...Introduction TSP (Travelling salesman problem) is an optimization problem that it is difficult to solve using classical methods. Different Genetic Algorithm (GA) have been right to solve the TSP each with advantages and disadvantages (Davis, 2005) In this research paper, I highlight a new algorithm by merging different genetic Algorithm results to the better solution for TSP. In amalgam algorithm, appropriateness of algorithm and traveled distance for TSP has been considered. Results obtained suggest that it does not quickly establish in the local optimum and enjoys a good speed for an inclusive answer (Fogel, 2010). New methods such as GAs, refrigeration algorithms, Artificial Neural Networks, and ACO (Ant Colony Optimization) to solve TSP problem, in recent past have been suggested. Both ACO and GAs is centered on repetitive (Goldenberg, 2005) ACO system was unfilled for the first time by Dorigoat al. to solve TSP. In ACO algorithms, people work together to find the solution. In collective intelligence algorithms, it uses the real life of creatures without putting in consideration the complex mechanisms in run their day to day life in all aspects as best as possible. GA is an iterative procedure that contains a population of individuals or chromosomes. Coding of randomly or heuristic by a string of symbols as a gene in possible solution is done. All possible solution in this search space is examined. When search space is large, GAs usually are used. People can select an...
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...Ticket stubs Instructions 1 Buy a high quality sturdy travel journal. A pamphlet that is held together by staples will fall apart in days. Be sure your travel journal is bound like a book. Hard bound travel journals are the best. It doesn't need to be printed as a travel journal. It just has to be a book with a lot of empty pages. 2 Get in the habit of writing in your travel journal every day. When you are on a busy journey it is easy to forget to write. You will regret this later when priceless memories are forgotten. You may promise yourself that you will go back and write about your experiences later, but that almost never happens. Take a few minutes every day and jot down your memories. It doesn't have to be long, just on a regular basis. Sponsored Links Got A Manuscript? Are You Ready To Publish Your Manuscript? Sign Up Now! m.partridgepublishing.com/Singapore 3 Use your "down time" for your travel journal. There is a surprising amount of sitting around while traveling. You can always jot down a few lines in your travel journal when you are on trains, waiting for planes, drying your laundry, or waiting in line. 4 Date your entries in your travel journal. In your heading write down the day, where you are, who you are with, maybe even the weather and what you ate that day. These are the first details people tend to forget. Years later when you read your journal you will know exactly what you were doing on that day. The memories will come rushing back...
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...WHY TRAVEL? I have been a tourist in many years, and only few people have visited as many countries as I have. But I have never really thought about why travelling is so important to me. Have you ever thought about why so many people those to go on a vacation? And what makes people those to go on a vacation in one country out of another? That is for sure some of the questions that I am asking myself about travelers. Travelling has always been a big part of my life. One of the things that make travelling so exciting for me is the different cultures you meet when you are in another country. But what is important, when you visit another nation, is to have some sort of knowledge about the culture; because it can be very different from what you are used to. Normally when I go on a vacation to a country I don’t know anything about, I by a book about culture and important information about the nation. And having knowledge about the country you are planning to visit is very important: If you decide to visit for an example Paris and if you are a woman, you may never walk alone at night, because of the high crime and rapes. That is very important to know as a woman because otherwise you might be exposed to some unpleasant or undesirable experiences. It is also important to know that some nations ‘refuse’ to speak English and therefore it can be very difficult to communicate. A country that prefers to speak only their language is France. It could also be information about young people...
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...Why travelling is my favorite doing… I hate to consider “my favorite things” and such as. But, if I should name a favorite activity or hobby, call it what you want, I would say travelling. I love travelling, travelling is living and living is travelling! You have to expiry meeting other cultures, if you ask me. I think it’s healthy and very educating, especially if you’re not travelling as a tourist, the charter way. I think you need to not just be around the inhabitants, but also talk with them, and maybe be on your own, live with or just visit a family. Also of course practice their cultural traditions, whether it's dancing, singing, elephant riding or… I will also claim that it will make your trip a lot better and give you the best experience, if you "have read a little lesson" from home, about the planned destination. Last school semester I went on an efterskole called Ranum efterskole, where I travelled a lot. The school was very international and connected with schools around the world. The school was filled with opportunities; so many, that it was hard to even choose between them! The school semester was split into three periods/phases, with three different majors and therefore also three different travels. For an example; in the first period I chose diving as major and therefore my travel was to Turkey, where we could take the diving certification. Besides Turkey, I went on some longer distance travels with the school. The others was to, Ghana and New York...
