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The US Political Campaign: The Dangers Of Lying

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I believe that lying is acceptable, but only sometimes. It isn’t bad when it will protect someone and their feelings and it won’t cause anyone harm. But lying for your own benefit or to harm someone is never tolerated and there are sometimes after-effects. Sometimes, we don’t want to tell the truth if it will cause another person to feel bad, so we lie out of kindness to preserve their feelings. Say someone gives you a gift but you don’t like it, most people would rather lie and say they love it instead of how they really feel because it’s not worth hurting someone’s feelings over. But as said on and excerpt from “The U.S. Political Campaign: Lies, Lies, Lies”, “On rare occasions, lying to protect others can literally be a matter of life or death. Anne Frank survived as long as she did because those sheltering her and her family lied to the Nazis.” I think that this is a perfect example of when lying is completely justified since people’s lives were saved. …show more content…
Article 1 says “You don’t want your kids to eat too much, so you say all the cookies are gone… Rebecca Campbell… told her 4-year-old son that there were no more cartoons on TV.”, lies like these make it easier for parents to deal with their kids because instead of dealing with a fit or a tantrum, the kids will believe them. Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny, they’re all fake but we are lied to and told they are real; but few people have something against them because each of them give children something to look forward to and be excited about during

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