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To Sir with Love


Submitted By Anzhelichka
Words 44318
Pages 178
Здравствуйте, Вашему вниманию представлены Ключи к упражнениям из учебника Практический курс английского языка: 3 курс, Под. ред. В.Д.Аракина. Основные и необходимые задания, такие как работа над лексикой и частично работа над текстом приведены в виде ключей, то есть в готовом для ответа виде. Преимущественно творческие задания не выполнены главным образом по причине отсутствия стандарта при их выполнении, то есть каждое творческое задание не должно быть повторено. Автор не претендует на 100% правильность выполнения задания – для этого существуют официально изданные издательством ВЛАДОС ключи к упражнениям. Автор оформил упражнения и работу над текстом в виде удобном Автору, так как Автор является студентом заочного отделения одного из крупнейших Российских ВУЗов. Все выполненные задания Автор выполнил, используя материалы учебника и словарей ABBYY Lingvo 8.0 и AlphaLex 5.0 English, и частично, при работе над текстом и лексикой, материала из документа неизвестного автора, скаченного из интернета. Данный материал в виде домашнего задания был проверен впоследствии при классной работе. В ключах к упражнениям, выполненных Автором, ЕСТЬ неисправленные немногочисленные ошибки и неточности. Автор стремился максимально точно выполнять задания и надеется, что результат не слишком отличается от уровня требований, задуманного авторами учебника. Ключи к упражнениям выполнены Svetlana Sfarzo, Bugulma, Tatarstan, Russia

Unit I

Text one (p.9) Three men in a boat By Jerome K.Jerome Jerome K.Jerome is a well-known English writter, whose novels Three Man in a boat, The Idle Thougths of an Idle Fellow, Novel Notes and Three man on the Bummel have enjoyed заслужили great popularity Jerome K.Jerome is famous for his art of story-telling, his vivid яркий, живой style and his humour which is generally expressed in laughter-provoking misunderstanding. With sparking sides of human nature. Capter XIV situations often based on humour he criticized the weak

We got out вышли at Sonning, and went for a walk round the village. It‟s the most fairy-look on the whole river. It‟s more like a stage станционный village than one built of bricks and mortar. Every house is smothered утопопленный, покрытый in roses, and now, in early

June, thery were bursting forth выше in clouds of dainty изящный splendour роскошь, богатство . If you stop at Sonning, put up остановитесь at the “Bull”, behind the church. It‟s a veritable picture of an old country inn трактир гостиница, with a green,

square courtyard beneath their ale

двор при доме in front, where, on seats внизуthe trees, the old men group of an evening to drink сплетничать over village politics; решётчатый windows and

пиво ande gossip

with low quaint rooms and latticed awkward коридор. громоздкий stairs and winding спиральный passages

We roamed бродить about sweet милый Sonning for an hour or so, and then, it being too late to push on продвигаться вперѐд past Reading, we decided to go back to one of the Shiplake islands, and put up остановиться there for the night. It was still early when we got settled обосноваться and George said that, as we had plenty of time, it would be a splendid opportunity to try a good, slap-up первоклассный supper. He said he would show us what could be done up приводить в порядок the river in the way of по части cooking, and suggested предложил that, with the vegetables and the remains остатки of the cold beef and general odds and ends, we should make an Irish stew тушёное мясо. It seemed a fascinating очаровательный idea. George gathered wood and made a fire, and Harris and I started to peel чиститьthe potatoes. I should never have thought that peeling potatoes was such an undertaking предприятие. The job turned out to be the biggest thing of its kind that I had ever been in. We began cheerfully, one might almost say skittishly живо but our light-heartedness беззаботность was gone by the

time the first potato was finnished. The more we peeled, the more the peel there seemed to be left on оставалось; by the time we had got all the peel off отделаться and all the eyes out утомлять, there was no potato left – at least none worth стоящий speaking of. George came and had a look at it – it was about the size of pea-nut арахис. He said: “Oh, that won‟t do! You‟re wasting тратить попустуthem. You must scarpe скоблить them.”

So we scared them and that was harder work than peeling. They are such an extraordinary shape, potatoes – all bumps шишка and warts нарост and hollows углубление. We worked steadily for five-andtwenty minutes, and did four potatoes. Then we struck взбунтовались. We said we should require the rest of the evening for scrapping ourselves. I never saw such a thing as potato-scraping for making a fellow in a mess беспорядок. It seemed difficult to believe that the potato-scrapings in which Harris and I stood.half-smothered покрытый, could have come off отделиться four potatoes. It shows you what can be done with economy and care. George said it was absurd to have only four potatoes in an Irish stew, so we washed half a dozen or so more and put them in without peeling. We also put in a cabbage капуста and about half a peck of peas пол-осьмины горошка. George stirred it all up, and then he said that there seemed to be a lot of room место to spare сберечь, so we overhauled отремонтированный both the hampers корзина с продуктами, and picked out отборный all the odds and ends and the remnants остатки, and added them to the stew. There were half a pork pie and a bit of cold boiled bacon left, and we put them in. Then George found half a tin of potted консервированный salmon лосось, and he emptied that into the pot горшок. He said that was the advantage выгода, польза of Irish stew: you got rid избавиться of such a lot of things. I fished out

выудитьa couple of eggs that had got cracked, and we put those in. George said they would thicken the gravy соус.

I forget the other ingridients, but I know nothing was wasted; and I remember that towards the end, Montmorency, who had evinced проявлять great interest in the proceedings throughout во всех отношениях, strolled бродитьaway with an earnest and thoughtful air вид, reappearing, a few minutes afterwards потом, with a dead water-rat in his mouth, which he evidently wished to present us contribution взносto the dinner; whether in a sarcastic spirit, or with a general desire to assist, I cannot say. We had a discussion as to whether the rat should do in or not. Harris said that he thought it would be all right, mixed up with the other things, and that every little helped; but George stood up for precedent! He said he had never heard of water-rats in Irish stew, and he would rather be on the safe side на всякий случай, and not try experiments. Harris said: “If you never try a new thing how can you tell what it‟s like? It‟s men such as you that hamper чинить препятствия the world‟s progress. Think of the man who first tried German sausage!” It was a great success, that Irish stew, I don‟t think I ever enjoyed a meal more. There was something so fresh and piquant palate about it. One‟s нёбо gets so tired of the old hackneyed избитый, банальный things: here was a dish with a new flavour, with a

taste like nothing else on earth. And it was nourishing питательный, too. As George said, there was good stuff состав in it. The peas and potatoes might have been a bit softer, but we all had good teeth, so that did not matter much; and as for the gravy, it was a poem – a little too rich, perhaps, for a weak stomach, but nutritious питательный. Vocabulary notes.

gossip n 1. болтовня, сплетни (gossip column, a gossip writer) 2. сплетник (town gossips) gossip vi сплетничать wind (wound) 1. вертеть, крутить (to wind the handle) 2. мотать, сматывать, скручивать (to wind wool) 3. извиваться (The path wind through the wood) 4. проворачивать, заводить (to wind a clock) 5.завершать (to wind up a speech) to wind someone round one‟s little finger 1.обвести вокруг пальца, 2. вертеть, использовать в корыстных целях. peel vt|i 1.чистить 2. отшелушиваться (skin peels off), отслаиваться (wall-paper peeling off) peel n кожура candied peel цукаты scrape vt|i 1. скоблить, скрести 2. соскабливать, обдирать.3. шаркать, скрипеть. 4. расцарапать, счесать 5. (scrape through examination) едва-едва сдать экзамены to scrape a living едва выживать to scrape up (to scrape together) наскребать (деньги, очки) steady adj. 1. устойчивый (to make a chair or table steady) 2. with a steady hand твердой, уверенной рукой. 3. постоянный 4. уверенный 5. уравновешенный 6. надежный (steady person, steady rain, steady growth, steady progress) steadily adv. 1. постоянно, непрестанно steady vt|i уравновешивать, выравнивать, делать устойчивым mess n 1. беспорядок, 2. путаница to be in a mess 1. быть в беспорядке to make a mess of smth. испортить что-либо, сделать плохо to get into a mess попасть в неприятность, плохое положение crack vt|i 1. трескаться, 2. издавать треск, трещать to crack a joke грубо пошутить, отпустить грубую шутку crack n 1. трещина, 2. треск contribute vt|i 1. делать вклад, жертвовать, способствовать 2. еще в смысле писать статьи в газеты и журналы contributoin n содействие, вклад, налог spirit n 1. дух, душа, ум 2. пыл, живость 3. мужество, бодрость high|low spirits – хорошее/плохое расположение духа) to raise smb.‟s spirits – поднимать настроение out of spirits – быть не в духе, в унынии

taste n 1. вкусовое ощущение 2. на ваш вкус (to your taste) 3.вкус (в вещах, манерах) taste vt|i 1.пробовать на вкус, 2. иметь вкус, быть определенным на вкус (this orange tastes bitter) 3. вкушать, испробовать на опыте. There‟s no accounting for tastes. Tastes differ. – о вкусах не спорят tasteful adj. некто или нечто обладающее вкусом, сделанное со вкусом tasteless adj.безвкусный (если о еде, то говорят having no taste, если о людях, мебели, предметах, то говорят having or showing poor|bad taste) in early June – в начале июня to put up at some place – устроиться, приютиться, остановиться в каком-то месте to roam the(through) woods(about a place) – бродить по лесам to get settled – устраиваться, селиться odds and ends – остатки (осколки, обрезки) to the size of smth. – быть такого же размера the rest of the evening – остаток вечера, до вечера half a dozen – полдюжины half a peck of peas – пол-осьмины горошка half a pork pie – пол свиного пирога half a tin of salmon – полбанки лосося to stir smth up – перемешивать, смешивать to add smth. to smth. – добавлять to empty smth. into a pot – высыпать в кастрюлю to thicken the gravy – сгустить подливку with an earnest and thoughtful air – с серьезным и вдумчивым видом to be on the safe side – не рисковать to leave smth. on the safe side – не касаться чего либо (вопроса) Word combinations and Phrases

P.8 ex.5 A. In the spring on our way back to Moskow we were draving by a small town by chance. It was more like a country than a town, all the houses were buried in flowers and it seemed to us so beautiful that we could not but stay there. I should never have thought that a walk around a small

provincial town could give such enjoy. We were walking around the town about three houers and the more we looked at this fairy place the more we admired it. But there was little time left and we had to hurry to Moskow. B. Last year my wife and I had to go on holiday in winter. We decided It was a splendid opportunity to renovate our apartment by ourself. Two days after work our apartment was more like a broken furniture store then a flat. “That won‟t do”,- said the wife, - “Let‟s take on house painters.” P.14 ex. 5 1. I‟d love to hit for the South in early June when all is riotous with flowers. and roam about the hills. 2. We have decided that in S. Petersburg we would stay at a hotel and would pass about a week there. 3. We put up quickly and it turned out we had a lot of time the rest of the evening. 4. When we finally got settled, we were so tied that nobody of us didn‟t want go anywhere.5. It is doubtful whether this odds and ends of the papper are fit for anything. 6. I wouldn‟t ever think you could make a dress of odds and ends of this cloth. 7. My room is to the size of yours, but it looks less for some reason. 8. I have read only half the article, but it seems to me it doesn‟t refer to object you interested in. 9. The train arrive only in half an hour, lets roam through the town. 10. Helen stirred salad up, tasted it and decided to add some more pickled cucumbers. 11. It‟s a good tinned meat. Put half a tin in the ragout. 12. Add some flour to thicken the gravy. 13. He joke with so an earnest air that it is not possible not to burst out laughing. (He joke with so an earnest air that you can‟t help laughing.) 14. Just in case we‟d better leave this question on the safe side. P.15 ex. 9
Сказочный уголок fairy-look Утопать в розах to smother in roses Настоящая сельская гостиница old country inn Сельские новости village politics Причудливые комнаты low quaint rooms Решётчатые окна latticed windows

Шикарный ужин slap-up supper По части стряпни in the way of cooking Собирать хворост to gather wood Беззаботность light-heartedness

P.20 ex.6
Заниматься сплетнями to gossip Заводить часы to wind a clock Сматывать шерсть в клубок to wind wool into a ball Задеть локтем за что-то be caught in smth. with elbow Работать без передышки to work without rest Внести вклад во что-л to make a contribution to Работать с огоньком to put some ginger into smth. Быть горьким на вкус to taste bitter Обвести кого-л вокруг пальца to wind someone round one‟s little finger Попасть в беду to get into a mess Быть замешанным в к-либо деле to have a hand in smth. О вкусах не спорят tastes differ, opinions differ, every man to his taste, there's

no accounting for taste
В хорошем вкусе in a good taste

P.20 ex.7 A. 1. Don‟t tell about these matters on the chance. On the chance leave these matters on the safe side. 2.“In my opignion, there are fey gossips in our house, we were lucked out,” told Ann. 3. “I wouldn't have thought Jane would spread the gossips,” told Keith,”Don‟t listen her,” replied Dotty. 4. Let‟s go up this spiring stairs to the top of the tower. 5. What are you doing? That won‟t do. You shouldn‟t wind the wool like that! 6. None could wind someone round one‟s little

finger so as it did little Polly. 7. Put these odds and ends into the packet and neck it some times. 8. Don‟t scrape the bark from a birch, you will harm the tree. 9. You lie on the sun so long for nothing, you will have skin peeled off. Generally speaking, it‟ll do you more harm than good. 10. What for do you peel the potatoes? It‟s better to boil the unpeeled potatoes for the salad. 11. Kate sometimes managed to find a temporary work, but there was nothing to eat left. 12. Something stuck to my sole, I can‟t s scratch it off, it must be some tar. 13. Look out! Don‟t catch your hand on the nail. 14. Don‟t scrape the plate with your fork, I hate this sound 15. He scraped through the examination, but in my opinion he understood, he might not waste so much his time. 16. It‟s an enough decent rest home, but it was a bit rough on us, having such a weather, from morning to night it kept raining. 17. I couldn‟t help admiring her self-control this moment. She threaded the needle by firm hand and continued to sew as if nothing had happened. 18. He seemed to be a quietly steady young man. 19. Let‟s put under a leg of the table so that it wouldn‟t wobble. B. 1.There was a terrible mess in the John‟s room, but when the sister took advantage of his absence and done a room, he was very angry and told he couldn‟t found anything there. 2. You have spoiled all the work again. Aren‟t you ashamed of your don‟t care treatment to everything? 3. She threw me into confusion by making me wait for her for four hours. 4. We heard a branch crushed, someone was coming up to us. 5. How are you careless? The mother‟s favorite vase cracked, may you wash it with the boiling water? 6. It‟s not good to cross the river now: the ice is broken. 7. The oils are cracked on the windowsill, we‟ll have to scrape their off before pain it again. 8. Regular training favour his success in contest. 9. He refused to give his verses to our wall newspaper, and now there is no time to ask somebody other to do it. 9. An American artist Rockwell Kent felt up a collection of painting of the A.S. Pushkin museum with his works of art. 11. He spoke with such an ardour, that none remained indifferent. 12. As soon as you tell him about it, he is better. 13. You have taken rightly the criticism, I didn‟t expect you would do the other. 14. I remember, there is half-bottle of the strawberry juice somewhere. One can‟t compare it anything in the world. 15. This unknown to us fruit seemed to all to be unpalatable, but then we used to slake our thirst with it. 16. We all knew her as a woman with an excellent taste. 17. I dislike the taste of carrot. Don‟t put it in the salad, please. 18. There is so wide choice in this that shop that you undoubtedly find something to your taste. 19.

He likes to joke, but many his jokes are tasteless. 20. What a pity! The cucumbers taste bitter. P.23 ex.14 1. It‟s no easy to found such a teacher, there is one in a thousand like him. 2. I was in the very middle of the crowd and couldn‟t come to you. 3. If I were you I would wait for a bit, it‟s in your behalf. 4.“Who took out the post today? One paper is failed.” 5. The conductor of the bus helped the old woman to come in. 6. Jim opened the door and let in a dog wet with the rain. 7. You are in a bad humour today, aren‟t you? – Yes, I‟m. I‟m not myself. I‟ll better stay at home and read. 8. John helped to his wife to take her coat off and seated her on the armchair by the fire. 9. Don‟t you know, one doesn‟t write a test with a pencil. 10. We got off the train and go in search of an inn. 11. Speak in a whisper. Ann seems to be asleep. 12. George cut off a piece of bread, spread butter on it and began to eat. 13. This student is sure of his knowledge and shows off. 14. The paint doesn‟t peel off the coat, I can‟t scrape her off. 15. Don‟t you know what about the book he is writing? – I haven‟t see him for a long time, I am at outs with him. – But why? In my opinion, you find fault with him. For all his shortcomings he is a very decent man. Unit II Text two(p.39) Encountering directors By C.Samuels Interviewing Ingmar Bergman (Extract) Ingmar Bergman – a famous Swedish film director, writer and theatre producer was born in 1918. His psychological films are well known all over the world. Crisis(1945), Smiles of Summer Night(1956), Seventh Seal(1957), Wild Strawberries(1958), The Silence(1963), Autumn Sonata(1978) are only a few films made by him. I.Bergman himself wrote the scripts сценарий for most of his films and won awards for many of them. In the focus of his attention people‟s fates судьба, рок are put. The people usually have a lot of problems.

Bergman focuses attention on the fate of his characters are isolated people who suffer from the harsh суровый realities of the cruel world in which they live. It‟s difficult to understand the majority of Bergman‟s films since distinction between reality and the world of the imagination is blurred неясный, расплывчатый. Samuels: Mr. Bergman, I‟d like to start with a rather general question: If I were asked to cite цитировать a single reason for your pre-eminence преимущество among film directors, I would point to your creation of a cpecial world. You are, in fact, very much like a writer. Why didn‟t you become a one? Bergman: When I was a child, I suffered from an almost complete lack of words. My education was very rigid несгибаемый, негибкий; my father was a priest священник. As a result, I lived in a private world of ny own dreams. I played with my puppet S.: AndB.: Excuse me. I had very few contacts with reality or channels to it. I was afraid of my father, my mother, my elder brother – everything.Playing with this puppet theatre and a projection device кинопроекционный аппарат I had was my only form of self-expression. I had great difficulty with fiction выдумкой and realty; as a small child I mixed them up so much that my family always said I was a liar. S.: I want to interrupt you for just a moment. This description of your childhood resembles походить one classic description of the genesis присхождения of a writer. Was it only the accident of the puppet theatre that sent you the way of theatre rather than of books? B.: No. When I began writing I liked it very much. But I never felt that writing was my cup of tea то что нравится. And I always lacked words; it has always been very difficult for me to find the world I want. I have always felt suspicious both what I say and what others say to me. I always feel something has been out. When I read a book. I read very slowly. It takes me a lot of time to read a play. S.: Do you direct it in your head? кукольный theatre.

B.: In a way. I have to translate the words into speeches, flesh and blood. I have an enormous need for contact with an audience, with other people. For me, words are not satisfying не удовлетворяющие. S.: With a book, the reader is elsewhere где-то в другом месте. B.: When you read, words have to pass through your conscious здравый mind to reach your emotions and your soul. In film and theatre, things go directly to the emotions. What I need is to come in contact with others. S.: I see that, but it raises a problem I‟m sure you‟ve often discussed. Your films have emotional impact импульс, but since they are also the most intellectually difficult of contemporary films, isn‟t there sometimes a contradiction противоречие between the two effects? How do you react when I say that while I watched “The Rite”, my feelings were interfered with by my baffled effort at comprehension? B.: Your approach is wrong. I never asked you to understand, I ask only that you feel. S.: And the film asks me to understand. The film continiously makes us wonder what the spectacle means. B.: But‟s you. S.: It‟s not the film? B.: No. “The Rite ритуал” merely только, простоexpresses my resentment негодование, возмущение against the critics, audience, and government, with wich I was in contact battle борьба while I ran the theatre. A year after my resignation уход в отставку from the post, I sat down and wrote the script сценарий in five days. The picture is just a game. S.: To puzzle the audience? B.: Exactly. I liked writng it very much and even more making it. We had a lot of fun while we were shooting снимаем. My purpose was just to amuse myself and the audience. Do you understand what I mean?

S.: I understand, but certain members of the audience can‟t resist воздержаться poining out that Bergman is sending messages, he thinks, but what are they and why? B.: You must realize понимать– this is very important! – I never ask people to understand what I have made. Stravinsky once said, “ I have never understood a piece of music in my life. I always only feel.” S.: But Stravinsky was a composer. By its nature, music is nondiscursive нелогический ; we don‟t have to understand it. Films, plays, poems, novels, all make propositions утверждение or observations, embody реализовывать, воплощать ideas or beliefs and we go to these formsB.: But you must understand that your view is distorted искажённый. You belong to a small minority that tries to understand. I never try to understand. Music, films, plays always work directly on the emotions. S.: I must disagree. I‟m afraid I didn‟t make myself clear – B.: I must tell you before we go on to more complicated things: I make my pictures for use! They are made to put me in contact with other human beings существами. My impulse has nothing to do with intellect or symbolism: it has only to do with dreams and longing стремление, with hope and desire, with passion. S.: Does it bother you when critics interpret you through these items пункт, вопрос? B.: Not at all. And let me tell you, I learn more from critics who honestly criticize my pictures than form those who are devout приверженцы. And they influence me. They help me change things. You know that actors often change a film, for better or worse. S.: May I ask you how “The Touch” differs from the one you intended? B.: I intended to paint a portrait of any ordinary woman, for whom everything around was a reflection. Bibi Anderson is a close friend of mine – a lovely and extremely talanted actress. She is totally oriented towards reality, always needing motives for what she does. I admire her and love her. But she changed the film. What Bibi Anderson did made the film more comprehensible for

ordinary people and more immediately непосредственно powerful. I agreed with all her changes. S.: You use music less and less in your films. Why? B.: Because I think that film itself is music, and I can‟t put music in music. S.: If you could have shot снимать all your films in colour, would you have? B.: No. Because it‟s more fascinating to shoot in black and white and force people to imagine the colours. S.: Do you work in colour now – to any degree – because you feel that the audience demands требовать it? B.: No. I like it. At the beginning, it was painful тяжело, but now I like it. S.: Why do you use so much dialogue in your films? B.: Because human communication occurs through words. I tried once to eliminate language, in “The silence”, and I feel that picture is excessive чрезмерный. S.: It‟s too abstract. B.: Yes. S.: Some people have criticized your films for being too theatrical – particularly – the early ones. How do you answer this charge издержки? B.: I‟m a director – S.: But aren‟t the two forms different? B.: Completely. In my earlier pictures, it was very difficult for me to go from directing in the theatre to directing films. I had always felt technically crippled ущербный– insecure ненадёжный with the crew, the cameras, the sound equipment – everything. Sometimes a film succeeded, but I never got what I wanted to get. But in “summer Interlude”, I suddenly felt that I knew my profession. S.: Do you have any idea why?

B.: I don‟t know, but for heaven‟s sake a day must always come along when finally one succeeds in understanding his profession! I‟m so impressed by young derectors now who know how to make a film from the first moment. S.: But they have nothing to say. (Bergman laughs.) Vocabulary notes. point n 1. кончик, острие 2. точка 3. суть, смысл (речи, истории, действия)4. очки (23 очка) to the point – к сути дела

to speak (to stick, to keep, to be) to the point – в тему, по сути Your answer is not to the point– Ваш ответ не в тему. to be off the point – не в тему, не к сути Your answer is off the point – Ваш ответ не в тему to make a point of doing smth. – увлечься чем-либо to agree(disagree) on some points – согласиться с несколькими пунктами(параметрами) weak point – слабое место strong point – сильная сторона to on the point of doing smth. – собираться сделать что-либо boiling(freezing,melting) point – точка кипения(замерзания,таяния) point of view – точка зрения point vt|i – указывать, привлекать внимание (предметы, вещи) point out – указывать, показывать (ошибки) pointless – бесцельный, бессмысленный dream n 1. сон 2. мечта dream vi 1. фантазировать, 2. мечтать, 3. видеть сны. dreamy adj. 1. мечтательный, 2. сонливый dreamer n 1. мечтатель, 2. фантазер mix vt|i 1. мешать, смешивать, перемешивать to mix up – путать to be mixed up in smth. – быть замешанным в чем-то mixer n 1. миксер 2. общительный, коммуникабельный человек mixed adj. 1. смешанный mixed school – смешанная школа для мальчиков и девочек to get mixed – спутываться suspicion n – подозрение to arouse suspicion – вызывать подозрения

above suspicion – вне подозрений on suspicion – по подозрению under suspicion – под подозрением suspicious adj. – 1.подозрительный, 2.сомнительный to be (to get, to feel) suspicious of smb. about smth. At first they were suspicious of him. suspect vt – подозревать, полагать conscious adj. – 1. сознающий, понимающий 2. уверенный 3. разумны. 4. сознательный unconscious - бессознательный, непроизвольный, несознающий self-conscious – самоуверенный consciousness n – сознание to lose consciousness – терять сознание to recover (regain) consciousness – приходить в себя interfere vt – 1. |in вмешиваться (в речь, в дела) 2. |with мешать (interfere with one‟s independence) interfering adj. – вмешивающийся (interfering people) interference n – вмешательство constant adj. – постоянный (constant complaints), 2. верный, неизменный (constant friend) constantly adv. – постоянно, часто resist vt – 1. противостоять (to resist the enemy), 2. сопротивляться, воспротивиться (resist temptation) one cannot resist doing smth. – не смочь удержаться resistance n – 1. Сопротивление wrinkle-resistance fabric – немнущаяся ткань heat-resistant – жароустойчивый the line of least resistance – линия наименьшего сопротивления irresistible adj. – непреодолимый, неотразимый, неудержимый reflect vt|i – 1. отражать(свет), отражать (изображение в зеркале), 2. отображать, 3.размышлять. reflection n – 1. отражение, 2. размышление, раздумье on reflection – подумав 10. admire vt – 1. восхищаться, любоваться (to admire somebody‟s presence of mind, to admire a picture) admirable adj. – превосходный, замечательный (as admirable opportunity) admiration n – восхищение, преклонение to have (feel) admiration for somebody) – восхищаться (преклоняться перед) кем-либо

to win (to arose) somebody‟s admiration – заслужить восхищение, признание Word combinations and Phrases to suffer from – страдать от, претерпевать as a result – в результате, как следствие to have great difficulty with – иметь серьезные трудности с чемлибо

to resemble smb/smth – напоминать что-либо to be somebody‟s cup of tea – подходить, соответствовать to come in contact with somebody – налаживать контакт, вступать в контакт, контактировать to raise a problem – ставить задачу, поднимать проблему to have impact on smb – повлиять на что-либо (резко) to make oneself clear – изъясняться, прояснять, высказаться ясно to react to smth. – воздействовать на что-либо, реагировать, отзываться, противодействовать to influence smb. – влиять, воздействовать на кого-либо to have an influence on smb. – иметь влияние на кого-либо to (in) some degree – в некотором отношении, в некоторой степени to succeed in smth. – преуспеть, иметь успех P.46 ex.5 1. This student is very shy. Maybe it be difficult for her to come in contact with the group. 2. We can belive her explanations to some degree. 3. He has succeeded in the life. 4. Joe always had impact on her very much. 5. Carpets suffered from the damp. 6. Your story resembles the plot of a film I have seen recently. 7. The big accumulation of nuclear weapons in the in the contemporary world raises a problem of its fastest destruction. 8. Change of the secondary school to compulsory education of eleven years raise different problems for teachers. 9. As a result of their discussion Mr. Maison get all necessary information. 10. The stage director had great difficulty with the new troupe. 11. How do you like the classic music? - It‟s not to my taste. I like juzz more. 12. The scientists hope that in twenty first century earthmen will be able to come in contact with other civilizations. 13. No lack of rivers and lakes influences formation the microclimate of a country. 14. Mr. Mansves react to remark of his brother with dignity. 15. He made himself clear. 16. His group is occupied with research of influence of this

substance on microorganisms‟ vital functions. 17. These vegetables resemble pears by shape. What are they? P.47 ex.8
Привести хотя бы одну причину to cite a single reason Исключительное положение среди режиссёров pre-eminence among film

