...The New Growth Path: Miracle or Mirage? pg. 1 The New Growth Path: Miracle or Mirage? The South African government has embarked on a series of economic programmes to achieve job growth and redistribution goals. The New Growth Path is the latest: it sets an ambitious target of creating five million jobs by 2020. The Path contains some good dimensions, but remains largely a set of slogans: “green economy;” “knowledge based economy.” It raises some scepticism as far as its workability unless some targeted policies are identified, prioritized and followed through including coordinated monetary and fiscal policies, skilled workforce development, and targeted sector development. Precisely how important the various elements are is not detailed. South Africa: the Unemployment, Inequality and Poverty Challenge South Africa’s unemployment rate is one of the highest in the world: according to the International Labour Organization, which adopts a narrow definition of unemployment being “decent work”, in 2006 South Africa’s unemployment rate was over 25%, close to double the highest unemployment rate of middle income economies which is Poland (13.8%) and much higher than many of its Latin American comparators such as Chile, Mexico and Argentina (ILO, 2008). Also noteworthy is that these unemployment rates differ greatly by age: the unemployment rate of African youth (15-34 years) stood at 52.7% in 2010 (Dimant et al., 2010). South Africa also registered an increase of income inequality...
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...Lesotho Case Study “Market and Mountain Kingdom” Bob Terry 10/8/2012 Wk 7Assignment Globalization & Regionalization Globalization is international integration of cultures, people, products, beliefs, and much more. Globalization makes goods and services available to locations that originally wouldn’t have them. Some of my favorite restaurants are Brazilian Steakhouses like Texas de Brazil and Fogo de Ciao. These restaurants would not be offered in Denver Colorado without globalization. Globalization has increased greatly over the past century due to advancements in technology, particularly in transportation and knowledge sharing (internet). These technologies have ingrained globalization in the modern era. Regionalization is the economic integration of countries. Some good examples of these are the North Atlantic Free Trade Organization (NAFTA) and the European Union (EU). Both of these agreements take countries that are in similar regions and in certain economic ways. All countries in the EU have the same currency which creates certain benefits but has also created economic disaster for many countries involved. The goal of regionalization is to benefit all countries involved and become stronger globally as a whole. These two forces have had tremendous impact on the small African nation of Lesotho. Foreign influences have shaped Lesotho throughout history and currently determine their economic factors today. Most recently trade agreements have made Lesotho...
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...SUPPLY CHAIN PRACTICES OF CTI Education Group TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction ……………………………………………………………………….. Page 02 Contacts at CTI …………………………………………………………………... Page 02 Supply Chain Management …………………………………………………….. Page 02 Competitive Advantages ………………………………………………….…….. Page 03 Core Product / Service Offerings ………………………………………………. Page 04 Description of CTI Education Group’s Students …………………………….. Page 05 Supply Chain Strategy ………………………………………………………….. Page 06 Are CTI Group’s Supply Chain and Product Offering Aligned? ……………. Page 08 Supplier Relationship Management …………………………………………... Page 08 CTI Education Group’s Suppliers................................................................ Page 09 Supplier Involvement in CTI Education Group’s Operations....................... Page 10 Supply Chain Integration and Management ………………………………... Page 11 Conclusion................................................................................................... Page 13 Bibliography ……………………………………………………………………… Page 14 Appendix A (Permission from CTI) ……………………………………………. Page 16 Appendix B (List of Suppliers) …………………………………………………. Page 17 Appendix C (Campuses) ……………………………………………………….. Page 18 Appendix D (Career Paths) ……..……………………………………………… Page 19 Appendix E (Trade & Industry) ………………………………………………… Page 20 INTRODUCTION For this assignment I have elected to case study CTI Education Group. Reasons for choice: 1) While...
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...UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM & ENERGY STUDIES DEHRADUN Group Project RAILWAY LOGISTICS (HEAVY HAUL TRAIN OPERATIONS) RESEARCH METHODOLOGY (MBCQ 721) Submitted to: Dr. NEERAJ ANAND Associate Professor& HOD – QT/RM/Operations CMES Submitted by : Name: AmolKhare Roll No: R600212004 Name: Ruchika Sahu Roll No: R600212039 Name: Rahul Kushwah Roll No: R600212031 MBA (LSCM)Sem II Batch 2012-14 Railway Logistics (Heavy Haul Train Operations). Page 1 ACKNOWLEDGMENT Our deepest thanks to, Dr Neeraj Anand, Associate Professor & HOD–QT/RM/Operations for College of Management and Economic Studies, as a guiding hand for us. He has taken pain to go through the project and also had spent time in giving necessary suggestions as and when needed. We would like to express our gratitude towards Mr R K Khare, Assistant Design Engineer, Track Department, of Research Design and Standard Organisation, Lucknow. Thereby our parents & classmates for their kind co-operation and encouragement which helped us in the completion of this project framework. We would like to express our special gratitude and thanks to industry persons for giving us such attention and time. Our thanks and appreciation also goes to the colleagues in developing the project and people who have helped us out with the different aspects of this Project. Date: 23, April 2013 Names: Amol Khare Rahul Kushwah Ruchika Sahu Railway Logistics (Heavy Haul Train Operations). Page 2 INDEX Sr. No. Topic Page No. 1...
