Premium Essay

Theories of the Family


Submitted By dmateus
Words 796
Pages 4
Sociological theories are usually thought of as statements of how and why particular facts about the social world are related. The conclusions drawn from empirical observation and testing help individuals and society to be improved in the ways they lead their lives. This essay is going to explain three mostly commonly mentioned sociological theories of the family which are Functionalism, Marxism and Feminism. |
Functionalists believe that each part of society has a function, and they are very positive about society so they always see the good in all things. By looking at society on a large scale they argue that society is based on consensus, meaning that we are socialised to agree on the norms and values in order to survive. Functionalists believe that the family should be seen to perform functions which benefit both its members and society in general. According to Murdock (1949), "the family is a universal institution with universal functions". |
In other words, families are found in all societies regardless of for example culture differences. Functions performed universally are reproduction which keeps the human race, primary socialisation which teaches children the norms and values of society, economic where family provides for its members such as food and shelter, and educational where family socialises the young into society’s norms and values which are affected by culture and class. Functionalists believe that the following functions are important for the wellbeing of society. Murdock strongly believes that the nuclear family represents all the above functions and he argues that no adequate substitute can replace it. In other words all other family structures are damaging the society. |
However, Marxists refuse the functionalists views. They are very negative about the society we live in and see the bad in everything. They believe there will be a revolution

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