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Why Do People Use E-Cigarettes?

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According to Dr Chapman “ Any teenager who uses an e-cig faces a risk of harming their brain development” (Hamill, 2015). Furthermore some commodities have negative impact and can lead to health problems. The E-cigarettes are common worldwide and it has been getting a lot of attention lately and around 2 million people use e-cigarettes in UK, and their popularity is growing wildly. E-cigarettes, which are Electronic cigarettes, are a device, which works by batteries to deliver nicotine with other chemicals to those who use it in vapor instead of smoke (Dale, 2015). The E-cigarettes has a huge negative effect on people life’s and this commodity is have been spreading wildly among people. Many people buy e-cigarettes as an excuse to quit smoking but they have no idea how this product is dangerous and has …show more content…
Smokers may expose themselves to risks because of the toxic chemicals in e-cigarettes, the e-cigarettes contains a component of antifreeze and this object is toxic to humans and its banned in drugs and food and smokers could potentially inhale toxic chemicals that will cause many risks to the user (Laboratory Analysis of Electronic Cigarettes Conducted By FDA, 2014), Also some results shows that the vapor in the e-cigarettes contain known carcinogens and toxic chemicals such as acetaldehyde and, formaldehyde and these toxic chemical may lead to extreme risks and danger (E-Cigarettes, 2014) . Electronic cigarettes might lead to poisoning risks, especially for children, its specifically dangerous to younger children who might get attracted by the e-cigarettes and that may lead to enormously high risks because the e-cigarettes may leak harmful ingredients and that will put your children in danger, however some dangerous doses of nicotine can be absorbed through the skin and harm it because nicotine is a toxic chemical and can cause serious injuries and lead to

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