...The primary effects of hurricanes are that they are one of the most destructive natural hazards, both in terms of frequency and death toll. They pose a major threat to coastal areas, related to the storm surge threat. They are a multiple hazard, since loss of life and property can be a result of one of several factors; Heavy rain, High wind velocity, Storm surge, as a result of the above and low central pressure they also include secondary effects, Flooding, landslides, and related damage. Impacts are a function of when and where the hurricane hits. Storm Surges a storm surge is a large dome of water, 50-100miles wide, which sweeps across the coastline near where the hurricane makes landfall. It is water pushed towards the shore by the force of the winds swirling around the storm, and the drop in pressure (260mm sea level rise for a 30mb fall in pressure) The surge combines with the normal tide to create a storm tide, and wind waves are then superimposed upon this. It can be more than 15ft deep. Most of the US Atlantic and Gulf coasts lie less than 10ft above sea level; therefore at risk. The major danger is from flooding, particularly when coinciding with natural high tides. This causes great potential for loss of life. They not only damage structures, but the debris which they carry is dangerous too. External debris can become deadly missiles in the wind force. Damage to tall objects, esp. power lines, telephone cables can cause disruption. High rise buildings are at risk from...
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...and have damaging economic, social, or environmental impacts -the capacity of the community, region, or nature to deal with the impacts of disasters provides a basis for us to classify the events of a crisis that can be addressed by local resources or a disaster that requires outside assistance and support. -process of clarifying nature and impacts of hazards is the foundation of hazards analysis -over the past 25 tears, we see escalating costs associated with the direct economic impacts of natural disasters -# of injuries & causalities has dropped, property damage has increased -disaster losses have been increasing and will continue to- damages will grow to an average of $50 billion annually/ about $1 billion per week. -we have seen widespread adverse impacts of disasters in the firm of massive displacement, economic losses, and suffering from all parts of society -Ex) Hurricane Katrina- community suffered from the flooding & poststorm report shows that gov’ts at all levels were ill prepared for such a massive disaster Terminology of Hazards -“hazards,” “disaster,” “risk management,” and “hazard analysis” used interchangeably, arguable correctly or incorrectly. -Kaplan describes 2 theorems: 1) 50% of the problems in the worlds result from people using the same words with different meanings 2) the other 50% comes from people using different words with the same meaning -hazards refers to potential harm which threatens our social, economic, and natural capital...
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...Nature Disasters; Earthquake, Volcano and Flood Name: Titania Proctor Institution: Park University Date: 07/10/2015 Nature Disasters Abstract A nature disaster is any catastrophic event that is caused by the natural processes of the earth. The severity of a disaster is measured in lives lost, economic loss, and the ability of the population to rebuild. All natural disasters cause loss in some way. Depending on the severity, lives can be lost in any number of disasters. Some disasters cause more loss of life than others, and population density affects the death count as well. Prediction of earthquake Long term forecasting founded on the knowledge of place where the earthquakes have taken place previously. In order to study the occurrence of earthquake, the knowledge of the current tectonic setting, geological records and the history records are analyzed critically to establish locations and occurrence intervals of earthquake. Pale seismology and seismic gaps are the most crucial aspect when carrying out analysis. Paleoseismology is the study of the earthquakes that have occurred before. Through the analysis of the offset in layers of sediment near the fault zones, it becomes very easy to predict the occurrence intervals of earthquakes. If it is established that earthquakes have interval recurrence of a hundred years, and there is no available records of earthquakes in the last 100 years, then a long- term forecast is done. Through the effect, effort can be undertaken...
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...Country of Honduras – Comparative Economic Analysis The country of Honduras is located in Central America with neighboring countries of Guatemala, El Salvador and Nicaragua. This country is located along the Caribbean Sea although does have western port access to the Pacific Ocean through the Gulf of Fonseca, with territorial waters of the gulf divided between Honduras, neighboring El Salvador, and Nicaragua. The country is mostly mountainous which has hindered communication and a sense of nationhood among its people. Development in this country has been extremely slow (National Geographic). The purpose of this analysis is to determine specific areas in need of economic improvement, and to make recommendations towards that overall economic condition of the Honduran economy. Historical Legacy and Context: Economically, Honduras ranks as the second poorest nation in the western hemisphere, second only to the country of Haiti. Other statistics report Honduras is the third poorest nation in all of Latin America, ahead of only Nicaragua and Guyana (Cordero). In analyzing a nation’s economy, it is important to look at history, how the country came into existence. Any country’s philosophy towards its economic development will have been influenced by the basic beliefs that have survived since the nation’s inception, so a general background is a logical starting point (Angresano, J.). The original inhabitants of this nation were the indigenous tribes of Central America, most...
