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Third Reich: A Totalitarian Government

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Totalitarianism is a type of dictatorship its when the country doesn't have a limit with their authority and changes the public and private lives with what they think will help their country. Russia, Italy, Germany, and Japan were all totalitarian governments. Yes, I think the Third Reich was a totalitarian government because Hitler banished democracy and made it a dictatorship where he ruled every aspect of it. Adolf Hitler was popular because he was very skilled in politics, and was a good speaker to the public which won the Germans worship. The Nazi Party was built on militarism, nationalism, and racism telling the Germans that they were the superior race and blaming everyone else other than them for their defeat in the war. The only …show more content…
The League of Nations were unable to help China and other Asian nations because no country wanted to use military force so Japan continued to attack China.
India and the Middle East Colonized countries that wanted their independence more than ever was Iran, Iraq, India, Egypt, Syria, and Lebanon. After World War I their need for their countries independence was stronger than before so they tried their best to defeat whatever country was ruling over them. (a)Mohandas Gandhi tried to gain independence with nonviolence. Told the Indians to violate the British laws and to also not buy good from the British also to end the payment of taxes the British gave them. (b)King Faisal was appointed by the British to be an Arab Prince. Exchanged Iraq’s independence for Iraqi military support. (c)Reza Shah Pahlavi was a military leader who overthrew the government and became Shah. He had similar ideas like Atatürk he wanted to Iran to be free from foreign influence and to modernize the country. In order to do this he rose the taxes on foreign businesses. Also believed in separating religion and

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