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Trail Boss Narrative

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It was a rough morning for me this morning. I was awoken by my trail boss because it was time to start work. My strawberry blonde like mullet got caught in the screws of my cot as I tried to get up and get dressed. When I finally stopped feeling sorry for myself, I arose and threw on my red shirt, blue overalls, and my good ole’ cowboy hat. “Powell, get over here! !” my trail boss shouted from the campfire, “You gotta eat before we can leave!” “Alright I'm coming!” I yelled back. me and my partner were doing our job as flank men, herding stray cattle. When we entered the dusty trails, it was very hard to see our cattle. As the swing men were struggling to do their job, the trail boss told me and my partner to help them keep cattle in a tight line. The …show more content…
“Alright, get back on the trail folks.” the trail boss said. We all just looked at each other and sighed. We knew there was no point in trying to convince the boss to turn around and head back. As we were back on the trail, severe weather started to come in, but we just kept moving. The weather made it very hard to see, not to mention lightning striking down on trees. All of a sudden a huge stampede came running in, scaring our cattle away, disappearing into the storm of dust that the stampede brought in. Finally, the stampede went by and the dust settled down. We realized that the cattle and horses were nowhere to be seen. Me and the other workers picked up all the fallen down stuff to pack up and head out and find our cattle because we could not get off this dangerous trail without them. We all tried to push the wagon because we had lost our horses, we were already significantly behind our schedule and had to pick up the pace. As we were pushing the wagon, we saw our cattle across the river, but the problem was the river was flowing very fast and we didn't have any way to get across. Our trail boss came up with the

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