... Women must come to define womanhood based not on the culture or even what well-meaning Christians might assert but on the Word of God. The Bible says that a woman does well if she bears children (Psalm 128), and it doesn’t condemn a woman as inferior if she remains unmarried, does not have children, or cannot have children (Matthew 19:12). The Bible says that women should be workers at home (Titus 2:5), but it also allows for them to do profitable business ventures (Proverbs 31:16). The Biblical ideal is for men to provide for their families and for women to stay at home to raise the children. Unfortunately, this will not always work out perfectly, and both men and women need to be willing to adapt and be flexible and understanding. If it is possible for a mother to be with her children and raise them, then there is no Biblical reason to excuse her from not doing so. Though a stay at home mother might feel at times like she is not accomplishing a whole lot simply by keeping a home and by training her children, she is raising up the future which will itself leave a future. Thus, the long-term impact is extremely far reaching. There is much to do to keep a home well and to train children, and it certainly is a full-time job and a high calling of God. Women must find their worth and identity in who they...
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...A woman, in Islam had been given economic independence since the very beginning. There are many matters that can be looked at where we can see Muslim women have complete economic independence. A Muslim woman is allowed to work but certain limitations exist as to what jobs this woman may have. For example, according to our teachings a woman should be only be checked by a female doctor and females should only be taught by females and hence we can see that there is a specific skill set that a woman can utilize in the form of a job in Islam. However, according to Islam, the most important and major role for a woman is that of a wife and a mother. And in many instances it has been emphasized that the most fulfilling job that a woman can do is to take care of her family and be there for them. This stems from the point that Islam considers a mother to the most important part of a child’s upbringing as she is the one who teaches the child the basic ways of life, the proper etiquettes and is responsible for the early learning of a child. This, however does not mean that a woman cannot work when it is needed to survive as long as she observes proper Islamic conduct. With aspect of how much a woman should be paid for a job that she is doing, there is no such saying or evidence present that tells us that a woman should be paid less than a man. Islam has given equal rights to women and hence according to that teaching women should be paid the same as a man. Another economic aspect in Islam...
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...Daisy Buchanan is a young, prestige woman from Louisville, Kentucky, and the second cousin of Nick Carraway, the narrator of the story ‘The Great Gatsby’. She lives with her husband, Tom Buchanan and her daughter in the East Egg representing the old elite. When Daisy was introduced to the audience she wore a white dress. The symbolism of white which stands for purity, perfection and innocence is outlining her whole character thus making her seem like an angel. However, despite the fact of her first shy and innocent impression Daisy is a woman who loves to hog the limelight. Symbolically, her name also plays a huge roll into this perspective as the outer part of a Daisy flower is white as an angel’s wing but the core is a yellow which captures...
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...seldom treated…..” (Page 449). Some may argue that obesity is a woman’s disease, I would say this is primarily true, obesity is a disease that affect men as well but in today’s society media plays a big role in our everyday lives. The things that are highly favored by majority can reflect our own lifestyles. However the pressure to look a certain way, and maintain a certain weight is forced upon females in dominant American culture, this gives society the presumption that this is very much so a female issue. As a man in America you are not pressured as much to hold a self-imagine. In fact a man can be judge of social status by the woman he has on his arm. Yet being a woman of great social value and worth requires you to have a...
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...name of the shelter is called Women of Worth. At this shelter we want to make every woman feel and know that they are special and someone is interested in them and want to make sure they don’t stay in the condition that they are in but want them to know there is a way out for them and they can rise again and be the strong independent woman of worth that they are. We provide room and board and three hot meals per day for these women; we even send them to school to learn a skill that will eventually help them in the business world when they get their feet on the ground. One of the main problems that I see since I have been in this field is there are not enough caring and sharing shelters like the one that I have in the community and even outside of the community. I have visited some of the shelters and it’s disgusting to see how the women are being treated and they stay there only because they cannot afford to do better so they are stuck. The women of worth Shelter (WOW) provides free food shelter, and clothing to abused women. At this shelter, we also provide a free 24-hour crisis phone line and services to clients, community education, support groups, counseling, and a volunteer program. Domestic violence is not about color and that is how our shelter operates, we do not discriminate either. The women who live at our shelter are from across all demographics in terms of age, race, and educational background. We assist any woman who meets the criteria for emergency intervention...
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...(Aganbegian 2012). However, my research is based on sex discrimination in workplaces and sports. On the other hand, Gender discrimination is the biased treatment of a group or an individual based on their sex and the values in them as fixed by the different cultures in the society. It is worth pointing out that every society has values and norms affixed to each gender in the society. It is all based on the gender stereotype, especially on the female sex. When we refer to sex discrimination against women, we mean that the male gender is deemed more powerful and f greater value than the female gender. At least, a big percentage of society has their standard of evaluating both gender and female sexuality is always disregarded (Todozidevic and Zsolt 2003). The female gender is said to be weak, emotional, and psychologically sensitive. The biases aspect of discrimination makes it a social problem. The factors that make gender discrimination are the fact that women are a group that is vulnerable to most of the social set up. Socially, a woman is taken to be both physically and psychologically weak. In fact, women can never physically assault men because they are weaker in strength. Politically, a woman is never...
