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Miep Gies Research Paper

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The way these two people help others while risking their own welfare is inspiring to say the least. There are many people in the world that has put others first before themselves. Two people that has done that are Mr. Sugihara and Miep Gies. Mr. Sugihara saved thousands of refugees’ lives from the Nazis. Mr. Sugihara has saved them by assigning them visas. Mr. Sugihara was a diplomat that represented Japan in Lithuania who can assign visas to anyone who wants them. Miep Gies helped the Frank family by hiding them in the annex from being caught by the Nazis. During that time, the Nazis were killing German Jews and the Frank family needed a place to hide. So Miep Gies agrees to help them by hiding them in the annex.One life risked can save hundereds, thousands of lives. People make sacrifices to help others. By helping others, they will then help or give thanks to you. Mr. Sugihara has helped and saved thousands of lives and was given a reward. The reward was the “Righteous Among Nation” Award. He was the very first Japanese to ever receive such honor. “My father had been rewarded with the “Righteous Among Nation” Award…. He was buried on Humanity Hill for his …show more content…
In order for Mr. Sugihara to give out thousands of visas to the refugees, he needed to betray his government. If someone betrayed it’s government, that person is wanted for treason. So Mr. Sugihara risked the lives of his and his family for the thousands of lives at stake. “I may have to disobey my government, but if I don’t, I will be disobeying God.” (Sugihara). Miep Gies has risked her life hiding the Frank family in the annex. She risked of getting killed for hiding a family of German Jews. Miep Gies helped them by bringing food and outside world news for the family. “She found food for them, brought books and news of the outside world and provided emotional support….” (Miep Gies). One sacrifice. big or small, can save

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