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Lewy Body Dementia Case Study

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Lewy Body Dementia

Recently, while a nurse and I provided care for an elderly patient, I noticed that the patient was very confused, disoriented and displayed aggression. She would scream out then become very calm. Then she would look at me and smile. The nurse explained to me that the patient had Lewy body Dementia. After witnessing, first hand, the effects of this debilitating disease, I became interested in learning more about it.

Lewy body dementia, what is this? According to the Mayo Clinic, Lewy body dementia consists of "protein deposits that develop in nerve cells in the brain regions that involves thinking, memory and movement (motor control)." “It is the second most common type of progressive dementia after Alzheimer’s disease dementia.” The patient we assisted was extremely unsteady and was placed in a special bed called a “low-boy” bed. The special bed helped to keep the patient safe from falling. Patients with any form of dementia are at risks for falls. The article explained that “People with Lewy …show more content…
a neurologist is a specialist in the field of neurology. Neurologist, according to Merriam-Webster dictionary, is a physician skilled in the diagnosis and treatment of the nervous system.

In fact, Lewy Body Disease was discovered by Dr. Frederic Lewy, a German-born neurologist. He had close ties with Dr. Aloysious Alzheimer (the neurologist who discovered Alzheimer's disease). Roberts, Catherine, "Robin Williams Death: 9 Things to know About Lewy Body Dementia" December 9th 2015

In the article "Robin Williams Death: 9 Things To Know About Lewy Body Dementia", Catherine Roberts revealed how Dr. Lewy "discovered the existence of lewy bodies, which are protein deposits that develop in nerve cells and cause neuron death in the brain. She also stated that "Lewy bodies interrupt normal messaging in the brain. The specific set of symptoms will depend on the area of protein deposit growth in

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