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...When an individual realizes his or her own worth, their life grows in a positive manner. If they never come to this conclusion, the individual is at risk of battling a life-threatening illness. If an individual raised the question to a fellow peer as to what self-esteem is, he or she might respond that self-esteem is simply feeling good about oneself. This definition is wrong. Although self-esteem is feeling good about oneself, it also involves mastering the skill of being able to handle to daily challenges of life while recognizing that one is worthy of happiness. Having an awareness of competence simply means that one has ability to think for oneself and to direct one’s own life. This includes an individual’s confidence in their ability to administer self-care and handle daily stressors or challenges (National Association for Self-Esteem [NASE], 2010). It is impossible to build one skill without the other. Both must be present in order to have positive self-esteem (NASE, 2010). It was reported that “a sample of bulimic subjects were found to exhibit significantly lowers levels of self-esteem as compared to those not exhibiting bulimic behavior” (NASE (2), 2010). Many self-esteem issues can be linked with a childhood experience or a traumatic situation, such as being bullied. A woman struggling with an eating disorder may have been bullied when she was younger due to puberty and her body maturing from a girl to a woman. A lack of self-esteem can result in depression...
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...50 Ways To Be A Woman 1. Practice good personal grooming habits. If you are going to have colored hair, keep your roots covered. If you are going to have fake nails, keep them filled. Take care of your skin, take care of your teeth. 2. Dress modestly. Gain attention through who you are rather than the parts of your body you choose to expose. It is worth far more in the long run. 3. Certain fashion staples will always remain timeless. A few conservative dresses, a string of pearls, a nice handbag and a good pair of pumps should always be in your wardrobe. 4. Write thank you notes. It is one of the best ways to make a good impression and literally takes five seconds. It is a dying art that so desperately needs to be revived. If someone is nice enough to give you a gift or recommend you to a position, the least you can do is give them a proper thank you. People remember thank you notes. 5. Get involved. Join societies and organizations that have a positive influence in your community. Create positive exposure for yourself. 6. Learn how to write checks and keep a check book. You may never need to use it, but if there comes a time that you need to, you’ll feel stupid if you don’t know how. 7. Form opinions. On political matters. On current events. Be able to contribute to a conversation as an informed member of society. Knowing when to exert these opinions and when to keep them to yourself is just as important. 8. Take a stance and do not falter...
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...born to a Father working in French nobility, or just being the average woman in society during the late 1300's, the support for education of women was unyielding. However, this firm belief men claimed was challenged by Christine de Pisan. Christine's recognition of “being the first European woman to earn her living as a writer” and being regarded as “one of the first Western feminists” were not her only feats. Christine disputed the humanists division of opinion for education of women, challenged that a limited form of education was not sufficient enough, and claimed that, “not all men (and especially the wisest) share the opinion that it is bad for women to be educated” (p. 212). To begin with, Christine states, “I am amazed by the opinion of some men who claim that they do not want their daughters, wives, or kinswomen to be educated because their mores would be ruined as a result” (p. 212). However, how can “mores” of men be ruined during this time of humanism in European society, that focused on the center of human value, capacities, and worth. Christine is trying to claim that the “humanists division” for education of women contradicts the idea of humanism itself and should be applicable to both men and women. Furthermore, Christine states, “How could anyone think or believe that whoever follows good teaching or doctrine is worse for it?” (p. 212). Exemplifying here feelings that an education for a woman is a core human value and only makes each individual better not worse...
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...modern mass media, the value of a woman has more to do with her physical appearance than her personal achievements. There are many themes in documentaries such as this one which wish to give viewers more knowledge on a particular subject, but I will focus on the media’s portrayal of a woman’s worth is relative to her attractiveness, sex sells, and the hypocrisy society shows between women and men. Often when a female does some good for society, she is subjected to scrutiny of her looks. When she is good looking, she gets teased by comedians as “senate barbie,” or a woman who got ahead because of looks. And if she is not attractive, political cartoons take advantage and print exaggerations of physical features to caricature proportions. Both of these draw away from the work of the individual and put the focus on physical appearance. From Axe, to Victorias Secret, companies all over the world use sex as a selling point. They use buxom models to fill out lingerie, or show beautiful girls flocking to men who use their scents. They use it because it works, whether that speaks to the tactics of advertising, or the failure of our society to recognize the impact this has on our young women, it is reality. When men are fat, they are generally categorized as funny, when women are fat, they are categorized as ugly, or gross. That is just one of the many hypocrisies the media shows between men and women. The media treats men who are able to get woman into the bed with them as suave,...