Соприкосновение с действительностью contacts with reality or channels to it Кинопроектор a projection device Рождение писателя the genesis of a writer Мне всегда не хватало слов I always lacked words Огромная потребность иметь контакт с аудиторией an enormous need for

contact with an audience
Обида на критиков resentment against the critics Руководить театром to ran a theatre Музыка не исходит из веления разума music is nondiscursive Вы всё воспринимаете в искажённом свете your view is distorted В фильме слишком много изображения picture is excessive Ощущать техническую несостоятельность to felt technically crippled

P.53 ex.5
Упустить самое главное to be off the point Говорит по существу to speak (to stick, to keep, to be) to the point Быть склонным принять предложение to on the point of accepting an offer Фантазёр dreamer Страшный сон nightmare, bad dream Видеть во сне to dream of/about

Мечтать стать художником to dream of becoming an artist Быть замешанным в к-л деле to be mixed up in smth. Общительный человек mixer Спутать адреса to mix up the addresses Смешать муку с сахаром to mix floar with sugar По подозрению on suspicion Подозревать в воровстве to suspect of stealing Вне подозрения above suspicion Подозрительный человек a suspicious man Прийти в сознание to recover (regain) consciousness Вмешиваться в чужие дела to interfere in other people's business Мешать работе to interfere with work Постоянная работа a constant work Постоянный успех a constant success Постоянные головные боли constant headache Линия наименьшего сопротивления the line of least resistance Не поддаться искушению to resist a temptation Неотразимое очарование an irresistible fascination Отразить нападение to resist attack Поразмыслив on reflection Восхитительная няня an admirable nanny Восхищаться мудрым доктором to have (feel) admiration for the wise doctor Чувствовать восхищение перед актёрами have (feel) admiration for actors

P.53 ex.6

A. 1. I‟m sorry but I can‟t spare you much time. Get to the point, please. 2. Tom respired. “I didn‟t ever think we would reach a settlement on every point”, said he. 3. I‟m afraid there is no point in repairing these old shoes, they won‟t get better for it. 4. When it came to the push/point, Ruth didn‟t lift a hand to help us. 5. I‟d like to point out some weak points in your article. 6. The dream was so unusual that I woke up. 7. I dreamed that I was in the country again. 8. I dreamed you again yesterday. 9. It wouldn‟t cross my mind to ask such questions in front of strangers. 10. She was moving as if dreaming all day long. 11. I was listening his story about the expedition with mixed feelings of fear and admiration. 12. Why do you always mix their surnames up? They are not alike at all. 13. Take butter, eggs, flour and candied fruits and mix them well. 14. At first it is necessary to dilute/mix starch with cold water and then add boiled water. 15. In my opinion, the advantages of mixed school are quite evident. 16. They have a good flat, but the first that strikes one's eye is mixing of two utterly different tastes. 17. Do you have any reasons to suspect me of lie? 18. When Clyde was arrested on suspicion on the murder he still hoped that he would manage to hide the traces of his terrible crime. 19. The porter assured he hadn‟t seen any suspicious types. 20. Gray know months would pass before some suspicion spring up. 21. He might be a good specialist but really and truly his way of speaking with conscious superiority is extremely unpleasant./ He might be a good specialist but really and truly his self-conscious way of speaking is extremely unpleasant. 22. Geologists went on their difficult way without feeling the imminent danger. 23. The boy stammers a bit so he is very shy and is afraid to say a word in front of strangers. 24. The doctor bent over the sick man that had lost consciousness. After a while the sick man recovered consciousness and asked, “Where I am?” 25. The doctor said she was not ill, it might be she had lost consciousness for stuffiness. B. 1. We may not let fun to interfere with work. 2. I had a strong wish to tell her not to interfere with my business. 3. Unfortunately your elder sister always interferes with our arguments. 4. I go to the country tomorrow unless anything interfere with my plans. 5. It interferes with my plans. 6. I suppose, you encroach on my independence. 7. The constant talking of the children get on old ladies nerves. 8. How I‟m tired of your constant complaints. 9. It‟s very important for a man to have a constant friend. 10. The detachment resisted attack, but didn‟t get superiority over the enemy yet. 11. The enemy was not able to resist

already. 12. The modern aircrafts get easily over air resistance. 13. The Pain was so violent that the sick man couldn‟t resist crying. 14. I‟d advice you so much to force yourself and to resist her influence. 15. Andrew couldn‟t resist breaking into laughter. 16. Who could resist such a temptation? 17. I must confess there is an irresistible fascination in singing of this woman. 18. Bright lights of advertisements reflected in the dark water of the river. 19. Reflecting on the adventure of the last night, Freddie admired his friend that has showed such a presence of his mind. 20. All felt uncomfortable when the boy had interfered with the talk. 21. He believes it will interfere with his career. 22. Unfortunally I couldn‟t give you her constant address. 23. The tourists were standing in front of an ancient cathedral admiring his beauty. 24. One cannot help feeling admiration for men who reach their goal in spite of difficulties. 25. I have no doubt Maria becomes an admirable wife and loving mother. P.56 ex.13 1. Soon he saw a way in front of him. 2. He got up and stand in front of the picture. 3. I have a ticket for 10.15, you come before me. 4. He knelt before her. 5. You wanted to abese me in front of everyone. 6. Since our meeting many things got better. 7. The picture was damaged by fire and hasn‟t been restored since then. 8. For how long haven‟t you had your hair cut? 9. I wanted to tell her everithing but she left the next day and I haven‟t her seen since then. 10. A week has passed since I made inquiries. There is no answer for now. Unit III Text three(p.71) To sir, with love By E.R.Braithwaite The Guianan diplomatist Eustace Braithwaite was born in 1912 in British Guiana. He flew летал with the R.A.F. (Royal Air Force) during the war years. After the war colour prejudice precluded препятствовать him from obtaining the kind of job for which his scientific qualifications fitted him. From 1950-1957 he warked as a school-teacher. In the sixties he was a Permanent Representative of Guiana to the UN ООН. In 1959 Braithwaite won the Ainsfield Wolff Literary Award in London‟s East End. The other books that came from his

pen are A kind of Homecoming возвращение домой(1961), Paid Servant(1962), A Choice of Straws(1965), Reluctant вынужденный Neighbours (1972). Chapter 8 (Extract) Each Friday morning the whole school spent the pre-recess предканикулярный period in writing their Weekly Review. This was one of the old Man‟s pet scemes проект: and one about which he would brook no interference не терпеть вмешательства. Each child would review the events of his school week in his own words, in his own way; he was free to comment, to criticise, to agree or disagree, with any person, subject or method, as long as it was in some way associated with the school. No one and nothing was sacred священный, from the Headmaster down, and the child, moreover более того, was safe from any form of reprisal расправы. “Look at this way,” Mr. Florian said. “It is of advantage преимущество to both pupils and teacher. If a child wants to write about something which matters to him, he will take some pains усилия to set it down изложить письменно as carefully and with as much detail as possible: that must in some way improve улучшать his written English in terms of spelling, construction and style. Week by week we are able, through his riview, to follow and observe his progress in such things. As for the teachers, we soon get a pretty good idea what the children think of us and whether or так или иначе not we are getting close to them†You will discover that these children are reasonably достаточноfair справедливый, посредственный, even when they comment on us. If we are careless about our clothing, manners or person they will soon notice it, and it would be pointless бессмысленно to be angry with them for pointing such things out указывать. Finally, from the reviews, the sensible teacer will observe the trend тенденцию, курс, направление of individual and collective interests and plan his work accordingly.” On the first Friday of my association with the class I was anxious озабочен to discover what sort of figure производимое впечатление I cut in front of them, and what kind of comment they would make about me. I read through some of the reviews at lunch-time, and must admit признать to a mixture of relief

облегчение and disappointment разочарование at discovering that, apart from mentioning упоминание they had a new “blackie” teacher, very little attention

was given to me† It occurred приходить на ум to me that they probably imagined I would be as transient временный as my many predecessors , and therefore поэтому saw no point in wasting either time or effort in writing about me. But if I had made so little impression on them, it must be my own fault, I decided. It was up причина to me to find some way to get through справиться to them. Thereafter после этого, соответственно I tried very hard to be a successful teacher with my class, but somehow так или иначе, as day followed day in painful мучительный, тягосный procession караван, I realized понять that I was not making the grade добиваюсь успеха. I bought and read books on the psychology of teaching in an effort to discover some way of providing обеспечивать the children with the sort of intellectual challenge задача, проблема to which they would respond реагировать, but the suggested methods somehow did non meet сорикасаться my particular need, and just did not work. It was as if I were trying to reach the children through a thick pane of glass оконное стекло, so remote труднодоступный and uninterested they seemed. Looking back, I realize that in fact I passed through three phases in my relationship with them. The first was the silent treatment, and during that time, for my first few weeks, they would do any task I set them without question or protest, but equally without interest or enthusiasm; and if their interest was not required for the task in front of them would sit and stare at me with the same careful patient attention a birdwatcher наблюдатель птиц devotes посвящать, отдавать to the rare feathered пернатый visitor†

I took great pains не жалел сил with the planning of my lessons, using illustrations from the familiar things of their own background окружение. I created various problems within the domestic framework, and tried to encourage their participation, but it was as though как если бы there were a conspiracy заговор of indifference, and my attempts попытки at informality естественность, неофициальность fell pitifully плачевно flat провалиться.

Gradually they moved on to the second and more annoying phase of their campaign, the “noisy” treatment. It‟s true to say that all of them did not actively join in this but those who did not were obviously in same symphaty with those who did. During a lesson, especially one in wich it was necessary for me to read or spak to them, someone would lift the lid of a desk and then let it fall with a loud bang громкий удар; the culprit виновник would merely только sit and look at me with wide innocent eyes as if it were an accident. They knew as well as I did that there was nothing I could do about it, and I bore перенести it with as much show of aplomb уверенность в себе as could manage. One or two such interruptions during a lesson were usually enough to destroy its planned continuity целостность† So I felt angry and frustrated растроенный when they rudely нагло interrupted that which was being done purely for their own benefit польза. One morning I was reading to them some simple poetry. Just when I thought I had inveigled вовлечь them into active interest one of the girls, Monica Page, let the top of the desk fall; the noise seemed to reverberate раскатисто раздаваться in every part of my being and I felt a sudden burning anger. I looked at her some moments before daring отважиться to open my mouth; she returned my gaze, then casually случайно remarked to the class at large целиком, пространно : “The bleeding проклятый thing won‟t stay up” не ложиться спать. It was all rather deliberate умышленный, заранее спланированный, the noisy interruption and the crude грубый remark, and it heralded возвестило the third stage of their conduct. From then on с тех пор the words “bloody” or “bleeding” were hardly ever едва ли когда-нибудь absent from отсутствовали any remark they made to one another especilally in the classroom. They would call out вызыватьto each other on any silly pretext отговорка, предлог and refer обращаться to the “bleeding” this or that то или другое, and always in a voice loud enough for my ears. One day during an arithmetic period I played right into their hands. I was so overcome by anger and disgust недовольство that I completely lost my temper выйти из себя† I went upstairs and sat in the library, the only place where I could be alone for a little while. I felt sick боль at heart, because it seemed that this latest act, above all others, was intended to display their utter абсолютное disrespect for me. They seemed to have no sense of decency приличия, these children; everythying they

said or did was coloured by an ugly мерзкий viciousness злоба, as if their minds were forever rooting укоренены after filth грязь, мерзость. “Why, oh why,” I asked myself, “did they behave like that? What was wrong with them?” school n – 1) учебное заведение для детей (nursery school – детский сад, primary school – начальная школа, secondary school – среднее учебное заведение, boarding school – пансион, compulsory school age – обязательное образование) 2) (без артикля) учебное время, процесс обучения, занятия. 3) ученический состав. 4) любое учебное заведение, отделение университета, факультет (ballet school – балетная школа law school – школа права) 5) организация людей по интересам to go to school, to be at school – учиться в школе schooling n – обучение, образование scholar n – ученый (особенно филолог) scholarship n – стипендия advantage n – 1) преимущество, выгода 2) польза, прибыль to have (win, gain, give smb.) an advantage (over smb.) – иметь преимущество перед к-либо to have the advantage of – иметь преимущество в чем-либо to take advantage of smth. – воспользоваться чем-либо to take advantage of an opportunity – воспользоваться возможностью to advantage – в выгодном свете, с лучшей стороны to be seen (heard, shown, exhibited) to advantage – выглядеть, показывать с лучшей стороны disadvantage n – невыгодное положение, ущерб, вред admit vt/I – 1) впускать (в помещение, т.е. позволить войти) 2) вступить, принять (в школу, институт, партию) 3) вмещать (помещение), позволять (в пространственном отношении) 4) признать, -вать (ошибки, вину, неправоту) deny – отрицать admission n – 1) вход, допуск (admission is free – вход свободный, admission is by ticket – вход по билетам, to apply for admission to institute, party – подать документы, заявление на вступление в институт, партию), условия допуска. 2) признание (вины) waste vt/i – 1) расточать, тратить в пустую, портить (to waste one‟s time, money, efforts, energy, work – тратить время, деньги, усилия, силы, портить работу)

Vocabulary notes.

to waste away – чахнуть, умирать waste n – 1) трата, небрежное отношение 2) мусор, отбросы to lay waste – опустошить, уничтожить (to lay waste a country,city – уничтожить страну, город) waste adj. – бесполезный, ненужный, лишний, негодный (waste paper – макулатура, waste paper basket – корзина для бумаг) wasteful adj. – расточительный, разорительный, не расчетливый back vt/i – 1) двигаться назад, пятиться 2) поддерживать ( to back smb. or smb.‟s proposal, plan – поддержать кого-либо или чьелибо предложение, план) back n – 1) спина 2) задняя часть чего-либо (здания – the back of the house, затылок (back of one‟s head), спинка стула – the back of a chair) 3) задний (сиденье, улица, зуб) to stand with one‟s back to the window – стоять спиной к окну to turn one‟s back to (the audience, the window) – повернуться спиной к аудитории, окну to turn one‟s back on smb. – повернуться спиной (т.е. не помочь) at the back of one‟s mind – в подсознании, на уме to do smth. behind smb. back – делать что-либо за чьей-то спиной back adv. – 1) назад, 2) просроченный, старый (газета, журнал) to go (run, turn, be, come) back – идти назад, убегать, поворачиваться назад, возвращаться to go back on one‟s word – нарушить слово, отказаться от своих слов to keep smth back from smb. – скрывать что-либо back from – в стороне, на некотором расстоянии back and forth – туда и сюда backbreaking adj. – сложный, тяжелый (труд, работа) backbone – позвоночник to the backbone – полностью, до мозга костей background n – 1) фон, задний план 2) задняя сторона, изнанка 3) биография on (against) the background of smth. – на фоне чего-либо on (against) a some background – на каком-либо фоне to keep (stay, be, remain) in the background – держаться в тени, позади backward adj. – обратный, отсталый, тот который позади backwards adv. – на оборот, назад require vt – требовать, испытывать потребность, требоваться syn. demand – требовать, нуждаться requirement – требование (to meet the requirements of people – отвечать требованиям людей)

reference n – 1) ссылка (на что-либо), 2) рекомендации (для коголибо) 3) сноска refer vt/I – 1) отсылать, пересылать 2) ссылаться, относиться 3) сверяться temper n – 1) нрав, характер (a person of even, pleasant, fiery temper) (hot-tempered – вспыльчивый, good-tempered - , bad-tempered – злой, раздражительный) 2) настроение (to be in a temper – быть в плохом настроении) to lose one‟s temper – выйти из себя, потерять самообладание to control (keep) one‟s temper – держать себя в руках, под контролем to get (to fly) into a temper – рассердиться display vt – 1) выставлять, показывать (to display pictures, goods in a shop-window) 2) проявлять (героизм, храбрость, презрение(contempt)) display n – показ, выставка, проявление (a display of bad temper, fashion display) fine display of smth. – достойный пример чего-либо decent adj. – 1) приличный, скромный, славный, порядочный decency n – приличие, благопристойность, совесть Word combinations and Phrases to take (some) pains to do smth. – прилагать усилия чтоб сделать что-либо to have a pretty good idea of – прекрасно отдавать себе отчет reasonably fair – в разумных пределах to make (no) comment – (не) прокомментировать, ничего не сказать in fact – в сущности to set a task – поставить задачу to feel frustrated – беспокоиться to play into smb. hands – сыграть на руку, подфартить utter disrespect – неуважение, отсутствие уважения

P.71 ex.3 1. How dare you laugh at the old woman? 2. He has felt sick since Monday. 3. His love for books is well known in the group. 4. How wonderful the roses smell! 5. The child didn‟t dare to ask his question to the teacher. 6. Judy felt deep respect for the tutor. 7. Your words sounded silly enough. 8. Mary felt angry and frustrated when she had heard the explanation of the girl. 9. How dare you

speak to me in such a way? 10. That morning she felt fine in was in the perfect mood. 11. It‟s up to you to show your friend round town. 12. They felt cool, hungry and bushed. 13. I think it‟s up to children to make friends. 14. Helen was always distinguished by her amazing affection for her younger sister. 15. It was possible to see all her contempt for the young man. P.78 ex.5 1. To be annoyed with you is to play into your hands. 2. They set a very difficult task before me and I had to do it. 3. We are able to buy this set of furniture, it‟s expensive but reasonably fair. 4. The young teacher was unhappy that not all pupils of his class had the habit of expressive reading. 5. I can‟t say I liked this play, in fact, I was bored to death. 6. The fortune played into our hands and we found what we had been looking for. 7. She always feels frustrated for her son, when he left. 8. Mr. Potter made no comment upon the speaker‟s speech. 9. I have a pretty good idea of why they come to see my every week. 10. I respect you deeply and sincerely but my utter disrespect for your brother renders impossible our friendship. 11. In fact he set a task before us. 12. There is no need to feel frustrated for this news. 15. Her utter disrespect didn‟t make easy the life in the family at all. P.79 ex.8
Последний урок перед большой переменой the pre-recess period Не терпеть вмешательства to brook no interference Обязательное сочинение, которое пишется каждую неделю the Weekly

Записать что-л to set down smth. Совершенствовать навыки писменной английской речи to improve written

Достаточно честные (объективные) reasonably fair Указать to point out Узнать, что интересует учащихся to observe the trend of individual and collective


Первое знакомство the first Friday of my association Быть вне себя от гнева to lost temper Как я выгляжу в их глазах what sort of figure I cut in front of them Долго не задержусь I would be as transient Отсутствие всяческого уважения utter disrespect Оказался не на высоте to fell pitifully flat Давать пищу для размышлений to occur Редкая птичка rare feathered По всякому глупому поводу on any silly pretext Держаться самоуверенно to bore smth. with as much show of aplomb Сочувствовали тем кто were in same symphaty with Прерывать урок to interrupt lesson

P.86 ex.6 A. Средняя школа secondary school
Учёный scholar Обучение в школе schooling Получить право на стипендию to be eligible for a scholarship Учиться в школе to go to school, to be at school Хореографическое училище choreographic school Голландская школа живописи Dutch school of painting Школа-интернат college, boarding school Иметь преимущество to have the advantage of Воспользоваться ч-л to take advantage of smth В выгодном свете to advantage

Принять в члены to admit Принять в институт to admit to the institute Признавать to admit Соглашаться to admit Признаться в ошибке to admit one's fault Вход по билетам admission is by ticket Входная плата admission fee Подавать заявление о приёме в институт to apply for admission to institute Признание своей вины admission Чахнуть to waste away Опустошать to lay waste Пустырь waste ground, waste, wasteland Попусту тратить слова waste one‟s words Транжира waster Повернуться спиной к to turn one‟s back to Делать чт-л за спиной кого-л to do smth. behind smb. back Подсознательно at the back of one‟s mind Затылок back of one‟s head Нарушить слово to go back on one‟s word Скрывать ч-л to keep smth back from smb До мозга костей to the backbone Оставаться в тени to keep (stay, be, remain) in the background Расскажи мне о себе tell me your background

B. Удовлетворять потребности satisfy a demand

Выполнять требования fulfil a requirement Письма, требующие ответа letters requiring an answer Рекомендации reference Справочник reference book Иметь отношение к ч-л to refer Отсылать к к-л to refer Ссылаться на ч-л to refer Владеть собой to control (keep) one‟s temper Необузданный нрав fiery temper Вспыльчивый характер hot-tempered Быть в хорошем настроении be in a good / cheerful mood Быть раздражённым to feel / be aggravated Вспылить to fire up Выставлять картины to display pictures Демонстрировать товары to display goods Проявлять смелость to display courage Выставлять напоказ to make a display Приличные условия decent conditions Скромное поведение decent conduct Хороший обед decent meal

P.86 ex.7 A. 1. Professor White is a leading scholar. It‟s a great honour for our school to meet him at our school. 2. I has known heem for a long time. We went to the same scool. 3. The girl was eligible for a scholarship and could study arts in Italy. 4. School begins at half past eight. 5. Tomorrow there won‟t school. 6. The

boy has cough that‟s why I didn‟t let him go to school. 7. She has an advantage over other students: she speaks English at home. 8. He has the advantage of knowing all students to a man. 9. Do you really think I won‟t take advantage of this case? 10. It was a very plain dress, but it showed her lovely figure to advantage. 11. She is too proud to accept money from you, but she doesn‟t want to admit it. 12. How many students were admitted to the institute this year? 13. We were not admitted into the hall because the performance had been already started. 14. Don‟t forget admission is by ticket today. 15. Thirty thousands of viewers can be admitted to the stadium. 16. It‟s a pity so mach efforts have been wasted. 17. I felt uncomfortable for a moment. I thought, he would tell me then, that I waste my valuable time chatting on the phone. 18. “Some people watch television for hours, and in my opinion, it‟s a waste of tame,” said Nicolas, “there is nothing better for me than reading of a good book.” 19. Though she was very tired, she was very pleased to realize, the day was not wasted. 20. You had to tell me truth. It‟ s the only way if you want I would back your proposal. 21. The man who goes back on his word deserves no credit. 22. Don‟t you think it‟s to your advantage to tell me everything? 23. Their cottage has the advantage of situation that is in a wood away from the road. 24. Look, how beautiful this pine against a background of the evening sky. 25. I can‟t understand what is it on the background of the picture. 26. The work at the old mine was backbreaking. 27. My room was in the back of the house. B. 1. The article is decent but in my opinion it requires more examples. 2. Eliza recognized they wouldn‟t require her services soon. 3. There is one letter left, but it doesn‟t require any answer. 4. We do our best to meet all increasing requirements of people in our country. 5. He turned down our invitation saying his presence was required in other place. 6. It‟s necessary to find put beforehand what documents are required to be admitted in this institute. 7. If you had done everything required you wouldn‟t get into difficulties now. 8. The scholar referred some times to the recent experiments in his report. 9. She displayed the excellent references. 10. I was referred to the editor because he had all reference books. 11. I will refer gingerly, but in my opinion he didn‟t refer to your letters. 12. Your uncle is a person of fiery temper. He would brook no interference. 13. Do you really think I would back this silly contract? 14. Stella, what‟s the matter with you? You shouldn‟t lose your temper even though you lose the set. It's simply ridiculous! 15. Walter made a point to keep in abeyance, when he is out of

temper. 16. Since the day Carrie had seen the dress in displayed in a shopwindow she has been dreaming to buy it. 17. James rarely displayed any signs of excitement. 18. I admit you have displayed bravery, being alone in the forest. 19. That was very prudent on your part to save us from the need to meet this unpleasant man. 20. Anyhow he displayed a good treatment for me before others. P.89 ex.14 1. There are shops on both sides of the street. 2. After receiving his telegram I went to the station. 3. On the level, I didn‟t do it. 4. No matter what I did, I just failed to keep my mind on the actors‟ playing that night. 5. Hold on to a handrail on this icy surface, please. 6. Continue, please, I hear you. 7. Do you really mean to say you have never gone camping? 8. On a warm September day children went to school for the first time. 9. Well, show me what is there in your basket? 10. Ann was overtaken by grief when friends and relatives turned their back up her. 11. John liked when Mary put on blouse and skirt in the evenings. 12. It‟s no easy to found such a teacher, there is one in a thousand like him. 13. The village was situated to the northward of the river. 14. He always tried to make a businessman out of me. 15. It was stupid of him even think of her. Unit IV Speech patterns. 1. He pointed without looking †(не посмотрев) Mr. Finch poured (подлил) himself out some tea, without asking me. And without waiting for her answer he turned and left us. 2. She hated it more than ever. (сильнее чем когда-либо) He felt better than ever. Paul works harder than ever. I love her more than ever. 3. Why would anyone write about school? (С какой стати, с чего бы это) Why would I do a thing like that? 4. Why would she go to them? They dislike each other. The man isn‟t smart enough. She was lucky enough to get a job on television. She‟s pretty enough to twist any man round her little finger. He was kind enough to ask the same question every day.(Он был достаточно добр†)

5. My father knows as much as my teacher. He likes swimming almost as much as his brother. He worked as hard as the rest of the group. 6. Tommy screamed with laughter. The audience shrieked (завопила) with laughter. She squealed (завизжала) with excitement. (завизжала от восторга) Katie flushed with pleasure (вне себя от удовольствия). How the kids must have loved it. 7. How weak she must have been. (Как она должно быть была слаба) What a comfort you must have been to your mother. How he must have loved her in the beginning. P.108 ex.1 1. I led him to the study without getting weary. 2. She turned away without a word. 3. Pete is more helpless than ever. 4. The weather is better than ever. 5. Why would he want to go to such trouble? 6. Why wouldn‟t the girl marry him? 7. She was not clever enough to read the Shakespeare in original. 8. She was still young enough to take part in a beauty contest. 9. The boy laughed as loudly as mockingbird. 10. She couldn‟t jump as high as Sergey Bubka. 11. He grew merry as a cricket and as excited as a puppy. 12. The play was so comic that they roared with laughter. 13. How tired she must have been. 14. How they must have like this man when he made them laugh. P.108 ex.2 1. Why should he come bothering you without being invited? 2. She disappeared into the kitchen without taking notice of the girl. 3. Now John plays the piano better than ever. 4. Marry speaks English better than ever. 5. Why would he wish to throw aside such an opportunity? 6. Why would I wish to go the trouble of looking after him? 7. She was clever enough to get what she wanted. 8. He was a nice kid old enough to have his driver license. 9. The boy laughed as loudly as a foal when he took a ride on a merry-go-round. 10. Kate flushed with pleasure. P.109 ex.3 1. The boy went to a skating-rink without saing about this to his mother. 2. He came without invitation and felt ill at ease. 3. In this contest he had a bigger then ever advantage over his competitors. 4. He wished to go on a gourney more than ever. 5. Why would I accept her invitation? I dislike her very much. 6. Why would Tom spare your feelings? You were tactless yourself. 7. The family feud was deep enough to break off all relationships with each other. 8. She was

decided enough to get on with her work. 9. The bushes were thick as much as a brush. 10. I don‟t like this dish as much as you. 11. She looked pretty as much as a picture from an illustrated magazine. 12. Sitting in front of a television, the children were shrieking with laughter. 13. Ann cried out with excitement when had seen an envelope in the box. 14. How he must have admired this picture. 15. How hard it must have been to row against the current! Text four(p.109) The fun they had By I. Asimov A professor of biochemistry and science writer, I. Asimov is well-known as science fiction выдумка, худ. Литература writer as well. In 1957 he won the Edison Foundation award for building Blocks of the Universe, and in 1960 the Howard W. Blakeslee award for The Living River in which he analysed the chemical composition of the blood and related it to other manifestations проявление in our universe. He is also the author of The Intelligent Man‟s Guide to Sciences, an encyclopedic work covering in brief essay all of science for the layman непрофессионал. Besides all this, Lucky Stars and The Pirates of the Asteroids (1953), The Kingdom of the Sun (1960), The End of eternity (1962) are only a few science fiction books that came from under his pen. Margie even wrote about it that night in her diary. On the page headed May 17, 2157,she wrote, “Today Tommy found a real book!” It was a very old book. Margie‟s grandfather once said that when he was a little boy his grandfather told him that there was a time when all stories were printed on paper. They turned the pages, which were yellow and crinkly сморщенный, and it was awfully funny to read words that stood still instead of moving the way they were supposed to – on a screen, you know. And then, when they turned back to the page before, it has been the same words on it that it had been when they read it the first time. “Gee, вот здорово” said Tommy, “what a waste расточительство. When you‟re through прекратить, покончить with the book, you just throw it away, I gess.

