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Treestand Research Paper

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Pages 5
Have you ever thought of how safe you are in your own treestand? How well do you think it was built? Is it safe, comfortable, and useful? These are questions you should ask yourself when thinking of building your very own treestand. In my paper, I will include many specific items about making a treestand and other certain specifications. These will include: treestand safety, supplies, cost, accessories, versatility, and stand location. These are all very important topics you need to think about and learn before thinking about building your own homemade treestand.
I believe it is most appropriate to begin with safety. Treestand safety is extremely important, if you are not educated then you could end up dead! To begin with, you should ALWAYS …show more content…
Personally from experience I can definitely say that making a stand on your own by far meets purchasing one from a store. First reason being is that I hate taking them out of the box and having to read page after page of long aggravating instructions on how to even get the thing built. This is after going to the store and paying $100+ for the stand! So now not only are you constructing your store bought stand, but after that when it's all said and done, does your new stand have everything you wanted? Is the seat comfortable? Is the shooting rail the correct height to conform to your needs? How much leg room do you have? These are all questions you can ask yourself before you construct your own tree stand, but they are not issues you can resolve on a store bought stand. Once purchased, what you see is what you get. There are not modifications to be done to your store bought treestand to better fit your needs. Even if you tried, most likely your warranty would be void and it can be extremely dangerous to tamper with a stand that was supposed to be constructed a certain type of way. That is the beauty of a home made stand. You can build it to exactly how you want it to be. You can make it to where it has an actual seat inside instead of the traditional bench seat (which I find very uncomfortable). You can conform your shooting rail (If you choose to have one) to your height and specifications. After all, everyone isn't the same height are they? You can use your imagination to create anything safe to help your stand better suit your needs. The cost of a store bought stand and a homemade stand do not even compare. A store bought, depending on the brand and quality, will normally run you $100+, I would say the average being around $130 for a buddy stand. This is very cheap, more often than not they run closer to $200. A homemade stand can go from $30 to however much you are willing to

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