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Trachoma Research Paper

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Losing one of our senses would be hard. Sensation is how we receive information from the environment using our senses. Perception is how we interpret what we receive from the environment. These two different elements are how we process information. Though most everyone is born will all their sensories, some people lose their sensory abilities over time. People who are without a sensory have what is called a sensory disability. There are many different types of sensory disabilities, such as Trachoma. Trachoma is a contagious bacterial infection of the eye in which there is inflamed granulation on the inner surface of the eyelids. The blinding infectious eye disease can be spread by direct or indirect contact with infected individuals and can …show more content…
About 80 million people in the world have this active disease. Trachoma is most areas that are hot, dry, and dusty where water is scarce and sanitation is poor. According to World Health Organization, “It is known to be a public health problem in 42 countries, and is responsible for the blindness or visual impairment of about 1.9 million people. Just over 200 million people live in trachoma endemic areas and are at risk of trachoma blindness.” The blindness from Trachoma is irreversible; however, is preventable by screening and treatment with an antibiotic if caught at an early stage. Tessougue Yietere, 76, lived with the disease for years. She was scared, in pain and couldn’t sleep. “For many years she had suffered from trachoma, a recurrent bacterial eye infection that can lead to blindness. The advanced stage of trachoma, called trachomatous trichiasis, is when the eyelashes turn inward, their sharp points raking across the eye with every blink.” states The Carter Center. With the help of The Carter Center and their partners of health ministries in Mali and Niger Tessougue was pain free and her vision along with her eyelashes were coming …show more content…
Daily life would be a struggle due to poor eye vision, eye pain and not being able to taste everyday foods that I enjoy. If I had Trachoma going to school would be troublesome, this is because I already have a tough time seeing so if I were to have poor vision and Trachoma, it would be a disaster. Also if Ageusia were to be added on to eye problems then I would not be able to enjoy food. With the trouble of not being able to taste and not being able to see, I would be devastated. A cause for having Trachoma is if I had poor sanitation and lived in a humid area that is dry and dusty and a cause for Ageusia is dry mouth, smoking, allergies, or medication. There is treatment for Trachoma with antibiotics and screenings. If caused by an allergy, medication can be prescribed by a doctor to help restore sense of taste. If caused by physical trauma, there is usually no cure. If I had to choose one of my senses to lose I would chose taste. I would choose taste because I like listening to music, seeing new sights and I don’t know what I'd do if I couldn’t touch. I would not want taste because then I could eat healthy and not have to taste to the food I do not like. One of my senses I am not willing to lose would be my sight because I don’t know what I would do without

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