...very significant and it could affect the subsequent steps of risk management as well as the whole project. In other words, if a risk management plan does not has the sufficient preparation in response part, the subsequent risk management process (monitoring & controlling) would generate mistakes and the previous effort (planning, identification and analysis) would be wasted. This paper uses PMBOK (main reference) and several scholarly articles (secondary references) to elaborate the definition of risk response planning, find necessary tools & techniques, emphasize the importance of risk trigger and contingency plan, and discuss some key factors which could affect the risk response decision. Keywords: risk response planning, contingency plan, risk trigger, risk response decision Risk Response Planning To begin with, I want to use the content of PMBOK to define the risk response planning. Plan Risk Responses is the process of developing options and actions to enhance opportunities and to reduce threats to project objectives. It follows the Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis process and the Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis process (if used). It includes the identification and assignment of one person (the “risk response owner”) to take responsibility for each agreed-to and funded risk response. Plan Risk Responses addresses the risks by their priority, inserting resources and activities into the budget, schedule and project management plan as needed (PMBOK, 2004). Since...
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...Introduction In the current days, the characteristics and needs of the patients in Australia and the rest of the world keep changing. The hospitals have been receiving an increased number of patients with different ailments and sometimes they get more ill during their stay in the health facility. The warning sighs always show on a patient before the adverse events such as unexpected deaths, admission to the ICUs or even cardiac arrests. It has been noted that, these warning signs are sometimes not identified, hence not acted upon (Adam, Odell, & Welch, 2010). This study is meant to discuss the case of Mrs. Jones, a 72 year old lady who has been admitted in the ward with increasing confusion and decreasing mobility. Her recent history suggests that she has had Urinary Tract Infection, and she usually has a GCS of 15. Her normal blood pressure always ranges from 140 to 150. During the primary assessment, it is noted that she is not in danger and she opens her eyes when her name is called. She is able to talk and her airway is patent. Her accessory muscle use is increases; her RR is at 22 and SP02 is at 95% on room air. She is also pale and diaphoretic. Her pulses are weak and thread y with the heart rate of 120 and blood pressure of 95/50, GCS at 13/15, temp at 38.5, BGL at 13.2mmol/L and pain in the lower abdomen. Nurses role in recognizing and responding to clinical deterioration The nurses also have a role of ensuring that the medication that a specific patient...
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...Consumer Decision Process and Problem recognition LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1) Understand the impact of purchase involvement on the decision process. 2) Know the various types of decision making used by consumers. 3) Know what problem recognition is, how it occurs, and how it fits into the consumer decision-making process. 4) Know how to measure problem recognition. 5) Understand how marketing strategy can be developed based on problem recognition. SUMMARY Consumer decision making becomes more extensive and complex as purchase involvement increases. The lowest level of purchase involvement is represented by nominal decisions: a problem is recognized, long-term memory provides a single preferred brand, that brand is purchased, and only limited postpurchase evaluation occurs. As one moves from limited decision making toward extended decision making, information search increases, alternative evaluation becomes more extensive and complex, and postpurchase evaluation becomes more thorough. Problem recognition involves the existence of a discrepancy between the consumer’s desired state (what the consumer would like) and the actual state (what the consumer perceives as already existing). Both the desired state and the actual state are influenced by the consumer’s lifestyle and current situation. If the discrepancy between these two states is sufficiently large and important, the consumer will begin to search for a solution to the problem. A number...
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...events via security camera when motion is detected. • It can helpful in monitoring children and teens in your absence. • It can trigger a doorbell or an alert when some one is approaching your front door or any restricted area. • It can save you from high energy consumption by using motion sensor lights that can automatically turn on/off based on your presence in a room. • It can read changes in energy, detect heat and movement using infrared, microwave radiations and sound waves. • It has a capability to detect false alarms using dual technology motion sensor. • If any of the sensors are tampered automatic notification will be triggered. • It can also be useful in opening garage doors when it is approached by a car. • You can customize all notifications and setup threat levels based on your needs. Smoke detector • Smoke alarm provides a life saving warning to allow you to get out of the house in case of fire or smoke. • It can detect the purity of air and can give you the levels of different gaseous elements. • It can trigger the sprinkling system incase of a fire. • It triggers an alarm when you have lot of smoke coming from cooking in a kitchen. • It can monitor the temperature of the room and set the AC levels accordingly. • It can automatically open the doors and windows when a fire incident occur. • It can trigger notifications directly to the fire department in case of fire emergency. Gas leakage detector • It detects deviations from normal...
