...in the night when I woke up from my bed .I looked at the clock on the table showed eleventh o’clock. I liked to saw stars at that time. So, I opened a window and saw the street in front of my house. Then, I looked up and saw beautiful stars. I tried to count it. A few minutes later, after I felt sleepy, I closed the window and continued to sleep. In the next morning at breakfast time, I was telling my parents about the shapes of stars and the number of stars that I can counted last night. After that, my mother said, “My son, don’t open a window at time like that. It was very dangerous. If you really want to see the stars find an appropriate time or earlier than that.” After heard my mom said, I just ignored and continue eat my breakfast. In my mind, I very excited to see the stars at night again. As usual in the night, I woke up, but the clock on the table showed at 12 o’clock. Unlike the other nights, it was late one hour. I opened the window. Suddenly, I saw a white board on the roof of my neighbor’s house. That thing was spinning and then it decreased. Eventually seemed blurred and lost. I felt weird with that thing. I quickly closed the window. That night, I could not sleep because I was thinking about that thing. It’s made me excited to know what it that thing. In the next morning when breakfast, my family were staring at me because I just kept quiet. So my mother asked me. “Why you so quiet today? I said “I see a white board last night when I want to see the stars...
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...I miss Jade. I really do. If only I could turn back the time wasted, I would love to have her back. But I know that I couldn’t. There would be no other chance again to have her back. Simply because I know that her time is already done and there would be another people to live the life that she deserved. And yes, she has gone pass all the best times that we could have shared together. But she’s not here anymore. I remember one time when she told me that her laughter was her favorite thing about herself. She told me it was different. She had not heard any laughter as crooked and weird as hers. Hers was like a snoozing pig; sometimes like a snorting cow. But whatever, she would always say, she loved how she laughed over things- may it be really funny or just light to bear. She laughed at the weirdest things on earth. Her heart was soft and she always got easily distracted by things. Her heart was a heart of a child. She cried over things that are too small even for me, but for her, things, may it be really tiny, she saw them as truly big ones. And who would even forget about her smile? Hers was, in fact, one of the prettiest that I have seen. Everytime that she asked me if it was pretty, I would always tell her that it is; that she should always wear it because it makes her face look clear and fine all the time. But she never did. She seldom wore that kind of smile, that smile that never hid anything. What she often wore was the smile that covered all the sad things that broke...
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...Design is a relatively new field of design that still has yet to be explored in depth. It is hard to narrow down what exactly Experience Design is. This seems to be a common theme amongst Experience Designers in their attempt to explain what exactly it is that they do. I read through numerous case studies, books, articles, journals, etc. and never came across a clear definition that fit my understanding of Experience Design, much like most others that have written on this topic. Fifteen years ago, Nathan Shedroff, who is considered a pioneer of experience design, interaction design, and information design, wrote in his introduction to Experience Design 1 that “Experience Design as a discipline is so new that its very definition is...
Words: 1972 - Pages: 8
...that proved very useful for the work we did in Mississippi. Every summer since freshman year of high school, I have gone on a weeklong trip down to Mississippi with my church to help out those who are still struggling from the destruction of Hurricane Katrina, or those who simply don’t have the means to help themselves. The trip, organized by my father himself, usually consists of 50-70 high-school age teens and anywhere from 15-20 adult leaders that drive the vans we take to the worksites. On the long anticipated Sunday morning upon which we depart, we gather in the basement of St. Mary’s Church, most years around 4 am, depending on when our flight was, and then load onto the yellow school buses to make our commute Logan Airport in the wee hours of the morning. Wearing our matching mission trip t-shirts, our entire crew floods the baggage check and security lines in the airport with seas of people in whatever vibrant color of t-shirt was picked to be worn to the airport that year. After a quality airport breakfast from Dunks, we pack onto the plane and then were off to my favorite place in the world. Our group leaves little room for other passengers on the plane. Free margaritas were offered to the six passengers that were not with our group during my first trip by the sympathetic stewardesses for having to deal with us rowdy kids. Some years we were lucky enough to have a layover in between connecting flights. Having to sit around in an airport for a couple hours waiting for...
