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The Trojan War: Ares, The Greek God Of War

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Pages 2
Ares, the God of warfare and battle, had impacts on Greek warfare. This was from people believing that Ares would side with one side in a war, such as in the Trojan war Ares sided with the Trojans. He was also said in myths to be a physical form fighting alongside the humans. Ares was often viewed in a negative way in his representation in stories, often being humiliated. This was because of how he was merciless and cruel with his actions.
Ares was viewed badly by the olympians also which led to his worship by the Greek people being low compared to other gods. He was viewed as a coward in most of the stories about him. This was due to him being prone to over exaggerate almost every injury he received.
Ares had a few places named after him

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