...Lacey Huntington Research Paper Reflective Learning 10/27/15 Understanding Emotions, Learning Styles, and the Learning Cycle Learning and emotions are often stated to have a direct link between each other. Through research it has been proven that each individual perceives, engages, and learns at different levels based on emotions. Emotions can have a heavy bearing on the way humans receive, process, and learn information. Understanding the learning cycle, providing support, and reinforcing positive emotions can contribute to making an individual a sound learner. Children develop styles and techniques early on when it comes to learning. Those styles, whether negative or positive, will carry through to their adulthood and the way they learn well after maturing. Within the learning cycle there are 4 pillars of learning. They include a concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract hypothesis, and active testing. The concrete experience begins this cycle by gathering data of a new event that has taken place. Whether this new experience has taken place at work, at home, or in a classroom, this is the beginning of the learning cycle. The sensory cortex receives input from the human body’s five different senses from the outside world in the form of vision, hearing, touch, position, smells, and taste. Reflective observation then occurs when one looks back and reflects on the experience by recalling information, developing insights, and replaying the experience...
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...has different learning preferences. Human gets information by seeing, feeling and hearing his surroundings he is exposed. Style of learning is a method of collecting, processing, thinking, and organizing, interpreting, memorizing and applying information. There are different learning styles used by students for learning. All learning styles are used with a goal of understanding certain topic. Various models are developed to explain different learning style. VARK is an instructional preference model differentiating the way students acquire information. Developed in 1987 by the educator Neil D. Fleming, VARK model helps student to become better learners. It is a questionnaire that determines the preferred learning styles of a student, whether a student best acquire information by visualizing, listening, reading, writing or by experiencing. This model proposes four learning styles such as Visual, Aural, Read/Write and Kinesthetic. Students prefer one of these learning styles or a combination of these styles. VARK questionnaire results show that I have multimodal learning preference. The Read/Write and Kinesthetic (RK) preference fit me into one with multimodal learning preference. The multimodal preference makes one to switch between learning styles depends on what you are learning and resources available for learning. Reading and writing is activities which help students to understand facts in the learning process. Writing is a way of evaluating ones understanding about a certain...
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...Describe different ways of learning including both activity and study based learning, explaining the effect of understanding your learning style. Learning styles are different approaches or ways of learning. Everyone has a preferred learning style and learn better through different means. Understanding our preferred learning style and how to best meet the needs of that particular style is essential to improve our performance in education. In order to understand information we take it all in with our senses, through sight, sound, touch, smell or taste. The Vak system is categorized into three main styles: Visual, auditory and Kinaesthetic. This essay will explore these learning styles as well as activity and study based learning. Also the effect of understanding our preferred style. Visual is learning though seeing information presented in an illustrated or graphical way. 29% of us prefer to learn by seeing ( Smith 1998). Visual styles of learning is effective by communicating through pictures, diagrams, videos, charts, remembering what we see and needing an overall picture and purpose before we start ( Kelly, n.d). Auditory is learning through spoken words or listening. This particular type of learners Learns best through hearing things and benefits from class lectures. According to ( Smith 1998) 34% of us enjoy communicating through this particular style. Auditory learners learn more effectively by listening to audio tapes, radio programmes, reading aloud, through...
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...2015 VARK Analysis Paper Every Human Being is created differently and each one has their own unique way of learning and understanding information. Learning style is different for all individuals. Charles Bonwell and Neil Fleming introduced VARK model to categorize learning styles for everyone. VARK stands for Visual, Aural, Read/Write and Kinesthetic. People use different styles to learn in different situations depending on the subjects they are learning. Most people use a combination of learning style called multimodal style of learning. VARK provides people with an indication of their learning preference. There are seminars and workshops to develop skills and improve learning. This paper explains the different types of learning styles and how it can help and influence a person’s learning and understanding. My Learning Preferences My learning preference is Multimodal way of learning. In fact 60% of people prefer this way of learning style and it is one of the most used way of learning styles .while others can effectively learn using any single one of the multiple preferences. Multimodal style learning uses two or more strong preferences. This style of learning or teaching makes the learner easy to understand and capture the attention easier and make it interesting to learn. Also multimodal style can help develop better ability to learn and speed up the understanding. Strategies for Multimodal Study People who prefers multimodal study are in the majority group. Their preferences...
