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Theatre Self Analysis

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I originally did theater as a fill-in class most likely like every teen with a few exceptions here and there. Now that the class is coming to an end I realize how much I genuinely enjoyed theatre and how much I loved participating in anything and everything we did. Theatre one has truly helped me grow as an actor, student, and person this semester because I wouldn’t have gained the confidence and flamboyant personality I have now.
Theatre one, of course, helped me become a better actor, I honestly didn’t think I’d be able to accomplish any of the assignments well. I was so afraid and anxious about messing up my lines, or stuttering. However, as the year progressed I started to feel more comfortable on stage and enjoyed it. Especially, the amazing support system that was created by the other theatre kids in our class every time we went on stage because we were all experiencing the exact same feelings and fears about performing on stage. Eventually, those little butterflies in my stomach began to fade because I realized I wasn’t actually performing in front of an audience, I was performing with my friends. I felt confident performing and loved making people feel any kind of emotion if I could with my performance and that’s what honestly allowed me to become a better actor comparing my previous self to my nowadays …show more content…
I always had decent memorization skills during my core classes and thought that would transfer over to theatre. However, at least for me, that wasn’t the case. One day was never enough for me to memorize any assignment we had for theatre. I had to put in a lot more effort than I normally would achieve the grade I thought I could make. I would rehearse for an hour or two each day just to make sure I wouldn’t mess up. Which allowed me to realize that preparation is the key to success in theatre and in life in

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