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...CORPORATE SOCIAL INVESTMENT BUSINESS CONGRESS 2008 Presented by THE HELPING HAND NETWORK CSI Business Congress 2008 Page 1 THE CALL TO DIALOGUE – SOCIAL REFORMATION CONGRESS REPORT & SUPPLEMENT CONGRESS DATE: 1516 JULY 2008 CONGRESS VENUE: SIBAYA CASINO, 1 SIBAYA DRIVE, UMHLANGA, KWAZULU NATAL OVERALL FEEDBACK “For the first time CSI will tread where no man has trod before, and pave the way to the social reformation of South Africa.” The congress has become a reality and manifested a resounding success as we received excellent feedback from delegates who attended this event. The demand of our country has definitely changed from conferencing and workshops to active dialogues and practical outputs. This was accurately displayed when the panel discussions and dialogues superseded the conventional manner of conferencing. There was a remarkable shift from proclamation to accurate application. The CSI Congress has provided a moral order and accurately confronted specifics that will result in the eradication of systems in which the exploitation of resources leads to the poverty of the country. The CSI Congress primarily identified both the theoretical and practical strengths and weaknesses of alternative approaches to measuring freedom, and clarified on which techniques are most suited for building sustainable systems towards excellence and to chart concrete directions for future research that will add value to SA`s sustainable corporate social development. This...
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...Then, at the beginning of the 21st century, its CEO/ Chairman, Yang-Ho Cho undertook various transformation initiatives - for instance, improving service quality and safety standards, technology integration, upgrading pilot training, better business focus; putting in place a professional management team, improving corporate image through sponsorship marketing, etc. He gave a new corporate direction in the form of '10,10,10' goal. However, Korean Air is held up by a slew of challenges. Among which are inefficiencies of - Chaebol system of management, possible clash of its cargo business with its own shipping company, limited focus on the domestic market and growing competition from LCCs. How would Korean Air manage growth as a family-owned conglomerate? The case offers enriching scope for analysing a family business’s turnaround strategies, with all the legacy costs involved. Pedagogical Objectives • To discuss the (operational) dynamics of Korean Chaebols - their influence/ effects on the country’s industrial sector and the economy as a whole • To analyse how family-owned businesses manage the transition phase - from a supplier-driven economy to a demanddriven economy • To identify all the possible reasons for Korean Air ’s turbulent times and assessing whether they are controllable or not • To critically evaluate Korean Air ’s transformation efforts - in terms of growth, productivity and cost cuts, especially the efficacy of '10,10,10' goal in a family-run business • To identify...
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...University of Western Cape School of Business and Finance MAN620/ADM720 Project Management Lecture Session 1 : 26th January 2010 An introduction into project management with some history of project management and some contextual information. How project management has permeated almost all aspects of working life. The evolution of the project management context. Why and under what circumstances project management is used. What characterizes projects and differentiates them from other forms of management. Examples of projects – large medium and small. Chapter 1 - An Introduction to Project Management The Project Management Book of Knowledge (PMBoK) defines Projecy Management as “the application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to project activities to meet project requirements”. In the course outline we make the following statements with regard to what this course promises you engineering students. In the engineering environment, Project Management can be practiced either a stand-alone professional discipline or as an integral part of the delivery mechanism for engineering services. Either way, all engineers need a thorough understanding of Project Management theory, principles, practices, tools and techniques. This course has been structured to stimulate the interest of student engineers in the discipline of Project Management and to equip them with sufficient knowledge of the discipline to meaningfully participate in project work at an early stage. Many...
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...2013 Budget Speech Minister of Finance Pravin Gordhan 27 February 2013 ISBN: 978-0-621-41456-1 RP: 345/2012 To obtain copies please contact: Communications Unit National Treasury Private Bag X115 Pretoria 0001 Tel: +27 12 315 5526 Fax: +27 12 315 5126 Budget documents are available at: www.treasury.gov.za 2013 Budget Speech Honourable Speaker I have the honour to present the fourth budget of President Zuma’s administration. Mr President you said in the State of the Nation address that “we should put South Africa first. All of us have a patriotic duty and responsibility to build and promote our country.” You further said “The National Development Plan provides a perfect vehicle for united action precisely because it has the support of South Africans across the political and cultural spectrum. Leaders in every avenue should be ready to rise above sectional interests and with great maturity, pull together to take this country forward.” This challenge applies to all sections of our society: business, labour, public representatives, activists and citizens in every part of the country. As we pointed out in the 2012 Budget, global economic uncertainty will remain with us for some time. South Africa’s economic outlook is improving, but requires that we actively pursue a different trajectory if we are to address the challenges ahead. 1 2013 Budget Speech Under your leadership Mr President, we have opened new channels of communication and built more cohesion among...