Our television screen must have had a million books on and it‟s good for plenty more. I wouldn‟t throw it away. “Same with mine,” said Margie. She was eleven and hadn‟t seen as many telebooks as Tommy had. He was thirteen. She said, “Where did you find it?” “In my house.” He pointed without looking, because he was busy reading. “In the attic мансарда, чердак.” “What‟s about?” “School.” Margie was scornful презрительный, насмешливый. “School? What‟s there to write about school? I hate school.” Margie always hated school, but now she hated it more than ever. The mechanical teacher had been giving her test after test in geography and she had been doing worse and worse until her mother had shaken her head sorrowfully печально and sent for the County округ Inspector. He was a round little man with a red face and a whole box of tools, with dials циферблат and wires провод.He smiled at Margie and gave her an apple, then took the teacher apart. Margie had hoped he wouldn‟t know how to put it together again, but he knew all right, and, after an hour or so, there it was again, large and black and ugly, with a big screen on wich all the lessons were shown and the questions were asked. That wasn‟t so bad. The part Margie hated most was the slot отверстие where she had to put homework and test papers. She always had to write them out in a punch code код перфокарты they made her calculated the mark знак in no time моментально. The inspector has smiled after he was finished and patted Margie‟s head. He said to her mather, “It‟s not the little girl‟s fault, Mrs. Jones, I think the geography sector was geared зацеплятьс, приводить в движение a little too quick. Those things happen sometimes. I‟ve slowed it up сокращать to an average ten year level. Actually, the overall общий pattern of her progress is quite satisfactory.” And he patted Margie‟s head again.

Margie was disappointed разочарована, She had been hoping they would take away for nearly a month because the history sector had blanked out заперт, погашен, очищен completely. So she said to Tommy. “Why would anyone write about school?” Tommy looked at her with very superior eyes. “Because it‟s not our kind of cshool, stupid. This is the old kind of school that they had hundreds and hundreds years ago.” He added loftily надменно, pronouncing the word carefully тщательно, “Centuries ago.” Margie was hurt задета. “Well, I don‟t know what kind of school they had all that time ago.” She read the book over his shoulder for a while, then said, “Anyway, they had a teacher.” “Sure, they had a teacher, but it wasn‟t a regular teacher. It was a man.” “A man? How could a man be a teacher?” “Well, he just told the boys and girls things and gave them homework and asked them questions.” “A man isn‟t smart enough.” “Sure he is. My father knows as much as my teacher.” “He can‟t. A man can‟t know as much as a teacher.” “He knows almost as much, I betcha держу пари.” Margie wasn‟t prepared to dispute that.. She said. “I wouldn‟t want a strange man in my house to teach me.” Tommy screamed with laughter, “You don‟t know much, Margie. The teachers didn‟t live in the house. They had a special building and all the kids went there.” “And all the kids learned the same things.” “Sure, if they were the same age.” “But my mother says a teacher has to be adjusted отрегулирован to fit the mind of each boy and girl it teaches and that each kid has to be tought differently.”

“Just the same they didn‟t do it that way then. If you don‟t like it, you don‟t have to read the book.” “I didn‟t say I didn‟t like it,” Margie said quickly. She wanted to read about those funny schools. They weren‟t even half-finished, when Margie‟s mother called, “Margie! School!” Marglie looked up. “Not yet, Mamma.” “Now!” said Mrs. Jones. “ And it‟s probably time for Tommy, too.” Margie said to Tommy, “Can I read the book some more with you after school?” “Maybe,” he said nonchalantly небрежно, бесстрастно. He walked away, whistling, the dusty old book tucked спрятаться beneath под his arm. Margie went into the schoolroom. It was right next to her bedroom and the mechanical teacher was on был на месте and waiting for her. It was always on at the same time every day, except Saturday and Sunday, because her mother said little girls learned better if they learned at regular hours. The screen lit up зажечься, and it said: “Today‟s arithmetic lesson is on the addition of proper fractions правильных дробей. Please insert yesterday‟s homewework in the proper нужный slot.” Margie did so with a sigh. She was thinking about the old schools they had when her grandfather‟s neighbourhood соседи came laughing and shouting in the schoolyard, sitting together in schoolroom, going home together at the end of the day. They learned the same things, so they could help one another on the homework and talk about it. And the teachers were people† The mechanical teacher was flashing отражать on the screen: “When we add the fractions ½ and ¼ - “Marglie was thinking about how the kids must have loved it in the old days. She was thinking about the fun they had. Vocabulary notes.

stand vi – 1) стоять (to stand still, motionless – стоять неподвижно); to stand with one‟s back to smb – стоять спиной; to stand in one‟s light – загораживать свет; to stand leaning against smth. – наклониться над чем-либо; to stand in a line – стоять в очереди (ряду, шеренге) 2) переносить что-либо ( to stand heat, pain, his jokes, the climate – переносить жару, боль, его шутки, климат и т.д.) 3) оставаться неизменным, в силе (the agreement stands – соглашение в силе) 4) позволять(финансово) (to stand treat – позволить развлечение 5) поддерживать (to stand by each other – поддерживать друг друга) 6) быть, представлять (He stands 6 foot in height – Его рост 6 футов) to stand on end – встать дыбом to stand out – выделяться to stand up for smb.(smth.) – защищать, поддерживать кого-либо, что-либо it stands to reason – само собой разумеется to stand one‟s ground – стоять на своем to stand for – значить (в аббревиатуре) (M.P. stands for Member of Parliament. hate vt – 1) ненавидеть, желать зла hate n hatred – ненависть, предмет ненависти hateful adj. – ненавистный, отвратительный, омерзительный hatred n hate – ненависть, отвращение smile vi/t – 1) улыбаться (Fortune has always smiled on (upon) him – ему везло, судьба улыбалась ему) 2) выражать с помощью улыбки, отгонять улыбкой – drive away by smiling, (smile away vexation,grief – отогнать улыбкой досаду, горе, печаль) smile n – 1) улыбка 2) благосклонность, поддержка (to enjoy the smiles of fortune – радоваться подаркам судьбы) to be all smiles – засиять в улыбке pat vi/t – 1) поглаживать, похлопывать, уложить(книги) pat n – похлопывание, шлепок to pat on the shoulder – потрепать за плечо, похлопать по плечу take vt/i – 1) взять (to take a person‟s hand) to take prisoner – взять в плен, to take hold of smth – подержать(ся); 2) взять, принять (to take a house for year, a first prize, a holiday, a nap, a chance – взять дом на год, первый приз, отпуск, вздремнуть, попробовать) 3) относить (take a letter to †) 4) проводить, отводить (take a guest home) 5) ( to take a pride – гордиться, to take an interest in politics – интересоваться политикой) 6) принимать в пишу, вдыхать(to take a deep breath) 7) принимать (take one‟s meaning, take smth for

granted) 8) take care what you say – думай что говоришь, take a notice – заметь. take after – походить на кого-либо, походить take down – 1) разнести (здание), 2) записать под диктовку take in – 1) брать (to take in lodgers – брать квартирантов) 2) делать меньше (to take in a dress – ушить платье) 3) понять (to take in a lecture – понять лекцию) 4) обмануть (to be taken in – быть обманутым) take off – 1) снять (hat, coat); 2) взлететь (the plane took of from the airport) 3) уйти, отправиться (неформально) (take yourself off – проваливай) take over – принимать, принимать в должность, вступать во владение, перенимать take to – 1) привязаться к кому-либо 2) увлечься (he took to gardening when he retired) take up – 1) занимать (the work takes up too much time); 2) принимать в себя (the bus took up passengers, a sponge takes up water) 3) продолжать (рассказ) (to take up one‟s story) take up with – ассоциироваться с чем-либо level n – 1) плоская поверхность, уровень, высота to be on a level with smth.(smb) – на уровне on the level – честный, честно level adj – 1) ровный, горизонтальный (level road, level ground, to make a surface level) 2) уравновешенный, уверенный (level voice, level head) flat – плоский level vt – 1) сровнять, выровнять (to level to the ground – сровнять с землей) 2) выравнивать горизонтально, целиться. regular adj. – 1) регулярный, постоянный (regular habits, to keep regular hours) 2) правильный, согласный стандартам (regular figure, regular features) 3) квалифицированный, настоящий (regular doctor, regular army) 4) законченный, совершенный (a regular rascal(мошенник)) regularly – регулярно, размеренно scream vt/i – 1) кричать, вскрикнуть (to scream in anger, to scream with laughter) 2) реветь (о двигателях) scream n – крик (пронзительный), вскрик a (perfect) scream fit vt/i – 1) подходить, быть в пору 2) подгонять (до нужного размера), оборудовать, соответствовать to fit smth. on – примерять, делать в пору to fit in – приноровляться, вязаться

fit adj. – 1) годный, подходящий 2) правильный 3) здоровый, годный love vt – 1) любить (to love one‟s parents, to love one‟s country) 2) любить (to love children) 3) любить, нравиться (to love comfort, golf, sunbathing) love n – 1) любовь (love of learning, of one‟s country) 2) любовь, страсть (между полами) to give (send) one‟s love to – слать сердечный привет not to be had for love or money – недосягаемый to be in love (with) – быть влюбленным (в кого-либо) to fall in love (with) – влюбиться (в кого-либо) to be (fall) head over heels in love with smb. – быть влюбленным (влюбиться) по уши affection – любовь, страдание devotion – сильная привязанность, преданность Word combinations and Phrases to be through with – закончить с чем-либо, завершить что-либо to give somebody a test in – дать контрольную по † to take smth. apart – разобрать что-либо to put smth. together – собрать что-либо in no time – моментально to read smth. over smb.‟s shoulder – подсмотреть в книгу to look at smth. over the shoulder – оглянуться (через плечо) to be adjusted to – быть привычным to get adjusted to – привыкнуть some more of – еще немного о † next to – рядом to flash smth. on a screen – высветиться (вспыхнуть) на экране P.116 ex.4 1. It may take a while to be through with that pile of work on Saturday. 2. I‟ll be through with this fellow. 3. The teacher gave us a test in English. 4. He gave to the class a test in homework. 5. It is much easier to take the recorder apart than to put it correctly together. 6. The dinning-room was empty, except for the table next to ours. 7. She put down the box of powder and looked at me over the shoulder. 8. A piano stool should be adjusted to the height of the player. 9. I was surprised that they returned in no time. 10. The mechanical teacher flashed a new picture on the screen. P.116 ex.5 1. He was glad to be through with his affairs. 2. Today I give to my class a test in English literature. 3. He was sorry that he had begun to repair the saver by

himself. It was easier to take it apart then to put it together. 4. Sometimes children take their toys apart to understand what made their thick. 5. I looked over the shoulder and saw the dog was following me. 6. I‟m sure you know the man that set next to you. 7. His eyes got adjusted to the darkness. 8. I beg you, tell me some more about her. 9. I looked over the shoulder and looked at the creek once more. 10. A new task was flashed on the screen of a teaching machine. P.116 ex.5
Записать в дневнике to write in the diary Покончить с чем.-л. to be through with smth. Покачать головой to shake smb.‟s head Разобрать на части to take apart Какая расточительность what a waste Дела у неѐ шли всѐ хуже и хуже she had been doing worse and worse Мгновенно in no time Смотреть на кого-л. с превосходством to look at smb. with very superior eyes Быть задетым за живое to be hurt Приспособиться to be adjusted С книгой под мышкой the dusty old book tucked beneath his arm Помогать делать домашние задания to help on the homework Складывать дроби to add the fractions Контрольная работа test

p.120 ex.3 A. 1. I hate the girl. 2. Our previous the agreement stands. 3. I stand my ground no matter what it said. 4. I would hate any of you if you mistreat an animal. 5. His careful concealment of hatred was a characteristic feature of a man of his self-restraint. 6. I have a hatred for people who laugh at me. 7. She asked me no further questions but patted Rosalind on the shoulder. 8. She stooped to pat her

dog. 9. She took to gardening. It is her pastime now. 10. I took to him at first sight. 11. Don‟t you try this game on me, you won‟t take me in. 12. The news was so overwhelming, I couldn‟t take it at once. 13. The plane was taking off when he got to the airport. 14. These small houses are to be taken away to make room for a new big building. 15. He took to cycling the 15 miles to Wallington. 16. She did not take to loving in the county as much as I had hoped she would. 17. I took off medicine and began to study physics. B. 1. At last he began to speak, his voice level and cold. 2. The water rose until it leveled the river bank. 3. His level common sense was always soothing. 4. She went upstairs to take through her regular work. 5. Today, at the regular meeting, the question of your future. 6. A moment later they heard two people giving scream with pain downstairs. 7. The bird gave a perfect scream as if wanted to warn its mate of danger. 8. The ring was fit for the third finger of her right hand. 9. Did the boat fit to put to sea? 10. He doesn‟t fit enough to wipe the shoes of Monique‟s father. 11. The book is out of print and I cannot take it. P.122 ex.5 A. 1. Step aside a bit, please, you stand in my light. 2. I wouldn‟t have ever thought this shy in appearance man would stand up for his rights so firmly. 3. It stands to reason these changes are interim and we‟ll reseat when our chief get well and resume the work. 4. He‟s too ill to go somewhere, he won‟t stand the trip. 5. I was sure I was right and I decided firmly to stand my ground. 6. I can‟t understand what for stand these letters. 7. Such things should be said right to his face and not be talked behind his back. 8. He can‟t stand fuss. 9. I will hate Eddie to my last breath. 10. My indifference about her turned to hatred. 11. She said him hi with a friendly smile. 12. The child‟s face was all smiles when he had seen the Christmas tree. 13. “Greg, you always bring me so much relief!” the sister smiled through her tears. 14. I was annoyed by the sound of the rain drumming upon the roof. 15. He went on to pat her tenderly on her shoulder, waiting until she would be calm. 16. He leveled the books having them piled carefully. 17. Missis Rollson said goodbye and went away to catch the train. 18. He was proud of his class‟ progress in the study of English very much. 19. The Friends made a push for cooking the Irish stew. 20. When the nanny saw the boy had made himself dirty, she hopped him very angrily/ screamed at him in

anger. 21. The children took take its meaning that the father must to love and to pamper them as it stands to reason. 22. I took you for your sister. You are as like as twins. You take after her as a twin. 23. She decided to make a new life for herself and set to painting. 24. Every day after he had talked to the customers she took down a report. B. 1. If we found the wounded in the house, I believe the old man is honest and told on the level. 2. It was the only level place for many and many miles around. 3. When Ann began to talk, her voice was level and cool. 4. Tom snatched the pistol out of his hand and leveled it at Sanders. 5. The straight eyebrows of Jane knitted/were level when she frowned. 6. He always lived the one-way life and rarely go to town. 7. Why don‟t you found a regular work? 8. The scream of an owl reached an incredibly high note, sank and calmed down at night. 9. Ruff cut a piece of the silver paper fitted for the book and begun to wrap it. 10. She hadn‟t any dress fit to the occasion. 11. The weather is as bad as it doesn‟t fit to walks. 12. Tom is very sociable and able to fit in any company. 13. Her black hairs fitted her round face and her slanting eyes. 14. She went to fit the new dress on and won‟t come back soon. 15. Kat, wouldn‟t you join us? –Thanks, I‟d love to. 16. I was head over heels in love with him, as the saying goes. P.122 ex.6
Само собой разумеется it stands to reason Поддерживать to stand up for smb.(smth.) Выдерживать испытание (боль, жару) to stand heat, pain Заплатить за угощение to stand treat Символизировать to stand for Мне очень неудобно беспокоить вас I hate to bother you Злобный взгляд a hateful look Отвратительное преступление a hateful crime Фортуна всегда улыбается ему (ему всегда везѐт) Fortune always smiles on

(upon) him
Иметь довольно сияющий вид to be all smiles

Взять в плен to take a person‟s hand/ to take prisoner Получить первый приз to take a first prize Рискнуть to take one‟s chance Гордиться чем-л. to take a pride Стараться изо всех сил to take pains Вздремнуть to take a nap Принять как само собой разумеющееся to take one‟s meaning as it stands to

Сильно удивиться to take it big Выше (ниже) уровня моря above/ below sea level Средний уровень mean level На одном уровне с on a level with smth. Честно on the level Ровная дорога a level road Ровный голос a level voice Иметь спокойный (уравновешенный) характер to have a level character Нацеливать ружьѐ to level gun Правильные черты лица regular features Постоянная работа regular work Неудержимо смеяться to scream with laughter Умора scream Примерять to fit smth. on Подогнать половицу to fit a floor plank on Совпадать с to fit in

Подходящее время и место fit time and place С охотой (удовольствием) I‟d love to Передать привет to give (send) one‟s love to Ни за какие деньги not for love or money

p.123 ex.10 1. My sister was very ill and I had to sit up all night with her. 2. This little stream never drie up. 3. You have worked very well so far, keep up. 4. You have got the story all mixed up. 5. I brushed up my recollections of the map of England. 6. I‟ll clear up this mess. 7. A heavy snowfall held down the trains from the North. 8. I came up to the country cottage for the week-end. 9. They went down the squeaking star. 10. A red tractor crawled slowly up and down a large field. 11. Don‟t turn up the corners of the pages of your book. P.124 ex.11 1. I had been astir at five and started to work withoutwaste of time. 2. Hang on your cout here and I show you the way to his room. 3. I have picked up a handkerchief. Isn‟t it yours? 4. Her parents died when she still was a little girl and she was brought up by her aunt. 5. The boy upended the box and the toys spilt all over the floor. 6. I sat up all night and now I‟m dead on my feet. 7. Let‟s ascend the hill, the view of the river from there is very beautiful. 8. I feel a bit seedy, I may be go to lie down. 9. I don‟t like to look down from a height, I fill giddy. 10. It would be better if you put down my address in your record book, you can lost this piece of paper. 11. The radio speaks too loudly, muffle it. Unit V Speech patterns. 1. I can‟t do a thing with him. He won‟t take his pineapple juice. I can‟t do a thing with the boy. He won‟t let anyone come into the room. I can‟t do a thing with her. She won‟t take the medicine. (Я ничего не могу с ней поделать. Она не будет принимать лекарство) 2. He had done some constructive thinking since his last visit. I do the cooking myself. (Я готовлю сама) He was doing some careful listening. (Он занимался тем, что внимательно слушал)

I‟ve done enough reading for today. (На сегодня я почитал достаточно) 3. This was no ordinary case. William Strand was no ordinary human. This was no pretty offence. (Это была не совсем обида) It was no small achievement. (Это был не маленький подвиг) 4. The suggestion proved too much for the patient‟s heart. The letter proved to be of little consequence. (Письмо оказалось маловажным) He had no premonition that this call would prove unusual. 5. I just suggested it, that‟s all We just thought it necessary to make the inquiries, that‟s all. I just wanted to know, that‟s all. (Я просто хотел знать, вот и все) I just don‟t feel like eating, that‟s all. Let‟s try and draw that vase over there on mantelpiece. Try and behave better. (Возьми и веди себя лучше) 6. Let‟s try and get there on time. (Давай возьмем и приедем туда вовремя) Try and come, won‟t you? 7. Good. Let‟s make it Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Good. Let‟s make it next week. (Давай (сделаем это) на следующей неделе) Well. Let‟s make it Saturday then. Why, let‟s make it four o‟clock. P.137 ex. 1 1. Steve is awfully stubborn. Mother cant‟ do a thing with him. He won‟ bail out. 2. Mary is as obstinate as a mule. I can‟t do a thing with her. 3. Where did you find this brute of a dog? I do all the searching of dogs myself. 4. I wasted no time. I listened and I did making a note of it. 5. Where did you go for your holidays? Did you do any shopping? 6. Even the police were afraid of him. He was no friendly fellow. 7. You seem to forget that we deal with no little boy. 9. I‟d never have believed that Jack would prove greedy. 10. The young actress had no premonition that the performance too much for the audience‟s patience. 11. They had to leave India before the year was over. The climate proved too humid. 12. Why do you mind his coming so much? - I just haven‟t seen him for ages, that‟s all. 13. Don‟t be angry with me. I just tried what I thought would be best, that‟s all. 14. He is not to blame. He just wanted to help his sister, that‟s all. 15. You know how much I look forward to your letters. Try and write me right now. 16. It is a very difficult sound. Try and stick your tongue out. 17. The task is urgent. Try and do it at once. 18. I‟d like to suit your convenience. Let‟s

make it when you want. 19. It‟s a go then. Let‟s make it four o‟clock. 20. Could you spare the time to come twice a week? - Sure.- Good. Let‟s make it Sunday and Wednesday then. P.138 ex.2
1. Вы бы потеряли меньше времени, если бы прекратили болтать и притопывать и нарисовали бы что-нибудь для разнообразия. 2. Мартин принёс свои извинения- он должен был написать кое-что перед ужином. 3. Миссис Стрикланд сама напечатала немного, но потратила время на исправление ошибок в работах четырёх нанятых ею девушек. 4. Она была крайне поражена тем, что она была единственной кого любят, но не единственной кто любит. 5. Соамс хотел произвести впечатления на Боссини тем, что его дом не заурядное величественное строение. 6. Гейнсборо имел хороший музыкальный слух и был далеко не посредственным исполнителем на скрипке. 7. Я была не настолько застенчивой девочкой чтоб повернуться и бежать, только потому, что кто-то не принял меня радушно. 8. Это не было голословным утверждением. Она представила фаты и чертежи, чтоб отстоять свою точку зрения. 9. Я был просто очарован, вот и всё. Не манерой письма. Он пишет весьма технично. Но идеей, способом, которым он связывает человека с окружающим его миром…

P.138 ex.3 1. One afternoon Beatrice asked me if I rode and I explained that I had a little experience of do the riding but it was no proficient in the art. 2. Mrs. Kettle is not a kind of woman to do washing her clothes herself. 3. Her eyes were red and swollen, it was no secret Mary had done crying. 4. I used to do fishing in my younger days. 5. He did talking himself all the time, and they thought he was no clever man. 6. I have done thinking about it a good deal. 1. I can‟t do a thing with Paul. He won‟t go to school. 2. I can‟t do a thing with Nelly. She won‟t listen to me and put on her winter coat. 3. Her mother can‟t do a thing with Mary. She won‟t take up music. 4. I can‟t do a thing with him. He won‟t tell the truth. 5. I can‟t do a thing with her. She won‟t eat porridge in the morning. 1. I had not expected that the film might prove so thrilling. 2. I‟d never have believed that Jacob would prove to be a hero. 3. Before the month was over Nick proved to be a bright pupil. 4. I won‟t be surprised if Morris proves to be an

excellent scholar. 5. We abandoned the attempt as the experiment proved to be dangerous. 1. I have no great respect for her. 2. This was no ordinary case. 3. It was no ordinary slip. 4. The expression of his opinion was no clear thing. 5. Rebecca‟s dress excited admiration which was no small. 6. Hilary was no mean scholar. P.139 ex. 5 Leaving the houise, Rosemary didn‟t soppoused, that the next tow hours of her life would pruve to be so unusual.
- Madam, would you let me have the price of a cup of tea?

Rosemary turned. She saw a little creauture with enormous eyes, a girl of her age, who clutched at her coat-collar with reddened hands and shivered with cold.
- Don‟t you have any noney at all? – asked Rosemary. - No, I don‟t, madame,- said the girl and burst into tears.

How extraordinary! It was like a scene from a novel. She was no common beggargirl. Supposing she took the girl home? And she saw herself saying afterwords to her friends: “I simply took her home with me, this was it,” and she said out:
- Let‟s try and come home to have tea.

The light breakfast changed the girl. She stopped to be confused and was laying back in a deep chair. Looking at her it was no easy to believe she was crying recently. Rosemary went on to see her out of the corner of her eye. Suddenly the Rosmaries husband came into thr room. Having made excuses he asked Eosemary to come with him him to the library . -Explain. Who is she? –asked Philip, - What does it all mean? Rosemary, laughing, said: -I picked her up in Curzon Street. -But what are you going to do with her? I just want to do good for her, to look after her. That‟s all.
- But, - said Philip slowly, - she's so astonishingly pretty.

- "Pretty?" Rosemary was so surprised that she blushed to the top of her

ears. -Do you think so? Half an hour later Rosemary came back to the library. - I only wanted to tell you, Miss Smith won't dine with us to-night. I couldn‟t do a thing with her. She even refused to take some money.

Text five(p.140) Art for heart‟s sake By R. Goldberg

Reuben Lucius Goldberg (1883-1970), an American sculptor, cartoonist and writer was born in San Francisco. After graduating from the University of California in 1904 he worked as a cartoonist карикатурист for a number of newspapers and magazines. He produced several series of cartoons all of which were highly popular. Among his best works are Ia there a Doctoer in the House? (1929), Rube Goldberg‟s Guide to Europe (1954) and I Made My Bed (1960). “Here, take your pineapple juce,” gently persuated уговаривать Koppel, the male nurse фельдшер, брат милосердия. “Nope Ellsworth.
! нет” grunted ворчать, бормотать, брюзжать Collis P.

“But it‟s good for you, sir.” “Nope!” “It‟s doctor‟s orders.” “Nope!” Koppel heard the front door bell and was glad to live the room. He found Doctor Caswell in the hall downstairs.” I can‟t do a thing with him,” he told the doctor. He won‟t take his pineapple juice. He doesn‟t want me to read to him. He hates the radio. He doesn‟t like anything!”

Doctor Caswell received the information with his usual professional calm. He had done some constructive thinking since his last visit. This was no ordinary case. The old gentleman was in pretty good shape for a man of seventy-six. But he had to be kept from buying things. He had suffered his last heart attack after his disastrous гибельный, пагубный purchase покупка of that jerkwater маленький, незначительный railroad out in Iowa !. All his purchases of recent years had to be liquidated at a great sacrifice жертва both to his health and his pocketbook записная книжка. The doctor drew up вытянуться a chair and sat down close to the old man. “I‟ve got a proposition for you,” he said quietly. Old Ellsworth looked suspiciously over his spectacles. “How‟d you like to take up заниматься art?” The doctor had his stethoscope ready in case the abruptness внезапность of the suggestion proved too much for the patient‟s heart. But the old gentleman‟s answer was a vigorous сильный, энергичный“Rot!” вздор “I don‟t mean seriously,” said the doctor, relieved облегчѐнный that disaster беда had been averted. предотвращён“Just fool around маятся дурью with chalk and crayons “Bosh!” ерунда “All right.‟ The doctor stood up. “I just suggested it, that‟s all.” “But, Caswell, how do I start playing with the chalk – that is, if I‟m foolish enough to start?” “I‟ve thought of that, too. I can get a student from one of the art schools to come here once a week and show you.” Doctor Caswell went to his friend, Judson Livingston, head of the Atlantic Art Institute, and explained the situation. Livingston had just the young man – Franc Swain, eighteen years old and a promising student. He needed the money. Ran запуск an elevator лифт at night to play tuition обучение. How much he get? Five dollars a visit. Fine. пастель, мелки . It‟ll be fun.”