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...VARK Analysis Paper Rebecca Rivera Grand Canyon University July 23, 2016 Abstract The acronym VARK stands for visual, aural, read and kinesthetic comprised if 16 question to analysis and gain a better understanding of personal learning styles (VARK a guide to learning styles, 2016). Understanding of personal learning style aids in the ability to teach others in a variety of styles to ensure that the learner has an understanding on new information. An analysis of an individual study will aid in the understanding of how the VARK learning styles can be applied. VARK Analysis Paper The VARK system was developed in 1987 by Neil Fleming to aid in understanding and providing strategies through a series of questions to evaluate how a person learns (VARK a guide to learning styles, 2016). As diverse as the human population is so being the different styles of learning that can be used to understand new knowledge. There are four categories to the VARK learning style. The acronym VARK represents these categories being visual, auditory/aural, read/write and kinesthetic. A detailed analysis of an individual study including VARK analysis, ones preferred learning strategies compared to ones identified style and how it can influence teaching and learning. The VARK questionnaire is comprised of 16 questions and can have more than one answer creating very individualized results. After completion of the questionnaire the highest score was in read/write category at 11. Next was the category...
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...Vark Analysis of Learning Preference According to Zhou (2011), learning strategies are defined as “ any sets of operations, steps, plans, routines used by the learner to facilitate the obtaining, storage, retrieval and use of information” (para, 10). Identifying an individual’s style of learning is important for those seeking to maximize learning potential. For learning to occur, the material should be presented to the individual in a way that promotes understanding. People vary in the ways information is taken in and by using the VARK questionnaire, identifying a person’s individual style can be obtained with valuable information provided to the user on how to become a better learner (Fleming, 2011). Multimodal Learning Making up the majority of the populations preferred learning style, multimodal learning encompasses the four categories, or any combination of, in VARK’s learning model (Fleming, 2011). The reading and writing category focuses on what is written. The individual is able to process the information easily if it given in the form of written instructions, a handout or read from a textbook or manual. For those who are aural learners, preference is on participating in discussions, attending lectures and meetings, and listening to audio tapes. Kinesthetic learners like the hands-on approach to learning. Being able to physically perform a task or manipulate objects is required for a better understanding. For the individual partial to visual learning, diagrams, charts...
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...VARK Analysis Every one has a mix of learning styles; some people may find that they have a dominant style of learning, with far less use of other styles in different circumstances. There is neither right or wrong style nor your style is fixed, you can develop your less dominant style and make improvement in your dominant ones. Your learning styles have more influence on your learning than you know it, they guide the way you learn. They also change the way you retain information and perceive experiences internally ("Overview of Learning Styles," n.d). Individuals have pathways that are specific to them, when information enters those pathways the information is retaining in short-term memory. Repeated exposure and use, promote retention in long-term memory. ("What Makes Perceptual Styles a Different Way of Learning." n.d) According to VARK questionnaire, I am a multimodal learner, who learns with two or more ways of learning, in my case I learn with (ARK) aural, means by listening, reading/writing, and kinesthetic, means using my other senses like manipulating and experimenting. Even though I learn, in so many different ways, my preferred style is to read and write and I use the other strategies as the additional support for my enhanced learning experience, which sounds very true because I like to read books and do some research before I attend class. I take notes in points, record the lecture on the recorder so I can hear it again. In addition, I learn by discussing with people...
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...different learning styles a person identifies with and learns about through taking the questionnaire. Different students will have different learning styles which assist them with obtaining the necessary information. After taking the VARK questionnaire, the results showed more of a connection to a kinesthetic learner with a strong leaning towards visual and audio learning. Understanding learning styles will assist in developing effective learning strategies which will improve learning abilities. The VARK questionnaire is a valuable tool, for assisting the learner, in understanding their preferred learning style, and allows the teacher to be able to adapt and improve their way of conveying information. A personal questionnaire will be assessed in order to help discus the purpose of a VARK questionnaire. Kinesthetic (K) is the preferred learning style with a preference for hands on learning. The kinesthetic learning style involves developing experience and knowledge in the area of learning (Gilakjani, 2012). Instead of listening to a lecture or observing someone else demonstrating the material, the kinesthetic learner prefers doing the learning activity in order to gain the knowledge. They prefer using their hands and body in order to focus and learn. This makes sense because retaining information was found easier when allowed to be able to physically engage in the learning process. When sitting still listening to a lecture, there were issues with focusing and learning the material...
