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Key Stakeholders In Healthcare

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Key Stakeholders
These challenges are important in understanding the perspectives and priorities of the key stakeholders involved. There are lots of actors or groups with an invested interest in how a health system performs, = is governed, and is held accountable. The federal government is a major stakeholder. With a change in governance, they would be losing control over First Nations health and may affect them in numerous ways, such as government employees, funding, and potentially legitimacy if people lose faith in their capabilities to govern different types of communities (cite). Another major stakeholder is the health care worker, authorities, and organizations. While working in health care, it is necessary to have customers. If the First …show more content…
If it is no longer under federal governance, they cannot ensure that these health care services occur in hospitals or with physicians. This may affect the local health care organizations. Arguably the most important stakeholder is the First Nations. Ideally, this change in governance would create better health care services and close gaps that currently exist. It would result in First Nation’s peoples being trained to work as health care professionals, and could enhance the community and traditions of the First Nation (CITE). Although it appears to be beneficial for First Nations, Metis, Inuit, and non-status Indian peoples are stakeholders that may experience negative effects. This may cause a further separation of rights between these groups. The British Columbia Authority only affects First Nations, and if the other provinces and territories changed their governing the same way, it may further the gap between First Nations and the unchanged policies of these other groups. Interestingly, the Assembly of First Nations does not include Metis or Inuit, so the affects of an Authority may not severely impact this already existing gap in healthcare. …show more content…
This execution in British Columbia is ideal as an experiment for the rest of Canada to watch and learn. In time, British Columbia may be able to publish a discussion on challenges the federal government and newer structure faced throughout the process and how they were able to overcome these barriers (cite?). In this published document, it may discuss the transfer of authority as a natural experiment from a policy change perspective. This would be beneficial to the other provinces and territories in Canada to show how it may be cost efficient due to combining services that are currently provided by the federal and provincial governments, and the gaps that are not being addressed and probably some overlap that could be altered (2). In addition, the potential for this published document could provide an opportunity to look at where the programs are not working and fix them and to look at where our spending is not getting results and reinvest it to get better ones. Through generations, there will be significant, correlated improvements in First Nations health (cite). In regards to these first two challenges, all stakeholders may be affected by this governance change. It could be beneficial for the First Nations

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