...American society witnessed a great change during the 19th century from an agricultural economy to the industrial one. However, this change imposed great challenges for farmer in the United Stated, and they formed a political party called the Populist Party. This paper will investigate what problems the Populist encountered and what solutions they offered. The Populist Party, as the third party in the United Stated, was aimed to put the interest of farmers in the public arena. This party was formed as a response to the industrial revolution and improvement of production that resulted in excessive supply of food and a dramatic reduction in the price of crops. The deflation in price led farmers to grow as much as they could, since they were taught...
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...In order to research the relationship between right-wing populism and Christianity in Europe I am proposing a quantitative research analysis through a general questionnaire survey of the European Union’s electorate. This survey will ask European voters two questions, (1) what values are most important to you? (2) What is your preferred political party, or party voted for in the most recent national or European Union elections? The first question will provide respondents with a list of values, from which they will rank the top three they find most important. The value list will contain such items as friendship and family, independence, social justice, national identity, honoring traditions, culture, faith in god, sanctity marriage, forgiveness,...
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...Aydelotte McLennan Community College Federal Government 2305, Fall 2017 Professor Gladden Research Paper 02 The Evolution of the U.S. Political Parties “In 1796, President George Washington warned the countrymen to shun partisan politics.” Since then, a two party system has predominated in the U.S. A two- party political system is one in which only two parties have a realistic opportunity to compete effectively for control of the government. The same two-party system has been around for over a century, although with different forces and alignments. In early American history, there were five different party systems that have impacted our government. These have reduced over the years, to the two party parties of today: Republicans and...
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...Research Pilot Project Research Tittle Inflationary cause and remedies in Latin American countries. Research Objective Aimed at trying to find out the precursors of inflation and its feasible cures. The paper examines the critical relationship between the cause of a problem and its possible solution. It emphasizes on the views of two theories– the monetarist and the structuralist theories. Overall, this paper seeks to answer the following question: what are the main determinants of inflation rates and the stabilization policies in Latin American countries according to those theories? Theoretical Background The two rivalling theories concerning causes of inflation include the monetarist view and the structuralist view. Monetarists consider inflation as a problem caused by the surplus of money supply. They [the problem and the cause] are positively correlated – when one goes up, the other follows. This is otherwise known as the Quantity Theory of Money which is the foundation of the monetarist view. Sometimes, an excess in money supply will result in the public seeking to reduce the excess by increasing spending. This in turn will cause an increase in prices, if they are free to change. If prices are fixed, this will result in either higher supply to meet higher demand or in shortages of supply which will cause overall price level to increase. Basically, the monetarist explanation proposes that an excess supply of money causes inflation. Long run changes in...
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...Andrew Jackson’s effect in the American politics Andrew Jackson, the seventh president, is one of the most important and significant presidents in the history of the United States. As a vice-president and president (1824 to 1832) he reshaped and redirected the course of American expansion and democracy. Jackson believed the president is the direct representative of the people. He was the man of action and shrewd politician. He knew how to manipulate men and could be affable or abusive or abusive as the occasion demanded.(nation of nations, 2005 ) Andrew Jackson came to personify the new democratic culture. Through his forceful leadership he significantly expanded the powers of the presidency. Jackson threatened to use force against South Carolina when it tried to nullify the federal tariff using john c. Calhoun’s theory of nullification that is that a state convention could nullify a federal law. He vetoed a bill to recharter the second bank of the United States and destroyed the bank by removing its federal deposits. He called for legislation to remove native peoples west to of the Mississippi voiding treaties found legitimate by the Supreme Court during the winter months of 1835-36 to ensure the greatest suffering to these peoples. One quarter of the tribal people died in transit to Oklahoma during this move. Jacksonian era went through the deep and rapid changes. The revolution in markets brought both economic expansion and periodic depressions as its citizens competed...
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...Cultural war is literally a conflict between groups with different ideals and beliefs (Dictionary.com 2017). Professor Morris approaches those themes having as her object of study the former political Pauline Hanson’s interview with Tracey Curro at the Australian Sixty Minutes television program. The lecturer cleverly makes a critical intellectual practice, by analysing the dialogue from a class structure perspective, which is a crucial dimension of cultural war. Ultimately, her argument assumes a much broader view of the subject, leading the discussion of cultural war and class to the national level and how it is positioned in a globalised context. Applying an increasingly popular research framework named critical discourse analysis (CDA), she empowered her detailed examination of the interview using Foucault’s methodology and his notable contribution to understanding discourse, seeing language as a tool of power and knowledge, and the attempt to recognise modes of...