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...Information Systems Today, 5e (Valacich/Schneider) Chapter 1: Managing in the Digital World 1) Knowledge workers are professionals who ________. A) use knowledge to perform their jobs, but do not create knowledge B) create, modify, and/or synthesize knowledge as a fundamental part of their jobs C) use their skills to help others gain knowledge D) modify knowledge created by others, but do not create knowledge themselves E) work in the education industry Answer: B Page Ref: 5 AACSB: Use of IT Difficulty: Easy Objective: LO 1-1 Classification: Conceptual 2) Which of the following predictions made by Peter Drucker is true? A) Knowledge workers have lesser bargaining power than workers in other industries. B) Knowledge workers do not possess valuable real-world skills. C) Knowledge workers are not reliant on formal education. D) Knowledge workers are continually learning how to do their jobs better. E) Knowledge workers are not paid as well as their prior industrial counterparts. Answer: D Page Ref: 5 AACSB: Use of IT Difficulty: Moderate Objective: LO 1-1 Classification: Conceptual 3) During the time of the industrial revolution, some individuals who felt threatened by the changes brought about by technology resorted to protesting against the technology. Identify these individuals. A) Luddites B) Utopists C) Millenarists D) Utilitarians E) Preterists Answer: A Page Ref: 7 AACSB: Use of IT Difficulty: Easy Objective: LO 1-1 ...
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...Graduate Unemployment in Post-Apartheid South Africa: Nature and Possible Policy Responses Research Report Compiled for Business Leadership South Africa Funded by Standard Bank March 2006 Development Policy Research Unit School of Economics, University of Cape Town Private Bag, Rondebosch, 7701 http: //www.commerce.uct.ac.za/dpru/ Executive Summary Overview The Development Policy Research Unit (DPRU) has been commissioned by Business Leadership SA to undertake an analysis of the growing problem of unemployment among South African graduates at the request of Deputy-President Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka. The research was funded by Standard Bank. Research of this nature is both timely and important, especially w ithin the context of the Accelerated and Shared Growth in South Africa (ASGISA) programme and the Joint Initiative for Priority Skills Acquisition (JIPSA). The ASGISA initiative recognises skill shortages and the poor quality of education as binding constraints to accelerated growth in South Africa. The first phase of the project involved a detailed review of the South African literature on the subject of graduate unemployment and more broadly, youth unemployment, as well as empirical analyses of various Labour Force Surveys (Statistics South Africa). The second phase attempted to acquire more practical insight into the problem through a series of interviews with some of South Africa’s largest companies, across a range of different sectors. The interviews, broadly...
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...MASTER THESIS School of Management and Economics Logistics outsourcing 3PL & 4PL – A Survey on Pakistani manufacturing and exporting companies Business Logistics, 15ECTS, FE–5594 Authors Muhammad Usman Tahir - 840523 Hammad Tabassum - 830509 Saeed Ahmad - 820919 Muhammad Arshad - 830804 Examiner: Helena Forslund Tutor: Petra Andresson ABSTRACT Authors: Tutor: Examiner: Title: Background: Muhammad Usman Tahir, Hammad Tabassum Muhammad Arshad, Saeed Ahamad. Petra Andersson Helena Forslund A Survey on Pakistani manufacturing and exporting companies The development of recent means of transportation, information has increased opportunities for global business and it is very common that the companies involved in global business often need to outsource logistic function, as they cannot perform global logistics on their own. The need of service effectiveness for companies and operations efficiency from logistics service providers involves the minimization of the uncertainties associated with logistics outsourcing, therefore risks reduction measures must be implemented using logistics outsourcing. - How do the Pakistani manufacturing and exporting companies currently outsource their logistics function in their downstream supply chain? - What benefits they seek with respect to 3PL and 4PL? - What factors they consider for outsourcing logistics? To investigate the current logistics outsourcing situation of the Pakistani Manufacturing and Exporting Companies. What logistics...
