...atmosphere that we have all been craving for. insert name is the answer to an increasing demand of true authentic Malaysian food by Malaysians in United Kingdom. The public wants value for everything that it purchases, is not willing to accept anything that does not meet it’s expectations, and wants entertainment with it’s dining experience. insert name has the perfect solution for all those needs. In today’s highly competitive environment, it is becoming increasingly more difficult to differentiate one restaurant concept from another. insert name does this by being the only Malaysian restaurant that showcases it’s display of skills in preparing authentic food to the our customers. (Eg. The making of “roti canai”, grilling “satay” skewers, “teh tarik” and the making of “ice kacang”) Our grill will be out in the open and the skewers are ready to be cooked upon request. With the locals nature of willing to try something new and interested by the food display, and the Malaysians feeling just like home, we believe that this feature will ensure our success. This restaurant business plan is prepared to obtain financing for the initial launch of this concept. The financing is required to begin work on kitchen design, architectural plans, manuals and recipe books, site selection, equipment purchases, and to cover expenses in the first year of business. Mission insert name will strive to be the best and most successful Malaysian restaurant in London. We want our guests to have the total...
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...Examples of Hybrid Model of Crisis Intervention Illustrated Examples of hybrid model of crisis intervention that the counselor used in the scenario: • Predispositioning/ Engaging/Initiating Contact: The counselor introduced herself in a way which was helpful and not judgmental conveying to the client that she could sense the client was frustrated and upset. The counselor was helpful, her tone of voice was calm and she showed empathy to the clients state of mind; this created a line of communication for the client and counselor to start establishing and defining the crisis. • Problem Exploration: Defining the Crisis- This was established through the counselor letting the client define the crisis situation from the client’s point of view, and asking the client a series of open- ending questions to make sure the counselor is given enough information that led to the problem of the crisis. • Providing Support: The counselor lets the client express her frustration with the fact that the school counselor keeps contacting her, the counselor also exhibits concern for the client and does not judge her given the fact the client has stated the neglect of not getting up to take daughter to doctor or providing a ride to school. The counselor gives the client options on how to approach her situation and always asking the client how she feels about the crisis. • Examining Alternatives: The client expressed to the counselor she did not want her daughter to talk to the school counselors...
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...SOX SOX is the Sarbanes Oxley Act that was passed in 2002 due to corporate scandals such as Enron and WorldCom. There has been so much unethical behavior that was occurring at that time. Of course it continues to occur but there have been laws and policies set in place so companies will at least think twice about their behavior before they act in a certain way that could harm them with jail time. It can also damage the firm and have a massive job loss. There are plenty of repercussions for unethical behavior. Colleges who see accreditation by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) have to incorporate ethics in their program. It should touch ethics topics related to “corporate social responsibility, governance, ethical corporate culture, and ethical decision making.” (Brooks, 180). Section 404 From these issues and problems Section 404 became very important. Under this section it requires management to be more responsible. No longer can the top management say “I didn’t know what was going on”. They can’t throw their hands up and take no responsibility. It requires management to report their findings and that an outside auditor attest management assessment of company’s control. This is to ensure that companies detect fraud in their companies. Hopefully these provisions will cause people to think twice about their actions. 2004 was the first year that companies actually had to comply with SOX that had more than 75 million. (Iliev, 1169) ...
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...Unit 2 Assignment HU250-04 - Humanities and Culture Rick OMahony Kaplan University 24 June 2014 Unit 2 Assignment “The Allegory of the Cave”, the 7th book of Plato’s, The Republic”, can be interpreted in many ways. Depending on the point of view of the reader, the message can describe the trials and tribulations of man in general to the roadway of life and all of the detours along the way. The first entry of the allegory has Socrates describing a cave in which there are prisoners. The prisoners have limited sight since they are chained at the neck and legs and can see in only one direction. There is light from a fire which allows the prisoners to see shadows on the wall form passing men. My interpretation of this starts at the beginning. Actually one line which speaks of the prisoners; …here they have been from their childhood… (Plato (interpretation by Benjamin Jowett), 2012) I feel this is the interpretation of man from his birth. The cave represents the town or village of birth for the person (prisoner). The prisoners are the people born into and raised in this village. The chains around their neck and legs are the limits of the village from which the children have yet to venture past. The wall represents the village limits which is the barrier to the world. The fire casting shadows tells of merchants that come to the village to trade. The children (prisoners) see these people briefly with little or no interaction with them. This represents a world beyond...