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...USAA, Linking IT and Customer Service Josh Rothrock Regis University Information Technology Concepts – MSCC 610 April 27, 2014 Abstract United Services Automobile Association (USAA) is a company that is not publicly traded in the insurance and financial industry. The focus of USAA is to provide superior customer service to its members. USAA provides its products only to the military community. To better serve this specific niche market USAA has a corporate culture that allows for its employees to innovate and want to work for USAA. This has allowed USAA’s IT department to develop and implement new systems to achieve the goal of providing the best customer service possible. Without the implementations that USAA’s IT department has made, they would not be able to provide nearly the level of service that is given to members today. We will analyze USAA, and their IT department, to show the effect IT has had on customer service at USAA. Keywords: corporate culture, customer service, information system, innovation, IT, military community, United Services Automobile Association, USAA USAA, Linking IT and Customer Service Background United Services Automobile Association (USAA) is a company in the insurance and financial industry. USAA was founded in 1922 by 25 Army officers that came together when they decided to insure each other’s vehicles. Those officers decided to make USAA available only to active duty officers in the military, adding a level of exclusivity...
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...Twilight's gas stove. Anonymous poured new batter in to the pan and sat it on the burner, adding the ingredients as he cooked. Twilight didn't say anything, she was just staring off into space. Anon looked back to investigate the cause of the silence, giggling when he saw Twi's face. "Have we really run out...
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...in Detective Fiction The Hound of the Baskervilles By Yue Zhao Submitted to the School of Foreign Studies in Partial Fulfillment to the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts in English (International Trade) Under the Supervision of Ms. Tang Jun June, 2012 Acknowledgement I would like to pay tribute to all those people who have given me a hand in the process of writing this thesis. Without their gracious help, the accomplishment of this thesis would not be so smooth. First and foremost, I deeply appreciate my supervisor, Ms. Tang Jun, who has provided me with so many valuable comments and constructive advice all the way through. But for her constant and invariable patience and kindness in guiding me, it would be more difficult for me to go through all the confusions and find a right direction. My thanks also go to the teachers who has given me suggestions, which benefit me a lot when I make the original plan, in the opening defence. With their help, I get to know where I should go next. Last but not the least, I extend my thanks to my classmates and my dearest parents for their encouragement and support. Wheneve I feel frustrated with my work, they are always there. Gothicism in Detective Fiction The Hound of the Baskervilles Abstract: As one of the most influential people who are never alive, Sherlock Holmes, written by Arthur Conan Doyle, attracts researches. The Hound of the Baskervilles is one...
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...practices among the citizens of Sodom and Gomorrah. Some of the most influential people throughout history were discovered to be homosexual: Alexander the Great (356-323 B.C.), Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) and Tennessee Williams (1914-1983). http://main.uab.edu/Sites/students/life/safe-zone/33566/ Homosexuality is worldwide and has a global impact on society. It transcends borders, cultures, and governments. The homosexual society even bears its own international flag, a rainbow which signifies the bond between different people all over the world. The society shows how peace can be achieved throughout the world, an issue that is important to everyone. The global impact that homosexuals have on society is the reason for researching their behavior and discovering the factors that may cause their sexual orientation. In the Philippines, the term “gay” has been used roughly to include homosexuals, bisexuals, transsexuals, transvestite, cross-dressers, and effeminate men. Filipino gays are...
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...University of World and National Economy Department: Economics in English STUDENT PAPER Topic: Old Spice (Social Media Impact on Marketing) Year 2012 Content 1 What is Social Media 2 2 Classification of social media 3 3 How does social media work 4 4 Why is social media so popular 5 5 Social media and marketing 6 6 Old Spice – the Company 7 7 Marketing Strategy 8 8 The beginning of “Smell like a man, man!” campaign 9 8.1 It’s not about Social 10 8.2 Define the right strategy before defining the digital agenda 11 8.3 Leave room for experimentation, even failure 11 9 The Post-Old-Spice principles of social media marketing 11 9.1 Create a persona that is strong and on point 11 9.2 Seed social networks with invitations to interact 12 9.3 Engage the engaged, the famous and the influencers 12 9.4 Personalize the response and people will compete for inclusion 13 9.5 Make it episodic and easy to share 13 9.6 Keep the videos simple and short 13 9.7 Promote it with tie-ins offline 14 10 Conclusion 14 11 Sources 15 What is Social Media It is a revolutionary way of communicating with the audience. It includes web based and mobile technologies, making communities, organizations and individuals interact. Social media is defined by Michael Haenlein and Andreas Caplan as: "a group of Internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0 and that allow the creation and exchange of user-generated...
