicidal thoughts may also accompany...
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...LIFE ORIENTATION LESSON 1 General information Teacher: B Stemele Topic: Substance abuse Duration: 1 hour School: St Andrews School for Girls Grade: 8 Date: 6 March 2015 2 Specific aim(s) for Life Orientation * Guide learners to achieve their full physical, intellectual, personal, emotional and social potential; * Develop learners’ skills to respond to challenges and play an active and responsible role in the economy and society; * Teach learners to exercise their constitutional rights and responsibilities and to respect the rights of others; * Guide learners to make informed and responsible decisions about their health, environment, subject choices, further studies and careers; and * Provide opportunities for learners to demonstrate an understanding of, and participate in activities that promote movement and physical development. 3 Lesson aims: (Knowledge, skills, values and attitudes) Knowledge | Skills | Values and attitudes | TerminologyWhat is substance abuse, illegal and legal substances? What makes teenagers to start abusing these substances? * General knowledge about drugs * Signs and symptoms of substance abuse * Investigate factors contributing to substance abuse * Health risks for teens (Effects – physical, mental & social) * Effective Treatment Approaches * Where to go for help? | * Research * Analyse * Compare * Summarize * Apply * Decision making | * Responsibility...
Words: 3637 - Pages: 15
...Substance Abuse is Serious Problem Substance abuse is on the rise amongst students not just in Fiji, but right around the world. Some common substances that student’s abuse is drugs, tobacco, white benzene and many more. Drugs can be inhaled, smoked, injected and taken as tablets. Glue and white benzene are sniffed whereas tobacco is smoked as cigarettes. This is the reason why “The Ministry of Education has reaffirmed its zero tolerance stands against the possession consumption, promotion, distribution, or sale of sale of all drugs” (Cababenatabua, 2009). Students normally start abusing these substances due to peer pressure; stress accumulated in school and at home, curiosity to try out new things, and to overcome bad experiences that they have gone through. This essay mainly focuses on how substance abuse affects the health, social, academic and economical sphere of student’s lives. First and for most, ‘substance abuse’ drastically affects the health of those students who consume it. As is highlighted by NSAAC Pamphlet, substance abuse affects student’s mental and physical health. In terms of mental health, the use of drug leads to memory loss which also associates with lack of concentration and focus. Other side effects mentioned are the decrease in intelligence level and depression. In addition to that, students who take drugs find it difficult to recall what he or she have read, heard or seen. Secondly, the physical health is also drastically affected when students...
Words: 689 - Pages: 3
...(I)-substance abuse affects on my life Substance abuse is one of the main universal problems that affects individuals daily. Several individuals experience the impact of untreated substance abuse during his or her lifetime. Today a fluctuating percentage of substance abusers admits to feeling depressed due to a variety of warranted concerns. This illness can cause thoughts of suicide, mixed emotional feelings, and negative effects / stressors on life. I have learned that substance abuse has been a difficult topic to handle for decades. Substance abuse have been a major issue in our country for a long period of time. It is safe to say that addictions and abuse to drugs stem from curiosity, bad associates, and willingness to try. I myself was affected from substance abuse growing up. I grew up with two other siblings a sister and a brother. My father was an alcoholic, and he eventually was diagnosed with alcoholism. As a result of his substance abuse, he developed a desire for alcohol and would easily take it if the opportunity presented itself. When I was young around the age of 10years old is when it began but I didn't start having problems from it until I was around 14 years of age. As a teenager when matured, I recall asking my mother questions "why is dad losing so much weight, why is he always yelling at us and being mean, why is dad throwing up..." and so forth. From my dad's negative behavior and gestures, I started changing. As a result, I began being angry...
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