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Trauma Flight Nursing Paper

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When one turns to a dictionary for the definition of a Nurse, he or she would find that a nurse is someone who offers “protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response, and advocacy in the care of individuals, families, communities, and populations.” (What, 2015) Needless to say, nurses are very special and unique individuals whose number one goal is to care for someone in need. In order for nurses to be successful when caring for patients, he or she must be able to apply several different framework pillars into their style of caring. South University provides each of its nursing students with a list of five pillars, which include Caring, Communication, Critical Thinking, Professionalism, and Holism. (SUHP, 2015, P.6) Each nursing student is educated to learn and understand these pillars, for this is the way each student will …show more content…
(Jelinek, 2014) Once the helicopter reaches a certain altitude in the sky, a patients condition may worsen, making transportation much more difficult. (Jelinek, 2014) Flight Nurses have to be able to assess these changes in a rapid manor and make changes in a patients care instantly in order to stabilize the patient before he or she goes into cardiac arrest. Unfortunately for these nurses, there is not a Medical Physician that rides on the helicopter to and from scenes; the nurses must use their better judgment when making choices. (Jelinek, 2014) The only from of information provided to help these nurses in emergent situations is a list of protocols and a communications radio to the receiving hospital physician. (Jelinek, 2014) At this point in the transport, communication between the Critical Care Trauma Flight nurse and the Medical Physician becomes extremely

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