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Trayvon Martin Luther King Jr.'s Letters From The Birmingham Jail

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Pages 2
Martin Luther King Jr was an activist for human rights. He wrote the "I have a dream" speech and the "letters from the Birmingham jail". Martin Luther King Jr's dream was equality for all. There are many reasons to lose hope; however, when a common evil comes, divisions become sealed.
To begin, unity is a dreamlike fantasy that many become hopeless to reach. for example, the daily news shows massacre, riots, and dissension. Trayvon Martin, an African American man, was killed by a police officer, George Zimmerman, for a misconception. this action took communities by storm creating a riot in front of the courthouse. Sadly, George Zimmerman took the "stand your ground" law as his plea and escaped his sentence. Many people lost hope in the justice …show more content…
A white man, Devin Kelly, went and shot for religious reasons a first Baptist church. A church is supposed to be a safe place by the rules of war as well as an unspoken rule among men. a church can be a sign of hope and peace, yet hearts broke and hopes were shattered in the eyes of people. the area was cleaned up and life continued, yet scars cannot disappear in a day. furthermore, the travel ban and the Mexican American wall idea are actions that separate families. firstly, the travel ban stated that the countries: Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Sudan, and Somalia are banned from travel. a ninety-day vise suspension for anyone arriving from the Muslim- majority countries. there is an indefinite ban on Syrian refugees allowing the breaking of Muslim-American people from visiting family. secondly, the wall trump discussed will negatively impact Mexican-American families. Separation of families makes hope for a family-filled holiday to be unreachable. moreover, hope can be refound and kept with unity. Hurrican Harvey was a common issue that sealed divisions creating unity. Many people came to help like David Lohr and Ed Lavandera. Lohr lent his boat to firefighters for a rescue and Lavandera aided an older man into a boat from stomach-high waters. Choosing to aid instead of reporting the issue was a sign of unity and hope. These were only a two people from a long list that helped in the Hurrican Harvey

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