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...Introduction Climate change is increasingly becoming a local issue as cities and counties consider its affects and implement mitigation and adaptation strategies in an attempt to limit its potential damage. Florida is particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change. The state has over 1,200 miles of coastline, almost 4,500 square miles of estuaries and bays, more than 6,700 square miles of other coastal waters, and a low-lying topography. In addition, most of the state’s 18 million residents live within 60 miles of the Atlantic Ocean or Gulf of Mexico. Florida’s diverse and productive coastal and marine ecosystems are imperative to the state’s present and future. These ecosystems provide food and other products for its habitat as well as valuable and irreplaceable ecological functions. These systems also attract visitors from all over the world who wish to experience the beauty and recreational opportunities these locations offer. The state’s life-support system, economy, and quality of life depend on preserving and sustaining these resources over the long term . Of prime interest to Florida is the climate changes impact on rising sea levels. Sea Level Rise (SLR) has been identified as a major global problem. SLR has two causes, the melting of mountain glaciers and polar ice sheets and thermal expansion of the oceans. At present, the mean global rate of sea level rise is approximately 3 mm per year. However, within a relatively broad band of certainty...
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...2nd Edition Disasters and Development Disaster Management Training Programme GE.94-02894 Disasters and Development 2nd Edition Module prepared by: R.S.Stephenson, Ph.D. DHA Disaster Management Training Programme 1994 Disaster and Development This training module has been funded by the United Nations Development Programme in collaboration with the Office of the United Nations Disaster Relief Coordinator for the Disaster Management Training Programme (DMTP) in association with the University of Wisconsin Disaster Management Center. This material draws substantially on the work of Mary Anderson and Fred Cuny, and on United Nations Development Programme and World Bank Guidelines. The draft for this text was reviewed by Yasemin Aysan and Ian Davis, Oxford Polytechnic Disaster Management Centre and Gustavo Wilches-Chaux. Editorial services, including design, educational components and formatting, have been provided by InterWorks. Design consultation and desktop publishing have been provided by Artifax. Cover Photo: Destruction of a bridge by flood waters. VIZDOK photo The first edition of this module was printed in 1991. Utilization and duplication of the material in this module is permissible, however, source attribution to the Disaster Management Training Programme (DMTP) is required. 4 CONTENTS Introduction .................................................................................................... 7 The relationship between disasters...
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...STRUCTURE OF THE ATMOSPHERE Troposphere | Closest to the earth and most weather happens here. Temperature drops as you go higher. Wind speeds increase. Most unstable layer. End of the sphere is marked by the tropoPAUSE- an isothermal layer where temp remains constant. | Stratosphere | Steady increase in temperature. Marked by the STRATOPAUSE. Atmosphere is thinner here. | Mesosphere | Temperature decreases to -90. No water vapour or dust to absorb radiation. Very strong winds at 3000 km/hr. MESOPAUSE | Thermosphere | Increase in temperature from the absorption of UV radiation | Greatest amount of energy coming into the atmosphere is from insolation (short wave solar radiation). The amount of this energy from the sun is determined by: *Solar constant- varies slightly & affects longer term climate rather than short term *Distance from the sun- Earth’s orbit around sun can cause variation in distant *Altitude of the sun in the sky- equator receives more energy as rays are head on. At 60 degrees N or S its at an angle so there’s twice the area to heat up & more atmosphere to pass through *Length of the day & night Some radiation is absorbed by ozone, water vapour, co2, ice particles, and dust reduce the amount reaching Earth. & clouds also reflect radiation back! ALBEDO is the ratio between the amount of incoming and reflected radiation. (Usually at 4%) Short wave radiation is converted to heat and heats the surface of earth, while longer...
