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The Spectrum: Divorce And Teenage Pregnancy

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The Spectrum, the school-sponsored newspaper of Hazelwood East High School, was written and edited by Journalism II students. Their advisor, Howard Emerson followed procedures, giving the principal, Robert E. Reynolds, the opportunity to review the paper prior to publication. In May 1983, the school principal received the issue for May 13. Two if the articles submitted for publication contained stories on divorce and teen pregnancy. The divorce article featured a story about a girl who blamed her father’ actions for her parents’ divorce. Reynolds was concerned about what was said about the family. The student claimed her father was always out with the guys, he didn’t spend enough time with family, and the parents always argued. Reynolds was troubled by the fact that the father didn’t get a chance to defend himself. …show more content…
The teenage pregnancy article featured stories where students shared their experiences. To ensure their privacy, the names of these girls were changed. The principal was concern that simply changing the names was not sufficient to protect their anonymity. There was enough detail to make It easy for the other students to determine the identities of the pregnant teens. He also saw this article as unsuitable for the younger students since the article mentioned sex and birth control. The school principal felt that the subjects were inappropriate since they contained sensitive content. As a result, he ordered the pages of which the articles appeared be withheld from publication. There was no time to edit the paper so entire pages were eliminated. The journalism students felt that this censorship was a direct violation of their First Amendment

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