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Too Much to Do- Not Enough Time to Get It Done!


Submitted By olvera2023
Words 873
Pages 4
BMGT 391/6980/Semester 1202
Decision-Making Scenario
April 16, 2012

1. What are the issues in this case? List them in order of priority.
Panning: Business planning helps you define an agreed route-map for your business. It identifies your key objectives for the next three-to-five years and how they will be achieved. A business plan gives directions and timelines in which to achieve your goals, and provides a guideline for your day-to-day operations and decisions. Sally Paul, rush into her decision, maybe getting nervous that she might lose her customers. Instead of analyzing her strategy, she made an irrational decision, which in many cases can lead to a bad decision. Her goals should had identify the areas of improvement, like an increase in sales or a reduction in costs, and any additional expenditure in order to achieve these goals.

Training: If Sally had not rushed in her decision to expand and lower prices to attract customer to her store, she could have develop a training plan to adjust to increase in customers and sales. Phil Bearman, the maintenance supervisor, why is he in charge of the expansion of the parking spaces. Does he have training in architecture? Training should have been part of the business plan.

Staffing: One of the problems with understanding the true value of employees is the way many managerial decision makers focus on saving money. Sally should have hired additional employees to cover the additional hours the store is now open. Since Ms Sally wanted to offer better customer service to the customer, she could have offer a loyalty rewards program. By setting up this program Sally would have an insight on what customers are purchasing, sent customer fliers on sales items etc.

Competition: If you are business, owner and you see new stores moving to the area you fear the loss in sales and untimely going out of

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