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Piaget Observation

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Preschoolers, ages three to six, should be at the ‘preoperational’ stage of Piaget’s cognitive development theory, meaning they are using their imagery and memory skills. They should be conditioned to learning and memorizing, and their view of the world is normally very self-centered. Preschoolers usually have also developed their social interaction skills, such as playing and cooperating with other children their own age. It is normal for preschoolers to test the limits of their cognitive abilities, and they learn negative concepts and actions, such as talking back to adults, lying, and bullying. Other cognitive development in preschoolers are developing an increased attention span, learning to read, and developing structured …show more content…
Count the number of shoes in the classroom or count the number of trees in the school area when go outside the classroom. By counting these things they will know how to count everything. It is better to do one by one in the class, so others will know how to count. At first teacher will show and count the things. Teacher can count one by one with the children. After that teacher can ask to children’s to count with their own.
2- English
1- Cut out individual squares that feature each letter of the alphabet written in bright colors.
2- Mix them up and tape them on various surfaces in the classroom.
3- Go through the alphabet with children and encourage them to search around the classroom to find the next letter and tape it to the board in order.
4- When finished, leave the alphabet letters in order up on the board until ready to play the game again.
3- Practical …show more content…
For example, the shapes that can include in the worksheet are circle, rectangle, square, triangle, oval, hexagon. Ask children to match the same shapes and color the same shape it was in the worksheet. By giving this worksheet to the children, children can identify the same shapes and also the colors in the shapes. It is very important that teacher have to tell the colors in the different shapes, so children know the

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