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...Workplace violence is present in every nook and cranny of corporate America, affecting millions of Americans every year. Workplace violence is defined by the Occupational Safety & Health Administration, OSHA, as any act or threat of physical violence, harassment, intimidation, or other threatening disruptive behavior that occurs at the work site. It ranges from threats and verbal abuse to physical assaults and even homicide. In 2011, there were over 2 two million reports and claims of workplace violence, with 458 being homicides1. Workplace violence is at the forefront of everyone’s mind when a breaking news story is broadcast on the evening news, such as the recent shootings in Santa Cruz, California by a disgruntled ex-cop, and the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, but workplace violence can strike anywhere and at any time, and is a major concern for employers and employees across America. There are different types of workplace violence, which can be categorized as follows: (1)violence by outsiders or nonemployees, usually in the attempt of a crime, such as robbery or shoplifting, (2)violence by a customer or a client, such as a student or a patient, (3)violence by employees and former employees, and (4)violence by domestic partners, such as boyfriends/girlfriends and husbands/wives. Such categorization can help in coming up with ways to prevent workplace violence since each type of violence requires a different approach to prevention, and...
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...diplomatic issue historically has led to full scale wars that have led to millions dead. Cohen uses a dummy approach to explain to a reader who has not read into the history of the wars and the American factor in the situation. In a short dialogue he touches on all factors that lead to geopolitical confrontations and patterns of international relations that create a global conflict. This article is important because it touches on the delicate matter of war, survival of empires and the peace thereafter. This section gives a summary of the article. According to this dialogue, the genesis of the past world wars comes about when an empire is threatened because of long standing quarrels, tensions and dissatisfactions among people. Small triggers could lead to bigger than necessary reactions and thus, political and military actions. Subsequently, allies and foes join sides and thus create an international relations vacuum which means that war is inevitable. Cohen compares the Austro-Hungarian situation to the Syria of 2015 in terms of political allegiance and strong views on its survival by the two global super powers. An angry Russia and a calculating west may put the world in jeopardy. However, as a person with a keen eye on political history and phenomenon, the projection of the present issue and subsequent prediction of a potential World War Three...
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...CIS 359 Midterm Exam Week 5 Buy Now From Below: http://www.homeworkarena.com/cis-359-week-5 A(n) ____ is an object, person, or other entity that is a potential risk of loss to an asset. The term ____ refers to a broad category of electronic and human activities in which an unauthorized individual gains access to the information an organization is trying to protect. ____ of risk is the choice to do nothing to protect an information asset and to accept the outcome of its potential exploitation. Information assets have ____ when they are not exposed (while being stored, processed, or transmitted) to corruption, damage, destruction, or other disruption of their authentic states. ____ is the risk control approach that attempts to reduce the impact caused by the exploitation of vulnerability through planning and preparation A(n) ____ is an investigation and assessment of the impact that various attacks can have on the organization. A(n) ____ is any clearly identified attack on the organization’s information assets that would threaten the assets’ confidentiality, integrity, or availability. ____ is the process of examining, documenting, and assessing the security posture of an organization’s information technology and the risks it faces. A ____ attack seeks to deny legitimate users access to services by either tying up a server’s available resources or causing it to shut down An organization aggregates all local backups to a central repository...
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...Customer Loyalty Customer Loyalty by definition is a feelings or attitudes that incline a customer to return to a company, shop or outlet to purchase again, or else to re-purchase a particular product, service or brand. In general, the customer loyalty starts with a purchase, and ends with repurchase. Customer staying longer with the company tends to decrease maintenance cost, less prone to price fluctuation and good reference to other customers. “It costs five times more to acquire a new customer than to retain an existing one” (Pfeifer, 2005). For company to remain profitable it is essential for the company to retain its current customers; In other words take care of current customer base before go after new ones. In today’s global market place competition, it is more effective business strategy to retain customer rather than continuously trying to acquire new customers (Anderson, 2004). Empirical data study from (Hallowell, 1996), illustrates that there is a direct relationship between customer satisfaction to customer loyalty, and customer loyalty to profitability. An estimate of the effects of increased customer satisfaction on profitability suggests that attainable increases in satisfaction could dramatically improve company profitability. In this age of internet, customers are empowered with different source of information over the various communication mediums (Griffin, 2002). Now, a company must also allow customers to pull the marketing information they want, when...