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...Title: Complexities of the U.S Financial System Students Name: Shellie Richardson Professor’s Name: Karin Torres, MBA Course Title: Principles Of Finance Date: July 28, 2013 The United States financial (wealth) system is largely considered to be the most recognized system in the world. Financial markets are designed to skillfully direct the movement of money and savings and investments in the economy. By doing this the United States financial system stimulates the growth and the production of money, goods and services. The combination of an established and secure financial markets and institutions systems, in addition to a varied collection of financial goods and services , will meet the needs of borrowers, lenders and investors therefore the overall economy can be maintained. How does the U.S. Financial market impact the economy, businesses, and individuals the fact is that an established and securely operating financial market plays an important role in contributing to the strength and productivity of an economy? There is a strong correlation between financial market development and economic growth. For example, in Chapter 1 of their 2001 book, Financial Structure and Economic Growth, editors Demirgüç-Kunt and Levine concluded: Financial markets (such as those that trade stocks or bonds), instruments (from bank CDs to futures and derivatives), and institutions (from banks to insurance companies to mutual funds and pension funds) provide opportunities for investors...
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...Future of the Juvenile System John Doe CJA/374 Future of the Juvenile System The future of the juvenile system in today’s economic environment has put a magnifying glass on all things government. In this discussion, it will be recommendations for the future of the juvenile system as a whole. The included parts will be on the community, courts, juvenile corrections, law enforcement, privatization, and the justification for the juvenile system. Community and Courts The purpose of the community and court systems is to provide all governments, communities, organizations, and advocates all areas of the Juvenile System along with the requirements for the system. Having this system in place is to improve the justice system for all juveniles who commit crimes with discipline and structure. We have so many people of all cultures and aspects of life which commit crimes on a daily basis. Crimes are being committed for many reasons, it could be to support someone’s family, a person who has a drug problem where someone would do anything to support their habit, lost of job, lack of education, low self-esteem, or either the person may feel worthless. There could be different reasons why a person commits a crime but that does not give anyone a good reason to break the law and hurt someone in the process. Some recommendations which I would see may help throughout the justice system would be everyone who has something to do with the assessment involving the court system should have...
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...How parents can help in facilitating Creative Expression in the Classroom. Prior to undertaking this section, ensure that you give a well informed definition of creative expression. Creative Expression: - Creative Arts Expression refers to participation in a range of activities that allow for creative and imaginative expression, such as music, art, creative movement and drama. Creative expression engage children's minds, bodies, and senses Parents can help facilitate Creative Expression in the Classroom by encouraging and engaging in various activities at home which will allow their children to be creative and imaginative, thus allowing them to be less hesitant to get involved in such activities in the classroom. * Encouraging their children’s curiosity by asking them questions and allowing them to ask questions. * By building on their confidence – when children are encouraged to think and believe in their ideas, it gives them the confidence to express what they’re thinking or to try new ways. * Encouraging their children to take the lead in coming up with new ideas. * Encouraging and praising their children to be individuals * Engaging in role playing:- having their children act out a story before or after they read a book to them. * By providing different art materials that will allow children to express themselves. Crayons, music, paint, * By reading and having discussions with their children:- allows for children to have self-expression...
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...Book I What is justice? Why should we be just? Cephalus - Justice means living up to your legal obligations and being honest. - Socrates - Its like returning weapon to a madman.. he'll kill people. Polemarchus - Justice means that you owe friends help, and you owe enemies harm. - Socrates - we are not always friends with the most virtuous, nor are our enemies always teh scum of society Thrasymachus , sophist - Justice is nothing more than the advantage of the stronger-- it does not pay to be just.Justice is a conventon imposed on us, and it does not benefit us to adhere to it. The rational thing is to ignore it. - Socrates 1. This promotes injustice as a virtue. In his view, life is like a continual competition to get more. And whoever is most successful has the most virtue? Thats bullshit! mathematicians dont compete with others, etc 2. In order to reach any of Thrasymachus' goals, you must atleast be moderately just to even follow them. 3. Since justice is a virtue of the soul, and virtue of teh soul means health of the soul, justice is desirable because it means health of the soul. Book II Glaucon - All good can be divided into 3 classes: 1. Things we desire for consequences (physical training, medical treatment) 2. Things we desire for their own sake (joy) 3. Things we desire for own sake and for what we get from them (knowledge, sight, health) - highest class - Most people class justice in the first group, as a necessary evil, allowing...
