...Describe The Main Development Stages of Community Groups. In relation to the main development stages of community groups, we looked at the ‘Forming-Storming-Norming-Performing-Adjourning’ model devised by Bruce Tuckman, in 1965 (‘Adjourning Stage’ was added in 1977). “Tuckman maintained that these phases are necessary and inevitable for the team to grow, to face up to challenges, to tackle problems, to find solutions, to plan work, and to deliver results”. Forming (Formation Stage) – In which the group is just coming together, often characterised by uncertainty. At this stage, individuals are gathering information and impressions – about each other, and about the scope of the task and how to approach it. There is great reliance on the leader (Community Development Practitioner) for guidance and direction. Storming (Dissatisfaction Stage) – In which differences between members surface and minor confrontations take place. Cliques and factions form and there may be power struggles – an uncomfortable stage! A challenging phase for the Community Development Worker who must help the group focus on its goals and resolve conflict and any trust issues effectively – compromise may be required to enable progress. Norming (Resolution Stage) – In which the tasks of the group are clear and agreed – all members feel part of a team, take responsibility and have ambition to help achieve perceived goals. There is better understanding between group members and mutual respect for one another’s...
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...Tammy Spencer Group Process Every study circle is different--in composition, structure, purport--from every other group. But regardless of such differences, the prosperity of any group depends upon cognizance of interpersonal interactions and structures. Paying attention to this group process can avail members move towards incremented understanding and community. Communication and trust are essential for teams to function properly and achieve their end goals. A frame for communication lines must be laid out in advance as well as a combined contract that defines what the team expects to accomplish as a whole as well as individually. Trust must be built up over time. Each team member must respect each other and follow through with assigned tasks to strengthen trust within the group. If communication and trust break down within a team, the team will not progress and will cease to function. Having strong communication will help ensure that a team is successful. Trust between team members is essential to keep communication lines open. Each team member has a responsibility to respect and be honest with the entire group. Having a contract in place that defines responsibilities and goals will help clarify goals and expectations which the team has collaborated on together. By so doing, the team as a whole will be able to communicate clearly, productivity will be high, and their ability to reach their end goals is strong. Bruce Wayne Tuckerman, born in 1938, has carried out research...
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...addressed the conflict head-on instead of holding it in and allowing it to fester (Lencioni, 2002). Now that most of us have attempted to do the same thing and were written up for it, it has changed the temperament of the team. I’m pissed off because I was late once and was made to believe that I was the one responsible for the team’s demise. All the good work that I’ve done went out the window in comparison to taking my time getting to work. The work in the group is mediocre. No has any faith in anyone’s opinion and we’re barely meeting deadlines without management having to intervene to resolve major conflicts. I just want out and re-assigned to another section. The Bruce Tuckman model depicted groups in two dimensions, interpersonal relationships and task activity. He created a four-stage model that each group had positively surpass each phase in order to be able to function efficiently as a...
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...the most accepted models is that of Bruce Tuckman. His research shows groups follow a set path of Forming, Storming, Norming and Performing. The movie Apollo 13 gives several examples of Tuckman’s model. In this essay we will follow Jim Lovell and his steps in group dynamics through out the movie. When the movie begins you can see that there is a barbeque going on at Jim Lovell’s house. You could draw the conclusion that Jim has worked with the others before at some point. This is where the forming begins Jim invites other astronauts over to watch the first landing on the moon. All of these men have a common goal, which is going to the moon. This is also Jim’s interpersonal need to be around others who want to go to the moon as well. The next phase is the storming phase. We know that people don’t always get along in groups. One great example of this is when Jim, Fred and Ken are in the simulator running case scenarios. They are done with the last case scenario in the simulator Jim and Fred are ready to go home. Ken tells them that he wants to run it again. Jim and Fred think that they should go home and rest that they will have time another day to practice to get it perfect. Because of Jims individual goal, getting to the moon he gives into Ken’s request to do the simulations again. The storming phase is the most difficult phase because this is where groups usually fall apart. Instead of falling apart groups will enter the norming phase of the model. In the movie Fred...
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...likely to embrace group efforts and collaborative approaches to problem solving. This paper will examine the best practices and behaviors that support effective team interactions. Health care leaders are tasked with gathering and uniting individuals into a cohesive, high functioning unit able to solve complex problems. Great teams do not happen by chance, they are developed through training and time invested. However, each team is unique, and vary in size, scope and objectives. Regardless of their specific tasks, or settings, effective teams are guided by basic principles that can be not only measured, but also analyzed, learned and replicated. In 1965, Bruce Tuckman introduced Tuckman’s model for group process. This model outlines the six steps necessary for developing an effective team. The steps that comprise this model are informing, forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning. The informing stage the teams views each other as stranger. In many groups, “forming” is the stage when some members express their desire not to stay in the group as members. Others may express their ambivalence about becoming part of the group and, if given the opportunity to dropout, may leave. (Seck, 2014) The norming stage is where...