Next afternoon young Swain was shown into the big living room. Collis P. Ellsworth looked at him appraisingly оценивающе. “Sir, I‟m not an artist yet,” Answered the young man. “Umph?” гм Swain arranged разместить some paper and crayons мелки on the table. “Let‟s try and draw that vase over there on the mantelpiece каминная полка,” he suggested. “Try it, Mister Ellsworth, please.” “Umph!” The old man took a piece of crayon in a shaky hand and made a scrawl каракули. He made another scrawl and connected the two with a couple of crude грубый lines. “There it is, young man, “ he snapped щелкнуть, треснуть with a grunt ворчание, хрюкание of satisfaction. “Such foolishness. Poppycock! ерунда” Frank Swain was patient. He needed the five dollars. „If you want to draw you will have to look at what you‟re drawing, sir.”Old Ellsworth squinted покоситься, взглянуть искоса and looked. “By gum чёрт возьми, it‟s kinda (=kind a) pretty прелестная вещь, I never noticed it before.” When the art student came the following week there was a drawing on the table that had a slight resemblance to the vase. The wrinkles морщины deepened at the corners of the old gentlemen‟s eyes as he asked elfishly проказливо, “Well, what do you think of it?” “Not bad, sir,” answered Swain. “But it‟s a bit lopsided кривобокий.” “By gum чёрт возьми,” Old Ellsworth chuckled посмеиваться.”I see. The halves don‟t math.” He added a few lines with a palsied трясущийся hand and colored the open spaces blue like a child playing with a picture book. Then he looked towards the door. “Listen, young man,” he whispered, “I want to ask you something before old pineapple juice comes back.” “Yes, sir,” responded Swain respectively соответственно. “I was thinking could you spare the time to come twice a week or perhaps three times?”

“Sure, Mister Ellsworth.” “Good. Let‟s make it Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Four o‟clock.” As the weeks went by Swain‟s visits grew more frequent. He brought the old man a box of water-colors and some tubes тюбикof oils. When Doctor Caswell called Ellsworth would talk about the graceful изящный lines of the andirons железная подставка для дров в камине . He would dwell жить, подробно задерживаться on the rich variety of color in a bowl of fruit. He proudly displayed the variegated разнообразный, неоднородный, разноцветный smears мазок of paint on his heavy silk dressing gown. He would not allow his valet слуга to send it to the cleaner‟s. He wanted to show the doctor how hard he‟d been working. The treatment was working perfectly. No more trips поездка downtown деловой район города to become involved in purchases покупка of enterprises предпринимательство, предприятие of doubtful solvency кредито/платёжеспособность.

The doctor thought it safe to allow Ellsworth to visit the Metropolitan, the Museum of Modern Art and other exhibits with Swain. An entirely вполне, всецело new world opened up открыть its charming mysteries. The old man displayed an insatiable ненасытный, жадный curiosity about the galleries and the painters who exhibited in them. How were the galleries run работать? Who selected the canvases полотно for the exhibitions? An idea was forming in his brain. When the late spring sun began to cloak покрывать the fields and gardens with color, Ellsworth executed осуществлять, исполнять a god-awful smudge мазня wich he called “Trees Dressed in White”. Then he made a starting

announcement. He was going to exhibit in the Summer show at the Lathrop Gallery! For the Summer show at the Lathrop Gallery was the biggest art exhihibit of the year in quality, if not in size. The lifetime результат dream of every mature artist in the United States was a Lathrop prize. Upon this distinguished выдающийся, знаменитый, изысканный group Ellsworth was going to foist

всучить, навязать his “Trees Dressed in White”, which resembled a gob большой кусок of salad салат, всякая всячина dressing разряженный thrown violently up against the side of a house у дома!

“If the papers газета get hold of this получать, Mister Ellsworth will become a laughing-stock посмешище. We‟ve got to stop him,” groaned стонать Koppel. “No,” admonished предостерегать, советовать the doctor. “ We can‟t interfere with him now and take a chance of spoiling all the good work that we‟ve accomplished совершить.” To the utter astonishment of all three – and especially Swain – “Trees Dressed in White” was accepted for the Lathrop show. Fortunately, the painting hung in an inconspicuous неприметный place where it could not excite побуждать, вызывать any noticeable comment. Young Swain sneaked прокрадываться into the Gallery one afternoon and blushed to the top of his ears when he saw “Trees Dressed in White”, a loud, raucous беспорядочный splash всплеск, пятно on the

wall. As two giggling students хихикать stopped before the strange anomaly Swain fled убегать, изчезать in terror. He could not bear to hear what they had to say. During the course of the exhibition on the old man kept on taking his lessons, seldom mentioning упоминая his entry вступление in the exhibit. He was unusually cheerful. Two days before ранее the close of the exhibition a special messenger рассыльный, курьер brought a long official-looking envelope to Mister Ellsworth while Swain, Koppel and the doctor were in the room. “Read it to me,” requested попросить the old man. “My eyes are tired from painting.” “It gives the Lathrop Gallery pleasure с большим удовольствием to announce that the First landscape Prize of $ 1,000 has been awarded to Collis P. Ellsworth for his painting, “Trees Dressed in White”. Swain and Koppel uttered издать звук a series of inarticulate нечленораздельный gurgles

булькающий звук. Doctor Caswell,

exercising his professional self control with a supreme effort, said: “Congratulations, Mister Ellsworth. Fine, fine† See, see† Of course, I didn‟t expect such great news. But, but – well, now, you‟ll have to admit that art is much more satisfying than business.” “Art‟s nothing,” snapped резко сказать the old man. “I bought the Lathrop Gallery last month.” Vocabulary notes. relieve vt – 1) облегчать, уменьшать, освобождать (to relieve pain, anxiety) 2) сменять (to relieve a sentry – сменить часового) 3) брать, взять у кого-либо что-либо (to relieve smb. of smth.) to relieve one‟s feelings – дать выход чувствам to feel relieved – почувствовать облегчение to ease – облегчить (to ease smb. pain, anxiety) relief – облегчение, утешение, помощь, успокоение. to sigh with relief – вздохнуть с облегчением to give(bring) relief(no relief, some relief) to smb. – давать(приносить) облегчение(помощь, утешение) кому-либо comfort – комфорт, утешение, довольство art – 1) искусство (a work of art – произведение искусства, artlover - , art critic – искусствовед, genuine art – истинное искусство, pretence of art - , graphic art – графика, applied art – прикладное искусство, folk art – народное искусство, the Fine arts - Изящные Искусства )2) знание, наука, ремесло 3) умение, мастерство. artist – мастер, художник (professional artist – профессиональный художник, amateur artist – художник-любитель) artistic – профессиональный, художественный, артистический (artistic skill – художественное мастерство, artistic taste, artistic person) artificial – 1) искусственный (artificial flowers, light, silk – искусственные цветы, свет, шелк) 2) draw vt – 1) передвигать, пододвигать (to draw a chair) 2) вытаскивать, вытягивать (to draw out) 3) вызывать на разговор, на откровенность (to draw out) 4) привлекать 5) черпать, выводить (заключение) 6) рисовать (to draw well, to draw in pencil, to draw a bunch of flowers) 7) подходить приближаться (A concert season is drawing to end) draw n – (the play is a draw – пьеса имеет успех) drawing – рисование, рисунок

picture – 1) изображение, рисунок, набросок ( a picture gallery – картинная галерея, in the background (foreground) of the picture на заднем (переднем) плане картины) 2) фотография 3) воплощение ( You look the picture of health – Ты воплощение здоровья, ты само здоровье) 4) художественный фильм. piece – картина ( a flower piece – натюрморт с цветами, a conversation piece – жанровая картина, изображающая группу собеседников) picture vt – 1) изображать, описывать, обрисовывать (The novel pictures life in Russia) 2) представлять себе (I can‟t picture you as a teacher – Я не представляю тебя учителем) depict vt – изображать, запечатлевать represent vt – представлять собой, изображать portray vt – рисовать портрет picturesque adj. – живописный, колоритный, оригинальный paint – краска paint vt|i – 1) наносить краску, красить 2) писать красками ( to paint from – писать с натуры) 3) описывать (You are painting the situation too dark) painter – художник (painter of battle-pieces – художник батальных сцен , genre painter – жанровый художник, landscape painter пейзажист, portrait painter - портретист) painting – 1) роспись, живопись (Painting has become his world) 2) картина ( an oil painting – картина написанная маслом, still-life paintings - натюрморты, a collection of paintings – коллекция картин, an exquisite piece of painting – изысканная картина) canvas – холст colour – 1) цвет (bright, dark, rich, cool, warm, dull, faded colours – яркие, темные, насыщенные, прохладные, теплые, тусклые, блеклые цвета ) (richly glowing colours – богатые, яркие цвета) 2) краска (water-colour – акварель) 3) румянец (she was very little colour today) colour scheme – цветовая гамма, палитра to paint smth. in dark (bright) colour – изображать что-либо в темных (светлых) красках (тонах) off colour – имеющий нездоровый вид colour vt – 1) красить, окрашиваться, принимать окраску (the leaves have begun to colour) 2) приукрашивать, искажать. coloured – раскрашенный, окрашенный (cream-coloured – кремового цвета, flesh-coloured – телесного цвета, a coloured print – цветная гравюра, multicoloured – красочный, многоцветный) colourless – бесцветный, бледный (colourless person – бесцветная неинтересная личность)

colourful – красочный, яркий, интересный colouring – 1) расцветка, окраска (gaudy (subtle) colouring – безвкусная (тонкая, изысканная) расцветка 2) чувство цвета у художника colourist – художник колорист doubt – сомнение, колебание, нерешительность (slight doubt – слабое сомнение) no doubt – несомненно, без сомнений doubt vt\i – сомневаться, иметь сомнения (to doubt the truth of smb. – сомневаться в чьей-либо правдивости) doubt if (whether) smth. is correct(true,wrong) – сомневаться в правильности (правдивости, неправильности) чего-либо doubt if (whether) smb. will do smth. – сомневаться, что кто-либо что-либо сделает not to doubt that – не сомневаться в этом doubtful – неопределенный, сомневающийся, колеблющийся to be (feel) doubtful as to – сомневаться относительно чего-то (I‟m

doubtful as to what I ought to do – Я не знаю что мне делать) select vt – отбирать, выбирать (select the best samples, the best singers, the most typical cases – выбирать лучшие образцы, лучших исполнителей, типичные случаи) choose – выбирать, избирать pick – выбирать, отбирать, подбирать selection – выбор, набор, выборка, отбор (natural, artificial selection – естественный (искусственный) отбор, selections from Shakespeare – избранное из Шекспира, good selection of paintings – хороший подбор картин, good selection of goods – хороший ассортимент товаров) size – 1) размер, величина 2) размер (в одежде, в обуви) (a size smaller, bigger – на размер больше, на размер меньше) ( a size too large (small) – на размер больше, меньше) - sized – определенного размера (medium-sized – среднего размера, a life-sized portrait – портрет во весь рост) effort – усилие, попытка, борьба (heroic, tremendous, last, strong, great, desperate effort – героическое, огромное, последнее, сильное, большое, отчаянное) (continued, constant, vain efforts – продолжительные, постоянные, напрасные(тщетные) усилия. to do smth. with (without) an effort – сделать что-либо прилагая усилия (легко, без усилий) to make an (every, no) effort – прилагать усилие (все усилия, не прилагать усилий)

to cost smb. much effort to do smth. – стоить кому-либо больших усилий чтоб сделать что-л. to spare no effort(s) – не жалеть усилий Word combinations and Phrases to be in a good (bad) shape – прибывать в хорошем (плохом) состоянии at a great sacrifice to one‟s health – в ущерб своему здоровью to take up art (painting) – заняться искусством (рисованием) to avert a disaster – предотвратить катастрофу to look at smb.|smth. appraisingly – смотреть на что-л./кого-л. оценивающе a box of water colours – набор акварели a tube of oils – баночка с красками (масляными) to send smth. to the cleaner‟s – отдать что-либо в химчистку to become involved in smth. – быть замешанным, втянутым во что-л. to execute a picture (a statue) – произвести выполнить картину, воздвигнуть статую

to exhibit (smth.) in a show – выставить на показ, на шоу a lifetime dream – мечта все жизни a mature artist – зрелый художник to become a laughing-stock – быть посмешищем to be accepted for the show – быть принятым на шоу (показ) an (in)conspicuous place – (не)заметное место to blush to the top of one‟s ears – покраснеть до корней волос the close of the exhibition – закрытие выставки to award a prize (a medal) – присуждать премию (награждать медалью) P.149 ex.4 1. Pygmalion fell in love with a statue of Galatea which he had executed in ivory, and at his prayer Aphrodite gave it life. 2. The art dealer looked at the picture appraisingly but refused to appraise it/judge its worth himself. 3. Another of his ambitions - a lifetime dream – was one day to have a library. 4. Is it possible to determine what works will be awarded a prize before the close of the exhibition? 5. There is no denying the fact that the pictures are well executed technically. 6. Unfortunately I do not remember the name of the young artist who exhibits his works in a show. 7. When did Jane first take up painting? 8. Don‟t become involved in the quarrels of other people. 9. It‟s the maddest idea I‟ve ever heard. It would make Alexander a laughing-stock. 10. She

blushed to the top of her ears. 11. You‟re in a good shape, Diana. Where did you get that divine dress? 12. It‟s no use sending my clothes to the cleaner‟s, they are past repair. 13. Our garden is in a good shape after the rain. P.149 ex. 5 1. Gherstwud‟s affairs were under an eclipse, and it seemed, nothing could avert a disaster. 2. He was afraid that he would become a laughing-stock. 3. The man that you call a promising pupil is a mature artist, in my opinion, and the sooner we exhibit his pictures in a show the better it would be. 4. Karlton became a leading scientist having given his health. 5. Someone dropped a tube of oils on the floor and I stepped on it. Now the carpet has to be sent to the cleaner‟s. 6. Don‟t become a laughing-stock. If you put the note in a plain view I‟d note it. 7. John blushed to the top of his ears when the mother exposed him as a liar. 8. The statue executed by Pygmalion was so beautiful that he fall in love with it. 9. After the close of the exhibition of 1882 Quingie, being a mature artist, made a starting announcement that he wouldn‟t exhibit his pictures in a show. 10. Constable was awarded a gold medal for the picture “Hay Wain” that was exhibited in Paris in 1824. 11. To utter amazement of the monkey‟s owner, its smudge/daub was accepted to be exhibited in a show. 12. Jurymen concluded the pictures of the young artist were executed skillfully and awarded him the first prize. 13. Soams and Fleur arranged to go to the exhibition together. Soames went the first. Examining curiously the works of impressionists he kept be surprised why they was accepted for the exhibition and put in the most plain view. “Juno” executed by a young “promising” sculptor Pole Post resembled a lopsided pump with two handles. A real laughing-stock/ it becomes a laughingstock! P.150 ex. 9 1. Это для вас очень полезно. It‟s good for you. 2. Ничего не могу с ним поделать! I can‟t do a thing with him! 3. Он детально обдумал этот вопрос. He had done some constructive thinking. 4. Случай был незаурядный. This was no ordinary case.

5. С ущербом для здоровья и кошелька. to be liquidated at a great sacrifice both to his health and his pocketbook. 6. Я хочу вам что-то предложить. I‟ve got a proposition for you. 7. Сердце больного не справилось с такой нагрузкой. To prove too much for the patient‟s heart. 8. Катастрофу удалось предотвратить. Disaster had been averted. 9. Это будет интересно. It‟ll be fun. 10. Моё дело предложить. I just suggested it, that‟s all. 11. Работал по ночам лифтёром, чтобы заработать деньги на учёьу в колледже. Ran an elevator at night to play tuition. 12. Он смотрел на него оценивающим взглядом. He looked at him appraisingly. 13. Давайте попробуем нарисовать вот эту вазу на камине. Let‟s try and draw that vase over there on the mantelpiece. 14. Рисунок на столе отдалённо напоминал вазу. The drawing on the table had a slight resemblance to the vase. 15. Ну, как вам это нравится? Well, what do you think of it? 16. Вы не могли бы приходить два раза в неделю. Could you spare the time to come twice a week?” 17. Давайте договоримся на понедельник и среду. Let‟s make it Monday, Wednesday. 18. Он разглагольствовал о переливах красок в вазе с фруктами. He would dwell on the rich variety of color in a bowl of fruit. 19. Лечение шло успешно. The treatment was working perfectly. 20. Совершенно новый мир предстал перед его зачарованным взором. An entirely new world opened up its charming mysteries. 21. Он ошеломил всех своим заявлением. He made a starting announcement.

22. Крупнейшая выставка года, если не по величине, то по значению. The biggest art exhihibit of the year in quality, if not in size. 23. Заветная мечта каждого зрелого мастера. The lifetime dream of every mature artist. 24. Картина была повешена так, что она не привлекала внимания. The painting hung in an inconspicuous place. 25. Против обыкновения он был бодр и весел. He was unusually cheerful. P.154 ex.3 A. 1. The doctor‟s treatment did not relieve his pain. 2. It was a great relief to know that the children were safe. 3. He felt himself relieved from further responsibility. 4. I‟m on duty until 2 p.m. And then Peter is coming to relieve me. 5. The little boy said: “I can whistle with my mouth,” and was eager to demonstrate his art. 6. She has a kind of artificial smile. 7. They know how to be pleasant. They‟ve cultivated that art for centuries. 8. Her beauty drew them as the moon the sea. 9. She crossed the room, drew the curtains and opened those low windows. 10. I could not draw him out. 11. Well known as it is, this is a picture one can go back to again and again, without coming to the end of its drawing. 12. Constable managed to draw the English countryside in all its paints. 13. You look the picture of health. 14. This doctor You look the picture of mildness, not what I‟d imagined at all. 15. I want to portray your father. 16. Dirk Stroeve had a taste for music and literature which gave depth and variety to his comprehension of painting. B. 1. She was a dull, colourless little thing. 2. Donald blushed to the top of his ears and then looked away. 3. Monet preferred transparent light colours. 4. She‟d be pretty if the colour of her face weren‟t bad. 5. The flowers added bright rich colours to the room. 6. I don‟t doubt that. 7. I‟m doubtful as to what we ought to do under the circumstances. 8. Harris‟s shirt was gaudy colouring. 9. I secretly doubted in two descriptions applied to one girl. 10. Having looked through the catalogue the scientist carefully picked the books which he needed for his research work. 11. The selection of painting for the exhibition was admiraqble. 12. The bump on the boy‟s forehead was the size of a duck‟s egg. 13. He noticed that Strickland‟s canvases/pictures were of different size. 14. I don‟t want to camp out and spend the night in a tent size of a tablecloth. 15. It cost her much

effort to talk anything else with Bart. 16. Please, make efforts and come. 17. The giant lifted up the big rock making no effort. 18. Pouring out the cod-liver – oil she wrinkled her nose making effort to keep her nostrils closed. P.157 ex.6
Снять напряжение To relieve anxiety Облегчить боль To easy pain Усомниться в чём-л. To doubt Выбрать новогодний подарок To select new Year‟s gift Воплощение здоровья The picture of health Отобрать лучших исполнителей To select the best singers Разные по величине Different in size Иметь широкий ассортимент чего-л. To have a good selection of goods На номер больше, чем нужно A size bigger then it‟s necessary Сделать большое усилие To make a great effort Сомневаться в чьей-л. искренности To doubt the truth of smb. Сгущать краски To paint smth. in dark colour Заставить кого-л. разговориться To draw out Успокоить, утешить кого-л. To relieve smb. Фальшивая улыбка An artificial smile Заурядный человек A colourless person Неясный ответ A doubtful answer Дать выход своим чувствам To relieve one‟s feelings Скрасить однообразие To relieve the monotony Близиться к концу To draw to a close Выглядеть бледным To be off colour

Говорить с трудом To speac with an effort Вздох облегчения Sigh of relief Сделать вывод To draw a conclusion Представлять себе To picture Сфотографировать кого-л. To take the picture of smb. Платье кремового цвета A cream colored dress Самый большой, если не по величине, то по значению The biggest in quality,

if not in size
Приложить все силы To make every effort Черпать вдохновение To draw inspiration Написать картину To paint a picture Писать с натуры To paint from nature Портрет в натуральную величину A life-sized portrait Яркие, сочные краски Bright, rich colours Тусклые тона Dull, faded colours Учитель рисования A teacher of drawing Искусствовед An art critic Художник-любитель An amateur artist Артистическая внешность An artistic person Портретист A portrait painter Пейзажист A landscape painter Живописное место A picturesque place Цветная репродукция A colour reproduction Формат картины The size of a picture

Художественная выставка An art exhibition Художественный вкус An artistic taste Изображать сцены из жизни простых людей To picture scenes of ordinary

peoples life P.157 ex. 5 1. She placed the paper and pencil before me and told me I could draw anything I liked. 2. The picture was painted so that the eyes seem to follow you no matter where you are. 1. This possibile picture she painted in glowing colours, until the child‟s pathetic dark eyes glistened with pleasure. 2 If you want cornflower blue you‟d better mix these two paints 3. The warm colours are red, yellow and orange. 1. Roerich‟s paintings for the Kazan railway station in Moskow puctures Combats between Russians and Tatars. 2. I could hardly represent Charlie in this role. 3. The great tragic actress is portrayed in her day dress. 4. The artist was conserned more with re-creating the radiance of Venice that with picturing the solid structure of its monuments. 1. Meg had choose her second daughter to accompany her to the wedding. The books were specially selected to attract and develop the youthful mind. 3. Memebers of the committee were chosen by election. P.158 ex. 7 A. 1. Oliver noted with relief that the man opposite him hadn‟t recognised him. 2. How often the sentries at the gate are relieved? 3. What a relief! I can finally spread out my legs! 4. The young woman sighed with relief when Sherlock Holmes agreed to take on her affair. 5. The new medicine didn‟t bring him relief. 6. Oskar Wild was a representative of the theory “Art for art‟s sake”. 7. This thing resembles more a kettle then a work of art. 8. I would never believe this picture is painted by an amateur artist. 9. Though Dick Strev was a small artist, he had an exquisite artistic taste and it was a rare treat to go with him to exhibitions 10. The exhibition of applied art proved to be very interesting and we were walking around the halls for an hour or two. 11. The old Negro didn‟t want to unlock the secrets of art of healing. 12. Rosy drew the curtain and looked out

the window. 13. A man with the scar drew handkerchief and wiped his face. 14. The more the detective tried to draw Jarry out the less he succeeded in it. 15. The play of this type must draw the audience. 16. The boy draws well, but his parents disapprove this decision to become an artist. 17. I like to look the old family pictures. 18. As of the baby, he looks the picture of health. 19. The subject of the paint is very plain. It represents a boy-sheapherd against the background of the evening sky. 20. The woman is pictured sitting in front of the mirror. 21. The metropolis‟ life is painted in dark colours in this novel. 22. It‟s known Mona Lisa was listening music while Leonardo da Vinci was portraying her. B. 1. At present it‟s difficult to judge the paints of pictures of Reynolds, an outstanding English painter, because many his pictures have cracked and faded. 2. N. Rerih journeyed a lot through India e Tibet and the painds he saw there influenced his colour scheme. 3. Gainsboroughs contemporaries rated him as a portrait ainter, and the painter count himself a landscape painter all his life. 4. Impressionists tried to pass the play of colours on the things‟ surface. 5. The baby is off-colour today. 6. Janet was smiling, her eyes shone, there was a colour on her cheeks. 7. There can be no doubt that we have to seize the opportunity. 8. Jamma doubted if the leaflets will be useful. 9. I have no doubt that he simply tries to draw out your valuable book. 10. You went too far, you doubt the truth of your old friend. 11. I have no doubt she will try to make a scene. 12. We have not time enough to choose a good New Year‟s gift. 13. The goods were displaed so that the customers could choose what theo like. 14. He spoke slowly, stopping from time to time, picking necessary words. 15. Here are a pair of boots of your size. 16. I need the gloves a size smaller. 17. The stranger drew a thing the size of a matchbox out his pocfket. 18. Anrew got himself in hand with an effort. 19. Don‟t give up, your efforts will be remunerated. 20. It costed me much effort to persuade him to collaborate with our newspaper. P.160 ex.12 1. This train starts for Plymouth and goes to london. 2. What country do you come to? 3. You must try to look at the matter from my point of view. 4. Stop that boy with spoiling the book. 5. Johnson never made any provision for the future, he just lived from hand to mouth. 6. From time to time I will examine you on the work you have done. 7. I know it from my own experience. 8. We must keep them from getting to know our plans. 9. The speaker never referred to

his notes, he spoke from memory. 10. His arrival was a surprise for me. 11. Don‟t pay attention to what he is doing. 12. The guide drew our attention to an old church, which was a fine specimen of Renaissance architecture. 13. It was rough from the Atlantic and the girl had to keep in her cabin. 14. The banquet drew to it close. 15. The fact is, it never occurred to me. 16. The chances are ten to one. 17. Turner‟s colours were true to nature. 18. The bus was filled to the bursting point. 19. Everybody was scared almost to death. 20. Mr Wolfe took a great fancy to his niece. 21. Sybil‟s father and mother might possibly object to the marriage. 22. I am going to home for about threee days. Of course, I shall take only the thingh I can‟t do without. 23. He is without exception the best pupil I have ever had. 24. I know you will work hard, that goes without saying. P.161 ex.13 1. They make bread of flour. 2. “What a pity, you have not to let the chig go to school,” – said Andrew. 3. Poets and artists often draw inspiration from nature. 4. The brouthers are so much alike that I can‟t know them apart. 5. If I advise you to do it, I speak at firsthand. 6. Here is a picture to mu taste. 7. The door has slammed. 8. Gvendolen said she was engaged to Ernest. 9. How can he be so indifferent to his wark. 10. Such a stubborness is able to drive anybody to despair. 11. You should apologize to the hostess for your being late. 12. The friends rose their glasses to happy end of the journey. 13. Please take it easy! 14. Luise was looking forward to the day she goes to school. 15. He has got fallen into the habit of reading at meat. 16. He got almost nothing for his work. 17. Mikle proposed to Fleur several times. 18. The friendship visit favoured the mutual understanding. 19. It has been done without my consent. 20. He can solve easily such sums. 21. There is no smoke without fire. Unit VI Speech patterns. 1. You tricked that blockhead out of them. George always managed to trick Tom out of some money. (Вытянуть деньги) At the market I was cheated out of three roubles. (надурили на 3 рубля) I am not to be trifled with.(Со мной шутки плохи) 2. I‟m not to be shouted at. (Я не тот на кого можно кричать) He is not to be interfered with.

