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Toddler Block Lesson Plan

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Activity Plan 1
Title: Toddler Blocks
Concept/ Standard: The students will learn beginning spatial relation concepts, when moving an object from one location to another. Moreover, in Infants, Toddlers, and Caregivers Gonzales-Mena and Eyer, indicate that it is important for infants and toddlers to experience tactile perception, which is a combination of touch and movement, to acquire knowledge (2015, p.120). Lastly, they will learn concepts such as cause and effect, when unsteady towers or structures fall.
Age Range Appropriateness: 2-2.5
1. Cognitive: Students will acquire problem solving skills while children are stacking the blocks on top of each other to create structures.
2. Physical: When the students …show more content…
First the teacher will cut the tops of both. Then, the teacher will put one milk carton inside the other inside the other and cover them with contact paper. The purpose of using contact paper is to be able to clean the block, because children may mouth the cube. Therefore, it will be easier to clean, but more importantly it will be safe for the children to play with, while avoiding cross contamination.
Step by Step Plan: First, the teacher will set up six blocks for four children in an activity center. Next, the teacher should put a few blocks on top of each other, to encourage children stacking the blocks on top of each other to make their own structures. It is important to let them explore and play the materials children. Therefore, children will learn through playing with the materials. The main role of the teacher or teachers is to be vigilant, to ensure that children are playing with the materials safely. In addition, the teachers must give the students an opportunity to be frustrated, but not the point they give up. Also, the teachers may need to provide words of encouragement, if any of the students feel that they are not

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