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Trust Your Struggles


Submitted By gabbyrios
Words 645
Pages 3
Gabriela Rios
Mrs. Torres-Gonzalez
English 85 (1323)
15 August 2014

Trust Your Struggle
I have had a fair share of best and worst memories growing up. At that time growing up, i didn’t really understood the difficult situations my parents were going through as I do now. Looking back at it now, I truly appreciate my parents for always being patient with me and my siblings and for not forgetting to show us their unconditional love when times were hard. My family has been through it all and I have been with them every step of the way. Life is not easy nor was it meant to be, our only option is to make the best of it and thats what we did or at least tried to do during our difficult struggles. I am the middle child, I have three sisters no brothers. My dad being the only man of the house, had it a bit harder than us i would say. My dad is a serious guy. He is the type of person that doesn’t like to talk about his problems, he’s very reserved. With a low paying job as a landscaper he struggled paying the bills. There was a time when we didn’t have lights inside our small apartment. We would literally use candles, I was scared of the dark but I wouldn’t complain. I knew that times were tough but i always figured that somehow we were going to be okay because my mom was always by our sides.
My mom didn’t have a job. She was a stay at home mom that took care of us. She would walk to and from school to drop/pick us up. She wanted to work so badly but unfortunately we couldn’t care for ourselves so she had to stay and look out for us. I would hear my mom cry herself to sleep since we would all sleep on the floor due to the fact that we didn’t own a mattress. My mom is a sensitive person. She has a tremendous heart and just like my dad they would do anything to please us. I remember one early sunday morning my little sister had a very high fever. We rushed her to the

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