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Competency XX Job Shadowing Administrator

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Competency XX Job Shadowing

Narrative description of specific task:
Spend one day shadowing cooperating administrator, Throughout this process I will assist the administrator when appropriate. I will write a reflective summary of the day, citing all activities and providing a thoughtful analysis of the number, nature and focus of the activities and with whom the administrator interacted. I will describe and assess the decision making processes and styles used by the administrator in responding to various categories of demands or problems. Finally, I will identify several crucial lessons I observed about leadership and administrative practices.

To prepare for my day of shadowing, I met with my principal to get the “agenda” for …show more content…
As we talked with the student, you could see that he was uncomfortable discussing this, and became defensive at one point, which is understandable. As Debbie talked, she explained what was told to her, and the young man stated that what was said is simply “not true”. The young man went on to say that he does not even like this girl anymore nor does he talk to her. Debbie explained, that might be why she is saying the things she is saying. Debbie went on to tell this young man that she knows they are maturing and hormones are starting to kick in, but to remember that decisions he makes now could affect him the rest of his life. This young man promised to stay away from the girl and not say anything to his friends that could be misconstrued as talking about her in any way, he also stated that he understood what she meant by decisions made now could affect him for the rest of his life. She did inform him that she had to contact his parents and even though she knew there would be no next time, she would have to contact CSB if it did happen …show more content…
My observations of, and conversations with, my principal, have led me to believe, "the best laid plans of mice and men" and you will often find yourself performing juggling acts throughout the day. So often my mentor would have a plan of what she wanted to get accomplished, but there would be an unexpected event arise that would prevent the task at hand from being accomplished. My mentor is a great example for me; she is so calm when deal with the students, something I will strive for as an administrator. I have watched her be successful because of the way she juggles every task so well. I work closely with my principal and she comes in at 5:00am daily to get all the little tedious tasks done early before the day begins. My administrator has taught me to be pro-active, by being pro-active it allows an administrator the time to focus on people; a focus that is necessary to create a positive envi-ronment. Organization and time-management are also prerequisites to success, if they are not present, the other things will not happen. I have also learned to be approachable as an adminis-trator. I have had many principals over the years and I can honestly say that Debbie has a true open door policy, the only time you cannot approach Debbie is if her door is closed, that is the “red flag” do not enter. Principals are busy people. It’s almost a cliche that they are the unsung heroes who would move mountains for their school

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