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...Vark Analysis: An Examination of Different Learning Styles Cyndi Gamble Grand Canyon University The Vark Analysis: an examination of different learning styles This paper is an examination of the awareness of the learning styles as explained by the VARK website. Although there are four learning styles, this paper will focus on the read/write learning style. It will examine the preferred learning strategies, and recommended strategies for this style. It will also discuss how awareness of these styles and strategies influence not only the learner, but the instructor as well. Although some people may have a “multimodal” learning style, they will usually score higher in one of the four categories, and tend to use that style more often. Read/Write Learning style People who fall into the read/write learning style category tend to take in knowledge through the written word. Read/writers find meaning in words. These learners fit well into conventional learning environments with traditional study techniques. They appreciate instructors who articulate well with expertise and understanding of language and grammar (Claire & Chris, 2014). Read/writers like text in any form or format. Simply put, read/writers “learn best through words” ("Learning styles," n.d., p. 1). And not surprisingly, they enjoy reading both for learning and pleasure. Preferred/Identified Learning Strategies The written word is the preferred learning strategy for learners in the read/write category...
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...A Review of Multimodal Learning Style and Strategies The multimodal learning style is highly adaptive and is the most common type of learning style. It can encompass a strong preference two or more of the styles, or an equal preference for all of the 4 learning styles: aural, visual, read/write and kinesthetic. According to Fleming, students who prefer the multimodal learning style tend to fall into two categories: the context specific approach and the whole-sense approach. (Fleming, 2011, para.2). These two approaches are not strictly delineated; there are often some transitional areas between each style. In the context specific approach, the student will choose one of the four learning style that best suits the immediate situation, or context of the situation. Learning is done concentrating on one style in their group of preferred styles that fit the situation best. Problems arise when the style chosen is the incorrect. The student using the context specific approach needs to be aware of which mode they are using to be able to switch to the appropriate mode when having difficulty in understanding material. In the whole sense approach, the student combines multiple learning styles to fit the need of the situation. They use many routes to ensure the learning is completely understood and retained. This can cause some problems as using the multiple styles can lengthen the time it takes for the multimodal learner to feel sure they have learned the subject and if material is...
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...Vark Analysis paper Introduction Individual learning styles vary from student to student. Each student brings different experiences, culture, level of preparedness and learning style to class room environment. To understand your individual learning style Neil Fleming as a questionnaire for understanding learning styles. The VARK-Visual, Auditory, Read/Write, and Kinesthetic questionnaire was developed to be used as tool to better understand learning styles and how to apply to learning. VARK focuses on the sensory modality dimension of learning; the way that information is taken And processed by the leaner: visual, aural, read/write, or kinesthetic (Sinclaire, Spring 2012). Visual learners favor information presented in diagrams, illustration, powerpoints and handouts. Also the visual learner is more likely to take additional notes during lectures. Learning by seeing the information being presented. Aural learners learn through listening. During Aural learning the student learns best hearing lectures, tutorials and discussions. Autditory learners understand the underlying meaning of speech through active listening. Read/Write learners favor printed information. They learn best through reading and writing. Read/Write learners comprehend information being displayed as words. Kinesthetic learners learn through touching, moving and doing. The hand on approach works well for kinesthetic learners. The kinesthetic learners needs to...