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...EFFECTS OF CLIMATE CHANGE ON THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF VIET NAM Literature Review 3 I. General 3 1. Geographical location & Vietnam’s climate 3 a. Geographical location 3 b. Climate 3 2. Effects of geographical & climate on Vietnam’s economy: 6 a. Effects of geographical location to Vietnam’s economy: 6 II. Definition, causes and actual situation of Viet Nam under climate change 7 1. Definition of climate change 8 2. Causes of climate change: 8 a. Natural causes 8 b. Human causes 9 c. Greenhouse gases and their sources 9 3. Actual situation in Vietnam: 12 III. Impact of Climate change on Viet Nam economy 14 1. Impact of Climate change on economy in general: 14 2. Climate change directly affects every economic sector 15 a. Impacts of climate change on agriculture, forestry and fisheries 15 b. Impact of climate change on industry sector 20 c. .Impacts of climate change on tourism sector 20 d. Impacts of climate change in components of the economy. 22 IV. Policies to deal with problems caused by climate change 26 1. Opportunities 26 2. Meeting the Challenges of Climate Change 26 The Three Approaches in Brief: 27 References 35 Literature Review There are many studies that have examined the effects of climate change on Vietnam’s economy. The majority of findings stated that climate change have negative impacts on Vietnam’s economy and suggest possible adaptation or mitigation measures to lessen the adverse impacts. The economies of some countries...
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...DSMHT 201: Applied Differential Equation (credit 02) 1. Ordinary differential equations and their solutions: Initial value problems, Boundary value problems, Basic existence and uniqueness theorems (statement and illustration only). 2. Solution of first order equations: separable equations and equations reducible to this form, Linear equations, exact equations, Special integrating factors, Substitutions and transformations. 3. Solution of higher order linear differential equations: Solution space of homogeneous linear equations. Fundamental solutions of homogeneous systems. Reduction of order. Homogeneous linear equations with constant coefficients. Non homogeneous equations. 4. Method of undermined coefficients. Variations of parameters. Cauchy-Euler differential equations. 5. Systems of differential equations, linear system, Fundamental matrix, Solutions of linear systems with constant coefficients. References: 1. D.G. Zill, A First Course in Differentil Equations with Applications. 2. F. Braur and J.A. Nohel, Differential Equations. 3. S.L. Ross, Differential Equation. DSMHT 202: Geological and Hydro-meteorological Hazards (credit 02) 1. Introduction to Geological and Hydro-meteorological Hazards. 2. Geological Hazards Earthquakes (causes, types and effects of Earthquakes), Tsunami & Seiches. (naming, Tsunami Generation, Velocity and height, coastal effects and vulnerability), Volcanoes (origin & types of volcanic hazards...
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...Contents I. Introduction: 3 II. An Phuoc Company, PESTEL analysis, SWOT analysis, recommendation: 3 1. An Phuoc background (Base on Anphuoc.com) 3 2. PESTEL analysis 4 a. Political Factors 4 b. Economic Factors 4 c. Social-Cultural 6 e. Environment factors 7 f. Legal Factors 7 3. SWOT Analysis of An Phuoc: 8 4. Recommendation: 8 Bibliography 9 AN PHUOC I. Introduction: Long time ago, people knew how to design the fashion styles. In order to afford the demand of the consumers, the designers tried to make more and more new designs. Today, the world has many fashion brands which become famous in the world because of the design such as: Calvin Klein, Diesel, Dolce & Gabbana, … . And An Phuoc is one of the famous brands in Viet Nam. Through many challenges, An Phuoc now has gained the trust of consumers. Moreover, it has gradually asserted brand in the world. This essay isn’t only written in order to let you know better this company, some information of the Vietnam’s PESTEL but also analyze the SWOT of this one. II. An Phuoc Company, PESTEL analysis, SWOT analysis, recommendation: 1. An Phuoc background (Base on Anphuoc.com) Time | Event | 1992 | An Phuoc Garment Manufacturing was established with 50 workers, 40 sewing machines, specialized in manufacturing for exporting enterprises. | April 25,1993 | An Phuoc increased its capital, acquired 300 new sewing machines and 400 new staff, transformed itself in to an direct...
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...DISASTER PREPAREDNESS PROGRAM Clark Subic Marketing is proud to present a one-of-a-kind, exclusive program of disaster preparedness and risk reduction. Choose from 4 diverse courses all tailored to help your governmental or private organization ready for the inevitable. Held in Subic Bay at facilities formerly occupied by the United States Military, these programs are comprehensive in scope, understandable to a broad range of participants and ideally suited for any large public entities, municipalities, college and universities or sizeable privately-held public facilities. City governments, provincial governments, college campuses, convention venues, and large corporations will benefit and find themselves in a state of preparedness for a diverse set of disaster scenarios by participating in these exclusive seminars. With increases of natural disasters, amplified potential terrorism risk, global climate change and the intrinsic-dangerous geographical location of the Philippines, it is imperative that governments and large public entities be prepared for disasters. The Philippines is subject to a diverse set of threats, be it natural or man-made, a thorough and well thought-out preparedness plan is crucial today more than even. [pic] |FOR SEMINAR BOOKING AND INFORMATION | |Click to Send Secure Inquiry for Disaster Preparedness Program ...
