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Tracey Case Study Health And Social Care

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Tracey his mother said that it was an accident making up an excuse that he had fallen into the fireplace. Peter was discharged from the hospital with the incident never even reported to the police. Peter’s social worker sends him to the north Middlesex in May 2007 after seeing lots of bruising and scratches on his body. Tracey is then re arrested. Then not long after Stevens’s brother Jason moves in to the family home with a 15 year old girl. On 3th July 2007 injuries to baby peters face and hands were not seen by the social worker when she came to the home as peter was deliberately smeared in chocolate to hide the injuries. A couple of day’s later peter is examined at a child development clinic where no injuries or anything unusual was reported not a full examination was taken after the mother said he is feeling ‘cranky’. The day after police tells Tracey that she will not be …show more content…
It was very unclear to people at times that peter was actually in danger as his mother would often make up excuses for his behaviour or cover up his bruises. The public still felt that the social workers still could have done more other than visiting them and writing reports instead the public think he should have been placed into a foster home where he would be safe and looked after properly. A lot of people also believe that the doctors were at fault for not recognising that the injuries baby peter had were in unusual places and that he had been admitted into hospital an abnormal amount of times. They should have also reported injuries such as peters black eyes and swelling on his head they believed that it was an accident and didn’t recognise that peter was in danger or even take it as a

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