She is not to be laughed at. 3. Lady (giving way to her temper). Never give way to your despair. (Никогда не давай воли отчаянью) She gave way to her tears. (Она дала воли слезам) Don‟t give way to panic. (Не паникуй) 4. Who are you that you should presume to speak to me in that coarse way? Who are you that you should shout at me? Who is she that we should wait for her? Who is he that he should order us about? (Кто он такой чтоб нам приказывать) 5. The moment he takes them, she hurries across to the other side of the room. The moment he saw Jane, he rushed to her. The moment she turns up, send for me. The moment you need me, I‟ll come.(Когда я тебе понадоблюсь, я приду) 6. It will cost you nothing to give it to me. (тебе ничего не стоит) It cost him a lot of trouble to help us. It required me much effort to move the furniture. It will take you little time to do the job. 7. It has been sent to you out of sheer malice.(† из сущей(чистой) злости) I did it out of despair. She acted out of fear. He contradicted her out of sheer spite. 8. Then why not send it to her husband? Why not go there at one‟s? Why not open the window? (Почему бы не открыть окно) P.177 ex.1 1. Why did you give Ann the tickets? – She tricked us out of them. 2. It was only when I came home that I noticed that I had been cheated out of fifty roubles. 3. Why on earth are you shouting? I‟m not to be shouted at. 4. It‟s no concern of yours. I‟m not to be pointed out. 5. She was making every effort not to be laughed at. 6. It was the first time he gave way to his despair. 7. She must have realized she was wrong. She just stuck to her point of view. 8. She isn‟t really interested in my affairs. She asked who I was that I should order her about? 9. You‟re in no condition to speak to her now. Why not tell her the truth? 10. It‟s a splendid opportunity for us to get together. Why not do it tomorrow? P. 178 ex.2

1. Who are you that you should shout at me? 2. Who is he that he should interfere in my affairs? 3. The moment I‟m free, I‟ll let you know. 4. The moment he comes, tell him I‟m in the library. 5. It will take you an hour or so to do the job. 6. It cost him about 2,000 roubles. P. 178 ex.3 1. She tricked the letter out of me saying that she already had your permission to read it. 2. It was the first time he gave way to his temper with her. 3. She hated to give way to her tears in public. 4. Who is she that everyone should wait for her? 5. Who is he that everyone should always stand up for him? 6. The moment he stirred, the dog growled. 7. The moment George started playing the banjo, Montmorency began howling. 8. I should never have thought it would take you so long to answer my letter. 9. It required one some skills to make a fire in the rain. 10. I did it out of pity for her. 11. You needn‟t stay out of politeness. I‟ll be perfectly all right alone. 12. Why not be frank if you want my advice? 13. Why not sell your piano if you don‟t really need it? P. 178 ex.4 1. Why do you dislike Jim so much? – He‟s dishonest. He can easily trick anyone out of some money 2. Are you still angry with her? – I am. She tricked me out of cards. 3. What did she answer I wonder? - She didn‟t give way to my pressure. 4. Did the girl cry when she fell? – She didn‟t give way to her tears. 5. Shall we go and help him? – No, he said he was not to be interfered with. 6. I‟m at my wits‟ end what to do. – Oh, come, don‟t give way to panic. 7. Do you think he‟ll take the news calmly? – Oh, no, he‟s sure won‟t give way to his temper. 8. Why didn‟t you tell Janet that you disapproved of her decision? – How could I? Who do you think I am that I should upset her? 9. Who are we waiting for now? – Jane. She is not to be hurried on. 10. I‟m afraid I shan‟t manage to drop in her. –But you live next door to her. It will take you little time to come to see her. 11. Shall I wait for you? – If you will. It‟ll cost you nothing to do it. 12. Why won‟t you come? She invited you, didn‟t she? – She did, but it was only out of politeness. P.179 ex.6 One day Alex said that we go skiing Sunday. “We stick at home too much”, he said, - “why don‟t we run ten or fifteen kilometres through the forest? It won‟t take us much time, but then we‟ll be feeling good foe all the week.” When I came to the station spot on time I saw several men waiting for the train, but there was not Alex amonst them. “Anything could delay him,”- I thinked and decided to wait a bit.

The wind cut me like a knife, and I began to grow irritated.” Who is he that I should wait for him?” But just when I was going to leave Alex appeared ten minutes behind time and start talking something incomprehensible of the watch, which he forgot to wind up. I couldn‟t help talking him who I think he was. Finally I‟m not to be treated like this. However we went, but our spirit was damped. When we got off the train at a small station, we went to the forest: I went at the head and Alex followed me. He said so there wouldn‟t be any possibility for me to fall behind. It snowed all night and nobody laid out a ski trail. It was difficult for me to do at the head and I said: “Why don‟t we swap places? You won‟t have to make so much effort to go ahead, you're supposed to be a good skier.” But Alex didn‟t want. “He does it out of sheer malice,”- I thought. But when I glanced back few moments later, to my great surprise, I saw him trailing along behind, obviously was absolutely unable to be keep up with me. It was evident that he couldn‟t ski. I regret that I came with him. The point was not he turned out a bad skier. He was a liar and a boaster. And I couldn‟t digest it. Text six(p.179) The man of destiny By G. B. Show George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950), a prominent выдающийся playwright драматург, was born of an impoverished разорившейся middle-class family in Dublin where he attend a college. In 1876 he started working as a journalist in London. He became a socialist социалист in 1882 and in 1884 joined the Fabian Society, an organization of petty мелкий bourgeois intellectuals интеллигенции. In 1879 G.B. Shaw took up браться за writing plays, in which

he criticized the vices порок of bourgeous


Bernard Shaw is famous for his brilliant dialogues, full of witty остроумный paradoxes

and often bitterly


In his play The Man of Destiny (1895) he depicts Napoleon as a practical business-like деловой, практичный man who makes his career at the cost of human lives. Bernard Shaw was a friend of the Soviet Union which he visited in 1931. A little inn гостиница, трактир, постоялый двор in North Italy. Napoleon has just put under arrest взять под арест the lieutenant who arrived without the letters and dispatches отправления, курьерская почта he had been sent for, saying that an unknown youth юноша had tricked выманить him out of them. The Lady‟s voice (outside, as before): Giuseppe! Lieutenant (petrified): What was that? Giuseppe: Only a lady upstairs, lieutenant, calling me. The Strange Lady steps in. She is tall and extraordinarly graceful with a delicately утончѐнно intelligent face: character

in the chin подбородок: all keen острый, refined утончённый, and original своеоблазный. She‟s very feminine

, but

by no means weak. Lieutenant: So I‟ve got you, my lad мальчик. So you‟ve disguised замаскировать, делать неузнаваемым yourself, have you? (In a voice of thunder, seizing хватая her wrist.) Take off that снять skirt.

Lady (affrighted испуганно, but highly indignant негодующий at his having daring осмелиться to touch her): Gentleman: I appeal to you (To Napoleon.) You, sir, are an officer: A general. You will protect will you not? me,

Lieutenant: Never you mind слушать him, General. Leave me to deal with him. Napoleon: With him! With whom, sir? Why do you treat this lady in such a fashion форма?

Lieutenant: Lady! He‟s a man! The man I shewed демонстрировать, проявляться my confidence in. (Raising his sword шпага.) Here, youLady (running behind Napoleon and in her agitation clasping сжиматьto her breast грудь the arm which he extends волнении протягивать, вытягивать before her as a fortification укрепление): Oh, thank you, General. Keep him away не подпускайте его близко.

Napoleon: nonsense, sir. This is certainly a lady and you are under arrest. Put down your sword, sir, instantly немедленно. I order you to leave the room. Giuseppe (discreetly сдержанно, осторожно): Come, lieutenant. (He opens the door and follows the lieutenant.) Lady: How can I thank you, General, for your protection? Napoleon (turning on her suddenly): my despatches отправление, посылка: come! (He puts out вытянуть руку his hand for them.) Lady: General! (She unvoluntarily puts her hands on her fichu something there.) неестественно, невольно кружевная косынка as if to protect болван out of them. корсаж of your dress under

Napoleon: You tricked выманить that blockhead You disguised despatches. They are there in the bosom your hands.

замаскировать yourself as a man. I want my

Lady (quickly removing her hands): Oh, how unkindly you are speaking to me! (She takes her handkerchief from her fichu.) You frighten (She touches her eyes as if to wipe утирать away a tear.) пугать me.

Napoleon: I see you don‟t know me, madam, or you would save yourself the trouble избавиться от необходтмости of pretending to cry. Lady (producing поизводить an effect of smiling through her tears): Yes, I do know you. You are the famous General Buonaparte .

Napoleon (angrily): The papers, if you please. Lady: But I assure you – (She snatches rudely грубо.) General! (indignantly ухватиться the hankerchief негодующе.)

Napoleon (taking the other hankerchief from his breast грудь): You lent одолжить one of your hankerchiefs to my lieutenant when you robbed him. (He looks at the two hankerchiefs.) they match one another. (he smiled them.) The same scent духи. (He flings them down швырнуть on the table.) I am waiting for my despatches. I shall take them, if necessary, with as little ceremony Lady (in dignified достоинства reproof угрожать women?

as I took the handkerchief. обладающий чувством собственного упрёк): General: Do you threaten

Napoleon (bluntly грубо): Yes. (Holding протягивая out his hand.) Yes: I am waiting for them. Lady: General: I only want to keep one little private letter. Only one. Let me have it. Napoleon (cold and stern суровый): Is that a reasonable требование, madam?

разумный, приемлемый demand

Lady (relaxed by his not refusing отвергающий point blank решительный, прямой): No, but that is why you must grant дарить, уступить it.

Are your own demands reasonable? Thounands of lives for the sake of your victories, your ambitions честолюбие, your destiny! And what I ask is such a little thing. And I am only a weak woman, and you a brave man. What is the secret of your power? Only that you believe in yourself. You can fight and conquer for yourself and for nobody else. You are not afraid of your own destiny. You teach us what we all might be if we had the will сила воли, твѐрдое намерение and courage: and that (suddenly sinking опускаясь on knees before him) is why we all begin to worship боготворить you. (She kisses his hands.)

Napoleon (embarrassed смущенный): Tut ах ты ! Tut! Pray прошу вас rise, madam! Lady: My Emperor !

Napoleon (overcome устоять, преодолеть, raising her): Pray! pray! No, no: this is folly глупость. Come подождите : be calm, be calm.) There ну-ну! There! my girl. Lady (struggling отбиваясь with happy tears): Yes, I know it is an

impertinence дерзость in me to tell you what you must know far better than I do. But you are not angry with me, are you? Napoleon: Angry! No, no: not a bit. Come подождите: you are a very clever and sensible and interesting woman. ( He pats her on the cheek.) Shall we be friends? Lady (enraptured): Your friend! You will let me be your friend! Oh! ( She offers протянуть him both her hands with a radiant лучезарный smile.)

You see: O shew

проявила my confidence in you.

This incautious неосторожный, опрометчивый echo the lieutenant undoes открывать, уничтожать, портить her. Napoleon starts вздрогнуть; his eyes flash; he utters издать звук a yell ронзительный окрик of rage ярость, гнев.


Napoleon: Shew your confidence in me! So that I may shew my confidence in you in return в обмен by letting you give me the slip листок, чехол with the despatches, eh? Dalila and I have been as gross lieutenant. (Menacingly , Dalila, you have been trying your tricks on me; грубый, грязный, ужасный a gull осёл, болван, дурак of a угрожающе, сурово.) Come ну: the шутить with now. кушетка, тахта): General –

простофиля, дурачок as my jackass

despatches. Quick: I am not to be trifled Lady (flying round кружиться the couch Napoleon: Quick, I tell you.

Lady (at bay в безвыходном положении, confronting стоя напротив него him and giving way отступать, славаться, поддаваться отчаянию to her temper сдержанность, настроение): You dare address me in that tone Napoleon: Dare! Lady: Yes, dare. Who are you that you should presume позволять себе to speak to me in that coarse подлый, отвратительный, vulgar допускать, грубый way? Oh, the vile



adventurer easily.

comes out обнаруживаться, прявляться in you very

Napoleon (beside himdelf вне себя): You she-devil! (Savagely в ярости.) Once more, and only once, will you give me those papers or shall I tear them from you? – by force! Lady: Tear them from me: by force! The Lady without speaking, stands upright вертикальный, прямой, and takes a packet of papers from her bosom корсаж. She hands them politely вежливо to Napoleon. The moment he takes them, she hurries across to the other side of the room; sits down and covers her face with her hands.

Napoleon (gloating злорадствуя over the papers): Aha! That‟s right. (Before he opens them, he looks at her and says.) Excuse me. (He sees that she is hiding her face.) very angry with me, eh? (He unties the packet, the seal печать, клеймо of which is already broken, and puts it on the table to examine its contents.) Lady (quietly, taking down her hands and shewing that she is not crying, but only thinking): No. You were right. But I am sorry for you. Napoleon (pausing in the act of taking the uppermost верхний paper from the packet): Sorry for me! Why? Lady: I‟m going to see you lose your honor. самый Napoleon: Hm! Nothing worse than that? (He takes up браться за the paper.) Lady: And your happiness. Napoleon: Happiness! Happiness is the most tedious скучный, утомительный thing in the world to me. Should I be what I am if I cared for happiness. Anithing else? Lady: Nothing. Napoleon: Good. Lady: Except that you will cut a very foolish figure поизводить очень неблаговидное впечатление the eyes of France. Napoleon (quickly): What? (He throws бросать the lettere down and breaks out разразиться into a torrent поток of scolding брань.) What do you

mean? Eh? Are you at your tricks again? Do you think I don‟t know what these papers contain? I‟ll tell you. First, my information as to Beaulieu‟s retreat отступление. You are one of this spies: He has discovered that he had been betrayed предан, and has sent you to intercept перехватить the information. As if that could save him from me, the old fool дурак! The other papers are only my private letters from Paris, of which you

know nothing. Lady (prompt and business-like): General: let us make a fair честный division. Take the information your spies have sent you about the Austrian army; and give me the Paris corrispondence удовлетворит me.

. That will content

Napoleon (his breath taken away захватоло дух by the coolness невозмутимость, уверенность of her proposal предложение): A fair di- (he gasps). It seems to me, madam, that you have come to regard рассматривать my letters as your own property, of which I am trying

to rob you. Lady (earnestly убедительно): No: on my honor I ask for no letter of yours: not a word that has been written by you or to you. That packet contains a


letter: a letter written by a woman to a man: a man not her позор, бесчестие, infamy

husband; a letter that means disgrace бесчестье– Napoleon: A love letter?

Lady (bitter-sweetly): What else but a love letter could stir so much hate?

up возбуждать

Napoleon: Why is it sent to me? To put the husband in my power? Lady: No, no: it can be of no use to you: I swear сущий, явный, полнейший malice клясться that is wiil

cost you nothing to give it to me. It has been sent to you out of sheer злоба, злой умысел: solely

to injure

повредить, оскорбить the woman who wrote it.

Napoleon: Then why not send it to her husband instead of to me? Lady (completely taken aback захваченная в расплох, поражённая): Oh! (Sinking back into the chair.) I- I don‟t know. (She breaks down не выдержать, потерять самообладание.) Napoleon: Aha! I thought so: a little romance романтическая история to get the paper back. Per Bacco, I can‟t help admiring you. I wish I could lie like that. It would save me a great deal of trouble. Lady (wringing сжимая her hands): Oh how I wish I really had told you some lie! You would have believed me then. The truth is the one thing nobody will believe. Napoleon (with coarse familiarity ): Capital превосходно! Capital! Come ну: I am a true Corsican in my love for stories. But I could tell them better than you if I set задавать цель my mind to it. Next time you are asked why a letter compromising a wife should not be sent to her husband, answer simply that the husband wouldn‟t read it. Do you suppose, you goose простушка, that a man wants to be compelled заставлен, подчинён, принужден by public opinion to make a

scene, to fight a duel

, to break up разбить his household

домашнее хозяйство, to injure his career

повредить by a scandal

постыдный факт, злословие, when he can avoid it all by taking

care not to know? Lady (revolted восставший, мятежный): Suppose that packet contained a letter about your own wife? Napoleon (offended нахальный, madam. Lady (humbly ): You are impertinent дерзкий, скромно, смиренно): I beg your pardon. Caesar‟s

wife is above suspicion Napoleon: You have commited

. поручать, вверять an indiscretion

неблагоразумность, невежливость, неучтивость, нескромность. I pardon you. In future, do not permit yourself to introduce привносить, представлять real persons in your romances


Lady; General: there really is a woman‟s letter there. (Pointing to the packet.) Give it to me. Napoleon: Why? Lady: She is an old friend: we were at school together. She has written to me imploring умоляя me to prevent предотвращать, предупреждать the letter falling into your hands. Napoleon: Why has it been sent to me? Lady: Because it compromises the director Barras! Napoleon (frowning, evidently очевидно, по внешнему виду startled напуганный): Barras! (Haughtily надменно.) Take care, madam. The director Barras is my attached преданный personal friend.

Lady (nodding placidly спокойно, мирно, безмятежно): Yes. You became friends through your wife.

Napoleon: Again! Have I not forbidden you to speak of my wife? Barras! Barras? (Very threateningly угрожающе, his face darkening.) Take care берегитесь. Take care: do you hear? You may go too far. Lady (innocently turning her face to him): What‟s the matter?

Napoleon: What are you hinting at на что вы намекаете? Who is this woman? Lady (meeting his angry searching пронизывающий, испытующий gaze пристальный взгляд with tranquil показной, silly, extravagant

indifference тщеславный, сумасбродный, нелепый


she sits looking up смотреть вверх at him): A vain creature

, with a very able способный, талантливый and ambitious

честолюбивый husband who knows her through and through насквозь: knows that she had lied to him about her age, her income доход, her

social position, about everything that silly woman lie about: knows that she is incapable of fidelity to any principle принцип, правило or any person; and yet cannot help loving her – cannot help his man‟s instinct to make use of применять, воспользоваться her for his own advancement Napoleon (in a stealthy прогресс продвижение with Barras. осторожный coldly холодный furious мщение, месть, you

взбешѐнный whisper): This is your revenge

she-cat, for having had to give me the letters. Lady: Nonsense! Or do you mean that you are that sort of man? Napoleon (exasperated доведённый до белого каления, clasps сжимать his hands behind him, his fingers twitching подёргиваться, and says, as he walks отойти irritably раздражѐнно away from her to the fireplace): This woman will drive выгонять, выколачивать me out of my senses. (To her.) Begone убирайся. Lady (springing up поднимаясь with bright flush in her cheeks): Oh, you are too bad. Keep your letters. Read the story of your own dishonour in them; and

much good may they do you. Goodbye. (She goes indignantly негодующе towards the inner внутренний door.) Vocabulary notes. character – 1) характер (темперамент) ( he is a man of (strong, weak) independent character – он человек (сильного, слабого) независимого характера. 2) свойство, качество ( the character of the work, soil, climate) 3) нрав, характер, воля (He is a man of character – Он волевой человек, сильная личность)(Character-building is not an easy thing – Воспитать характер не простая вещь) 4) персонаж, герой (романа, фильма) , действующее лицо (пьеса) (good (bad) character – положительный (отрицательный) герой, fictional character – вымышленный герой) 5) оригинал, тип, чудак (He‟s quite a character – Он тот еще оригинал) 6) характеристика, письменная рекомендация (good character – хорошая рекомендация) be out of character – не соответствовать, не вязаться characteristic – характерная особенность, характеристика characterize – характеризировать, служить отличительным признаком, особенностью threat – 1) угроза 2) опасность, грозное предзнаменование (There was a threat of rain in the dark sky – Темное небо предвещало дождь, либо Судя по темному небу – надвигался дождь) threaten – 1) предвещать (The clouds threatened rain – Тучи предвещали дождь, либо Должен был пойти дождь) 2) угрожать (опасность), грозить (чем-либо) 3) угрожать кому-либо threaten to do smth. – грозиться сделать что-либо to threaten smb. with smth. – угрожать кому-либо чем-либо (The criminal threatened his enemy with death – Преступник угрожал своему врагу расправой) threatening – угрожающий (a threatening voice(attitude) – угрожающий голос (отношение), to give smb. a threatening look – угрожающе посмотреть на кого-либо) sink (sank, sunk) – 1) опускаться, тонуть, погружаться, уходить(за горизонт, под воду) (The drowning man sank as a stone – Утопленник пошел на дно как камень.) 2) падать, упасть (My spirit sank – Я упал духом / To sink in smb. estimation – упасть в чьем-либо мнении, «упасть в глазах») 3) падать, опускаться (He sank to the ground wounded – Он упал на землю раненный)(He sank

into the chair and burst into tears – Он опустился в кресло и заплакал) sink – мойка, раковина, сток (воды) sense – 1) чувство (организма, физическое) (The five sense are – sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch) 2) чувство (моральное, ментальное) (sense of duty, humour, beauty, proportion, time, security, danger, pain, cold – чувство долга, юмора, прекрасного, меры, времени, безопасности, опасности, боли, холода) 3) сознание, рас судок 4) разум, ум, смысл (a man of sense – здравомыслящий человек, common sense – здравый смысл) 5) смысл, значение (in a strict, literal, figurative, good, bad – в прямом, буквальном, переносном, хорошем, плохом смысле) to be in one‟s right senses – быть в здравом уме, быть в своем уме to be out of one‟s senses – быть не в своем уме to make sense – быть понятным, иметь смысл to make no sense – не иметь смысла sensitive – 1) чувствительный (to have a sensitive skin – иметь чувствительную кожу) 2) восприимчивый (to be sensitive to pain, other people‟s blame, suffering, criticism – быть восприимчивым к боли, быть чувствительным к обвинениям, страданиям, критике других людей ) (to be sensitive about one's physical defects – сочувствовать физическим недостаткам) sensible – разумный, благоразумный, здравомыслящий (a sensible fellow, idea, suggestion – разумный человек, идея, предложение cautious – осторожный, предусмотрительный, бережный caution – осторожность, предусмотрительность, меры предосторожности caution (against) – предупреждать (to give a caution – предупреждать, предостерегать) (The teacher cautioned us against being late) precaution – предосторожность, мера предосторожности (They took precautions against the flood – Они приняли меры предосторожности против наводнения) slip vt|i – 1) соскользнуть, ускользнуть (The tablecloth slipped off the table – Скатерть соскользнула со стола) 2) поскользнуться 3) забыть (The name has slipped my attention (memory)) 4) проскользнуть, прошмигнуть, ускользнуть (He slipped out of the house unnoticed – Он выскользнул на улицу незамеченным) (Happiness slipped by me – Счастье пронеслось мимо(миновало) меня) 5) делать ошибки (He slips in his grammar – Он делает грамматические ошибки (Его грамматика хромает)) 6) надевать, накидывать (одежду) – (to slip on one‟s clothes), скдывать,

сбрасывать – to slip off one‟s clothes. 7) вкладывать, всовывать (To slip a

letter into the envelope) slip – 1) полоска бумаги (slip of paper) 2) промах, ошибка (a slip of the tongue – обмолвка, оговорка, a slip of the pen – описка) 3) побег to give smb. a slip – ускользнуть от (избежать) кого-либо slippery – скользкий, скользко (It‟s so slippery today! – Сегодня так скользко!(Сегодня такой гололед) slippers – тапочки (домашние) bitter – резкий (о ветре), горький (на вкус), мучительный, жестокий (о морозе) (a bitter words – резкие слова, a bitter disappointment – острое чувство разочарования, a bitter complaints – серьезные жалобы , a bitter smile – злая улыбка, a bitter remarks – горькие слова, a bitter wind – резкий ветер, a bitter enemy – заклятый враг) bitterly – 1) горько (He laughed bitterly – Он горько(зло) засмеялся) 2) очень (It was bitterly cold – было очень холодно) stir – 1) помешивать, размешивать (ложкой) (to stir a tea(coffee, porridge) – размешивать чай кофе, помешивать кашу) 2) шевелить (the wind stirred the leaves – ветер шевелил листья) 3) шевелиться, двигаться (not a leaf stirred – не шелохнулся даже и листик) (Nobody stirred in the house – в доме никто не шевелился) not to stir a finger – и пальцем не пошевелить not to stir an eyelid – и глазом не моргнуть injure vt – вредить (to injure one‟s health – вредить здоровью), повредить, ушибить, ранить (to injure some part of the body – повредить, поранить, ушибить какую-либо часть тела) (to injure one‟s feelings – оскорбить, ранить чьи-то чувства)(to injure smb.‟s reputation – повредить репутации) (to injure smth. accidentally (badly, seriously) – случайно (сильно, серьезно) повредить что-либо) (to be injured in an accident (in fire, war) – пострадать во время несчастного случая, при пожаре, на войне) injured – пострадавший, задетый, обиженный (injured feelings, pride, look, tone, voice – раненные чувства, задетое самолюбие, обиженный вид(взгляд), тон, голос) injury – вред, повреждение (to receive (suffer) an injury to the head (back) – получить (страдать от) травму (ранение) головы, спины revenge vt – мстить, отомстить (to revenge an insult (injustice) – отомстить за оскорбление (несправедливость)) to revenge oneself on(upon) a person – отомстить кому-либо за что-либо to be revenged – быть отмщенным revenge – месть, отмщение to have\get\take one‟s revenge on(upon) smb. – отомстить, мстить

to do smth. in revenge – сделать в отместку revengeful – мстительный, жаждущий мщения to disguise oneself – замаскироваться to be under arrest – находиться под арестом to smile through one‟s tears – улыбнуться сквозь слѐзы to rob smb. of smth. – лишить кого-либо чего-либо, ограбить to fling smth. – кинуть, бросить что-либо to cut a foolish figure – показаться дураком(смешным) to intercept information – перехватить информацию to be taken aback – опешить to refuse pointblank – категорически отказаться to break down – не выдерживать to make a scene – устраивать сцену to try one‟s tricks on smb. – обмануть, одурачить кого-либо to be beside oneself – быть вне себя to go too far – зайти слишком далеко to make use of smb. or smth. – использовать кого-то или что-то P.189, ex.4 1. Brown was under arrest for a month. 2. On his first day in New York John was robbed of money and he had no one to turn for help. 3. Aren‟t you ashamed of flinging stones at the dog? It has‟t done you any harm, has it? 4. I asked him to join us, but he refused pointblank. 5. “No use trying your tricks on me. I see you through,” said Nick. 6. I found Bret beside oneself, he was evidently in no state to listen to reason. 7. Nothing you say will help you make use of me. 8. You know how proud and touchy he is, he would rather keep in the background than cut a foolish figure. 9. “It was awfully mean of him to intercept the letter that was not meant for him,” said Janet. 10. Taken aback, she lost her presence of mind. 11. When she was left alone, she broke down and cried bitterly. 12. We evidently can‟t agree on this point, but why make a scene? 13. That‟s going too far, so far we don‟t know anything for certain. 14. The way Ann makes use of her sister‟s kindness is really shameful. P.189 ex.5 1. Krivz had been under arrest for a month, but still refused pointblank to testify. 2. From the car‟s window John saw that she smiled through her tears and waved in farewell. 3. They said, old Tim had his money stored up and kept them at his house, therefore why he was afraid his house would be robbed of money. 4. Andrew flung the letter on the table, but in a minute he took it again and started to read. 5. Don‟t try your tricks on me. Nothing will come out of it. Word combinations and Phrases

6. Jane was beside herself and it cost her a lot of effort to control herself. 7. Most of all he was afraid to cut a foolish figure. 8. Rebecca understood perfectly what threatens her unless she manages to intercept the letter. 9. Joe was taken aback by the unexpected question so much that he suddenly lost control of himself. 10. When old Jolyon had went Jun broke down and gave a loose to her tears. 11. After misses Page made a scene for money, Andrew resolved to seek foe a new job. 12.” What are you hinting at?”- Noreen said. -“Be careful, you may go too far.” 13. You make use of him on your own account but you call it a friendship,”- Peter said indignantly. p.190 ex.9 необычайно изящная extraordinarly graceful умное лицо intelligent face избавиться от необходимости to save yourself the trouble погладить по щеке to pat on the cheek с сияющей улыбкой with a radiant smile самая скучная штука the most tedious thing разразиться потоком брани to break out into a torrent of scolding поделить что-л. по-честному to make a fair division задыхаться to have one‟s breath taken away заламывать руки wringing her hands грубо и фамильярно with coarse familiarity компрометировать кого-л. to compromise smb. общественное мнение a public opinion драться на дуэли to fight a duel быть выше подозрения to be above suspicion попасть кому-л. в руки to fall into smb.‟s hands честолюбивый муж an ambitious husband социальное положение a social position выведенный из себя exasperated p.191 ex.14 a A great General, a famous statesman, the man of uncommon destiny Napoleon Buonaparte was out of the historical arene in July, eighteen hundred and fifteenth. Another six years in a rocky island lost in the ocean the life of the man went through his glory had been still gleaming. It was a protracted for years agony of the prisoner, who was doomed to lingering death. The British Government, of whom generosity Napoleon counted on, came short. They put their prisoner into severe and humiliating conditions of a petty-minded captious meddling spoiled the last years of his life. In these long days of ordeals and misfortune he displayed courage and strength of mind which made forget many of his previous crimes.

