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Moving To College Research Paper

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Think you have enough stress in your life? Go to college. Starting college from high school or going back to college can be a struggle. There is plenty of things to take into consideration when taking on college. For many students not having someone standing over them reminding them to go to class, or not to forget to write that paper due tomorrow is a struggle that strikes most transitioning from high school to living on their own. Transitioning from high school to college can be a struggle but having self motivation and responsibility, getting to know your professors, and using time management can get you through college successfully. Moving to college is similar to starting a new life. Many challenges erupt as we begin this transition. Waking up early, going to class, studying, doing laundry. It is a list of responsibilities to take on as a new chapter starts in life. Self discipline is a major key in living …show more content…
Time management is the process of planning and exercising control of the time given to do specific activities. Studying is a very important part of taking college courses. For every hour of lecture there should be twice that amount of time of studying and doing homework. It may seem like being in college is nothing but class and sleeping. There is plenty more to do while attending college; sports, clubs, attending parties,and spending time with friends. These are a few things to do while in college. Arranging time to be able to do these thing could be a struggle. To best manage time, pick out the most important things. For example studying would come before going to a party. So time spent studying should be greater than time spent out partying having a good time. To help with time management create an agenda to plan out time spent of the things to do like laundry and cleaning or doing a project. These few thing should help managing the things on a busy

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