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...To grow, Britain needed good reliable, extensive, cheap transport systems. Heavy raw materials such as coal, cotton and iron had to be brought to factories. Then the finished product had to be delivered all over Britain and abroad. As well as the goods businessmen and woman had to be able to travel to sell their goods.  Between 1750 and 1900 many types of transport were used on the roads: packhorse trains, wide wheeled wagons and mail coaches. Soon many problems grew: road traffic grew rapidly. there were pot holes to fall into. there was no spring in the wheels of the carriages so it made it an uncomfortable ride. the roads weren’t smooth and wheels got caught on rocks. when the soil got wet it went into mud and it was very hard to get the wheels through. the roads were getting damaged. footmen sometimes had to walk in front with an axe to clear the way of bushes and trees. journeys in wagons took twice as long in the winter than in the summer. the fastest coach took six and a half days from London to Newcastle. There was danger of Highway men (people who mugged carriages for goods). Soon the roads were improved when business people and local people joined together to form turnpike trusts and parliament gave them control over a section of road. The people set up gates and toll houses and charged people to use the roads. The money that they raised was used to improve the roads or even build new ones. The number of turnpike trusts grew quickly and soon...
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...Benefits of Travelling 1. Travel Sharpens the Mind You've done your old routine for so many years that you could run through it on autopilot. Being placed into a new environment engages a dormant part of your mind. Suddenly, you'll be required to navigate unfamiliar places, read foreign languages, try new things, make quick decisions, and choose your new eating and sleeping schedule. Unlike at home, all the new sights, sounds, and places will require mental processing and filing. Your brain will welcome the workout! 2. A Shift in Perspective "Nobody comes back from a journey the way they started it." -- Unknown Being exposed to new cultures and people will greatly shift your paradigm and create a healthier perspective once you return back home. Seeing different social classes creates compassion and really makes you feel more blessed and content. Large portions of the world's population have to deal with daily threats such as hunger, disease, and land mines. A hard day at work suddenly doesn't seem so bad when you see people in developing countries toiling in sun-scorched fields from morning to dark. 3. A Chance to Try New Things "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson While you may branch out at home with new restaurants from time to time, traveling kicks you out of the comfort zone and forces you, for better or worse, to try new things! Even if you don't enjoy your first attempt at scuba...
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...Nanyang Technological University (NTU) is a major tertiary institution located in the far west of Singapore with approximately 33500 students[1] and 6165 staff[2]. Most people travelling to NTU will travel by the Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) train to Pioneer or Boon Lay MRT station before taking a bus into NTU. There are currently 4 MRT lines and 90 MRT stations with an average daily ridership of 2.406 million in 2011[3]. Recently, there have been some developments in the MRT system. The Circle Line was officially opened in 2011 while the Downtown Line and the Thomson line will open in 2013[4] and 2018[5] respectively. These lines supplement the current 3 train lines in Singapore, namely the North-South Line, the East-West Line and the North-East Line. Moreover, there was also the construction of new infrastructure such as the additional platform at Jurong East MRT station. With the opening of the Circle Line, people can now choose among multiple train routes to travel between NTU and other areas in Singapore. In the near future, the rail network will become even more comprehensive with new extensions to present infrastructure, increased combinations of MRT lines, new trains and higher train frequencies. This will create even more varied train routes for travelling to and fro NTU. Although most parts of Singapore are accessible by road, the Parliament came to the conclusion in 1982 that an all-bus system would be inadequate and that the transport investment to build the MRT system...
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...The differences in travelling preferences between postgraduate students in Poland and United Kingdom Module name: Research Methods Word count: 4978 January 2014 1. Abstract The purpose of this report is to determine the differences between travelling preferences among British and Polish postgraduate students. Moreover, the report aims to establish the patterns in which a cultural background influence travelling and to detect similarities between British and Polish attitudes. Therefore, the research is a comparative, cross-cultural study. In order to achieve the purpose, 5 structured interviews were carried out that helped to construct a questionnaire. The analysis of qualitative and quantitative data shows that the cultural background has an effect on postgraduate students' travelling preferences and that there are certain differences between British and Polish travelling tendencies. The particular aspects that affect those preferences are: language, socioeconomic status, geographic area and customs. However, owing to the global phenomena, the cultural backgrounds are disappearing and students' travelling preferences become more and more convergent. The author believes this research will form a valuable asset for tourism industry and it will be a base for future research. 2 2. Table of contents 1. Abstract ......................................................................................................................................................