From hundred and fifty – one hundred and eighty miles years voices of the past epoch come to us more subduedly. But a historian, refreshing the picture of the very far-off times and its heroes, is already free from any partiality and prejudicialness of the past epoch; the historical events and historical characters, proved by the strong measures of time, find their actual size, history assigns everyone his place. Napoleon Buonaparte from this long distance appears in all his inconsistency. He is apprehended first of all as a son of his time - a critical epoch, the epoch of transformation from the old feudal world to the new bourgeois society coming in the stead of. His name associates with dimensionless ambition, despotic rule, cruel bloody battles, sateless thirst of conquests. For sure, it would be right to say that Napoleon Buonaparte was one of the most remakable representative of bourgeoisie then it was still young bold ascending classe , that he personified the most completely all its virtues and its proper even at the early stage shortcomings. As long as there was more elements of progressive in Napoleon‟s action, good fortune, wins accompanied him.And when Napoleonic Wars turned into pure aggressive, imperialistic wars which brought enslavement and oppression to European nations, then neither none of Napoleon‟s personal gifts nor enormous efforts he made already couldn‟t bring him the victory. He was coming with immenence to the ruin of his empire and to his own failure. His ups and downs were consequent enaugh. Napoleon Buonaparte was a son of his epoch an impressed in his character features of his age. All following figures of bourgeoisie who was pretending to the Napoleon‟s role, reflecting historical evolution of the class representatives of which they were, became petty, degenerated into a bad mock or caricature of image they tried to imitate. However it is impossible to strike out of the annals the Napoleon Buonaparte‟s name. In nineteen sixty-eight his two hundreth anniversary was celebrated: hundreds of books and articles, congresses, conferences and television programmes and discutions again.The public interest for man, general, statesman of remote times is still great. What is the matter of issue? Some disparage and curse Buonaparte, others praise, the thirds try to find an explanation of inconsistency of his track, so much different from the others. However, how much wouldn‟t differ the opinions, everyone coincides that that was a man of an unique, striking destiny, which was stamped on the memory of generations. (a passage from epilogue to the book “Napoleon Buonaparte” by A.Z. Manfred) P.195 ex.3 A. 1. She is not, I think, a woman of interesting character. 2. The combination of creating vivid and original images with the refinement of language and style

characterizes the writer‟s skill. 3. The characters depicted by the writer are very much alike. 4. His conversation was characteristic of a retired officer. 5. Look at the clouds. They threaten rain. 6. The teacher treated to punish the pupil unless he did his homework properly. 7. Jap sank into a chair, looked at me and tapped his forehead significantly. 8. His voice had risen, but now it sank almost to a whisper. 9. At last he sank into heavy slumber. 10. You are her friend – in the best sense of the word. 11. The drugs had relieved the pain and she was left with a sense of great fatigue. 12. Nora never made scenes. She was sensible enough to know that they would only irritate Roger. 13. The truth was too obvious, and Julia was too sensible to miss it. 14. I think she behaved with great caution. 15. He never cautioned me about that until yesterday. B. 1. My friend and I slipped out of the room. 2. we knew what you intended and we took precautions. 3. I meant to give the book back to you this morning, but in heat of our discussion, it slipped my memory. 4. She sipped her hand into his and gave him her old smile. 5. It must be awful to see year after year slip and live in a place where nothing can happen. 6. His life had been bitter. 7. Gorky‟s death was a bitter loss to all the people. 8. His failure to pass the examination was a bitter disappointment to him. 9. She was afraid to stir for fear she might wake the child. 10. Poetry, like music, stirred him profoundly. 11. He had no pity, and her tears stirred no emotion, but he didn‟t want hysterics. 12. “There!” he would say in an injured tone, :Now the nail‟s gone.” 13. Isn‟t it a bit too hot for sun-bathing? – Not for me. I like it hot. The sun can‟t injure me. 14. The doctor thought that the injury was inflicted by a heavy blow from some blunt instrument. 15. She is revengeful to anyone who has injured her. 16. He told Kate that, in practical affairs, revenge an insult was a luxury he could not afford. 17. That was how he could get his revenge upon the people who mocked at him. 18. Ann knew she could revenge them, but she no longer felt angry. P.197 ex.6 1. His friend cautioned him against approaching danger and warned him against running into it. 2. We caution her against speaking rashly and warned her of the consequences. 3. I caution him against being late. 4. The boys must be warned not to go skating on the pond: the ice is too thin. 1. He held his breath, afraid to stir. 2. Move aside, please. 3. He wouldn‟t stir a finger to help anyone. 4. He is able move anyone to action. 5. She was afraid to stir not to wake up the children. 1. The crops were injured by a storm. 2. He was injured in the war. 3. Lots of buildings were damaged by the earthquake. 4. He was the only one to escape from the train wreck without injure. 5. The car was damaged in an accident. P.197 ex.6 A. 1. As soon as we had Ted in our company we understood he is a man of strong character. 2. At the “Public Schools” they really build up the character and it is

an absolutely certain character, a leader‟s character. 3. When we started to discuss the main character of the story opinions were divided. 4. The decision to wait without taking measures characterizes him. 5. “Anyhow, you could do without treats,”- June said,-“you achieve nothing with treats”. 6. Nobody, except the pilot of the expedition, was aware of what treats them unless snowstorm would calm down toward morning. 7. “The Titanic”, a passenger streamer, sank in nineteen twelve. 8. The sun was sinking below the horizon. The damp pervaded the air. 9. Their boat sank during the storm, but the fishermen managed to save themselves. 10. Don‟t you think this actor overdoes? He doesn‟t have any sense of proportion. 11.”You are a man of sense, why can‟t you understand there is no sense to dispute about it, until we find out everything,”-Tad said. 12. This sentence makes no sense, probably, there is a misprint here. 13. Jane is sensitive to criticism very much: any criticism offends her, whatever it was. 14. You‟d better to consider Roger‟s words: his suggestion is sensible. 15. What I like about her is her persistence and her common sense. 16. It is needful to be cautious, it is a very poor road. 17. I warned you not to be late, and you are an hour behind time. 18. All the cautions were taken against the flu. B. 1. She started and the cup slipped out of her hand. 2. This trail is very slippery, let‟s go on the road. 3. At the height of evening Ann managed to slip out of the house unnoticed. 4. He speaks German fluently, but he slips in his grammar. 5. I wanted to call you yesterday evening, but when I came home it had completely slipped from my mind. 6. Misses Dauels looked around: Tom was not seen anywhere; he might be had given her the slip. 7. His plucking was a bitter disappointment for him. 8. When Dorin was alone, gave a loose to her tears and was crying with offence long and bitterly. 9. It is bitter frost today. Why don‟t we postpone our trip to tomorrow? 10. It was not windy, no one leaf stirred. 11. Please, stir the porridge or it burn. 12. Nobody stirred in the house, I opened the door and went out. 13. Marion not to stirred an eyelid when had heard this striking news, she might had been aware of it before. 14. When John got into an accident with the car, he received a serious injury of his back and he still fills not so fine. 15. I fear that the baby can be injured by this medicine. 16. Be more tactful to her not to injure her feelings. She is very touchy. 17. I think she cried for her injured pride. 18. She has done it n revenge, you treated her not very well neither. 19. “I would never think,”- Nora said, - “she is able to a small offence which it was given her by chance therewith.” 20. Such revengeful people never forgets it offence and always hopes to get its revenge upon its offender. P.199 ex.12 1. Norman is out. He‟ll be back in an hour or so. 2. “Let‟s forget the quarrel and be friends,” he said holding out his hand. 3. Let‟s get into the car and stretch our legs. 4. I really can‟t walk at such a rate. 5. I‟m quite out of breath. 5. I

remember that I was scared out of my wits then, but the details have faded from my memory. 6. To respect to her feelings you ought to be discreet. 7. The doctor won‟t lock. All the locks in this cottage are out of order. 8. Are you out of your senses to act like this? 9. The lady succeeded in tricking the lieutenant out of despatches. 10. Are you up to your tricks again? You‟ll drive me out of my senses. 11. The first introduction of French to English dates from the time of the Saxon kings. 12. American slang is forcing its way to English. 13. It‟s good to be able to turn sorrow into joy. 14. Why did you burst into the room with so much noise? 15. He sat staring at the fire. P.200 ex.13 1. In the middle of the evening Ruff slipped out of the house unnoticed. 2. I cannot make out some words, you have a terrible handwriting. 3. The day proved to be nice and we regretted that we stayed in the town. 4. Out of sight out of mind. 5. Kate smiled through her tears and said: “Excuse me, my nerves are on edge.” 6. He lives in the country and it takes him an hour and a half to get to his work. 7. You'll get into trouble. Don't say I didn't warn you. 8. Kate burst into tears, when she learned the departure had been canceled again. 9. Jim barged into the room gripped something and in a minute he was out. 10. Now that they were out of danger, they could finally have a rest. 11. He has been stayed indoors since a month. 12. The door will not lock. The lock must be out of order. 13. It is out of his character to dispute just out of stubbornness. Unit VI Speech patterns. 1. I have always hesitated to give advice. Я всегда не решался дать совет. I hesitated to ask him for help. He didn‟t hesitate to take such a big risk. Don‟t hesitate to refuse the offer if you don‟t like it. 2. How can one advice another unless one knows that order as well as one knows himself? Как может кто-то давать советы другому если он не знает того другого в той же мере, в которой тот другой знает себя?

They won‟t accept your plan unless you alter it. You‟ll fail unless you work hard. Unless I‟m mistaken, he‟s an artist. Unless he‟s done the work properly, I shan‟t accept it. 3. He had some difficulty in lighting it. У него были некоторые трудности зажечь это. I have some difficulty in understanding spoken German. She had some difficulty in finding the house. We had some difficulty in selecting a present for her.

I had some difficulty in writing an essay. 4. He gave an apologetic laugh. I had not given him more than a cursory glance. Он рассмеялся извиняющимся смехом. Я взглянул на него не более чем поверхностно. The girl gave a deep sigh. Jim gave a loud cry (groan). She gave me a critical look. 5. It‟s precisely what they are going to do. Это совершенно очевидно, что они намерены сделать. That‟s what I‟ve got to look forward to. Именно это я должен был делать: ожидать с нетерпением. That‟s all I‟ve got to look forward to. Всѐ что я должен был делать -это ожидать с нетерпением. That is precisely what I object to. That‟s what they‟ve got to expect. That‟s all they‟ve got to hope for. 6. He was dressed in a blue suit a good deal the worse for wear. Он был одет в костюм изрядно поношенный.

This is an old coat, but it is none the worse for wear. Это пальто старое, но оно не хуже чем новое (смотрится как новое). The road is a good deal the worse for the rain. We are none the happier for learning the truth 7. He looked to me as if he knew a good bottle of wine when he saw it. Он взглянул на меня как если бы он признал добрую бутыль вина когда увидел еѐ.

He knows a good book when he sees it. The man knew a good painting when he saw it. I know a good play when I see it. 8. You could not have imagined a more delightful person to drink a glass of wine with. I can‟t imagine a better place to have a rest in. I don‟t know a worse place to go for holidays to. He never saw a more interesting person to speak with. P.212 ex.1 1. Caution made Jim hesitate to stay there. 2. He did not hesitate to drink some beer. 3. I shan‟t touch upon the subject unless you help me. 4. No use discussing the matter with me unless you prepared perfectly. 5. We thought we knew Italian having studied it from books, but we had some difficulty in understanding spoken Italian. 6. It‟s not always easy to teach children to read. Some children have special difficulty in spelling. 7. The door was so narrow that

we had some difficulty in coming in. 8. With so many other things to occupy my mind, I had not given Wilson a sage advice. 9. The two old gentlemen were obviously displeased with the interruption. They gave us a critical look. 10. I‟m not astonished at his refusal to help us at all. that is precisely what we‟ve got to expect. 11. Now it‟s quite evident that we shan‟t be able to finish the work on time. That‟s I can say about it. 12. I know that he‟s sorry about what happened, but I am none the happier for learning the truth. 13. The boy is naughty, but I like him none the worse for it. 14. I think it only fair to tell you that that‟s all a good deal the worse for his rash action. 15. He‟s a connoisseur of art and he surely knows a good painting when he sees it. 16. This young actress has got real talent. I assure you I know a good actress when I see it. 17. You cannot imagine a more delightful person to go for holidays with. 18. If you‟re in need of advice, you cannot find a better person to advise. P.212 ex.2 1. He hesitated to go further because he was afraid. 2. You always hesitate to refuse if you think the plan is unwise. 3. Unless I‟m mistaken, we ought to have a good trip there. 4. Unless I‟m mistaken we shan‟t get home before dark. 5. I have some difficulty in getting the information. So don‟t fret. 6. Sam had some difficulty in understanding what she said because of her bad French. 7. The old man gave a deep sigh, seemed to hesitate and then walked on. 8. “Give a loud ring, it‟s urgent.” 9. It‟s precisely what it‟s going to be if we can‟t find some better explanation. 10. That‟s what you expected a teacher to be. 11. They are none the happier for knowing the truth. 12. Everyone is the better for being frank and straightforward. 13. I can‟t imagine better news to hope for. 14. The man knew a good music when he heard it. 15. Ann never saw a more interesting person to have a chat with. 16. He can‟t imagine a more interesting person to work with. P.213 ex.3 1. He hesitated to give advice, afraid of responsibility, I think. 2. Don‟t hesitate to call me if you need me. 3. Unless I‟m mistaken, this is but a temporary job. 4. Don‟t do anything unless you hear from me. 5. We‟re going on a hike next Saturday unless the weather turn out nasty. 6. I had some difficulty in remembering dates, they just slip from my memory. 7. I had some difficulty in understanding the article. 8. He gave an apologetic laugh and said, “So that‟s it. How on earth did you guess the truth?” 9. Tom gave a shrug of his shoulders. “What next, I wonder?” 10. The landlady gave a critical look at the three young men and close the door in their faces. 11. At seeing me Jovella gave a relieved sigh. 12. That‟s what I was afraid of. 13. If I had my time again that would precisely what I did. 14. I did not like the boy the worse for being naughty. 15. He was none the happier for the wealth. 16.“I‟m aware it is the worse for hope”, said the man. 17. “Is that all I‟ve got to look forward to?” asked Cora. Allan

made no comment. 18. Soames knew a good painting when he saw it. 19. He is a well-read person and knows the French poetry when he read it. 20. I‟m found of the South-West of Moscow. I can‟t imagine a better place to live in. 21. He doesn‟t know a better place to have a rest in than Scotland. P.214 ex.5 1. Sew touched the handle of the door but still hesitated to come into the room. 2. If you need my help don‟t hesitate to call me any time. 3. Unless I‟m mistaken, the meeting was put off till Monday. 4. I‟d prefer to put up at a hotel unless it is overcrowded. 5. We had some difficulty in finding this street, because it was not on the plan and nobody knew where was it. 6. I translated this article because I had some difficulty in translation of technical terms. 7. Henry sighed deeply and said: “I could not ever imagine this work proved to be such a difficult.” 8. She dart a glance at headlines in the newspaper and put it aside. 9. I have told her everything. - That‟s what you haven‟t got to do. 10. That‟s precisely, you hadn‟t to lift this box by oneself! Really, nothing happen to me because of it. You needn‟t worry. 11. You can give her call all day long but you fetch up nowhere, she doesn‟t answer the telephone. 12. Jim knew pretty well that was all he could hope for. However, he didn‟t despair. 13. That‟s all I‟ve got to tell you. I hope you are serious about it. 14. Kirill knows well antiques. You‟d better inquired him if this vase costs that good deal of money. 15. I never saw a more interesting person to speak with. Text seven The happy man

By Somerset Maugham William Somerset Maugham (1874-1966), a well-known English novelist писатель-романист, short-story writer, playwright драматург and essayist очеркист, was the son of a British diplomat. He was educated at King‟s School in Canterbury , studied painting in Paris, went to Heidelberg University in Germany and studied to be a doctor at St. Thomas Hospital in England. Although Somerset Maugham did not denounce обвинять, осуждать the contemporary social order, he was critical of the morals, the narrow-mindedness недалѐкость and him hypocrisy лицемерие, притворство of bourgeois society. It was his autobiographical novel Of Human Bondage (1951) and the novel The Moon and Sixpence (1919) based on the life of the French artist Paul Gauguin , that won fame. Somerset Maugham was also a master of the shirt story. Somerset Maugham‟s style of writing is clear and precise. He does not impose обманывать his views on the reader. He puts a question and leaves it to the

reader to answer it. When criticizing something he sounds rather amused позабавленный than otherwise иначе. It‟s a dangerous thing to order the lives of others and I have often wondered at the self-confidence of the politicians, reformers and suchlike тому подобные люди who are prepared to force upon their fellows measures мерило that must alter менять, изменять their manners, habits, and points of view. I have always hesitated колебаться to give advice, for how can one advise another how to act unless one knows that other that other as well as one knows himself? Heaven knows, I know little enough of myself: I know nothing of others. We can only guess at the thoughts and emotions of our neighbours. Each one of us is a prisoner in a solitary уединѐнный tower and he communicates with the other prisoners, who form mankind, by conventional обычный, шаблонный signs that have not quite вполне, довольно the same meaning for them as for himself. And life, unfortunately, is something that you can lead but once; mistakes are often irreparable непоправимый and who am I that I should tell this one and that how he should lead it? Life is difficult business and I have found it hard enough to make my own a complete and rounded thing; I have not been tempted искушѐнный to teach my neighbor what he should do with his. But there are men who flounder двигаться с трудом, барахтаться, путаться в словах at the journey‟s start, the way before them, is confused and hazardous рискованный, опасный, and on occasion, however unwillingly неохотно, I have been forced to point the finger of fate. Sometimes men have said to me, what shall I do with my life? And I have seen myself for a moment wrapped покрытый, обѐрнутый in the dark cloak покров, плащ, мантия of Destiny. Once I know that I advised well. I was a young man, and I lived in a modest apartment in London near Victoria Station. Late one afternoon, when I was beginning to think that I had worked enough for that day, I heard a ring at the bell. I opened the door to a total stranger. He asked me my name; I told him. He asked if he might come in. “Certainly.” I led him into my sitting-room and begged him to sit down. He seemed a trifle немного embarrassed. I offered him a cigarette and he had some difficulty in lighting it without letting go off отделаться, сбежать his hat. When he had satisfactorily achieved this feat подвиг I asked him if I should not put it on a chair for him. He quickly did this and while doing it dropped ронять his umbrella. “I hope you don‟t mind возражать my coming to see you like this,” he said. “My name is Stephens and I am a doctor. You‟re in the medical, I believe?”

“Yes, but I don‟t practice.” “No, I know. I‟ve just read a book of yours about Spain and I wanted to ask you about it.” “It‟s not a very good book, I‟m afraid.” “The fact remains that you know something about Spain and there‟s no one else I know who does. And I thought perhaps you wouldn‟t mind giving me some information.” “I shall be very glad.” He was silent for a moment. He reached out протянуть руку for his hat and holding it one hand absent-mindedly stroked поглаживать it with the other. I surmised предполагать that it gave him confidence уверенность. “I hope you won‟t think it very odd for a perfect stranger to talk to you like this.” He gave an apologetic извиняющийся laugh. “I‟m not going to tell you the story of my life.” When people say this to me I always know that is precisely what they are going to do. I do not mind. In fact I rather like it. “I was brought up by two old aunts. I‟ve never been anywhere. I‟ve never done anything. I‟ve been married for six years. I have no children. I‟m a medical officer at the Camberwell Infirmary лазарет. I can‟t stick зависать it anymore.” There was something very striking поразительный in the short, sharp sentences he used. They had a forcible веский, убедительный ring окружность. I had not given him more than a cursory беглый glance, but now I looked at with curiosity . He was a little man, thickset коренастый and stout плотный, of thirty perhaps, with a round red face from which shone small, dark and very bright eyes. His black hair was cropped обрезан close to a bullet -shaped пулевидный, округлый head. He was dressed in a blue suit a good deal the worse for wear хорощо пообносившийся. It was baggy мешковатый at the knees and the pockets bulged выдаваться, выпячиваться untidily неопрятно. “You know what the duties are of medical officer in an infirmary . One day is pretty much like another. And that‟s all I‟ve got to look forward to ожидать, надеяться for the rest of my life. Do you think it‟s worth it?” “It‟s a means of livelihood средства к жизни,” I answered. “Yes, I know. The money‟s pretty good.” “I don‟t exactly know why you‟ve come to me.‟ “Well, I wanted to know whether you thought there would be any chance for an English doctor in Spain?”

“Why Spain?” “I don‟t know. I just have fancy склонность, пристрастие for it.” “It‟s not like Carmen, you know.” “But there‟s sunshine there, and there‟s good wine, and there‟s colour, and there‟s air you can breathe. Let me say what I have to say straight out прямой, открытый. I heard by accident that there was no English doctor in Seville . Do you think I could earn a living there? Is it madness to give up бросить a good safe job for an uncertainty?” “What does your wife think about it?” “She‟s willing.” “It‟s a great risk.” “I know. But if you say take it, I will; if you say stay where you are, I‟ll stay.” He was looking at me intently внимательно with those bright dark eyes of his and I knew that he meant what he said. I reflected for a moment. “Your whole future is concerned иметь отношение: you must decide for yourself. But this I can tell you: if you don‟t want money but are content удовлетворяться to earn just to keep body and soul together сводить концы с концами, then go. For you will lead a wonderful life.” He left me, I thought about him for a day or two, and then forgot. The episode passed completely from my memory. Many years later, fifteen at least, I happened to be in Seville and having some trifling пустячный, незначительный indisposition недомогание asked the hotel porter whether there was an English doctor in the town. He said there was and gave me the address. I took a cab and as I drove up подъехать to the house a little fat man came out of it. He hesitated заколебаться when he caught sight увидеть, заметить of me. “Have you come to see me?” he said. “I‟m the English doctor.” I explained my errand поручение, командировка and he asked me to come in. He lived in an ordinary простой Spanish house, with a patio внутренний дворик, and his consulting room which led out выходить, сообщаться of it littered разбросанный в беспорядке with

papers, books, medical appliances, and lumber мебель. The sight of it would have startled

хлам, громоздкая

business and then I asked the doctor what his fee was. He shook his head and smiled. “There‟s no fee.” “Why on earth not?”

испугать a squeamish брезгливый, щепетильный, привередливый patient. We did our

“Don‟t you remember me? Why, I‟m here because of something you said to me. You changed my whole life for me. I‟m Stephens.” I had not the least notion понятие, идея what he was talking about. He reminded me of our interview деловое свидание, встреча, he repeated to me what we had said, and gradually понемногу, out of из, вне the night, a dim тусклый, неясный, матовый recollection воспоминание, память of the incident происшествие came back to me. “I was wondering if I‟d ever see you again,” he said, I wondering if ever I‟d have a chance of thanking you for all you‟ve done for me.” “It‟s been a success then?” I looked at him. He was very fat now and bald лысый, плешивый, but his eyes twinkled мерцать, мигать gaily and his fleshy толстый, мясистый, red face bore нести, иметь признаки an expression of perfect good-humour. The clothes he wore, terribly shabby потѐртый, обносившийся, жалкий they were, had been made obviously by a Spanish tailor and his hat was the wide-brimmed широкополый sombrero if the Spaniard. He looked to me as though he knew a good bottle of wine when he saw it. He had a dissipated рассеянный though хотя entirely исключительно, полностью sympathetic симпатичный, appearance. You might have hesitated не решиться to let him remove your appendix , but you could not have imagined a more delightful восхитительный, очаровательный creature to drink a glass of wine with. “Surely you were married?” I asked. “Yes. My wife didn‟t like Spain, she went back to Camberwell , she was more at home there.” “Oh, I‟m sorry for that.” His black eyes flashed a bacchanalian smile. He really had somewhat the look of a young Silenus . “Life is full of compensations,” he murmured. The words were hardly out of his mouth when a Spanish woman, no longer in her fist youth , but still boldly смело, нагло and voluptuously чувственно beautiful, appeared at the door. She spoke to him in Spanish, and I could not fail to perceive не мог не почувствовать that she was the mistress хозяйка дома of the house. As he stood at the door to let me out выпустить he said to me:

“You told me when last I saw you that if I came here I should earn just enough money to keep body and soul together, but that I should lead a wonderful life. Well, I want to tell you that you were right. Poor I have been and poor I shall always be, but by heaven ей-богу I‟ve enjoyed myself получить удовольствие. I wouldn‟t exchange the life I‟ve had with that of any king in the world.” Vocabulary notes. confide – 1) доверять (I can confide him) 2)вверять, делиться, сообщать по секрету (He confided his troubles to me) confidence – 1) доверие (I have no confidence in such people, This doesn‟t inspire confidence – Это не внушает доверия, She took me into her confidence – Она доверилась мне либо Она оказала мне доверие) 2) уверенность (selfconfidence – самоуверенность), 3) секреты, конфиденциальное сообщение confident – 1) уверенный 2) самодовольный, уверенный (confident manner – уверенная манера, confident smile – самоуверенная улыбка) confidential – конфиденциальный, секретный (confidential information – секретная информация, confidential matter – секретные дела, confidential voice – доверительный тон, confidential correspondence – конфиденциальная корреспонденция) start vi\t – 1. отправляться (в путь) (to start early – рано отправиться в путь, start on a trip – отправляться в путешествие (поездку)) 2) начинать что-либо, приступать к чему-либо (to start work – приступать к работе)(start working, running, crying – начать работать, бежать, плакать) 3) начинаться (How did the war start?) 4) заводить, запускать (to start a car, a motor, a newspaper) 5) содрогнуться (He started at the noise) starting-point – 1) отправная точка, отправной пункт start – 1) начало (a start of a race, at the journey‟s start)(start in life – начало жизненного пути, карьеры) 2) вздрагивание, рывок (to give smb. a start – испугать кого-либо) from the start – с самого начала from start to finish – с начала до конца by fits and starts – порывами, урывками confuse – 1) путать, смешивать (to confuse names – путать имена, to confuse facts – путать факты ) 2) привести в замешательство, сбить с толку, смутить (attention confused her – внимание смутило ее) to be (feel, seem, get) confused – замяться, прийти в замешательство

confusion – 1) беспорядок, неразбериха (to lie (be, be thrown about) in confusion – лежать (быть, быть брошенным) в беспорядке) (in the confusion of battle – в неразберихе сражения) 2) смущение, замешательство 3) путаница, смешение (the confusion of sounds, letters – смешение звуков, букв) confusing – сбивающий с толку, неясный, нечеткий confused – 1)растерянный, смущенный 2) нечеткий (confused answer – туманный ответ, confused idea – путанные представление, путаница в голове) drop vt|i – 1) уронить, выронить, сбросить (to drop a glass – выронить стакан, to drop a bomb – сбросить бомбу, to drop a letter in a pillar-box) 2) бросать, прекращать (to drop one‟s work, studies, habit – забросить работу, учебу(занятия), привычку )(to drop smoking – бросить курить) (drop the argument(subject) – оставить тему) 3) (to drop a subject – броситьпредмет, to drop a person at some place – подвести, подбросить кого-либо куда-либо, to drop a line – черкнуть несколько строк, to drop smb. a hint on smth. – намекнуть кому-либо на что-либо, to drop one‟s voice – понизить голос, drop one‟s eyes - потупить взор, to drop one‟s friends – порвать с друзьями, to drop anchor – бросит якорь ) 4) падать, упасть (to drop with fatique – валиться с ног от усталости, to drop into a chair – завалиться в кресло, to drop on(to) one‟s knees – упасть на колени, to drop dead – упасть замертво, leaves(apples) drop – листья (яблоки) падают 5) спадать, падать, понижаться (the temperature, the wind, one‟s voice, prices may drop – температура, ветер, голос, цены могут понизиться) drop in – заглянуть, заскочить (Drop in to tea – заглянуть на чашечку чая) to drop off – 1) уменьшаться, расходиться 2) засыпать, отходить ко сну to drop behind – отставать, уходить назад drop – 1) капля, глоток (drops of water, perspiration, rain – капли воды, пота, дождя), (to drink something to the last drop – выпить до последней капли, take ten drops a day – принимать по 10 капель в день ) 2) падение, понижение (a sudden, unexpected, sharp drop in prices, temperature – внезапное, неожиданное, резкое падение цен, температуры) mind vt – 1) заботиться, заниматься (mind your own business – занимайтесь своим делом (не ваше дело)) (mind the baby (the fire) – присматривать за ребенком(огнем)) 2) слушаться 3) остерегаться, беречься (Mind the step – осторожно, там ступеньки, mind the traffic rules – соблюдать правила движения) 4) возражать, иметь что-либо против (Do you mind my smoking? – Не возражаете если я закурю)

mind – 1) ум, разум (the great minds of the world – великие умы мира, be in one‟s mind – быть в своем уме) 2) воспоминание (to come to one‟s mind – вспоминать, приходить в голову; to bear in mind – принимать во внимание иметь в виду, запоминать, заруби на носу) 3) мысль, мнение, желание. to make up one‟s mind – надумать, решить, решиться to change one‟s mind – передумать, одуматься to be in two minds – колебаться, не знать на что решиться, быть в нерешительности to speak one‟s mind – высказаться, говорить откровенно to give a person a piece of one‟s mind – высказать кому-либо, отчитать кого-либо to have a(no) mind to – (не) иметь желание сделать что-либо to have smth. on one‟s mind – иметь что-то на уме, тревожиться чем-то - minded – absent-minded - рассеянный, fair-minded – справедливый, беспристрастный, broad-minded – с широкими взглядами(кругозором), narrow-minded – ограниченный, с предрассудками, фанатичный. practise vt – 1) заниматься, практиковать ( to practise early rising – иметь обыкновение рано вставать) (to practise what one preaches – жить согласно своим взглядам) 2) практиковать (право, медицину, т.е заниматься юридической, врачебной практикой) 3) заниматься, упражняться (She practise piano for an hour every day) practice – 1) практика, применение 2) тренировка (What you need is more practice) 3) be in common practice – практиковаться (=было распространено) 4) деятельность(врачебная юридическая практика) to put into practice – осуществлять что-л., приводить в жизнь to be in (out of) practice – практиковаться в чем-либо (разучиться, не практиковаться) practitioner – практикующий врач или юрист practical – полезный (practical advise, results, benefit, help, matters, use, application, considerations,– полезный совет, полезный результат, реальная польза, реальная помощь, практическое содержание, практическое применение, практическое применение, практические соображения) (difficulties in putting smth into practice – трудности практического применения) (to play a practical joke on smb. – подшутить над кем-то) practically – практически, фактически, в сущности odd – 1) нечетный (1,3,5 – are odd numbers) 2) непарный (an odd shoe or glove) 3) отдельный, разрозненный (odd volumes – отдельные тома) 4) лишний, сверх, с лишним (thirty odd years – тридцать с лишним лет, fifty and some odd miles – 50 миль с хвостиком) 5) случайный (odd jobs –