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...Research Methodology Post-Earthquake Relief Action Submitted to, Prof Anuj Bawa By, Shridhar Nayak (CP0812) Romil Sagar (CP1212) Construction and Project Management CEPT University 6th Nov, 2012 Contents 1. Abstract 2. Background 3. Literature review 4. Aim 5. Hypothesis 6. Scope 7. Method of Data collection 8. Survey Questionnaire 9. Gujarat’s Vulnerability to Earthquake 10. Case Study: Bhuj Earthquake 11. Drawbacks of the Bhuj earthquake 12. Gujarat State Disaster Management Authority (GSDMA) 13. Data Analysis 14. Conclusion 15. Bibliography ABSTRACT India has been traditionally vulnerable to natural disasters on account of its unique geo-climatic conditions. Floods, droughts, cyclones, earthquakes and landslides have been recurrent phenomena. About 60% of the landmass is prone to earthquakes of various intensities; over 40 million hectares is prone to floods; about 8% of the total area is prone to cyclones and 68% of the area is susceptible to drought. In the decade 1990-2000, an average of about 4344 people lost their lives and about 30 million people were affected by disasters every year. This paper emphasis on management during and after an disaster and readiness of the state in response to future earthquakes. BACKGROUND Many Natural Disasters in India have caused havoc to the life and property of citizens and nature as a whole from time to time. These disasters include Cyclones...
Words: 2857 - Pages: 12
...Research Methodology Post-Earthquake Relief Action Contents 1. Abstract 2. Background 3. Literature review 4. Aim 5. Hypothesis 6. Scope 7. Method of Data collection 8. Survey Questionnaire 9. Gujarat’s Vulnerability to Earthquake 10. Case Study: Bhuj Earthquake 11. Drawbacks of the Bhuj earthquake 12. Gujarat State Disaster Management Authority (GSDMA) 13. Data Analysis 14. Conclusion 15. Bibliography ABSTRACT India has been traditionally vulnerable to natural disasters on account of its unique geo-climatic conditions. Floods, droughts, cyclones, earthquakes and landslides have been recurrent phenomena. About 60% of the landmass is prone to earthquakes of various intensities; over 40 million hectares is prone to floods; about 8% of the total area is prone to cyclones and 68% of the area is susceptible to drought. In the decade 1990-2000, an average of about 4344 people lost their lives and about 30 million people were affected by disasters every year. This paper emphasis on management during and after an disaster and readiness of the state in response to future earthquakes. BACKGROUND Many Natural Disasters in India have caused havoc to the life and property of citizens and nature as a whole from time to time. These disasters include Cyclones, Floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, Famines, Drought, and Landslides etc. Amongst all the ones mentioned floods and earthquakes are the most common...
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...stability from the top down: Is aggregate credit growing too fast? Are credit underwriting standards falling? Are asset prices too high relative to fundamentals? “In an internal boom-bust cycle, an initial market upswing entices new investors and rising prices until additional capital or investors’ nerves are exhausted.”(Evanoff, Kaufman, and Malliaris, 2012). “This process can be amplified by capital rules that encourage banks to increase leverage when the economy is expanding and loan losses are low.” (Hanson, Kashyap, and Stein, 2011). “In the ensuing bust, a credit crunch can occur as participants switch from lending too much to lending too little.” (Brunnermeier, 2009). A selling point for some macroeconomic measures is their early-warning potential, which derives from the view that large-scale systemic imbalances should be visible in appropriately constructed aggregate measures (Alessi and Detken, 2011). For example, the Basel Committee proposed an increase in banks’ capital requirements when the ratio of a country’s total credit outstanding to its GDP rises above...