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...tells the story of Abraham, Sarah, and Hagar. In this story, “Abraham had two sons, one by the slave woman and the other by the freeborn woman” (Gal. 4:22); the slave woman was Hagar and the freeborn was Sarah. God proposed that Abraham would have a child with Sarah, his wife. Instead, he committed an action that went against God’s wishes of having a child with Sarah. Abraham, had a child with Hagar; with this action, Abraham wanted to make God’s promise through his own works and by this it would lead to slavery. The child with Hagar wouldn’t be free because it was not God’s promise being completed. Therefore, “for the son of the slave woman shall not share the inheritance with the son of the freeborn” (Gal. 4:30); Sarah’s son would have...
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...into the way society views women and their roles that they just don’t care? These people are falling into the system that continuously puts women lower than men, a system that states that women NEED men in order to survive and attain happiness. They love watching this fantasy where a helpless woman is rescued by her knight in shining armor. The essay titled TWILIGHT and PHILOSOPHY – VAMPIRES, VEGETARIANS AND THE PURSUIT OF IMMORTALITY discusses and analyses some of these issues of gender roles and femininity. Bella is one of the main characters in Twilight, and she truly displays the stereotypical misogynistic view of what a woman should act like. “Bella has no identifiable interests or talents; she is incompetent in the fact of almost every challenge.” (133). This quote sums up Bella’s character throughout all of the novels and movies. She is just an average, clumsy, high school girl but the issue is she has no motivation or desire to be a strong woman. The essay states “Her only areas of skill are cooking and doing laundry, which she does without complaint for her father, who is incompetent in the kitchen in spite of years of living alone” (133). Bella simply accepts her role as a woman, without any questions of why society has...
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...The Comparable Worth Debate March 20, 2012 The Comparable Worth Debate Comparable worth means getting the same amount of pay for jobs of equal value in an organization. This is completely different from the concept of “equal pay” which means that workers who perform the same duties with the same job title get the exact same wages. Comparable worth is a recognized strategy for determining job compensation. If an organization is going to put a specific value on a function, it should also put the same value on other functions that are of equal importance. Comparable worth remains an undeveloped concept. Many court cases have been heard in reference to comparable worth but the suits were unsuccessful as the procedure is not clear. (The Law and Compensation and Benefits, 2009) If a company values a position, they should show the employees that they are valued and appreciated through salary and wages. I am certain that most employees would agree. As the HR department’s director, James Bledsoe, should consider the issue of comparable worth for reasons that involve legal and ethical consequences as well as the organizational structure. The pay system that a company uses reflects that company’s culture. The culture determines the policies and guidelines that are in place, the company’s expectations, and the way that employees carry out the company’s mission. Employees are more likely to coordinate their behavior with company goals without the need for vast procedures and mounds...
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...The Luxury Evolution Every generation redefines its definition of luxury. How they relate to it or reject it. From the “more generation”, to the X, we have seen everything from conspicuous consumption to less is more. Each generation also redefines its relationship to luxury. The evolution of social, political and economic factors is just a few of the major defining elements in any generation’s approach to luxury products. How a particular group defines luxury is often influenced by the preceding generation’s relationship to it. Is it a coincidence that the lean, Generation-X “less is more” philosophy of the 1990’s immediately followed the Baby Boomer’s conspicuous consumption ideals of the 1980’s. No business lives or dies more by the definition of luxury, than the Cosmetics Industry. From mass to class distribution to direct sell, luxury is the name, of the game. Revolution or evolution, defining luxury becomes the bete noir as the baton is handed to each new generation The Cosmetics Industry lives on its ability to provide luxury goods (No matter the definition) more than any other. It is imperative that we not Only understand how varying market segments define luxury and thereby consume it, but equally important that we can predict how fresh and upcoming markets will define their unique relationship to it. As an industry we must ask ourselves, are we open to deconstructing traditional definitions of what constitutes luxury? What new requisites will tomorrow’s...
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...sexualized women; (a) back in the 50’s you would see ad’s claiming, “so the harder a wife works harder, the cuter she looks” which devalues women basing their self worth on how well they can cook or clean, this was an ad for cereal. Other ads and commercials have gotten less blunt, but they are still just as demeaning. Other ads are either sexualizing women or are demeaning body types and showing you what the “perfect woman” looks like, but in reality are unreachable expectations. One ad in particular that was in the subway in London, got mass media attention (b), promoting diet pills it showed that, that level of skinny is healthy and attainable when I reality it’s not. Saying that the only way your ever going to be “beach body ready” is if you look like this, which most of us do not because this is unattainable level of beauty. People eventually signed a petition to remove the ad, after defacing the ad,...
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