случайный заработок) 6) странный, необычный (odd person, way, manner, look, appearance, behaviour – чудак, способ, манера, взгляд, появление, поведение) (How odd – Как странно) oddly – странно, чудно oddly enough – как ни странно odds – шансы (odds are against us – у нас мало шансов) odds and ends – всякая всячина, осколки, обрывки, хлам strange, odd, queer – 1) не в порядке вещей, 2) необычный, удивительный, 3) выражает сомнение concern – 1) забота, интерес (no concern of mine – это меня не касается (не заботит), it‟s my own concern – это моя забота) 2) беспокойство

(the teacher‟s concern over the pupils progress) concern vt – 1) касаться, иметь отношение (As far as I‟m concerned – Покуда это меня касается†) (He is said to be concerned in this – Говорят он имеет к этому отношение(замешан в этом) 2) заниматься, интересоваться (I‟m not concerned about details – Меня не интересуют детали) 3) заботиться (He never been concerned about his son – Он никогда не заботился о сыне) concerned – обеспокоенный, озабоченный (concerned look – обеспокоенный вид) concerning – относительно, касательно, в отношении sympathy – симпатия, сочувствие (to arose, show, express sympathy показывать, выражать симпатию, сочувствие) (you have my sympathies – Я вам симпатизирую, сочувствую) (I have no sympathy with idle people – я не жалею ленивых людей) sympathize – поддерживать, выражать поддержку sympathetic – 1) сочувственный, отзывчивый 2) полный сочувствия (sympathetic word – слова сочувствия) sympathetically – сочувственно, с сочувствием ( she smiled sympathetically – она сочувственно улыбнулась) fail vt – 1) потерпеть неудачу (провалиться) 2) провалить, не сделать (fail an exam) 3) изменить, подвести (courage failed him - , heart failed him – сердце подвело его , I‟ll never fail you – я никогда тебя не подведу, words failed me – у меня не хватало слов) 4) забывать (never fail to write your mother – никогда не забывай писать матери) failure – 1) неудача (success came after many failures – успех пришел после многих неудач) 2) неудачник (she‟s a complete failure – она законченная неудачнца)

Word combinations and Phrases to alter manners (plans, way of living) – менять манеры (планы, образ жизни) a ring at the bell (a knock at the door) – звонок (стук) в дверь to reach up (out,down) for smth. – тянуться вверх (протягивать,вытягивать, тянуться вниз (руками)) to have a fancy for smth. – любить (что-л.), увлекаться (чем-л.) to keep body and soul together – сводить концы с концами, поддерживать существование to drive up to a house – подкатить к дому to be littered with books – быть набитым книгами to have not the least notion (of smth.) – не иметь ни малейшего понятия о ч.-либо to remind smb. of smth. – напоминать к.-л. о чѐм-л. a dim recollection – смутные воспоминания shabby clothes (house,man) – жалкая одежда (домишко, человек) to be at home somewhere – чувствовать себя как рыба в воде в чем-либо to exchange smth. for. smth. – менять одно на другое P.223 ex.4 1. When one is no longer young, it is not an easy thing alter one‟s habits. 2. The coat is a size too large for you, you must alter it. 3. I‟m tired of altering my plans every time you change your mind. 4. She had scarcely finished speaking before there was a ring at the bell and a knock. 5. Without a word she reached out for pen and paper. 6. Lora reached down for the letter, but the man was quick enough to catch gold of it. 7. She daren‟t even reach up the switch lest the movement should wake him. 8. Clare is easily carried away; when she had a fancy for something she cannot think of anything else. 9. Some more cake? – Thank you, I have quite a fancy for chocolate cake. 10. Dave had to do all kinds of odd jobs that came his way to keep body and soul together. 11. The moment David saw the car drove up the house, he refused out to meet his friends. 12. I found myself in a room littered with books, papers and all kind of lumber. 13. I‟m at my wit‟s end. I have not have not the least notion of where to look for him. 14. I have not the least notion of what he‟s hinting at. Do his words make sense to you? 15. I wish you remind me of it, it just slipped my mind. 16. The moment he mentioned the incident, a dim recollection came back to me. 17. The clothes the man wore were terribly shabby, but that evidently did not bother him. 18. Ed had some difficulty in finding the place, a shabby building in an

evil-smelling slum. 19. Let‟s exchange for you to have a better view of the stage. 20. The three friends exchange for a glance. They were unanimous in their disapproval. 21. They exchange ideas before reaching a decision. 22. If you don‟t remind me of it, I‟ll forget. 23. Her friendly sympathetic smile made me be at home. P.224 ex.5 1. A number of things happened to me and altered my life. 2. English spelling is appalling, but in time it will be partially altered. 3. He heard a ring at the bell and went to open the door. 4. She reached out for the letter. 5. Dobbin reached out his hand and caught the vase before it fell to the floor. 6. Jane‟s salary was hardly sufficient to keep body and soul together. 7. I saw a cab drive up to the door of my house. 8. There were test-tubes and phials littered on the table. 9. He was left alone in the unkempt study with books, papers and what not littered about. 10. I have not the least notion of what you‟re talking about. 11. I have not the least notion of the street I used to live in. 12. It was a poor, shabby small bedroom. 13. The man was wearing a shabby grey suit. 14. The boy was at home in such a splendid house. P.224 ex.6 1. You don‟t spare yourself at all. You can fall ill unless you alter your way of living. 2. I am already prepared to the leave, I have only to alter a dress. 3. Hardly they sat down to table when there was a knock at the door. 4. Ed reached out his hand for the letter, but Claire hesitated to give it to him. 5. What for have you bought this picture? – I had a fancy for it. What's the matter with it? 6. An ambulance drove up to a house and the doctor hurried up. 7. I know you well enough: it‟s clear you don‟t abandon your plan. But why don‟t you consider opinion of other people, maybe, you‟d do well to alter it? 8.” Perhaps, it‟s not the best job,”-said Emma with bitterness, - “At least, it gives me an opportunity to keep body and soul together.” 9. His desk is always cluttered with books and papers. I have not the least notion how he manages to find the necessary things. 10. I have not the least notion how to use this device, let‟s read the instruction. 11. I try to have this question out tomorrow, if you‟ll be so kind as to remind me of it. 12. We must have wandered out of our way. I have not the least notion where is the station. We had already to get it long ago. 13. I have a dim recollection that I had measles and my older sister took care of me. 14. Martin dressed in his shabby suit was not much at home at their place. 15. I‟d like to exchange this book for another, if possible. 16. I hardly met him and only once we exchanged some words. p.225 ex.10 плохо знать самого себя to know little enough of oneself одинокая башня a solitary tower дать хороший совет to advise well

скромная квартира a modest apartment бросить беглый взгляд to give a cursory glance коренастый полный мужчина a thick-set stout man коротко подстриженные волосы hair cropped close to head. средство существования a means of livelihood отказаться от надѐжной работы ради неизвестности to give up a good safe

job for an uncertainty решать самому to decide for oneself медицинские приборы medical appliances весело поблѐскивать to twinkle gaily располагающая к себе внешность to have a sympathetic appearance уже не первой молодости no longer in fist youth P.229 ex.3 1. The words were hardly out of her mouth when she wished she had not confided to Ann her secret. 2. It is equally wrong to confide all and none. 3. His confidence of success was infectious. 4. You seem be very confident of his ability. 5. now she seemed to linger at table, evidently inclined to have a confidential talk. 6. I wonder if there is anything that van make him a bit less selfconfidence. 7. You are making a mistake: you are confusing me with somebody else. 8. The turn of the talk made everybody confused. 9. Her things are always in confusion. 10. She dropped the coin and took up the receiver. 11. Since I have minded it, I mean to drop everything in order to see it through. 12. For the time being let‟s drop the argument. 13. After a certain age,” said aunt Ann, “one gets a liking for dropping asleep at improper moments.” 14. The boy just won‟t mind his mother. 15. Who will mind the baby when you‟re away? 16. And again she was unable to tell whether he would have minded or not. 17. Bear in mind you must be back before twelve. 18. He seemed about to mind everything but change his mind/thought better of it. 19. But here was a man who sincerely didn‟t have any anxiety about what people thought of him on his mind. B. 1. How long he have practiced low? 2. The plan seems good to me, let‟s think how best to put in into practice. 3. I was a father‟s practice to have the magazines bound as volumes. 4. Oddly enough it was Johnny who settled everything. 5. You do say odd things sometimes. 6. There are mighty odd things going on here. 7. She said it was no concern of her. 8. The mother‟s concern over her daughter‟s poor health kept her awake all night. 9. “ The matter concerns with the interest the of a friend for whom I‟m acting,” said the lawyer. 10. Why are you concerned in other people‟s affairs? 11. Nothing concerned with the matter was said. 12. He has a very concerned look today. 13. The boy seemed to be more concerned with food then with the conversation. 14. She had sympathy for him. 15. I smiled at here to show my sympathy. 16. He had sympathetic eyes and the manner of one who had done a little suffering of his own accord. 17. He was

confident that he would be successful this time. 18. Robert felt that he was concerned with his dropping as a human being. 19. I do not think it is concerned with the humour. 20. I don‟t believe you know what failure is. P.232 ex.5 1. Keep still for a minute, you‟re only confuse me. Let me think. 2. I was ashamed; I was hot with embarrass. 3. She watched Roy so closely that he felt confuse. 4. “I don‟t like solicitors. They confuse me,” said Elsie. 5. My eyes, resting on him curiously, caused him no embarrass. 6. Most people who stutter are very embarrassed about it. 7. I had better explain. I can understand how confused you are. 8. Her eyes reflected the embarrass of her mind. 1. It was certainly an odd pair and everyone stared at them. 2. There was something queer about the way his temperature ran below normal. 3. Something woke me up. Some sound. There are so many odd noises in London. 4. It‟s odd wanting to eat an ice in this weather. 5. He must have done it. He has been acting odd lately. 6. He has an odd way of walking with his feet turned in slightly. 7. The front-door bell resounded odd in the empty rooms. 8. He noticed that Crale was looking very odd, but he did not yet know how seriously ill he was. 1. There were rumours that Ned had once been concerned in something crooked. 2. I felt pretty sure that she was genuinely concerned about my health. 3. I am not concerned about the details. 4. Your vocation is quite a different one, doctor. You are concerned about people. 5. I am really concerned with you. 6. The neighbours did not suspect that the nice-looking young man was concerned in the crime. P.232 ex.6 доверять (верить) кому-л. to confide доверить (рассказать) что-л. кому-л. to confide smth. to smb. пользоваться доверием to enjoy confidence/ to be taken into smb.‟s confidence внушать доверие to inspire confidence быть уверенным в успехе to have confidence in success отправляться на экскурсию в горы to start on a trip uphill пуститься бежать to start running затеять ссору to start a quarrel с начала до конца from start to finish с самого начала from the start чувствовать смущение to be (feel, seem, get) confused сбивчивый ответ a confused answer валиться с ног от усталости to drop with fatique зайти к кому-л. домой to drop in резкое понижение температуры sudden, unexpected, sharp drop in temperature

быть в нерешительности to be in two minds претворять в жизнь to put into practice нечѐтное число an odd number 20 с лишним лет twenty odd years иметь озабоченный вид to wear a concerned look вызывать сочувствие to arouse / stir up sympathy for, to command sympathy чувствовать расположение к кому-л. to to have sympathy with сочувственная улыбка a sympathetic smile окончиться неудачей to end in failure

P.233 ex.7 A. 1. She confides her plans to nobody. It was the question she had to decide by herself. 2. If you fully took me into your confidence, maybe it would be possible to get out of the rain. 3. From the start of the Great Patriotic war, even on the most dark days, people had a strong confidence in the Victory. 4. I fully agree with you that he inspires confidence, that is not the point, the point is that I don‟t know him enough to ask him for help. 5. When it was a least noise Kate gave a start and looked at the watch, but time seemed to stop. 6. They are very nice people. I was at home at their place from the start. 7. It was a knock at the door. Michael started and awoke. 8. Everyone looked at him curiously, but it didn‟t confuse him at all. 9. I don‟t memorize this date unless I write it down, I always confuse dates and numerals. 10. Fascists dropped bombs on cities and counties without mercy for civilian population. 11. Will your friend come today? – Perhaps, he will drop in later. 12. Drop ten drops of this medicine into a glass of warm water and gurgle. It will help you. 13. Drop me a line when you come. 14. Will you mind the baby while I lay the table. 15. Mind the road. It is very muddy here. 16. Don‟t you mind if we exchange our places? Yes, please, I don‟t mind. 17. How do you like this sudden drop in temperature? – I am not afraid of the cold, I only wish it wouldn‟t be raining. 18. “I speak my mind when he comes. He makes us wait for him not for the first time,”- Billy said losing his patience. B. 1. I haven‟t practiced for a long and doubt whether I can help you, but a doctor lives not far away, it would be better if you see him. 2. We will certainly have difficulties in putting this plan into practice. 3. When his storybook was finally published and sold out in a day, John made up his mind to drop medical practice and concerned himself with writings. 4. Never mind you try to persuade me. I know pretty well I‟m out of temper today. I have been out of practice for a long time and can‟t perform well. 5. Engineer had been working on this device for more than five years before it was put into practice. 6. I don‟t know if you like him: practically, he is a very odd man. 7. You can say it is no concern of mine, but you really should stop smoking, you have so bad cough! 8. Bear in mind, this decision concerns us all. 9. Gertrude was fully confident that her

husband was capable of any machinations and she couldn‟t believe he was concerned in this. 10. I concern over Elena‟s health very much. But I can‟t do anything with her: she refused to see a doctor. 11. At the moment I‟m not concerned about details, we will attend to this later. 12. She has no her parents‟ sympathy with her dream of becoming an actress. 13. We sympathized with her very much and tried to do the best we could to make her life easier. 14. He was thankful to her for her sympathetic word and her sincere desire to help him. 15. Whatever he minds he manages to see all round. 16. I‟ll be waiting for you, don‟t fail me. 17. For the present I can tell you nothing definite, I inquired, but failed. 18. Failure of the experiment didn‟t confuse him, he was sure first or last he would succeed in. 19. When do we get together?- Let‟s do on Monday. Drop in without fail/ Don‟t fail. We‟ll be waiting for you. P.235 ex.12 1. The country was at peace then: now it is at war. 2. He is always at his worst when fighting against difficulties. 3. At first sight I thought you were his brother. 4. You won‟t get anywhere by shouting at him. 5. You can quit your work with a fortnight‟s notice. 6. The boy is very good at football. 7. This was sold for 4d a pound, but that was really at a loss not at a profit. 8. On recreation there was boating and swimming. 9. Can‟t say I care about that kind of art myself, but there‟s no accounting for tastes. 10. Don‟t judge a man by his clothes. 11. What do you mean by taking my bag? – I‟m sorry, I took by mistake. 12. These apples are sold by weight. 13. He is paid by the hour. 14. I know him by sight, but not to speak to. 15. He is by far the best teacher I have ever had. 16. It wasn‟t for us to judge him hard. 17. Ned took a cold shower and felt the better for it. 18. He repeated the conversation he had heard word for word. 19. Will you please change the book for another one? 20. Don‟t ask me for advice. You must decide by yourself. P.235 ex.13 1. Boys threw snowballs at their friend. 2. You should knock at the door before coming into the room. 3. That evening John was at his best and made us laugh with his jokes. 4. Anyhow we know he is in safe keeping now. 5. The old man was indignant at unjust accusation. 6. There is a misprint in the first sentence at the top of the page number thirty-one, correct it. 7. I‟m not able to make out something at that distance. 8. I think I won‟t go by this train. The leaving is at midnight, it‟s inconvenient for me. 9. Rennie made up his mind that when all the family would get together, he‟d tell them about his mind. 10. At the first alarum he jumped up and started to dress himself. 11. It was an old car and so we were driving at forty miles per hour. 12. The hunter took aim at a hawk and fired. 13. She can be hardly considered to be an adult: she is no more than sixteen. 14. I have no time for the present, but I‟ll try to find it out by Friday. 15. At firs this book seemed to me to be not very interesting, but then it

captivated me so much that I could not tear myself away from it. 16. Here are cough drops. Don‟t forget to take it. 17. I feel not any respect for him. 18. There was nobody advised to Mary. 19. We were late because of you. 20. The people, who gives up their life for their motherland, are deep in mind of their compatriots. Unit eight Speech patterns 1. Frank Ashurst and his friend Robert Garton were on a tramp. Франк Ашѐст и его друг Роберт Гатон бродяжничали. They were on a hike. Они прогуливались. We shall go on an excursion tomorrow. Мы должны провести экскурсию завтра. I shall start on a tour next Sunday. Я начинаю турне завтра. He will set out on a trip early in the morning. Он отправляется в путешествие рано утром.

2. According to their map they had still some seven miles to go. We have two hours to while away (скоротать). They still have a lot to do. Jane still has two exams to take. He has letters to mail. 3. Both were (as) thin as rails (вешалки). The boy is really as obstinate (упрямый) as a mule. She was as good as her word. You‟re as sulky (угрюмый) as a bear, what‟s the matter? And let me tell you he is as cross as two sticks. 4. Garton was like some primeval beast. She looked like a wild flower. He looked like a huge bear. The cloth looks like silk. 5. Garton‟s hair was a kind of dark unfathomed (необъятный) mop (копна). Passing through a sort of porch (крыльцо) † It was a sort of box. It was a kind of game. We spent the night in a sort of hut (шалаш). 6. Perhaps he struck her as strange.

The whole affair strikes me as queer (чудаковатый). The suggestion struck him as tempting (заманчивый). That I found nobody at home struck me as odd. Her question struck me as naïve (простой). P.249 ex.1 1. We saw lots of interesting things when we were on a tour. 2. It‟s too late to start on a hike. 3. Will you go with them on an excursion? 4. I am busy now. I have five articles to print. 5. it was growing dark and they still had ten kilometers to go. 6. I shan‟t be free till July 1, I have a lot to do. 7. Both brothers are tall and as a steeple. 8. In the father‟s presence the boys are as meek. 9. The twins are as like as two peas. 10. With her close-cropped hair she is dishevelled as a polecat. 11. She is under 20, but she is as wise as a forty-yearold woman. 12. The water in the lake was so warm, that it was like a fresh milk. 13. She was a small, pretty woman with a complexion that was like a hardly ripen peach. 14. The cloud was now spreading across the sky, it looked as a whip. 15. I had a good look at the picture yesterday and I think it looked as a Rembrandt. 16. I don‟t know the rules, but I think it‟s like the poker. 17. This is the house where the writer lived, now it is ramshackle as centenarian. 18. I‟m not sure of the meaning of the term, perhaps it‟s like a polyphase electrical device. P.250 ex.2 1. I had a vague suspicion that he was a sort of cheater. 2. The vines were a kind of poor roof. 3. I didn‟t know the sort of game they playing. 4. It was a sort of deserted hut that could give them some shelter. 5. She had a sort of hat on her head. 6. The whole affair strikes me as queer. 7. That I found nobody at home struck me as odd. 8. Her excuse struck me as ridiculous. 9. He strikes me as well-read. 10. He turned the car towards a large house that struck him as typically Swiss. P.250 ex.4 1. It was happened when we were on a trip through the Caucasus. 2. As soon as we came to London we went on an excursion. 3. After the wedding Michael and Fleur went on a wedding trip. 4. Repairs in the cottage get almost finished, we have the floor to paint. 5. I had still ten pages to read when the light went out. 6. Geologist had three days to stay in the camp when the storm broke. 7. After his illness, John grew as thin as a rake, but says he feels already good. 8. I wonder why the children are as mild as a lamb in public but do what they like at home? 9. The twins were as like as two peas and nobody could discriminate between them but their mother. 10. He is very educated man. To speak with him was as like as to read an encyclopaedia. 11. The girl was early left without her mother and her elder sister was like mother to her. 12. This month among the

hills was like a wonderful dream. 13. They have something like a terrace in their cottage, but it is not finished yet. 14. I have no idea what dish it is. Perhaps, it is a sort of stew? 15. This sort of flower can be found only high up in the mountains. 16. When we come up to the house that no light was burning in the windows struck us as odd. 17. He struck me as a cautious and hesitant man. 18. He struck me as a real expert on painting. Text eight The apple tree

(Extract) John Galsworthy (1867-1933), a prominent выдающийся English novelist, playwright драматург and short-story writer, came from an upper высший middle-class family. He was educated at Harrow and Oxford and was called to the Bar. His first novel (From the Four Winds) was published in 1897, but it was The Man of Property that won him fame. Among his numerous novels The Forsyte Saga and A Modern Comedy are the most prominent известный. They give a truthful picture of English bourgeois society at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries. The Apple-Tree (1917) is one of the most popular long short stories written by John Galsworthy . On the first of May, after their last year together at college, Frank Ashurst and his friend Robert Garton were on a tramp. They had walked that day from Brent, intending to make Chagford but Ashrust‟s football knee had given out иссякать (о силах), and according to their map they had still some seven miles to go. They were sitting on a bank beside where a track тропа crossed около the road, встретиться, пересекаться alongside бок о бок a wood, resting давать покой knee and talking of the universe вселенной, as young men will желание. Both were over six feet, and thin as rails жердь, Ashurst pale, idealistic, full of absence рассеянный; Garton queer странный, чудаковатый, round-the–corner за углом, knotted узловатый, curly кудрявый, like some primeval beast. Both had a literary литературный bent наклонность; neither ни тот ни другой wore a hat. Ashurst‟s hair was smooth, pale, wavy волнистый and had a way иметь обыкновение of rising on either side of his brow , as if always being flung back откинуты назад; Garton‟s was a kind of dark unfathomed mop необъятная копна. They had not met a soul for miles.

By John Galsworthy

“My dear fellow,” Garton was saying, “pity‟s only an effect of self-consciousness сознание; it‟s a disease болезнь of the last five thousand years. The world was happier without.” Ashrust did not answer; he had plucked сорвать a blue floweret цветочек, and was twiddling вертеть it against the sky. A cuckoo кукование began calling from a thorn колючка tree. The sky, the flowers, the songs of birds! Robert was talking through his hat. And he said: “Well, let‟s go on, and find some farm where we can put up.” In uttering произнося those words he was conscious чувствовать of a girl coming down from the common just above them. She was outlined вырисовываться against the sky, carrying a basket, and you could see that sky through the crook изгиб of her arm. And Ashrust, who saw beauty without wondering how it could advantage благоприятствовать him, thought: “How pretty!” The wind, blowing her dark frieze грубая ворсистая шерстяная ткань (бобрик) skirt against her legs, lifted her battered изношенный peacock павлиний tam-o‟-shanter шотландский берет; her grayish сероватый blouse was worn and old, her shoes were split треснутый, her little hands rough and red, her neck browned. Her dark hair waved развеваться untidy неопрятно across her broad широкий forehead , her face was short, her upper lip short, showing a glint вспышка, яркий блеск of teeth, her brows were straight and dark, her lashes ресницы long and dark, her nose straight ; but her grey eyes were the wonder-dewy влажный as if opened for the first time that day. She looked at Ashurst- perhaps he struck her as strange, limping прихрамывающий along without a hat, with his large eyes on her, and his hair flung back откинутыми назад. He could not take off удалять, уничтожать what was not on his head, but put his hand in a salute, and said: “Can you tell us if there‟s a farm near here where we could stay the night? I‟ve gone lame охромел.” “There‟s only one farm near, sir.” She spoke without shyness, in a pretty, soft, crisp живой voice. “And where is that?” “Down here, sir.” “Oh! I think we would.” “Will you show us the way?” “Yes, sir.” He limped on, silent, and Garton took up the catechism ряд вопросов и ответов.