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...PROPOSAL TEH OCHA PENDAHULUAN Teh Ocha adalah teh yang terbuat dari sejenis daun teh hijau sangat popular di Tiongkok, Taiwan, Hongkong, Jepang, Timur Tengah dan Asia Tenggara. Teh hijau yang di Tiongkok dinamai Hanzi atau disebut juga dalam bahasa latinnya Camellia Sinensis, dipetik dan dilakukan proses pemanasan untuk mencegah oksidasi. Teh hijau ini di Jepang disebut (ryokucha) teh ini dijual dengan harga jual bergantung kepada kualitas daun the nya, dari Jepang lah nama Teh Ocha diperkenalkan. Teh Ocha akan semakin enak rasanya jika dihasilkan di wilayah yang memiliki perbedaan cuaca tinggi, misalnya siang hari suhunya sekitar 30 derajat dan malam hari bisa belasan derajat. Perbedaan suhu yang tinggi ini biasanya ada dipegunungan. Ocha bisa memiliki warna hijau ketika sudah dibuat menjadi minuman teh karena dalam proses penanamannya, daun teh dihentikan oksidasinya. Daun teh yang mengalami oksidasi biasanya diolah menjadi teh oolong dan teh hitam oleh masyarakat Jepang. PEMBUDIDAYAAN OCHA Ocha itu sendiri dibudidayakan dengan dua cara berbeda. Pertama, kawasan perkebunan teh seluruhnya ditutup dengan terpal. Penutupan dilakukan agar Ocha tidak terkena sinar matahari, sehingga kaya akan asam amino dan rasa teh tidak terlalu sepat karena mengandung umami. Cara kedua adalah dengan membiarkan semua daerah perkebunan terkena sinar matahari langsung. Metode ini menghasilkan teh yang mengandung banyak catechin (rasa sepet). Dari perbedaan jenis pembudidayaan inilah yang...
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...BAB I PENDAHULUAN 1.1 Latar Belakang Penelitian Perkembangan zaman dan era globalisasi menyebabkan perubahan lingkungan dan orientasi bisnis. Perubahan ini disebabkan oleh semakin kompleksnya kebutuhan konsumen yang kritis, berkembang pesatnya infrastruktur informasi dan transportasi, tumbuhnya kesadaran akan pentingnya aspek sosial dan lingkungan, serta globalisasi perekonomian dunia. Hal ini menyebabkan perusahaan dituntut untuk memiliki keunggulan kompetitif terutama dalam hal memenuhi permintaan konsumen. Komponen di dalam perusahaan dan komponen di luar perusahaan, misalnya supplier, distributor, wholesaler, dan retailer, merupakan komponen-komponen yang mendukung aktivitas perusahaan dan harus saling bersinergi untuk memenuhi permintaan konsumennya. Catatan kinerja sektor industri makanan dan minuman Indonesia di tahun 2010 masih menunjukkan pertumbuhan walaupun diiringi bayang-bayang penurunan tingkat daya saing dibanding dengan produk makanan dan minuman impor. Industri Makanan, Minuman dan Tembakau masih menjadi cabang yang memberikan kontribusi terbesar terhadap pertumbuhan Industri Nasional. Data dari Departemen Perindustrian menunjukkan Bahwa di tahun 2010 Industri Makanan, Minuman dan Tembakau memberikan kontribusi sebesar 34,35% atas pertumbuhan industri nasional non-migas yang samapi Triwulan III 2010 mencapai 4,69%. Data GAPMMI (Gabungan Pengusaha Makanan dan Minuman Indonesia) juga menunjukkan trend pertumbuhan industri makanan dan minuman dalam negeri yang...
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... There came a time, however, when the young men of the vicinity said: "Dat Johnson goil is a puty good looker." About this period her brother remarked to her: "Mag, I'll tell yeh dis! See? Yeh've edder got teh go teh hell or go teh work!" Whereupon she went to work, having the feminine aversion of going to hell. By a chance, she got a position in an establishment where they made collars and cuffs. 2.Maggie observed Pete.[..] Maggie watched him furtively, with half-closed eyes, lit with a vague interest Her dim thoughts were often searching for far away lands where, as God says, the little hills sing together in the morning. Under the trees of her dream-gardens there had always walked a lover. The door opened and Pete appeared. He shrugged his shoulders. "Oh, Gawd," he observed. He walked over to Maggie and whispered in her ear. "Ah, what deh hell, Mag? Come ahn and we'll have a hell of a time." 3."Teh hell wid him and you," she said, glowering at her daughter in the gloom. Her eyes seemed to burn balefully. "Yeh've gone teh deh devil, Mag Johnson, yehs knows yehs have gone teh deh devil. Yer a disgrace teh yer people, damn yeh. An' now, git out an' go ahn wid dat doe-faced jude of yours. Go teh hell wid him,damn yeh, an' a good riddance. Go teh hell an' see how yeh likes it."[..] She went. 4.She imagined herself, in an exasperating future, as a scrawnywoman with an eternal grievance. Too, she thought Pete to be a very fastidious person concerning the...
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...One example of Mutualism is the orange Costus flower has glands that produce nectar, the Trap-jaw ants drink. The ant stays on the flower sipping nectar and scares away insects that could come to harm to the flower. An exmaple of Paratism the fungi attack carpenter ants and turn them into zombies,then when the ant dies the fungi can grow from the corpse. An exmaple of commensalism is the posion dart frog benefit by using the leaves of the vermiliad as shelter from rain and sun. The vermiliad is unaffect from the posion dart frogs. The environmental problems the Amazons faces is goverment programmes are pushing for consant development. THey often encourage clearanceof teh forest for cattle ranching,soybean production,and oil drilling. China...
