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Theory Selection


Submitted By peoplesjoy
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Theory Selection
“Groups provide positive peer support and pressure to abstain from substances of abuse” (SAMHSA, 2005, p. 25). Ultimately, over a brief period of time, most individuals who participate in group therapy will become familiar and comfortable with the process of group therapy. However, in order for group members to stay in the group long enough to achieve familiarity and become comfortable, group leaders must apply the appropriate method of therapy. Therefore, the group therapy models used for this particular assignment will include Adlerian therapy, and psychoanalytic therapy.
Adlerian Approach
Applying the Adlerian approach to the group will allow a goal aimed at assisting group members with understanding how issues from their past have continued to negatively influence their lives. Using the Adlerian approach will allow therapists to begin helping members begin working to resolve negative issues from their pasts, and move beyond faulty assumptions, and feelings of inferiority. Techniques used with Adlerian therapy may include, building relationships, exploring mistaken goals and faulty assumptions, working to develop social interest and goals, and working to achieve life tasks.
Psychoanalytic Approach
On the other hand, applying the psychoanalytic approach in which members, in an effort to change insight and begin working through unresolved issues from different psychosocial stages of development, will begin bringing issues from their unconscious into their conscious awareness (De Schill, n. d.). However, to accomplish such a task one stage of focus will include the oral stage of change, which is the period from birth to about 18 months. Furthermore, in an effort to help members work to overcome their denial of the problem the psychoanalytic approach techniques used may include, interpretation, and free association.
How Selected Theories Influence Personal Approach
The theories selected for this assignment can work to increase feedback and bring about positive changes. Ultimately, during group therapy both the Adlerian, and psychoanalytic theory will allow group members an opportunity to receive feedback from one another by which receiving different perspectives can be helpful in encouraging change and promoting growth. Furthermore, the Adlerian approach will allow modeling in which group members can observe how others handle similar concerns, or problems (Stein, & Edwards, 1998). By allowing modeling group members can begin observing and adding new coping methods to their behaviors. The Adlerian approach can also be beneficial in that this approach can provide members with a number of perspectives about what may work and when. For example, one member may listen to another member explain how telling a family member that they have hurt his, or her feelings was far more effective than merely becoming angry at them and withdrawing and isolating his, or herself. As the member continues to speak, the other member may be thinking of how he, or she might apply this same strategy to his, or her hurtful family. The individual can even begin trying out this new behavior by practicing with other members in the group.
Finally, by applying both Adlerian, and the psychoanalytic approach group members can also work to improve social skills. Because so much of a person’s day-to-day interactions are with other people the Adlerian approach will allow and opportunity in which members can develop their social interests while learning ways to improve on their social skills. Ultimately, the Adlerian approach will be beneficial in helping group members learn to communicate clearly, and effectively with one another, which will more than likely result in members learning new social skills that can be generalized and used in various relationships with others. In general, “groups instill hope, a sense that “If he can make it, so can I” (SAMHSA, 2005, p. 30).

Center for Substance Abuse Treatment. (2005). Substance Abuse Treatment: Group Therapy. Rockville (MD): Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) Series, No. 41.
De Schill, S., (n. d.). The challenge for group psychotherapy. American Mental Health Foundation. Retrieved from
Stein, H. T., & Edwards, M. E., (1998). Classical Adlerian theory and practice. Retrieved from

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