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...TSS444 Tertiary Skills Assignment 1: Learning analysis Assignm ent purpose The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate you understand a variety of learning styles and preferences and have considered how this affects your own learning. Date due This assignment is due in Week 4. Refer to Assessment tab, then Summary of your assessment, for the actual due date for this assignment. W eighting This assignment is worth 20% of your final mark. W ord lim it Part 1 300–500 words; Part 2 400–600 words Required resources • • • • Module 1 and the first topic of Module 2. Any notes you took from the Module 1 readings. Assignment 1 Reading Summary Chart. This can be found in the Assessment tab, Assignment 1 page, below assignment 1 link. The Module 1 readings (all found in Module 1 Learning Strategies and Techniques) Hock, R. R. (2013). Forty studies that changed psychology: Explorations into the history of psychological research (7th ed.). Retrieved from http://www.edmondschools.net/Portals/3/docs/Terri_McGill/READMultiple%20Intell.pdf Mobbs, R. (2003). Honey and Mumford learning styles. Retrieved from http://www.le.ac.uk/users/rjm1/etutor/resources/learningtheories/honeymumford.html Sidhu, A. (n.d.). VARK learning style. Retrieved from http://futurehumanevolution.com/vark-learning-style Form atting your assignm ent • • • • The first page is the title page; this includes the title of the assignment, the assignment number, your name and student...
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...Understanding How We Learn Cinthia Bachtel Family-Centered Health Promotion July 29, 2012 Understanding How We Learn Learning, according to Wikipedia, “is acquiring new or modifying existing, knowledge, behaviors, skills, values, or preferences and may involve synthesizing different types of information”(Wikipedia, June 2012). Learning begins when we are born and ends when we die. How we learn is a complicated process. Depending on whose research you read, there are varied opinions as to how many styles of learning there are. In 1992 Neil Fleming designed a tool to identify individual’s preferences for learning which he named VARK. VARK is an acronym for Visual, Auditory, Reading/Writing, and Kinesthetic. Answers from a questionnaire are tallied. Based on the responses, it is then determined where a person’s preferences fall. VARK can be used to develop strategies for learning and improving communication. The results point out how one takes in information, processes that information and is able to communicate the information to other people. In the most recent questionnaire the learner’s results showed a four-part or multimodal learning profile. The four scores were high enough and similar enough that the learner can approach learning in many different ways. They have each mode available depending on what is being presented. The fact that this learner chose forty four answers out of sixteen questions signals that more than one mode is used...
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...Running head: V.A.R.K. LEARNING STYLE ANALYSIS V.A.R.K. Learning Style Analysis Grand Canyon University Family-Centered Health Promotion: NRS 429v Melanie Escobar, RN MSN March 11, 2012 V.A.R.K. Learning Style Analysis Introduction From the time of birth, individuals are constantly learning. Individual learning styles vary from person to person. It is essential to the education of the individual to learn the particular style of learning that best serves them. One particular analysis tool is the visual, aural, read/write, kinesthetic or V.A.R.K. tool (VARK, 2011). This tool allows the individual to identify their particular learning style which will better prepare them throughout their education. My Learning Style Upon completion of the online questionnaire with scores of visual: ten, aural: two, read/write: fourteen, and kinesthetic: eight, it was determined that this student’s learning preference is multimodal. It is estimated that 60 percent of individuals belong to this class of learning styles (VARK, 2011). Being aware of one’s learning style will better equip the individual with an understanding of how to communicate and how to assimilate information which will enhance learning (Mestre, 2010, p.814). The read/write category concentrates on what is in the written word. The individual absorbs more information from books, handouts, notes or anything that can be physically seen. Visual learners concentrate on graphs, diagrams, power point presentations, and pictures...
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...learn by reviewing the different learning styles. I have done further reading to gain a greater understanding of the differing learning styles so I can reflect upon and identify my own learning style. Peterson, (2012) explains that adult learners learn best when they understand why it is important to know something. Whereas Knowels, (1990) states that adult learners are motivated strongly by self direction and independence in the learning process. I have become aware that to become a good mentor I firstly need to know and understand my own learning style and secondly the learning style of my allocated student, so that I can approach a learning technique that is appropriate for that student, to enable me to encourage their skills. (Honey & Munford, 1992) suggest you should allow the students learning style to influence your choice of teaching method, which I feel is a valid point as it would not be appropriate to teach a student who learns through an Activist approach to sit and read the literature and then expect them to go off and carry out the task competently, although (Barstable, 2003) believes students should also be encouraged to diversify. There are many identified adult learning styles, but there are two highly documented styles which I have studied and one is the Kolb’s experimental cycle, developed by Kolb (1984) taken from (Neary, 2000) which is based on the works by Dewey (1938). Kolb (1984) taken from (Neary, 2000) developed a learning cycle that demonstrates how learners...
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