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Todd Schwartz Summary

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Todd Schwartz is truly the definition of the American Jerk persona, but aren’t we all? Even though he sounds like jerk throughout the story he tells in his rant. He opens the eyes of the reader to the jerk we all can be, in this “do what you want when you want” society. Society shows the greatest of class and the less pretty side of it (which many people enjoy for some reason.)
Schwartz tone is angry, sarcastic and informational all at the same time. He states that even though we are evolved beings we flinch at the mention of any joke about race or disability. Even naming holidays must be carefully done or everyone will be offended. The rules of this society have been carefully placed so no one’s self-esteem is crushed. He even jokes at how we are connected in so many ways by technology, but have somehow become numbed to real social interaction. …show more content…
Explaining how a beautiful field of wildflowers harbors ticks and pollen. He even says that we are the rudest era in prehistory, saying that even Neanderthals were better mannered than us. He sees society as a whole going into a downward spiral and that we are already at the peak of society. Many people would argue that we haven’t even hit the peak of society yet. That we are still evolving into something even better than what we are now. When he used Rome as the comparison of how America will fall I don’t think that comparison is fully right. I mean even when Rome fell did it not still evolve with the

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