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Tracheostomy Tube Safety Procedure

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A tracheostomy tube, or trach tube, is a flexible tube that is placed in the main airway (trachea) that leads down to the lungs. A tracheostomy allows your baby to breathe without using his or her nose or mouth. A trach tube may be needed if:
Your baby’s airway is blocked by swelling, injury, tumor, a foreign body, a vocal cord problem, or severe narrowing of the trachea.
Your baby needs long-term breathing assistance (ventilation).
Your baby has excess airway mucus or other fluids (secretions) requiring frequent suctioning.
If your baby has a trach, you must follow certain safety measures to keep your baby safe and free of infection.
What are some tracheostomy tube safety measures?
Always carry the emergency travel-sized trach kit for your baby when you …show more content…
Use a humidifier at home to put moisture in the air and to keep your baby’s airway and lungs from drying out. Clean the humidifier regularly to stop mold and mildew from building up.
Get ongoing support, as needed, to adjust to living with your baby’s trach tube.
If you are going outside in very cold air, put a filter on your baby’s trach tube to keep cold air from entering the trach tube. You can also loosely cover your baby’s trach tube with a handkerchief or gauze. This helps to warm the air as your baby breathes so that the cold air does not bother his or her trachea and lungs. It also helps to keep out dust or dirt on windy days.
What if my baby fully depends on the tracheostomy tube for breathing?
Your baby may fully depend on the trach tube for breathing. Your baby’s breathing or heart may stop working if the trach tube falls out, becomes kinked, or gets blocked with mucous, a blood clot, or any other item that should not be in the tube. You will know that something is wrong with the trach tube if your baby shows the following signs:
Breathing that is fast, difficult, or

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