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Theories Of Workplace Violence

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The workplace is viewed by most as a safe environment to engage with colleagues but too often is that view destroyed with the actions of violence. Reports of violence at the workplace are often throw to the side as if it had never even happened. These violent acts can range from something minute as bullying to physical / mental abuse and in some rare cases homicide. According to the National Safety Management Society and the National Safe Workplace Institution workplace violence can be defined as “as verbal or physical threatening or harming of an employee or client/customer of an organization by another employee, client/ customer or member of the general public” (Bruce, Nowlin, 2011). These acts of violence include physical assault, threatening behavior, or verbal abuse. Violence is a field that has been well established over time compared to its counterpart. Workplace violence has just made it to the big stage within the past fifteen years. Still being in its infancy, it is sometimes mistaken as aggression. Yes, violence can be a form as aggression but not all aggression takes the form of physical violence.
Based on two variables, gender and field of employment (service related industry vs non – service …show more content…
By looking at various different but yet related topics, such as incidents that involve shootings, and pulling out data that is related to the workplace a better understanding van be formed. Based on previous research done by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) from 2000 to 2013 there have been 160 active shooters over that period which averages out 11.4 incidents annually (Blair, Schweit, 2014). Of these shootings 73 (45.6%) of them have occurred in some kind commerce work environment (Blair, Schweit, 2014) Narrow that 73 down to business that are open to the public there are 50 incidents, including malls, which in turn in comes out to {give

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