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...COMBINED CIVIL SERVICES - I Group I Services (Preliminary Examination) General Studies - Degree standard Objective type - 200 items – 300 Marks UNIT – I - General science : Physics - Universe - General Scientific laws - Scientific instruments - Inventions and discoveries-National scientific laboratories-Science glossary-Mechanics and properties of matter-Physical quantities, standards and units-Force, motion and energy- electricity and Magnetism - electronics & communications - Heat, light and sound-Atomic and nuclear physics-Solid State Physics-Spectroscopy – Geophysics - Astronomy and space science. Chemistry - Elements and Compounds-Acids, bases and salts - Oxidation and reduction – Chemistry of ores and metals -Carbon, nitrogen and their compounds-Fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides-Biochemistry and biotechnology-Electrochemistry-Polymers and plastics Botany - Main Concepts of life science-The cell-basic unit of life-Classification of living organism-Nutrition and dietetics-Respiration-Excretion of metabolic waste-Biocommunication Zoology - Blood and blood circulation-Endocrine system-Reproductive system-Genetics the science of heredity-Environment, ecology, health and hygiene, Bio- diversity and its conservation-Human diseases, prevention and remedies-Communicable diseases and non- communicable diseases-Alcoholism and drug abuse-Animals, plants and human lifeUNIT - II. Current Events History - Latest diary of events – National -...
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...http://whynationsfail.com/ Democracy, What Is It Good For? [pic]Daron Acemoglu and James Robinson In an earlier post, we reported on our research joint with Suresh Naidu and Pascual Restrepo, “Democracy, Redistribution and Inequality”, which showed very limited effects of democracy on inequality. So one would be excused for paraphrasing Edwin Starr’s famous song and Ian Morris’s forthcoming book, War! What Is It Good for?, and ask “democracy, what is it good for?” Certainly not economic growth, most would reason. This conclusion is based on a consensus engulfing both academia and the popular press that democracy is at its best irrelevant for growth, and perhaps even a hindrance. For example, Tom Friedman wrote in the pages of The New York Times: One-party nondemocracy certainly has its drawbacks. But when it is led by a reasonably enlightened group of people, as China is today, it can also have great advantages. That one party can just impose the politically difficult but critically important policies needed to move a society forward in the 21st century,” Friedman wasn’t making this up. Robert Barro, who has written several papers on the topic, argued in his book Getting it Right: Markets and Choices in a Free Society: More political rights do not have an effect on growth… The first lesson is that democracy is not the key to economic growth. A recent survey of the recent literature similarly concludes: The net effect of democracy on growth performance cross-nationally over the...
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...Spencer Davison European Politics The Demand and Supply Side Causes of the Austrian Radical Right The 2008 Austrian Parliamentary elections followed an increasingly familiar pattern. Two far right political parties received a combined 29.1% of the votes which translated to 52 seats of the 183 seat legislature, only 30,000 votes away from the leading party. For the past twenty years the Freedom Party of Austria (FPO) has become one of Austria’s most influential, and controversial, political parties. Its strong anti-immigration stance, xenophobic rhetoric, and suspected anti-Semitism have garnered international attention since its creation. Even though this right-wing populism phenomenon of Austria has become one of many cases in Europe, the sheer scale of FPO involvement in the country makes it a unique study. Ruud Koopmans explored the emergence of the extreme right in an attempt to define the causes of it. He compared two contrasting theories in his analysis. Grievance, demand side, theories suggest that growing rightist populism is a direct result of an increasing discontent and xenophobia within a country due to immigration and the consequences of it. Opportunity, supply side, theories focus on the institutional attributes of a particular polity, and how these arrangements make it possible for the right-wing movement to not only start, but flourish as well. He concluded that opportunity theories best explain the rightist movement. However, others believe...
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...Assignment 1.2: Research Paper THE EFFECTS OF INDUSTRIALIZATION AFTER THE CIVIL WAR Renee Whaley History 105: Contemporary U.S History Professor Michael Dixon February 7, 2016 The Effects of Industrialization after the Civil War Introduction This paper will focus on the industrialization period that followed the civil war and the effects it had on the society, economy, and politics. This paper will also touch on three different groups affected by this period known as the industrial age. Finally, this paper will look at the daily life of an average working American and how it was affected by the industrial age. Society, Economics, and Politics The Industrial Age (better known as the Industrial Revolution) had an affect on nearly every aspect of the American life. This included its society, its economy, and its politics. From the north down on through the south and eventually to the west, society changed through the Industrial Revolution. The north saw more of an ideal lifestyle. Factories and a surplus of jobs created more opportunities for people and as a result, many began to move towards the north in search for a better lifestyle. As population grew, housing became a problem. Companies would build housing close to factories so its employees could walk to work but poor building codes saw companies taking advantage of this. Plumbing became obsolete, the water system became polluted, and diseases would often sweep through the tenements. In the south, the...