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...Special episodeOn April 5, 2007, Fuji Television aired a three hour special of the series set five years after Aya's death and focuses on Haruto Asō, who has now become a doctor at the same hospital Aya was treated in and Ako Ikeuchi, Aya's younger sister who is a nurse in training. Haruto is caring for a 14-year-old female patient, Mizuki, who was bullied in school because of her disease, the same one that Aya had. Because of the bullying at school, Mizuki-chan decides not to receive therapy of any sort that would make her better, because she has lost her will to live. Haruto remembers how Aya fought her illness and lived her life with her disease; therefore, he offers support to his patient. Aya reappears in the episode using a number of flashbacks from the series and in new scenes.[1] [edit]Main cast Erika Sawajiri - Aya Ikeuchi Ryō Nishikido - Haruto Asō (Aya's later love interest) [edit]Other cast Naohito Fujiki - Hiroshi Mizuno (Doctor) Hiroko Yakushimaru - Ikeuchi Shioka Takanori Jinnai - Ikeuchi Mizuo Riko Narumi - Ikeuchi Ako Yuma Sanada - Ikeuchi Hiroki Ai Miyoshi - Ikeuchi Rika Saori Koide - Mari Sugiura (One of Aya's best friends) Kenichi Matsuyama - Yuji Kawamoto (Aya's first love interest) Yuya Endo - Takeda Makoto (Yuji's friend in the Basketball club) Kana Matsumoto - Saki Matsumura Momosuke Mizutani - Kohei Onda Ryo Hashidume - Keita Nakahara Hiroshi Katsuno - Yoshifumi Asō (Haruto's father) Asae Onishi (大西麻恵...
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...strategies for three shows, each belonging to different genre. It thus gives the opportunity to participating students to advertise ‗Dance‘, ‗Dare‘ and ‗Ditch‘ism and win the 7 P.M. war of reality. Students can read the coverage of Ad-o-holic in Markezine‘s September edition. From The Desk Of the Editor Page 3 Dear Readers, Greetings from Club MarkUp, the Marketing Club of IMT Ghaziabad!! After a short sabbatical for summer internships, we are back with the August Edition of Markezine. This time around, the team has conceptualized some brand new sections like Mark -toons, Mark-efeeds: happenings and trends and WOW (Words on Wall). The theme for this edition was ―Co-Marketing: Cost Collaboration or Smart Strategy ‖ and we have been overwhelmed with the response both in quality and quantity. Co -marketing or cooperative marketing is an emerging trend and has been catching up in the recent years as a smart strategy to build up Point-Of-Differentiation as well as expanding consumer base. However, to segregate it as cost collaboration strategy or a smart strategy is a tough nut to crack because the current trends affirm to both the sides of the coin. For example in the case of Senseo coffeemaker, the Philips...
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...P A R T I I Be Creative W hat is the greatest difficulty people have in thinking about problems and issues? The standard answer is “the difficulty of evaluating the various solutions and choosing the best one.” In some cases, this may be true. But two other difficulties are equally troublesome: identifying problems and issues before they become crises, and getting beyond common, unoriginal solutions to creative ones. The first chapter in this part introduces the creative process. The other chapters expand this introduction, showing you how to search for challenges, express and investigate problems and issues, and produce many and varied solutions. By the end of Part II, you will have developed a proactive approach to problems and issues and learned how to stimulate your imagination. ISBN 1-256-46689-1 The Art of Thinking: A Guide to Critical and Creative Thought, Tenth Edition, by Vincent Ryan Ruggiero. Published by Pearson. Copyright © 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc. ISBN 1-256-46689-1 The Art of Thinking: A Guide to Critical and Creative Thought, Tenth Edition, by Vincent Ryan Ruggiero. Published by Pearson. Copyright © 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc. C H A P T E R 5 The Creative Process Have you heard any of these sayings: “Creativity can’t be learned,” “The way to be creative is to ignore traditional ways of doing things,” “It takes a high IQ to be creative,” “Taking drugs enhances a person’s creativity,” or “Creativity is related to mental illness”? They’ve all been...
