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Submitted By brianabesta
Words 469
Pages 2
Software is designed and built by software engineers.
Software is used by virtually everyone in society.
Software is pervasive in commerce, our culture, and our everyday lives.
Software engineers have a moral obligation to build reliable software that does not harm other people.
Software engineers view computer software, as being made up of the programs, documents, and data required to design and build the system.
Software users are only concerned with whether or not software products meet their expectations and make their tasks easier to complete.

Important questions for Software Engineers.
Why does it take so long to get software finished?
Why are development costs so high?
Why can’t we find all errors before we give the software to our costumers?
Why do we spend so much time and effort maintaining existing programs?
Why do we continue to have difficulty in measuring progress as software is being developed?

Software s both a product and a vehicle for delivering a product(information).
Software is engineered not manufactured.
Software does not wear out, but it does deteriorate.
Industry is moving toward component-based software construction, but most software is still custom built.

Software Application Domains
System Application Domains
Application Software
Engineering or Scientific Software
Embedded software
Product-line software
Web Applications
Artificial Intelligence software

New Software Challenges
Open world Computing Creating software to allow machines of all sizes to communicate with each other across vast networks.
Architecting simple and sophisticated applications that benefit targeted end-user markets worldwide
Open Source Distributing source code for computing applications so Customers can make local modifications easily and reliably.

Reason for Legacy System Evolution
Software Must be

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Rising Wages

...John Ola, How Rising Wages Are Changing The Game. HR590 Labor cost as competitive advantage states “Many firms strive for a competitive advantage, but few truly understand what it is or how to achieve and keep it. A competitive advantage can be gained by offering the consumer a greater value than the competitors, such as by offering lower prices or providing quality services or other benefits that justify a higher price. The strongest competitive advantage is a strategy that that cannot be imitated by other companies”. One of these sources of completive advantage for a company or country is Labor cost. Hiring and training better people than the competitor can become an immeasurable competitive advantage for a company. A company's employees are often overlooked, but should be given careful consideration. This human resource-based advantage is difficult for a competitor to imitate because the source of the advantage may not be very apparent to an outsider. If the company can achieve this and still keep its cost down, it will have a competitive advantage over its rival. Citing the China price, Publisher weekly states, “Dreaded by competitors, the China price has become the lowest price possible, the hallmark of China's incredibly cheap, ubiquitous manufacturers”. UC Berkeley in its study, Living Wage Policy and Wal-Mart states, and another important question to address is how a $10 per hour minimum wage would impact consumer prices charged by Wal-Mart...

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Women Roles in Chinese Civilization

...Women’s Status in Ancient China Elane Yap Theng Yu HELP University Outline I. Introduction A. Opener: B. Thesis Statement: Women in Ancient China led a tough life as they faced discrimination in each and every day, no matter if it is in their roles in family, education, occupation and their dressing and makeup, thus these led to the revolution of some women. II. The ancient China society practiced the beliefs that men are dominant to women. A. Theory of Yin-Yang 1. low position of women compared to men 2. less useful and valuable than men III. Women in ancient were forced to make themselves to become beautiful. A. Foot binding 1. forced to bind since young 2. undergone painful and debilitating process 3. displaying of status and symbol of beauty IV. Women’s stages in their family were seen to be weak. A. Subject to their fathers 1. had no right to voice out B. Servant to their husbands 1. bear a male offspring to their husbands C. Not allowed to remarry after husband died 1. death penalty V. Women were only allowed to get limited education and job opportunities. A. Education 1. domestic duties 2. literatures that taught them the ways of complying with men B. Job 1. centered on the home 2. help their husbands VI. Conclusion: Women’s Status in Ancient China China, which is located in East Asia, has one of the oldest civilizations, dating...

Words: 1934 - Pages: 8

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E Marketing

...The effect of E-marketing on the marketing performance of Small Business Enterprise: A comparative study between Egypt and the UK. HATEM EL-GOHARY Bradford University School of Management School address : EMM Lane, Bradford, West Yorkshire BD9 4JL, UK. Mailing address : 24 Laisteridge Lane, Bradford, BD7 1QT, West Yorkshire, UK. Telephone : +44 (0)7878470306 Fax : +44 (0)1274 546866 Email : Supervisor name : Dr. Myfanwy Trueman Supervisor e-mail : 16th EDAMBA Summer Academy Soreze, France July 2007 Abstract:- Small Business Enterprises (SBE's) play a major role in the world economy, and their contribution to economic and employment growth is widely recognized. Based on the SBE role as an economic engine to drive global development, this research seeks to understand the practices and activities of these enterprises in terms of electronic marketing (Achieving marketing objectives and functions through the use of electronic communication technology), marketing performance and the effectiveness of industrial and trade SBE’s. In order to do this a comparative study is made between SBE’s in Egypt (developing) and the UK (developed). The main aim of this work is to identify links between the conceptual framework and empirical analysis...

Words: 4784 - Pages: 20

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...Chapter 1 Parallel Computer Models Prof. D. P Theng . GHRCE TAE TAE - I TAE - II TAE Components Quiz Test Assignment Date of Submission Second week- July 2013 Sept 2013 TAE - III TAE - IV TAE - V TAE - VI Technical Presentation Attendance PPT on Paper Review Chapter Review Fourth Week- July 2013 Sept 2013 First week- Aug 2013 Fourth Week- Aug 2013 Sept 2013 TAE - VII Guest Lecture/Industrial Visit  Early computing was entirely mechanical:      abacus (about 500 BC) mechanical adder/subtracter (Pascal, 1642) difference engine design (Babbage, 1827) binary mechanical computer (Zuse, 1941) electromechanical decimal machine (Aiken, 1944)  Mechanical and electromechanical machines have limited speed and reliability because of the many moving parts. Modern machines use electronics for most information transmission.  Computing is normally thought of as being divided into generations.  Each successive generation is marked by sharp changes in hardware and software technologies.  With some exceptions, most of the advances introduced in one generation are carried through to later generations.  We are currently in the fifth generation.  Technology        and Architecture Vacuum tubes and relay memories CPU driven by a program counter (PC) and accumulator Machines had only fixed-point arithmetic  Software and Applications Machine and assembly language Single user at a time No subroutine linkage...

Words: 2199 - Pages: 9