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Trachea Research Paper

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The trachea is a long pipe that connects to the bronchi. The bronchi split into two; one for each lung so both of the lungs gets oxygen. The bronchi tubular splits into smaller tubes called bronchioles. At the end of bronchioles are air sacs called the alveoli. Oxygen from the air is absorbed into the blood in the alveoli. Carbon dioxide which is the waste product then travels from the blood into the alveoli where is can be exhaled. In between the alveoli there is a thin layer of cells which are called the interstitium that contain blood vessels and cells which help and support the alveoli. The air which is inhaled through the nostrils is then passed through the trachea and enters into the bronchi. The bronchi have two tubes which carry air to the lungs. The bronchi then split into the smaller branches which are called the bronchioles. …show more content…
The purpose of the lungs is to take oxygen into the body whilst releasing CO₂ into the atmosphere of the waste product. The human lungs are filled with about 90% of air and 10% of tissue.
In the human body the lungs are the main organs of the respiratory system. In the lungs oxygen is taken into the body and the carbon dioxide is breathed out. The red blood cells in the lungs are responsible for picking up the oxygen and carrying it to all the body cells that need the oxygen. After that the red blood cells drop off the oxygen to the body cells and pick up the carbon dioxide that is the waste gas product which is produced by our cells. Finally the red blood cells carry the carbon dioxide back to the lungs and we breathe it out when we exhale.
In the respiratory system the trachea is also called a windpipe as the trachea filters the air which we breathe and the trachea divides into two smaller tubes which is called the bronchi so there is one branch for each lung in the human

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