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Submitted By MOD2991
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Pages 2
Themistocles (c.525-460B.C) was known to be a very conning and clever man. The savior of Greek culture, for if not for his tactical skills, Persia might have destroyed the Greeks before their intellectual and scientific contributions.
Going at war with the Persian military was not as frightening as being outnumbered. Perhaps the most difficult obstacle the Greeks faced was trying to unite the self-contained and divided city-states. Themistocles was a strategic militant who understood the only way to win against the Persians in the battle of Salamis was by distinguishing their weakness. This happened to be their naval inexperience. He was able to unite the Greek warriors to orchestrate ships as powerful as missiles.
Mycenaean civilization (built over the course of 1,050 years) was led by a king named Agamemnon (c.1200 B.C) best known for his architectural abilities. The lions gate was thus far the most stunning structure of the Mycenaean civilization; displaying symbolism and their engineering abilities. Ten ton a piece each stone stood precisely to its adjacent block. It is curious to think how the Greeks were able to construct such magnificent works without modern technologies. A core belled arched, was held together by constant pressure from outward inward. This labeled the feature the most innovative structure.
Polycrates (c.570-522 B.C) a dominant sea force was most known for his agricultural inventions. He managed to create an aqueduct connecting the city of Samos to spring water.
Pericles was a democrat and an enlightened intellectual. The Parthenon temple built on the Athenian acropolis; the greatest city-state of all Greece. Such a magnificent structure required time and harsh labor. Ultimately, to make a statement of the grandiosity of the Greek culture and the immensity of their power.
Their engineering spoke for them. Their almost natural and innovative ideas were the cause of these brilliant developments, which help shape and influence the people that came after.

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