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...The Social Concept of Self-Awareness as Relate to Ana Menendez’s Traveling Madness Ana Menendez is a journalist and an ardent scholar. She was born in 1970 and grew up in Florida after her parents had fled from Cuba in 1964 during the Cuban Revolution. Her family having first settled in Los Angeles, California, Menendez could not speak any other language apart from Spanish until she enrolled in Kindergarten. However, she later moved with her family to Florida where she attended high school and thereafter joined Florida International University from where she graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Arts in 1992. Her story Traveling Madness basically involves four main characters who are all “dreamers”. The story is based on and highlights the plight and disillusionment visited on the Cuban population by the communist party and the ways in which different people dealt with the economic and social adversities that typified the era of communism in Cuba. Self-aware of the dangers that confronted them, some wished to fly away to the moon; others desired to set sail and vanish; and others actually thought they could drill a hole from Havana to Miami (Delbanco and Cheuse) From the foregoing, while self-awareness is a critical aspect of personal development and self-exploration, it does not always bear positive fruits – sometimes it acts as a source of frustration, conflict and stress. In spite of her age, Menendez has proven herself to be a prolific fiction writer; a fact attested to...
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...Journal Essay Format Information The five paragraph essay follows a defined format. The first paragraph introduces us to the thesis of the essay and directs us to the three main supporting subtopics. The second through fourth paragraphs are all similar in format. They individually restate the subtopics, and are developed by giving supporting information. The fifth and last paragraph restates the main thesis idea and reminds the reader of the three main supporting ideas that were developed. All of these paragraphs are important. The introductory paragraph is the place in which the writer introduces the reader to the topic. It is important to make this a clear and limited statement. This is where the writer grabs the reader's attention. Because of its purpose, it is often the first sentence of the paragraph. It is followed by three subtopics that develop the thesis. Between this paragraph and all paragraphs of the essay, there needs to be some kind of a transition word, phrase, or sentence. Next, the body of the essay contains paragraphs two through four. They are all similarly constructed. Their topic sentences are restatements, often in original form, of the three supporting ideas presented in the first paragraph. The subtopic of each of the body paragraphs is again supported by three or more supporting sentences. These cement, in the reader's mind, the relevancy and relationship of each of the subtopics to the thesis statement. Finally, the fifth...
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...traveling brings positive effects indeed. First of all, we experience new things when we travel. We get to interact with new places, regions and cultures. For instance, by traveling to Malaysia where people of different races live side by side, one may discover the relative racial harmony. When traveling in a different part of the world, we expand our knowledge and widen our perspective. While visiting places, our vision becomes enlarged just as by sitting at a small place makes one’s vision narrow. Secondly, travelling provides us the opportunity to disconnect from our routine. We relax and enjoy during the travel without have to worry our problems or issues for some period. We are all burdened with crazy schedules of work or schooling. Travelling away alone or with friends may help us to relax ourselves. The distance of travelling may also help one figures things out that they would not have understood. In the view of the environment, travelling helps promote conservation of wildlife and natural resources such as rainforests, as these are regarded as tourism assets. The entrance charges or guide fees we paid helps generate funding for maintaining animal preserves and marine parks. Tourism can be such a great way to preserve the environment. The tourism industry plays an important role in many countries in term of social economy. It provides a wide range of jobs and business opportunities for the local people. When tourists spends in the country, it gains benefit...
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...Graphing Applications and the TSP Name: Institution: Graphing Applications and the TSP Question 1 A Hamiltonian cycle is a closed loop within a graph that visits all its vertices exactly once. An example of the Hamiltonian cycle is the Travelling salesman problem. The solution to the minimum length of a Hamiltonian cycle is an NP complete problem that cannot be computed in polynomial time. This means that the minimum possible path cannot be computed by a deterministic machine. When completing a Hamiltonian cycle, one has to make sure that there are only two edges getting in and out of a vertex. In addition one has to ensure that there are no sub-cycles in the cycle. In a Hamiltonian cycle with n vertices, the number of different cycles that can be completed is (n-1)! /2 in a complete undirected graph and (n-1)! In a complete directed graph (Narasimhan, 2009). Question 2 A Euler cycle is a path that passes through all the edges of a graph exactly once. It usually starts and ends at the same vertex. For one to construct a Euler cycle all the vertices in the graph must have an even degree. Therefore, one can conclude that any graph with all vertices of an even degree connected is a Euler cycle. Unlike the Hamiltonian cycle, the Euler cycle can be computed in polynomial time. The Euler cycle can be constructed using the Fleury’s or Hierholzer’s algorithm. Question 3 The minimum length of a Hamiltonian cycle is the shortest path that can...
