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Think Aloud Strategies

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Coco Chanel meant Think-Aloud to be courageous in an application to the different context. But strangely enough, it truly reflects my feelings about Think Aloud in front of the whole class and, possibly, other observers. The fact, that Think-Aloud strategy is helpful to the students in order to model a good reader’s thinking process, is undeniable. This strategy provides a visual interpretation of necessary organization of students’ thought processes during reading, but requires enormous discipline and organization of the person, teacher, modeling the strategy. My biggest hope the confidence of modelling such a process comes with experience and a regular demonstration.
One of many strategies, offered in this chapter, was setting a purpose …show more content…
These tools, or strategies, are there to support the students in their individual learning process and application of the previously learned material. These tools help the students to stay on the right track. Thus, the good example would be a list of strategies for the reading of expository text, or “What to do when I don’t get it”. By providing students with six steps, or strategies, to follow, the teacher is, in a way, scaffolding his students even without actually being present during the reading process. These tools are beneficial in the process of developing students’ self-monitoring …show more content…
Most of the researchers come to a conclusion that if a student is a struggling reader, most likely this student is also a struggling writer. On another hand, struggling writer is not always a struggling reader. For example, my son is a gifted and talented student. He was selected to join gifted and talented group because of his above average reading skills. When it comes to writing though, his hand writing is not organized and letters are oversized. To my question, why he is not enjoying writing, his answer was: “My thoughts are flying faster than my hand can write it”. So writing strategies and organization are needed not only for struggling readers, but for gifted children

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