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Submitted By polodaisy
Words 603
Pages 3
Foreign Literature According to Mark W. Baldwin environmental approach to education and more so a way of learning rather than a subject. It helps to develop new knowledge, skills and values in a drive towards better quality of environment and higher quality of life. 1 Classroom motivation is viewed as the process by which a student is helped to perceive, accept, and desire certain goals (kolesnick, 1963). Certain types of environmental factors can adversely affect pupil’s learning performance and, in particular, pupils with learning difficulties. These factors include high noise levels, multiple sources of distraction, high or low temperatures, inadequate ventilation, crowded or cluttered space and particular group seating arrangements. 2 Environment it helps develop new knowledge, skills and values in a drive towards better quality of environment and higher quality of life. Environment can affect learning through socio-economic deprivation, for example through overcrowding, lack of space or room for homework. In the dormitory there may be a lack of support and encouragement from parents and siblings, distractions in the form of TV, computer games and noise, family conflict and stress, or poor parental physical and mental health. Some children may possess resilience and may be able to cope with these negative influences and still achieve success (Harry Ayers, 2006). 3 Time management is a way to develop and use processes and tools for maximum efficiency, effectiveness, and productivity. It involves mastery of a set of skills, such as assigning priorities for task, setting goals, scheduling, planning, and is often necessary for an individual to experiment with various time management tools and methods to discover the blend of strategies that works best. At the heart of effective time management is the ability to take charge of the time we have.4

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