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Triggered Epidemic Definition

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Triggered: an Epidemic
On a daily basis we experience emotions from joy to sadness and everything in between. People and the environment immensely affect those emotions and make them develop. We all get one particular feeling from time to time and it is explained in three simple sections: Examples with definitions, examples with stories, and comparing its meaning to others.
Triggered; cause to happen or exist. This definition does not tell you a great deal about the meaning of the word. Triggered is, yes, something that causes a reaction such as, “the sickness was triggered by stress” but, it has alternative meanings to it. Trigger can mean to activate something. An example would include, “the thieves triggered the alarm”, and it is also used with personal conflict.
Everyone has conflict, whether it is with yourself or others. Say the person sitting behind you in class, the one always with their hand up asking the worst questions, reminds the teacher of homework due that day. Homework that you forgot to do. That feeling that you feel deep down inside? Triggered. Some call it anger, but it is not, the meaning is more than that. When you get home from a long day, you are ready to eat your fruit loops and sit …show more content…
To be mad leads to rash decisions and bad choices. It causes fights and ruins friendships. To be triggered is not like that, it is more of an annoying buzzing sound deep inside you that occurs when something little yet devastating happens to your day after you thought things were finally going to go your way. It is never going to go your way, that is life. This feeling lasts for long periods of time and it is strenuous to push it away. To compare this word to any other it would be annoyed. You are not to the point of anger and making bad choices, but you are 100% problematic with anyone that steps in the same room as you. To be triggered is a dangerous thing. Once one person is annoyed it turns into a domino

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