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They Shoot The White Girl Analysis

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The novel starts and furthermore closes with a massacre, opening with a renowned first sentence "They shoot the white girl first," however never uncovering who the white girl is. The novel recounts the account of the tension between the men of Ruby, Oklahoma, and the women who lived in the Convent only outside of town. After the opening part "Ruby", named after the town, the other sections are named after many of the female characters, however they are not just about the ladies. Every section demonstrates their past and gives us knowledge on essential moments from the town's history in spite of the backstory of the main character.
Man vs. Man- Between the citizens of Ruby and the residents of the Convent
Opens in Oklahoma mid one morning in 1976
Ruby- The name of the town in Oklahoma where the Morgan twins and the others go.
Paterson- Where Mavis Albright's mom lives …show more content…

The story additionally demonstrates a gap between the more youthful age and the more established, about change and the refusal to comprehend for the past.
The novel is unpredictable and layered, blazing forward and backward amongst times and places. It illustrates the "Old Fathers," who had first settled the town of Haven, and the "New Fathers," their children, who set up Ruby with an end goal to escape what they see as the ills of society. Trying to seclude themselves in a sort of new garden of Eden, the novel reveals the different ways that the new impeccable society crushes itself. Seeing the Convent outside its outskirts as a risk to its reality, the townsmen of Ruby demolish it and what they don't get it.

Where Connie is living when she is picked up by the nuns.
Christ the King School for Native Girls- The original name of the

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