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Depression Inflammation And Nutrition Summary

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The article, “Depression, Inflammation and Nutrition” discusses how prevalent depression is in the United States. It also discusses the types of treatment methods that are used, whether pharmacological, nutritional and or nonpharmacological such as Tai Chi or exercises. The article then goes on to discuss the possible biological, physiological and metabolic factors that can play a role in depression but no one thing has been confirmed. The cause of the subject remains debatable. Further into the article the author discusses how, counteracting depression without medications and items in your diet, such as berries, legumes and Omega 3 can counteract depression. If one cannot obtain the proper nutrients then another option would be to …show more content…
Dallas Clouartre Dr. Dallas Cloutre has a background in nutrition, he also published many books and held many nutritional conferences. After doing my own research on the author, I felt that the author’s research was credible until he went into the information that he found on Wikipedia. As we all are aware Wikipedia is NOT a credible source.
The first paragraph of the article begins by discussing how common depression is in the United States. In 2010, the CDC estimated that 11.1% of the American population have depression, which I feel is very true. On a daily basis, nurses have to take care of multiple patients with depression, which can be a bit time consuming an exhausting due to the amount of medications that are given to these patients as well as the mood swings one has to deal with.
In the article it mentions that mood modifiers are prescribed at an early age and are taken until later years which seems dangerous. Just imagine how long one has been on this medication as well as the damages that were done to both the liver and the kidney during the time frame. These medications are only successful in about only one half of those patients. What I am trying to comprehend is if the medication is only successful in one half of these patients and the patients do not feel relief, then why continue to prescribe …show more content…
As I read the sentence above, I feel that inflammation may play a role in depression, but I don’t feel that it is the main cause. Apparently the article states that once the mind becomes depressed, the neurons are attracted to the bad nerves and the cells are released to destroy the bad set of nerves within the brain and try to repair them. The fact that the brain may swell during depression is interesting, but that doesn’t mean that it is the main cause, it seems that it is more of an aftermath effect on the brain versus the cause of

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