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...GLOBALIZATION BACKLASH AND THE RISE OF ANTI-HEGEMONIC PARTY STATES Diego Olstein Hebrew University of Jerusalem Contents Introduction: Globalization and Anti-Hegemonic Party State………………………………..5 Part I: Principle Chapter 1: Defining Anti-Hegemonic Party State………………………………………………….18 Chapter 2: Anti-Hegemonic Party State and Domestic Features of Political Regimes…………………………………………………………………………………………… 44 Chapter 3: Anti-Hegemonic Party State and Exogenous Perspective on Political Regimes……………………………………………………………………………………………75 Part II: History Chapter 4: The Global Rise of Anti-Hegemonic Party States and Globalization Backlash 1917-1945...…………………………………………………………….91 Chapter 5: The Big Leap of Anti-Hegemonic Party States: The Second Wave 1946-1975…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………111 Chapter 6: Globalization Anew and the Marginalization of Anti-Hegemonic Party States 1976-2010………………………………………………………142 Conclusions Introduction: Globalization and Anti-Hegemonic Party State In 1997 the European Commission defined Globalization “as the process by which markets and production in different countries are becoming increasingly interdependent due to the dynamics of trade in goods and services and flows of capital and technology. It is not a new phenomenon but the continuation...
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...INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS J. Sebastian Smith The Bahamas October 2011 Title Strategic Implications from the People’s Republic of China’s Influence in the Americas: Potential Consequences facing the United States, Brazil &Venezuela Abstract This research seeks to examine the strategic implications facing the United States of America’s due to its benign interest in the Caribbean and Latin America (Americas) given the People’s Republic of China (China) increasing economic interest in the region. It is intended to first define the current security environment of the Americas and the relations between Brazil and Venezuela with that of the United States of America (United States) and China. Thereafter, China’s economic and domestic agenda in the Americas will be examined with hypotheses of the emerging global power potential growth success, challenges or possible collapse in her foreign policy. The likely consequences facing Brazil, Venezuela and the United States will also be examined. The assessment will be done across a continuum of China’s realized economic growth, development of hostile relations due to competition for scarce energy sources or possible collapse due to the country’s internal problems. Finally, the research seeks to encourage proactive thinking by the United States on China’s increasing political and military influence in the region and its possible underlying agenda of becoming the next global super power or hegemony. Introduction A general...
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...Abstract: This dissertation examines the intersection of Donald Trump's anti-immigrant rhetoric with racialized nationalism and the role of media in shaping public attitudes toward immigration in the United States. This research seeks to answer the following question: How does the immigration discourse articulated by Trump through racial and nationalist lenses become magnified in media representations, and what does this have to do with political polarization and public opinion? Based on the comprehensive review of prior literature, this research explores how Trump's rhetoric on immigration has perpetuated a racialized, exclusionary political discourse that shapes both public attitudes and partisan alignments. By means of selective exposure...
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...The Marketplace of Perceptions Like all revolutions in thought, this one began with anomalies, strange facts, odd observations that the prevailing wisdom could not explain. Casino gamblers, for instance, are willing to keep betting even while expecting to lose. People say they want to save for retirement, eat better, start exercising, quit smoking—and they mean it—but they do no such things. Victims who feel they’ve been treated poorly exact their revenge, though doing so hurts their own interests. Such perverse facts are a direct a≠ront to the standard model of the human actor— Economic Man—that classical and neoclassical economics have used as a foundation for decades, if not centuries. Economic Man makes logical, rational, self-interested decisions that weigh costs against benefits and maximize value and profit to himself. Economic Man is an intelligent, analytic, selfish creature who has perfect self-regulation in pursuit of his future goals and is unswayed by bodily states and feelings. And Economic Man is a marvelously convenient pawn for building academic theories. But Economic Man has one fatal flaw: he does not exist. When we turn to actual human beings, we find, instead of robot-like logic, all manner of irrational, self-sabotaging, and even 50 March - Apr il 2006 Behavioral economics explains why we procrastinate, buy, borrow, and grab chocolate on the spur of the moment. by Craig Lambert Portraits by Stu Rosner altruistic behavior. This is such a routine observation...
Words: 8018 - Pages: 33
...Planning Your Historical Investigation Examples of Types of Investigations Examples of Research Questions Choice of Topic 20th Century History of the Americas Alternative The Written Account & Assessment Criteria A. Plan of the Investigation B. Summary of Evidence C. Evaluation of Sources D. Analysis E. Conclusion F. Sources and Word Limit Sample History IAs 1Trotsky and the Russian Civil War 2US in Chile 3Women in the French Revolution 4PreWWI Alliances 4 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 14 1 2 2 3 4 10 16 Information in this guide is gathered from a variety of sources, including, but not limited to: The IB History Course Guide, Oxford’s IB Skills and Practice, IBOCC, and anecdotal experience. What is the History IA? The History IA is your chance to explore a period, theme, or event in history that you are interested in. For full IB Candidates, it also serves as 20% of your final History Grade. The final paper will be assessed by your teacher, with a sampling sent off to IB for score moderation. The History IA asks you to use the full range of skills you have been taught in class. In particular: ● knowledge and understanding ● application and interpretation ● synthesis and evaluation ● document analysis The structure of the IA is unlike any history paper you have ever written (and will most likely ever write again)...
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