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...Posted by inforesep Like 544 people On August - 2 - 2 009 Hidangan asal Italia ini adalah salah satu fav oritny a artis Susan Bachtiar lho… Resep Bahan Lasagna : 8 lembar pasta lasagna kering, rebus matang 1 50 gram keju mozzarella, parut 3 sendok makan keju parmesan Resep Bahan Saus Bolognaise : 2 sendok makan mentega tawar 200 gram bawang bombay , cincang halus 4 siung bawang putih, cincang halus 500 gram daging sapi giling 500 gram tomat merah rebus, kupas, cincang 1 50 gram wortel, potong dadu 1 /2 cm 1 50 ml kaldu sapi 1 sendok makan pasta tomat 1 1 /2 sendok teh garam 1 sendok makan gula pasir 1 sendok teh merica bubuk 1 /2 sendok teh oregano kering 2 lembar daun bay Resep Bahan Saus Becham el : 2 sendok makan mentega tawar 3 sendok makan tepung terigu serba guna 1 liter susu cair 1 /4 sendok teh pala bubuk 1 /4 sendok teh merica bubuk 1 /2 sendok teh gula pasir 1 /4 sendok teh merica bubuk 1 sendok teh garam 50 gram keju cheddar parut Cara Mem buat Lasagna : 1 . Saus bolognaise : Panaskan mentega, tumis bawang hingga harum. Masukkan daging giling, masak hingga berubah warna. Masukkan semua sisa bahan. Aduk, masak hingga air habis. Angkat. Sisihkan. 2. Saus bechamel : Panaskan mentega, masukkan terigu. Aduk rata. Tuangi susu sedikit demi sedikit hingga licin. Bubuhi pala, merica, gula pasir, garam, dan keju. Aduk rata. Angkat. 3. Susun berurutan dalam pinggan tahan panas: pasta, keju mozzarella, saus bechamel, dan saus bolognaise. Lakukan hal y ang sama hingga terbentuk...
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...The dependency ratio in less develop countries. Introduction In developing countries, tax revenues as a percentage of GDP are generally significantly low than the developed countries, that’s why most of its population economically inactive. The dependency ratio means economically active and inactive workers. The dependency ratio generally consist of the age of 16-65, people in this age people are effectively economically inactive, for instance students , people on sickness and disability allowance, long term unemployment , early retirement , mothers looking after children at home. Moreover, an increase in the dependency ratio can cause fiscal problems for the government , a high dependency ratio can cause serious problems for a country if a large proportion of a government expenditure is health and social security and education. Another reason is in developing countries a large size of people associated to agraiculture and there is less surity of the salary and nomally they could not pay their taxes and moreover they always former have many children means more form hand. It is inevitable necessary that prudent economic policies are needed for the attainment of their development goal the biggest problem is that most developing countries depend on international finance such as world bank and they hardly generate enough domestic revenue. It is very important to know the dependency ratio of a country, economically active pay much income tax corporation tax and to a lesser...
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...QUESTÃO SOBRE MAHABHARATA E TAO TEH KING Tanto o Mahabharata, poema épico hindu conhecido desde pelo menos o séc. IV a.C., quanto o Tao Teh King, composto, conforme reza a tradição, pelo sábio chinês Lao-Tsé no séc. VI a.c., exibem, entre tantas outras, uma dimensão sapiencial, ou seja, codificam, apresentam e contrastam valores de comportamento e conduta desejáveis e indesejáveis, com o propósito de destacar aqueles que são mais adequados seja do ponto de vista social, seja do ponto de vista religioso. A partir dos trechos lidos, selecione, comente e compare um exemplo de valor positivo e outro negativo extraídos de cada um dos textos (isto é, compare um exemplo de valor positivo do Mahabharata com outro positivo do Tao Teh King, e um exemplo de valor negativo do Mahabharata com outro negativo do Tao Teh King). SEGUNDA DIA 21: ATIVIDADE MOODLE: HERÓIS ÉPICOS: GILGAMESH VERSUS AQUILES Na introdução à edição brasileira da Ilíada, o tradutor, Frederico Lourenço, traça uma comparação entre a trama que envolve os personagens Aquiles, na Ilíada, e Gilgamesh, na Epopéia de Gilgamesh: “Por exemplo, tanto Aquiles quanto Gilgamesh são filhos de deusas; ambos perdem um amigo querido; ambos ficam arrasados com essa perda e adotam uma ação extrema na tentativa de compensá-la, e assim por diante”. (LOURENÇO, Frederico. Introdução. In: HOMERO. Ilíada. São Paulo: Penguin, 2013. p. 23) A partir da leitura dos cantos XVI (em que Pátroclo e Aquiles estão juntos) e XXIII (em que Pátroclo...
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