Words: 4117 - Pages: 17
...Case Analysis Of San Miguel Corporation Submitted by: Griego, Sheila May A. BSBA: Set - E Submitted to: Prof. Bejasa Table of Contents I. Time Context II. Viewpoint III. Statement of the Problem IV. Objectives a. Must objectives / Short – Range b. Want objectives / Long – Range V. Areas of Consideration / Analysis VI. Alternative Courses of Action VII. Recommendation VIII. Conclusion / Detailed Action or Implementation Plan Time Context San Miguel Corporation is the largest publicly listed food, beverage and packaging company in the Philippines. It has been in the industry since 1890 being founded by Don Enrique Maria Baretto. Since then, the SMC ensure that its strategy, organizational structure and processes, and external relationships were adequate to confront the expected threats and to capitalize on the opportunities facing it domestically and internationally. By 2005, San Miguel Corporation, a Philippines' based beverages and food products manufacturer, is one of the top 20 brewers in the world and I found that by that time there’s a problem or threat that many competitors are now competing by the corporation, as soon as possible by the year 2012 that case or problem must be solve. But there is another—and equally important—issue that its new leadership must confront and address: cleaning up its reputation and addressing head-on the issue that its critics shout in protest rallies or whisper...
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...To: Michael Elliott, Director of Policy and Planning Programs, ALIVE From: Jessica Fisch Date: September 25, 2014 Re: Topic Proposal Coastal Louisiana is losing ground. Since the 1930s, the state has lost 1,880 square miles of land, an area roughly the size of the state of Delaware and equating to the loss of 25 to 35 square miles per year. Up to an additional 1,750 square miles stand to be lost if no action is taken, and Louisiana’s wetlands will disappear in 200 years at the current rate of loss. Both human and natural causes are responsible, including the altering of natural hydrology through construction of canals, the dredging and filling of land for agriculture and development, sea level rise, and tropical storms and hurricanes....
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...Nigerian People and Culture 12. Social Sciences 13. Organic Chemistry 14. Biology II 15. Organic Chemistry II 16. Mathematics 17. Practical Physics 18. Use of Library Sub-Total 200 Credits 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 18 Credits Credits 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 17 Credits Level 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. First Semester Climatology and Biogeography General Agriculture Anatomy and Physiology of Farm Animals Crop Anatomy, Taxonomy and Physiology Principles of Soil Science Principles of Agricultural Economics Introduction to Forestry Resource Manag~ment Introduction to Biotechnology Sub-Total 8. 9. 10 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Second Semester Principles of Animal Production Principles of Crop Production Principles of Food Science and Technology Introductory Biochemistry Introduction to Computers Introduction to Fisheries & Wildlife Introductory Statistics Entrepreneurial Studies I Introduction to Home Economics Sub-Total Credits 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 18 Credits Credits 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 19 Credits Total = 37 Credits All courses are core-courses for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry. 300 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Level First Semester l\Ion-ruminant Animal Production Arable Crop Production Introduction to Soil Pedology and Physics Introduction to Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology Introduction to Farm Machinery Applications of Computer to Agricultural Production Crop Genetics and Breeding Introduction to Farm Management and Production Economics Sub-Total 9. 10. 11. 12...
Words: 20312 - Pages: 82
...Student Name: A.R.M.K.K. Amunugama Tutors Name: Ms. Ariane Lengyel Subject: International Hotel Management Assignment title: Hotel Development Project ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ _ Table of Content ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ _ Introduction ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ _ The purpose of this assignment is to enable myself to demonstrate an understanding of: • The political, economic, social, technical, legal and environmental factors affecting contemporary international hotel development. • The geographic, ownership organizational and financing options available to international developers. • The development planning process. • The special considerations in managing international hotel operations. • A range of different national and commercial hotel classification systems and standards • Travel distribution systems. How the work planned, organized, researched, monitored and carried out the assignment: To do this assignment successfully I scheduled my work in to a time frame. I set the time to read the book, tutorials, magazines and make the notes regarding the International Hotel Management assignment.. To get good theory knowledge first thing...
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