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...Traffic Cases Charging System 5.0 CUSTOMER PRODUCT INFORMATION 2/1551-FAV 101 72/4 Uen B Copyright © Ericsson AB 2010, 2011. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the copyright owner. Disclaimer The contents of this document are subject to revision without notice due to continued progress in methodology, design and manufacturing. Ericsson shall have no liability for any error or damage of any kind resulting from the use of this document. Trademark List All trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners. These are shown in the document Trademark Information. 2/1551-FAV 101 72/4 Uen B | 2011-02-11 Contents Contents 1 1.1 1.2 2 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 Glossary Reference List Introduction Purpose and Scope Typographical Conventions General Common for all Traffic Cases Mobile Number Portability Community Charging Location Based Charging Notifications SDP Selection Subscription ID Independence Traffic Cases Real-Time Charging Services Offline Charging Services Voucher Refill and Enquiry 1 1 1 3 5 5 5 6 8 10 11 13 13 47 48 57 61 2/1551-FAV 101 72/4 Uen B | 2011-02-11 Traffic Cases 2/1551-FAV 101 72/4 Uen B | 2011-02-11 Introduction 1 Introduction This section describes the purpose and scope of this document, as well as typographical conventions used. 1.1 Purpose and Scope The purpose of this document is to describe exemplify...
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...Behaviour Management Introduction: * first port of call should be school code of discipline * aim of most successful behaviour management strategies is to emphasise the positive and reduce incidents of negative behaviour Emotional Development: * teachers can play a vital role in the emotional development of pupils * by focusing on creating emotional competence in pupils, a lot of behavioural issues can be prevented * modelling pro-social behaviour such as appropriate facial expressions and tone of voice can be effective in doing this, the opposite is also true * by over reacting to an undesirable behaviour, the teacher is reinforcing that behaviour Self-Esteem * A lot of bad behaviour is rooted in low self-esteem * pupils with repeated experience of rejection/failure respond by attention seeking and disruptive behaviours * self-esteem linked to gap between an individual’s self image and their ideal self * self-esteem is an evaluation of out traits and characteristics * Laurence (1996) indicates correlation between teacher and student self-esteem * teachers in powerful position to influence academic and emotional development of pupils * creating warm positive and caring classroom environment is important * talking to pupils about their interests/families/hobbies can help to gain an insight into the pupil and deal with self-esteem issues * use emotional vocabulary in the classroom * encourage the vocalisation...
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...Application of Scientific Methodology on Two Sample Case Studies Student Name Institution Introduction Scientific method is one of the most reliable methods that are used to convey information and knowledge among researchers. In 18th century there were difficulties in the ways in which scientists could verify the works of other colleagues (Achinstein, 2004). Thus there was agreed upon a method to be used when conducting research which became the scientific method. This method is relied upon because it is a source of reliable knowledge and that research that is conducted in this advocated way provides knowledge and information that has a high probability of being true. Through this methodology thus a researcher must be able to convince his colleagues that the concepts are in fact correct. This is important because research work is based on the foundation of trust. Very few researches provide completely new information that was unknown in the past. Most of them build up on existing information and thus drawing conclusions from other peoples work hence the foundation of trust. I am going to look in to detail of the scientific methodology by considering two scenarios which are actually problems that we are going to solve through the concept of scientific method. Scenario 1 You wake up early one morning to go to work or take your kids to school and you cannot find your car keys Let us examine the steps that make up the methodology in solving scenario 1 problem 1. Make...
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...Installing SensIt, RiskSim, and TreePlan 3 3.1 INSTALLATION OVERVIEW SensIt, RiskSim, and TreePlan are decision analysis add-ins for Microsoft Excel 2000–2010 (Windows) and Microsoft Excel 2004 & 2011 (Macintosh). In general, an Excel add-in is software that adds features to Excel. SensIt performs sensitivity analysis on your worksheet what-if model and automatically creates simple plots, spider charts, and tornado charts. Sensitivity analysis can help you determine which of your input assumptions are critical. RiskSim provides random number generator functions for model inputs, automates Monte Carlo simulation, and creates Excel charts for a histogram and the cumulative distribution of the output variable. TreePlan helps you build decision tree diagrams. These instructions are appropriate for installing any or all three of these products. For each add-in, all of the functionality, including its built-in help, is a part of the single file in XLA format. There is no separate help file. On a Windows computer, the installation does not create Windows Registry entries, although Excel may use such entries to keep track of its add-ins. 3.2 REMOVING PREVIOUS VERSIONS Before you open or install an add-in, you must remove any previous versions of the add-in. Excel will not work correctly if you try to use two versions of the same add-in simultaneously. For example, if you were using a tryout version and now you want to use the standard version, Excel will regard this as two...
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