“Are you a Devonshire girl?” “No, sir.” “What then?” “From Wales .” “Ah, I thought you were a Celt , so it‟s not your farm?” “My aunt‟s, sir.” “And your uncle‟s?” “He is dead.” “Who farms it, then?” “My aunt, and my three cousins.” “But your uncle was a Devonshire man?” “Yes, sir.” “Have you lived here long?” “Seven years.” “And how d‟you like it after Wales ?” “I don‟t know, sir.” “I suppose you don‟t remember?” “Oh, yes! But it is different.” “I belive you!” Ashurst broke in suddenly: “How old are you?” “Seventeen, sir.” “And what‟s your name?” “Megan David.” “This is Robert Garton, and I am Frank Ashurst. We wanted to get on Chagford.” “It‟s a pity your leg is hurting you.” Ashurst smiled, and when he smiled his face was rather beautiful. Descending past мимо the narrow wood , they came on приближаться the farm suddenly- a long, low stone-built dwelling with casement створный оконный переплѐт windows. In a farmyard where pigs and fowls домашняя птица and an old mare кобыла were straying блуждать. A short steep-up остролистая grass hill куча behind was crowned увенчана with a few Scotch firs сосна, and in front впереди, an old orchard фруктовый сад of apple trees, just breaking into flower, stretched down тянуться до to a stream ручей, поток and a long wild meadow луг. A little boy with oblique косой dark eyes was shepherding a pig, and by the house door stood a woman, who came towards подошла them. The girl said:

“It is Mrs. Narracombe, my aunt,” “Mrs. Narracombe, my aunt” had a quick, dark eye, like a mother wild-duck‟s кряква, and something of the same snaky змеиный turn поворот about her neck. “We met your niece on the road,” said Ashurst, “she thought you might perhaps put us up приютить for the night.” Mrs. Narracombe, taking them in осматривая from head to heel, answered: “Well, I can, if you don‟t mind one room. Megan, get the spare запасной room ready, and a bowl of cream. You‟ll be wanting tea, I suppose.” Passing through a sort of porch крыльцо made by two yew тис trees and some flowering-currant смородина bushes, the girl disappeared into the house, her peacock tam-o‟-shanter шотландский берет bright athwart косо, поперѐк that rosy-pink and the dark green of the years. “Will you come into the parlour гостиная and rest your leg? You‟ll be from college, perhaps?” “We were, but we‟ve gone down понизились now.” The parlour, brick-floored с полом, настиланным кирпичом, with bare пустой table and shiny лоснящийся chairs and sofa stuffed with horsehair , seemed never to have been used, it was so terribly clean. Ashurst sat down at once on the sofa, holding his lame knee between his hands, and Mrs. Narracombe gazed at him† “Is there a stream where we could bathe?” “There‟s the strame at the bottom of the orchard, but sittin‟ down you‟ll not be covered !” “How deep?” “Well, it‟s about a foot and a half maybe.” “Oh! That‟ll do fine. Which way?” “Down the lane. Through через the second gate, on the right, an‟ the pool‟s прудок by the big apple tree that stands by itself стоять особняком. There‟s trout форель there, if you can tickle ловить руками them!” “They‟re more likely to tickle us!” Mrs. Narracombe smiled. “There‟ll be the tea ready when you come back.” The pool formed by the damming запруживание of a rock камень, had a sandy bottom; and the big apple tree, lowest in the orchard, grew so close that its boughs сук almost overhung выступать над the water; it was in leaf листва and all but in flower- its crimson тѐмно-красный, румянец buds почка just bursting. There was no room for

more than one at a time in that narrow bath, and Ashurst waited his turn, rubbing his knee and gazing at the wild meadow луг, all rocks and thorn колючка trees and field flowers, with a grove роща, лесок of beeches бук beyond вдали, raised up возвышаться on a flat плоский mound насыпь, курган. Every bough сук was swinging in the wind, every spring bird calling, and a slanting косой, наклонный sunlight dappled покрывал пятнами the grass. He thought of Theocritus, and the river Cherwell, of the moon, and the maiden девица with dewy влажный eyes, of so many things that he seemed to think of nothing; and he felt absurdly happy. Vocabulary notes 1. track след n 1) a mark left by someone or smth. That has passed, as the tracks of animal (a car); to leave track, to follow the track of; tracks on the snow (in the sand); to be on the track of smb. преследовать To be in pursuit of smb., e.g. The police were on the track of the thief. to cover one‟s tracks заметать следы to conceal one‟s movements, e.g. The man was sure he had covered up his tracks. 2) тропа a path, a narrow rough road, as a track through a forest (a field), a narrow, hardly visible track; the beaten track нахоженная дорожка, проторенный путь the usual way of doing things, e.g. Andrew was not a person to follow the beaten track, to keep (lose) track of следить за чем-л./потерять след, потерять нить чего-н. to keep in (lose) touch with, e.g. You should keep track of current events. 3) a set of rails on which trains or trams run, as a single (double) track. 2. outline очертания, контуры n 1)lines showing shapes or boundary, as an outline map (of Africa, Europe, etc.); the outline (outlines) of a building (trees, mountains), e.g. Lanny could hardly make out the outlines of the big house in the dark. 2) оглавление, набросок, схема a general statement of the chief points of smth., as an outline of a composition (a lecture, a book); in outline в общих чертах, нечѐтко, неясно done roughly, told briefly, e.g. Bosinney showed Soames the design of the house in outline. I can tell you the article in outline. outline vt описывать, обрисовывать, приводить to give the main points of, as to outline a certain historical period (events, etc.); to be outlined against smth. выделяться на фоне To stand out against smth., e.g. She was outlined against the sky. 3. rough adj. 1) (of surfaces) грубый, необработанный uneven, irregular, coarse as rough paper, a rough road, rough hair; 2) грубо, коряво moving or acting violently, not calm, mild or gentle, as a rough sea, a rough crossing, a rough day, a rough child, rough luck; 3) черновой, приблизительный

unskilled; incomplete, not perfect, as a rough sketch, a rough translation; a rough diamond an uncut diamond; fig. человек с достоинствами, но не имеющий внешнего лоска a good-hearted but uncultured fellow; 4) (of conduct or speech) rude; uncivil, as rough reply, rough words; a rough tongue грубая речь rude angry speech; 5) (of sounds) harsh, discordant, as a rough voice; syn. coarse, rude, harsh. 4. eye n. 1) the part of the body with which we see, e.g. We see with our eyes. It was so interesting that I couldn‟t take (keep) my eyes off it, to keep an eye on наблюдать за чем-л. to watch carefully, e.g. Cook asked me to keep an eye on the meat while she was away, to open a person‟s eyes to smth. открыть кому-л. глаза (на правду) to bring it to his notice, e.g. His words opened my eyes to their relations, to make eyes at (a person) to look lovingly at; to see eye to eye with a person сходиться во взглядах see smth. in the same way, agree entirely with, e.g. I regret I don‟t see eye to eye with you on that subject, the apple of one‟s eye зеница ока thing or person dearly loved, e. g. His daughter is the apple of his eye, with an eye to с целью; для того, чтобы with a view to, hoping for, e.g. I didn‟t come here for pleasure but with an eye to business, to close one‟s eyes to закрывать глаза на что-л., не замечать чего-л. to refuse to see, e.g. You should close your eyes to her misbehaviour, to run one‟s eyes over (through) бегло взглянуть на что-л. to glance at, examine quickly, e.g. He quickly ran his eyes over the page, to have an eye for обладать наблюдательностью; иметь зоркий глаз; знать в чѐм-л. толк to be able to see well or quickly, as to have an eye for beauty; 2) a thing like an eye, as the hole in the end of a needle, an electronic eye. eye vt смотреть, пристально разглядывать, наблюдать to watch carefully, as to eye a person with suspicion. 5. wonder vt/i 1)интересоваться, желать знать to be anxious to know, e.g. I wonder who is (what he wants, why he is late, whether he‟ll come, if it correct, how you can be so tactless as to say that†). Who is he I wonder? What does he want I wonder? 2) (+at) удивляться to be surprised, e.g. I wonder at your saying that. wonder n повод для удивления cause of surprise; a remarkable thing, e.g. Manned flights to space are the wonder of modern science. Her eyes are the wonder. A wonder lasts but nine days. Всѐ приедается. (proverb)She had worked unsparingly at this task. It is no wonder that she overstrained herself. He refuses to help, and no wonder. 6. limp vi хромать, прихрамывать to walk lamely as when one leg or foot is stiff, injured, as to limp on one‟s‟ right (left) foot, e.g. Ashurst was limping along. The man limped on. The wounded soldier limped off the battle-field.

limp n (usu. sing. With хромота, прихрамывание, хромающая походка a lame walk, as to walk with a limp; to have a bad limp. lame adj 1) хромой; увечный; парализованный not able to walk properly, as a lame man (child, horse); to be lame in the right (left) foot; to go lame; a lame duck неудачник, "несчастненький"; бездарность a disabled person (a failure); 2) неубедительный unconvincing; unsatisfactory, as a lame excuse (argument, story, explanation), e.g. His explanation sounded lame. 7. put vt/I 1) ставить, класть to place, e.g. Put more sugar in your tea. Put the book in its right place, the flowers into water, a mark against his name. George put an advertisement in a newspaper. 2) помещать; сажать to cause to be in a certain position or state, e.g. Jim was put to prison. Put yourself in my place. Put it out of your mind. Let‟s put the documents in order. The new manager put an end to the slack discipline. She knew how to put him at his ease. 3) выражать (словами, в письменной форме) to express in words, e.g. I don‟t know how to put it. I wouldn‟t put it that way. I‟ve put it badly. To put in black and white. I‟d like to put a question to you. 4) подвергать to subject, as to put smb. To expense, inconvenience, test. With postlogues put aside откладывать, откладывать на время, прерывать to save, to move smth. away, e.g. Put aside the book. The man put aside some money for a rainy day. put away убирать, прятать, откладывать to set aside, as to put away one‟s things, books, a letter. put back задерживать, отсрочивать, откладывать, переносить, передвигать назад to replace, to move backwards, e.g. The clock was 5 minutes fast and he put back the hands. Put the dictionary back on the shelf, please. put down подавлять, записывать, считать to write down, e.g. Put down my address. put down to относить на счет чего-л (объяснять чем-л), записывать на чей-л счет to explane the cause, e.g. The flu was put down to damp weather. put in предъявлять, представлять to speak in favour, as to put in a word for a friend. put off откладывать to postpone, e.g. Never out off till tomorrow what you can do today. The meeting was put off till Monday (for two days). put off отделываться to escape doing doing smth. by making excuses, e.g. She tried to put me off with a jest (promises, excuses). put on принимать на себя, принимать вид, to assume or to pretend to have; to increase, e.g. His modesty is all put on. She went on a diet, not to put on weight. We must to put on the pace, otherwise we‟ll be late.

put out выводить из себя, тушить to cause to stop burning; to confuse or annoy, e.g. Put out the candle (the fire, the lamp, the gas). He was very much put out by the unexpected delay. put through выполнить, закончить, соединить to put in communication with smb. by telephone, e.g. put me through to the manager, please. put up строить, ставить, упаковывать, показывать, давать приют to rise or to provide food and londging or to lodge, e.g. The boy put up his hand eager to answer the teacher‟s question. We shall put up at an inn for the night. The landlady agreed to put us up if we did not mind to share one room. put up with мириться, терпеть to bear, e.g. I can‟t and won‟t put up with all this noise. 8. shy adj застенчивый, пугливый uncomfortable in the presence of others, as a shy person (boy, girl); a shy smile, e.g. Amelia wasn‟t shy of showing George her affection. shyness n. застенчивость, робость e.g. She spoke without shyness. shyly ad., робко, стыдливо e.g. She dropped her eyes shyly. 9. stretch vt/I 1) вытягивать to extend or draw; to strain to the utmost, e.g. Silk socks stretch, woolen ones shrink. They stretched a wire across the road. He rose, stretched himself and made for the bathroom. He stretched out his hand with the letter. to stretch one‟s legs вытянуть ноги to exercise one‟s legs after a long period of sitting. Let‟s go for a stroll to stretch our legs. 2) растягиваться to lie at full length, e.g. He stretched himself out on the lawn. stretch n промежуток времени an unbroken period of time; at a stretch подряд, без перерыва without stopping, e.g. He drove the car five hours as a stretch. outstretched adj протянутый, растянувшийся stretched or spread out, e.g. His outstretched hand remained in the air. 10. hold (held, held) vt/I 1) хватать, удерживать to have and keep fast in or with the hands, e.g. He was holding a book in his hands. to hold on (to smth.) держать, удерживать to keep one‟s grasp, e.g. Robinson was holding on to a branch. 2) поддерживать to keep or support oneself in a certain attitude, e.g. Hold your arms out. Hold your head up. to hold out one‟s hand подавать руку to stretch out, e.g. Annie held out her hand with a little package in it. to hold smth. back (from) сдерживаться, утаивать to keep secret, e.g. You should hold back this news from them for a while. 3) содержать в себе, вмещать to contain or be able to contain, e.g. A paper bag will hold sand, but it won‟t hold water. Sea water holds many salts in solution. 4) удерживать, задерживать to restrain, e.g. I held my breath and listened. to hold off откдадывать, держать(ся) поодаль to keep at a distance, e.g. Hold your dog off. 5) принимать участие, вести, осуществлять to bring about; to conduct; to take

part in, as to hold a meeting (examination, lecture, trial, etc.), e.g. The meeting will be held on Monday. They are going to hold a trial there. 6) оставаться в силе, сохранять позицию to remain the same; to last; to continue, e.g. Hold together and you won‟t be defeated. hold n владение, захват the act, manner or power of holding, as to catch (get, take, have, keep, lose) hold of a thing or a person, e.g. He caught hold of the rope and climbed on board. Word Combinations and Phrases after their last (first, second) year together at college (the university, etc.) проучившись вместе последний год в колледже

according to smth. (their map, my watch, their orders or instructions, her words, etc.) следуя, согласно чего-л. smooth hair гладкий, ровный, однородный(forehead, surface, board, paper, skin, road, sea) to break into flower расцвести to be in leaf (in flower) покрываться листьями, распускаться with one‟s eyes on smb. or smth. следить глазами за кем-л. Чем-л. (with one‟s hair flung back с волосами, отброшенными назад) to show smb. the way показать кому-л. дорогу to break in (into a conversation)вмешиваться в разговор, перебивать to hurt or pain smb. (My leg is hurting me, hurts) причинять боль to take smb. in from head to heel осмотреть с головы до пят to get smth. ready приготовить there‟s no room for нет места для one at a time один на один, по очереди P.258 ex.4 1. After their last year together at the university they made up their minds to go to work in the North. 2. According to his words he is not to blame. 3. The pebbles on the beach were smooth and shiny. 4. The smooth sea looked empty and hostile. 5. We drove down the smooth gravel drive and out of the white gates. 6. The woman stood leaning against the wall with her eyes at him. 7. He stood stock-still with his eyes on the painting. 8. Thank you for showing us the way. 9. I wish you wouldn‟t break into our conversation. 10. Sorry for breaking in. 11. The back pained me so I couldn‟t sleep. 12. She walked on without complaining though her foot pained her terribly. 13. She take him in from head to heel. 14. It will take me half an hour to get everything ready. 15. Have a rest while I get the room ready. 16. The trees will soon be in leaf. 17. What can be more

delightful to the eye than a cherry tree that is ready to be in flower. 18. I did not go with them as there‟s no room for me in the car. p.259 ex.5 1. After their first year together at the university they became close friends. 2. According to instructions we have to make camp ready for tourists‟ arrival by the first of June. 3. According to my watch it‟s high time the children were put to sleep. 4. Our trip went off smoothly. 5. The road was smooth and we get the station very quickly. 6. The boy stood with his eyes on the car. He wished he had been taken for riding in it. 7. She stood with her hair flung loosely back that became her very well. 8. I‟m afraid we are going in the wrong direction, let us ask someone to show us the way to the shop. 9. I‟ m sorry, I break you‟re your conversation, but I have to talk to you right now. 10. My tooth was hurting me last night so much that I couldn‟t fall asleep. 11. “What is hurting you?”- asked the doctor. 12. The hostess took them in from head to heel only then invited them in. 13. I get everything ready in five minutes. 14. There are flowers broke into flower on the hedgerow sweetening the air. 15. Slim asps are in flower, they are flowering until broke into leaf. 16. There‟s no room for one more armchair here. The room is far too full of furniture. 17. The teacher asked the pupils to speak one at a time because it was difficult to understand what they wanted. p.260 ex.8 добраться до† to make† питать склонность к† to have a bent for† сорвать цветок to pluck a floweret говорить ерунду to talk through one‟s hat. на фоне неба against the sky башмаки потрескались shoes were split с откинутыми назад волосами with his hair flung back поднять руку в знак приветствия to put his hand in a salute остановиться на ночь to stay the night без смущения without shyness продолжать расспросы to take up the catechism старый яблоневый сад orchard of apple trees комната для гостей a parlour стоять отдельно to stand by oneself песчаное дно a sandy bottom свисать над водой to overhang the water глаза, сверкающие как роса dewy eyes P.262 ex.3 A. 1. I‟m afraid I‟ve completely lost track of him. 2. She limped along the steep path that led us up the hill. 3. The man was usre he had well covered his tracks.

4. The mystery bored him and he could not track of the plot. 5. The hounds were on the track of the fox. 6. I know I‟ve acted rough. 7. The quaint ancient castle was outlined against the dark sky. 8. The student was asked to outline the historical event. 9. She had described her life in outline in her letter. 10. The sea is rough today. 11. His rough manner frightened the children. 12. Should the weather be rough do not think of riding. 13. What he told me put his affairs in order known to me. 14. I hope, I see eye to eye with you. 15. I never kept my eye on him before. 16. She made eyes at me. 17. His words opened my eyes to their plans. 18. You should keep an eye on the children when they are playing. 19. He had an eye for pretty girl. 20. A half-indignant mutter arose about him, but he closed his eyes to it. B. 1. Television is one of wonders. 2. It is no wonder that your words sent her temper up. 3. I wonder at her saying that. 4. I wonder what she told you. 5. Melody wondered if she would ever find the courage to dare to confide in Sarah. 6. This is a lame argument, it does not prove anything. 7. How would you put it in French? 8. The outbreak of dysentery was put down to bad drinking-water. 9. I‟ll put in a word for you, I promise. 10. His modesty is all put on. 11. He was very much put out by the loss of the document. 12. Let‟s put off our hiking tour until the weather is better. 13. Don‟t hesitate to put you through to me any time. I‟ll be in the hole day. 14. She stretched out her fragile hand to her cousin and touched his wife softly with the other. 15. He stretched himself out on the settee and watched the canary hop about its cage. 16. Hurst parish stretched out on miles of sandy lowland and sandstone hill. 17. The meeting was hold in the hospital dining room. 18. He had been careful to hold the subject back. 19. She did not know whether or not to hold out her hand. P.264 ex.5 1. 1. A bold man by nature, he was as timid as a boy in the presence of women. 2. “The soup is beastly!” old Osborne roared, in the answer to a shy look of inquiry from his daughter. 1. She was obviously wearing her best clothes and had the shy wooden smile on her face. 2. The girl looked at the man with a self-conscious smile. 1. Though rough in manner and speech the old soldier was at heart kind and considerate. 2. Squire Western was rude to the servants and the woman of his household. 1. The surface of the stone is rough It needs polishing. 2. The fire gleamed on the rough white tablecloth. p.264 ex.6 A. 1. Our train is on the track five, hurry up! 2. Sinking into the deep snow, hound was on the track of hare. 3. He is not the man who would keep to the beaten track. 4. I lost the track of his reasoning and couldn‟t understand what he told about. 5. There was a field behind the tracking that stretched to skyline.

6. Here is the outline of my report. Don‟t you see it? 7. Unfortunately, I haven‟t this article along, but if you‟d like I can outline it. 8. The road was rough because of tracks of countless wheels. 9. The man was wearing a short coat of rough cloth and with no hat on. 10. The woman‟s hands were rough because of laundering and washing-up. 11. I wouldn‟t advise you to write your work in the rough notebook, there won‟t enough time for make a fair copy. 12. I‟m afraid I and my father see this problem with our own eyes. 13. Something happened to her, keep an eye on her. 16. He run his eye over the list and saw his name. 15. He is a clever painter and to has an eye for the colors. 16. The doll was so beautiful that the girl was all eyes. 17. I came here with an eye to settle this problem. 18. She couldn‟t treat a needle because the eye was small. 19. The boy caught the teacher‟s eye and stopped talking. 20. No wonder that it‟s cold: the window is open. 21. I wonder, why the doctor gave up the medical practice? 22. I wonder how she can be so tactless? B. 1. Why are you limping on your right foot? I have slipped my foot. 2. Tim noticed the girl was walking with a limp. 3. She invented a lime story to excuse her coming late. 4. The old man shifted the coarse strawy pillow and stretched the quilt. 5. Do you have a pen? I‟m afraid I forget your address unless I put it down. 6. I have got everything ready. Put off your work and let‟s have dinner. 7. It is high time the winter clothes were put away not to be spoilt by moth. 8. I think his failures are a result of his shyness. 9. I know him well enough and am sure he manages it well. We ought to put in a word for him, because the job can be set to someone else, but he is interested in this job. 10. We can‟t accept this offer without considering it well. Let‟s put aside the decision for the night. 11. The fact that the note was put on the front page demonstrates the importance of this event. 12. Why don‟t you want to put up at the hotel? Put up with us and stay at our place as much as you want, there is plenty of room here. 13. “I don‟t want to put up with your laziness,” – said the father, - “you have to put this work through today.” 14. She seemed to me an intelligent girl but very shy. 15. “Here is your room. If you need something, don‟t be shy to call me,” said the hostess. 16. The girl was put off when I spoke to her. 17. These woolen socks shrank, can they be stretched somehow? 18. Ann stretched a clothesline between two trees and started to hang linen on it. 19. Finley stretched the raincoat on the wet grass and stretched himself on it. 20. I don‟t know why they needs must hold trial here, at my place,”- Mr. White said. 21. Do you think this bag will hold if I put apples in it? 22. He held his breath and listened. 23. This warming is temporary. This weather won‟t hold out for a long time. 24. At this moment the boy left hold of rope and fell to the ground. p.266 ex.7 оставлять следы to leave track замести следы to cover one's tracks

избитый путь the beaten path вырисовываться на фоне to be outlined against† растрепанные волосы untidy hair черновик a rough draft присматривать за† to keep an eye on† открыть кому-л. глаза на† to open a person‟s eyes to† строить глазки to make eyes at smb. смотреть сквозь пальцы на что-л. to close one‟s eyes to smth. знать в чѐм-л. толк to have an eye for с намерением with an eye to хромать на правую (левую) ногу to limp on one‟s‟ right (left) foot неудачная отговорка a lame excuse выбросить из головы to put it out of one's head, ввести в расходы to put to expense/ to put down to примириться to put up with застенчивая улыбка a shy smile размять ноги to stretch one‟s legs без перерыва at a stretch протянуть руку to stretch one‟s hand скрыть что-л. to hold smth. back (from) схватить за to hold of smth.

P.267 ex.12 1. My sister was very ill and I had to sit up all night with her. 2. This little stream never dries up. 3. You have worked very well so far, keep it up. 4. You have got the story all mixed up. 5. The house was burnt out before the firebrigade came. 6. The sleeves of my dress are too short. I must ask the tailor to let them out an inch. 7. We can‟t buy that car just yet, but we are saving up. 8. After dinner I‟ll wash up. 9. Sit down, there is plenty of room for everyone. 10. Your coat collar is at the back, shall I turn it under? 11. Don‟t stand under a high tree during a thunderstorm. 12. I can‟t use my office now it is under repair. 13. I did this under orders. 14. Under the circumstances I will not give you any extra work. 15. He is under age and cannot be allowed to be independent. p.267 ex.13 1. At five o‟clock I was already up and losing no time I started to work. 2. Hang up your coat here, I show you the way to his room. 3. I have picked up a handkerchief. Isn‟t it yours? 4. Her parents died when she was a little girl and she was brought up by her aunt. She is like a mother to her. 5. The boy turned over the box and the toys strewed all over the floor. 6. I sat up all night and I‟m dead on my feet now. 7. Let‟s ascend the hill, a very beautiful view of the river opens up from there. 8. The mother fell down the stairs and hurt her leg

yesterday. I‟m very anxious about her. 9. I don‟t like to look down from upstairs, my head is spinning. 10. You‟d better put down my address in your notebook, you can lose this piece of paper. 11. Most part of the city was under water. 12. A boy of five sat at desk all alone. 14. Many writers published his works by alias. 15. Students made an experiment under professor‟s direction.

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To Sir with Love Summary

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Перевод Chapter 8 to Sir, with Love

...Учителю, с любовью Эдвард Рикардо Брейтуэйт Гвианский дипломат Юстас Брейтуэйт родился в 1912 г. в Британской Гвиане. В военные годы он был в Вооруженных силах Великобритании. После войны темный оттенок кожи мешает получить ему заниматься научной деятельностью, что была ему близка С 1950 по 1957 работает школьным учителем. В 60-е он стал Постоянным Представителем Гвинеи в ООН. В 1959 году Брейтуэйт выиграл литературную премию Ainsfield Wolff за книгу «Учителю, с любовью», в которой он пишет о своих годах преподавания в Лондонской школе Ист-Енда. Есть другие книги, вышедшие из-под его пера, такие как «Возвращение»(1961), «Слуга за монету» (1962), «Какую соломинку выбрать?» (1965) «Нежелательные соседи» (1972). Каждое утро пятницы на уроке перед большой переменой все ученики писали «Еженедельный обзор событий». Это была одна из излюбленных программ Старичка[1]: та часть, в которой он не потерпел бы каких-либо возражений. Каждый ребенок должен был описывать события прошедшей недели в школе своими словами; он мог свободно комментировать, критиковать, соглашаться или не соглашаться с любым человеком, предметом или методом преподавания, до тех пор, пока это каким-либо образом было связанно со школой. Никто и ничто не было под запретом, включая самого директора, более того, детям не грозило никакого наказания. «Посмотрите на это с такой стороны, - говорил мистер Флориан, - Это выгодно как детям, так и учителям. Если ребёнок хочет написать о чём-то,...

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Chivalrous Ideal and Courtly Love in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

...The Chivalrous Ideal and Courtly love in Medieval England Dobrea Andrada-Cristina Anul III Engleză-Japoneză As contoured by the pages of time and history, each and every Era of our evolutionary process has offered the next one the privilege of witnessing a fascinating world, jewelled in magnificent ideals and a specific behaviour, beautiful even in its flaws. Among these, a haunting and mesmerizing Era captures the thought of literary critics – the Medieval Period. A period marked by powerful beliefs, conflict and self-knowledge, and inhabited by a spirit torn between Christianity and paganism, between virtue and sin, between light and utter darkness. An Era portraying a country trying to adapt to drastic changes brought on by the Norman Conquest of 1066, a country fighting to establish its own history in order to gain independence. A Period of knights and ladies, of valour and good faith, which gives life to some of the highest ideals mankind has ever known. It has introduced us to concepts such as chivalry and courtly love, pure expressions of spiritual essence. Of these ideals poets and authors wrote with lively passion, embroidering them in poems such as Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, or The Wife of Bath. Although its poet remains unknown, the story of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight remains instilled in our minds as one of the prime examples of chivalry, Gawain representing the chivalrous ideal of the period. His story begins at New Year, in a court filled...

Words: 3278 - Pages: 14

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Forbidden Love

...Forbidden Love In reading classic British literature a theme has come across of forbidden love and the perils it holds. Forbidden love harms those who wield it and sometimes it even harms those the love is aimed at. Forbidden love, also known as “fals amor,” is shown in pieces like “Morte Darthur” or “The Franklin’s Tale,” from “The Canterbury Tales.” The forbidden love shown in these tales is always were one person is married and the other is not. “The Franklin’s Tale,” “Morte Darthur,” and “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight” all reveal how forbidden love will end tragically. Each of these works has a married woman who is either loved by another or is in love with another. However, no matter the case the one with the forbidden love is aggrieved in the end because they love cannot become mutual or accepted by others. “The Franklin’s Tale” tells of a woman, Dorigen, and a knight, Arveragus, who marry for love. Arveragus must go to battle for a few years and a nobleman, Arelius, comes to light that loves Dorigen. Arelius and Dorigen make a bet where if Arelius wins Dorigen must become his bride. She agrees confidant in his ability to fail in this task. Arelius succeeds, though, with the help of a sorcerer after two years of despondency. When Arveragus arrives home he finds Dorigen distraught, upon hearing the bet he decides that she must keep her side of the bet, though it pains them both greatly. Upon hearing of Arveragus and Dorigen’s pain Arelius resends the bet. Arelius’s love for...

Words: 745 - Pages: 3