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...Robert Hodge Professor Kathryn Hinds English 1102 13 April 2015 Traveling through the Dark By William E. Stafford Traveling through the dark I found a deer dead on the edge of the Wilson River road. It is usually best to roll them into the canyon: that road is narrow; to swerve might make more dead. By glow of the tail-light I stumbled back of the car and stood by the heap, a doe, a recent killing; she had stiffened already, almost cold. I dragged her off; she was large in the belly. My fingers touching her side brought me the reason— her side was warm; her fawn lay there waiting, alive, still, never to be born. Beside that mountain road I hesitated. The car aimed ahead its lowered parking lights; under the hood purred the steady engine. I stood in the glare of the warm exhaust turning red; around our group I could hear the wilderness listen. I thought hard for us all—my only swerving—, then pushed her over the edge into the river. Traveling through the Dark is one of Stafford's most frequently anthologized poems. This poem dramatizes the conflict between human’s man-made creations, and all the harm it does to nature. The more humans embrace technology, the more the environment diminishes as a result of human and animal conflict. In its most vague outline the poem runs through the theme of confrontation between technology and mother earth (otherwise known as life or nature). The...
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...World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology Vol:7 2013-06-25 Optimization Using Simulation of the Vehicle Routing Problem International Science Index Vol:7, No:6, 2013 waset.org/Publication/15351 Nayera E. El-Gharably, Khaled S. El-Kilany, and Aziz E. El-Sayed Keywords—Discrete event system simulation, optimization using simulation, vehicle routing problem. points or require a solution to be found quickly. Computational time on the fastest computers for optimization methods has been too long for many practical problems. Cognitive, heuristic, or combination heuristic-optimization solution procedures have been good alternatives [8]. The aim of this work is threefold; to present a new mathematical formulation of the VRP problem that uses fewer decision variables, to show how to model the TSP problem as a discrete event simulation model, and to employ the developed simulation model in finding the optimum/near optimum solution of the problem. This paper is organized as follows: in Section II, the basic concepts of VRP and the solution techniques found in literature will be briefly discussed. In Section III, proposed problem formulations will be presented followed by the simulation model development and optimization using simulation in sections IV and V. Finally, in section VI, the conclusions drawn from this work are presented. I. INTRODUCTION II. LITERATURE REVIEW HE vehicle routing problem (VRP) is one of the most intensively studied problems in operations research...
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...Demo Script Parallel Computing on Azure - Travelling Salesman Demo Demo version: 1.0.0 Last updated: 12/7/2011 Contents Overview 3 Key Messages 4 Key Technologies 4 Prerequisites 4 Time Estimates 5 Setup and Configuration 6 Demo Flow 7 Opening Statement 9 Step-by-Step Walkthrough 10 Segment #1: Scaling-Up Windows Azure Applications using a Single Instance 10 Segment #2: Scaling-Out Windows Azure Applications using Multiple instances 17 Summary 24 * Overview This demo highlights how to scale-up Web Applications on Windows Azure, using the .NET Task Parallel Library (TPL) classes from .NET Framework 4.0. This library efficiently utilizes multiple processors within Windows Azure roles, where the size of the Virtual Machine instance is greater than Small (i.e. where there are multiple processors available). Additionally, the demo shows how to scale-out applications taking advantage of Technical Computing across multiple role instances, using a Job scheduling algorithm. The work is distributed to all the available instances, maximizing the CPU processing of each. Travelling Salesman demo is using a “genetic” algorithm to quickly solve the problem that would ordinarily require very many conventional interactions to solve. The problem and its real–life applications are widely documented (for example, see http://www.tsp.gatech.edu/index.html). The algorithm used in this demo was taken from http://www.heatonresearch.com/online/introduction–neural–networks–cs–edition–2/chapter–6...
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