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Positive Role Model

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Since I was old enough to throw a baseball and swing a bat, I was trained by an MLB pitcher. Growing up, I learned how to play America’s pastime at the local park just across the street from my grandfather’s house. Just about every afternoon my mom and I would walk to his house so I could hit and play catch with him. With my bat over my shoulder and glove tucked to my chest, like Grandpa taught me, we headed over to Kennedy Field to “have a catch” while Mom and Grandma stayed back and made lunch. Looking back on this time I spent with my grandfather, I realize that they were the best moments of my life. Throughout my life my grandfather has been such a positive role model for me both on and off the baseball field. Growing up my grandfather did not have it easy, as he faced many struggles throughout his childhood. After losing both his parents at a young age my grandfather used his love for …show more content…
After picking me up at school, my grandpa and I would make our usual trip to Friendly’s Ice Cream on the way to the park. We would sit outside at a picnic table, watch the cars go by and talk baseball. From there we would head on over to Kennedy Park to hit some balls. One day, however, was different than the rest. My grandfather was introducing a new hitting drill to me, one that would force me to think less and just focus on hitting the ball. My grandfather would be on a knee off to the side of me and flip me balls to hit into the backstop. The catch was that he would rapidly toss the balls at me so that I had no time to reset or think. This drill was the most frustrating thing that I had experienced at the age of seven. There were multiple times where I wanted to throw in the towel, but my grandpa refused to let that happen. No matter how frustrated I would get, he would always remind me that hard work will always pay off and to never give up on something you

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