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Tipping Research Paper

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Why are gratuities heavily present in some cultures, but not others? Is it related to the culture’s ideology, history, or government? The Japanese, when contrasted with Americans, have a completely different culture. One of the more noticeable aspects is the practice of tipping. In Japan, tipping is almost never done, and in some cases, even considered rude. However, in America, tipping is expected at sit-down restaurants, barber shops, and most other businesses that have service staff. Tipping is done in America and not Japan due to the American dream, the European history of tipping, and the desire for control of service. Capitalism has always been viewed favorably upon by Americans, especially during the Cold War, and evidence of that can be viewed in the tipping culture. Japan has historically been run as a feudalistic society with little movement in between socioeconomic classes (“Japanese Feudalism”). On the contrary, America had an influx of immigrants due to the “American dream” — the belief that hard work will lead to prosperity. This obvious difference in …show more content…
Tipping originated in the aristocratic homes of 18th century Europe and the act was carried over to the United States by travellers. They wanted to show that they knew the rules of Europe, according to Saru Jayaraman, and tipped African-American slaves to demonstrate that. Employers caught on quickly and resented paying their servers high wages, resulting in tips becoming the basis of servers’ salaries. After the New Deal passed the first minimum wage law, and in 1966 when it was revised again, servers were exempted (Jayaraman). Until the law changes, then neither will the culture of tipping. Japan does not exempt servers from minimum wage laws, meaning that even if servers were tipped, the menu prices would stay the

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