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...The prayer of Moses I. Wrong place and wrong time to be Born a. Mother pain and desperation b. First field and incident and escape II. New land first encounter in Midian A. Somebody called him by his name III. The prayer of Moses A. Moses second and final departure from Egypt B. The sorrow and cried of Egypt IV. God at time does not answer our prayer in the pattern we want A. So the answer to the prayer of Moses answered through the Bible, we will only considered few of those answers such as the duties of men and women, the requirement of those who dwell under the sun. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX It a beautiful story Standing for the weak Mother prayer and grace Somebody called my name The prayer of Moses So Teach us The heart of wisdom By : Peter S. Wiah 80 Deguire Boulevard Montreal, PQ H4N 1N4, Canada Started Nov 2008 – xx 2009 The Prayer of Moses the man of God Lord, You have been our dwelling place in all generations. 2 Before the mountains were brought forth, Or ever You had formed the earth and the world, Even from everlasting to everlasting, You are God. 3 You turn man to destruction, And say, “Return, O children of men.” 4 For a thousand years in Your sight Are like yesterday when it is past, And like a watch in the night. 5 You carry them away like a flood; They are like a sleep. In the morning they are like grass which grows up: 6...
Words: 22074 - Pages: 89
...Everybody, welcome! This is Ramit Sethi here from I Will Teach You to Be Rich and Earn 1k. We are going to get started in about 25 seconds, I’m here with BJ Fogg, just give us couple seconds to finalize our tech, and then we’ll get started. So, BJ, welcome ethically, greasing the persuasion process, so that when we met someone he would know exactly what to say. BJ Fogg: Thank you. Ramit Sethi: I’m thrilled to have you here tonight. Okay, everybody! Welcome to the webcast. This is Ramit Sethi from I Will Teach You to Be Rich and BJ Fogg: Thank you, I’ve been looking forward to Earn 1k, I’m thrilled to have one of my professors, this. one of my mentors online with me, Dr. BJ Fogg, and I want to introduce him to you. BJ Fogg is a Ramit Sethi: Alright, now before we get started, Stanford Psychologist and Director of the Stanford let me just mention a couple ways that you can Persuasive Technology Lab. He is the father of the connect with BJ Fogg. BJ Fogg is on Twitter at field of Captology, also known as Computers as BJFogg. He also has a website: www.BJFogg.com Persuasive Technologies, which show how techand a newly-redesigned website for the Stanford nology has unique characteristics that allow them Psychology ofLab that he founded: www.captology.stanford.edu. Persuasion to persuade us and change our behaviors. YOUR WAY TO THE TOP Live Webinar with BJ Fogg, Phd Alright, BJ—I’m excited! This isn’t only about selling things by the way, it’s Transcript actually about encouraging...
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...The Final Quest by Rick Joyner The Hordes of Hell Are Marching (Taken from "The Morning Star," Vol. 5, Nos 2-4, by Rick Joyner) The Evil Army I saw a demonic army so large that it stretched as far as I could see. It was separated into divisions, with each carrying a different banner. The foremost and most powerful divisions were Pride, Self righteousness, Respectability, Selfish Ambition, and Unrighteous Judgment, but the largest of all was Jealousy. The leader of this vast army was the Accuser of the Brethren himself. I knew that there were many more evil divisions beyond my scope of vision, but these were the vanguard of this terrible horde from hell that was now being released against the church. The weapons carried buy this horde had names on them: the swords were named Intimidation; the spears were named Treachery; and their arrows were named Accusations, Gossip, Slander and Faultfinding. Scouts and smaller companies of demons with such names as Rejection, Bitterness, Impatience, Un-forgiveness and Lust were sent in advance of this army to prepare for the main attack. I knew in my heart that the church had never faced anything like this before. The main assignment of this army was to cause division. It was sent to attack every level of relationship-churches with each other, congregations with their pastors, husbands and wives, children and parents, and even children with each other. The scouts were sent to locate the openings in churches, families or individuals that rejection...
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