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...Tenth Anniversary Edition Tenth Anniversary Edition TELECOMMUNICATIONS REGULATION HANDBOOK TELECOMMUNICATIONS REGULATION HANDBOOK The Telecommunications Regulation Handbook is essential reading for anyone involved or concerned by the regulation of information and communications markets. In 2010 the Handbook was fully revised and updated to mark its tenth anniversary, in response to the considerable change in technologies and markets over the past 10 years, including the mobile revolution and web 2.0. The Handbook reflects modern developments in the information and communications technology sector and analyzes the regulatory challenges ahead. Designed to be pragmatic, the Handbook provides a clear analysis of the issues and identifies the best regulatory implementation strategies based on global experience. February 2011 – SKU 32489 Edited by Colin Blackman and Lara Srivastava Tenth Anniversary Edition TELECOMMUNICATIONS REGULATION HANDBOOK Edited by Colin Blackman and Lara Srivastava Telecommunications Regulation Handbook Tenth Anniversary Edition Edited by Colin Blackman and Lara Srivastava ©2011 The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank, InfoDev, and The International Telecommunication Union All rights reserved 1 2 3 4 14 13 12 11 This volume is a product of the staff of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank, InfoDev, and The International Telecommunication...
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...– page 8 Ideas How our Biograph mMR scanner is enhancing patient care Technology and innovation – page 20 Strength How efficient technologies are shaping the future of energy Portfolio management – page 34 Networking How intelligent IT solutions are creating unimagined value Cross-business activities – page 54 Diversity How our employees’ wealth of experience is inspiring us Employees and management culture – page 66 How our strategy is pointing the way to the future One Siemens – page 78 COVER PHOTO – James D. Palasek and Amber Sherman, two of the 370,000 Siemens employees working together in our global network of trust. To learn more, please see: SPECIAL REPORT: DIVERSIT Y, PAGES 66-75 When a new international airport is being planned, when a doctor recommends a treatment to a patient, when political leaders and society want to ensure reliable energy supplies for the future, when a company wants to offer tailor-made service solutions, when the development of innovative products demands the creativity, experience and dedication of a wide range of experts, that’s when tough decisions have to be made – far-reaching decisions based on a strong sense of responsibility. The success of our integrated technology company rests not only on our technological excellence, power of innovation and financial strength but also on our commitment to responsibility – a commitment that’s made us a strong partner of trust to people all around the world for 165...
Words: 83405 - Pages: 334
...The Importance Of Corporate Ethics and Values: Building a Sustainable Strategy Model for Effective Implementation of Good Corporate Governance within a State-Owned Enterprise in South Africa. A Research Study Presented to the Graduate school of Business Leadership University of South Africa In Fulfillment of the Requirements for the MASTERS DEGREE IN BUSINESS LEADERSHIP UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AFRICA Prepared by Lazarus Docter Mokoena (called Bonga) [Student No: 0555-418-7] Tel: 011-217 1187 (Work); 011-679 5486 (Home) Cell: 082 466 6896 SUPERVISOR: PROFESSOR M.H. CROSBIE FINAL RESEARCH REPORT November 2005 TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................. 4 CHAPTER 1 ............................................................................................... 8 1. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 INTRODUCTION................................................................................. 8 ESKOM’s COMPANY BACKGROUND ................................................ 8 ESKOM’s BUSINESS CONDUCT POLICY .......................................10 PURPOSE OF THE RESEARCH .......................................................12 PROBLEM STATEMENT .................................................................14 IMPORTANCE AND BENEFITS OF STUDY .....................................17 RESEARCH PROPOSITIONS AND HYPOTHESIS ...........................18 1.6.1 Propositions ...................................
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...AN EVALUATION OF COMMUNICATION INTEGRATION WITHIN A STATE-OWNED ORGANISATION by MOALUSI JONAS MAENETJA Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF ARTS WITH SPECIALISATION IN ORGANISATIONAL COMMUNICATION RESEARCH AND PRACTICE at the UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AFRICA SUPERVISOR: PROF TC DU PLESSIS JOINT SUPERVISOR: PROF DF DU PLESSIS APRIL 2009 Student number: 697-616-6 DECLARATION I declare that THE EVALUATION OF THE CURRENT POSITION OF COMMUNICATION INTEGRATION WITHIN A STATE - OWNED ORGANISATION is my own work and that all the sources I have used or quoted have been indicated and acknowledged by means of complete references. …………………………………….. SIGNATURE (MR MJ MAENETJA) ………………… DATE 2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Throughout the composition of this Masters Dissertation I was blessed to have the support and encouragement of some very special people. I hereby wish to acknowledge the contribution of the following persons: • To my family, friends and Eskom colleagues for supporting me through all my years of study. Thank you for believing in me, even when I did not believe in myself. Thank you for all of the unconditional love and support you gave me. What I have done, I have done to make you proud. • Large amounts of gratitude to professor TC Du Plessis and professor DF Du Plessis from the Department of Communication at the University of South Africa for...
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