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...designated sections, however, with the exception of Mike, the only member who is deeply troubled by his course, job, and lovelife problems. Now, `Christine is being troubled on how the group overall mark could be raised without having the group’s contribution as a whole considering the fact that Mike could help a lot, and that the activity is accounted for as a group and not individually. 1 . How could an understanding of the stages of group development assist Christine in leadership situations such as this one ? Christine’s knowledge of the stages of group development would aid her in dealing with group conflicts entailing leadership. On her case, she has no problem on the first stage of mutual acceptance( or forming stage in Bruce Tuckman) because she knows how to adapt to different kind of persons, as well as with the other members, as evidenced by the first impressions of each personality. Christine is now having trouble with the latter stages-decision-making process, motivation and commitment,control and sanctions stage (norming, storming, performing,adjourning stage). Since she already knew the weak stages, she could focus better on the...
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...Group Dynamics The purpose of this assignment is to reflect upon an event that occurred within the Problem Based Learning (PBL) group. I will therefore, aim to discuss theories on group work as well as whether any of these theories actually applied to my own personal experience. By doing this will enable me to identify how effective my role may possibly have been within the group, furthermore, how I may be able to improve my individual skills for the future. In order to be able to do this successfully I am required to use the Gibbs Reflective Cycle (1988). The group that I was a part of consisted of six people, all of whom were from a mix of three different pathways, these included nursing, social workers and occupational therapists. The aim of which, was that we should learn to interact inter-professionally as part of a team. Therefore, the scenario that I plan to focus my assignment around was an incident that occurred at the end of the first five weeks, when we were deemed able to present our findings as a group on our first trigger. Consequently, it was decided that we would each present our respective areas of research in relation to the trigger, showing that all aspects had been covered. Therefore, each member of the group had a chosen topic to find out information on, and to prepare it ready for presentation. When we first started as a group for this module, a leader was chosen, as a result we as a group had decided that if anyone were unable to make it in...
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...Group Counseling COU 6350 Faulkner University In my research on Forming, Storming, Norming and Performing, I discovered that the phrase of Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing was coined in 1965 by psychologist Bruce Tuckman. He described that most teams follow a consistent path from the point when they are first assembled to the time when they become a highly proficient highly effective group. This path leads them through four stages; Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing. The Forming stage begins when new group members are brought together. You might have some members that are apprehensive, talkative, some are very positive and polite some might be a little anxious, and excited. Whatever each group member possesses they bring to the table. The group members are unaware of what lies ahead. This stage is usually short compared to the other stages. The Storming stages are when each group member is explained what is expected, and what the goals are. Processes and structures are put in effect. Now the group may be filling frustrated and overwhelmed by the participation they must have. They realities and challenges that are ahead are setting in. The may become stressed with how much they must accomplish and they are unsure about their participation that is required with an unfamiliar leader and new group members. They realize that they don’t know each other and they began to form opinions of one another. The may be seeking the approval of the group leader or...
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...ABA 1 Unit 6 Discussion Chaining is a specific sequence of discrete responses, each associated with a particular stimulus condition. Each discrete response and the associated stimulus condition serve as an individual component of the chain (Cooper). A completion of one specific behavior in the chain leads to the next specific action in the chain. All steps have to be completed correctly in order to move forward and gain mastery of the behavior. • Define target behavior • Reinforce successive elements of the chain • Monitor the results Shaping is the process of systematically and differentially reinforcing successive approximations to a terminal behavior (Cooper). Shaping helps the person get closer to mastery by providing reinforcements along...
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...Tuckman’s model: states team formation take time and often go through recognisable stages as they change from being collections of strangers to becoming united groups with common goals. Tuckman’s forming, norming, storming and performing model described these stages. Forming: a. Members are positive and polite. b. Some are anxious as they have not fully understood what work to do. c. Others are simply excited about the task ahead. Storming: a. People start to push against the boundaries established in the forming stage. b. Many people fail here. Norming: a. People resolve their differences here. b. Socialize together and ask each other for help and provide constructive feedback. Performing: a. Goals are achieved without friction. Team workers:...
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...NAME: _______________________________________ CASE 8: Research In Motion: Managing Explosive Growth 1. BACKGROUND INFORMATION |Timeframe |Country(s) Involved |Key Individuals & Titles |Company Type & Size | | | | | | 2. BRIEF SUMMARY OF CASE SITUATION |Business or Industry Description |Particular Company Situation | 3. INDUSTRY AND COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS |Dominant Economic Characteristics |Strategic Group MAP | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ...
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...the right hair, and covering nothing up but your crotch area. This interprets sexuality. The same goes for women. typical images for women are a big chest, a big behind, slim waist, long legs, skinny, oh and flawless. The stereotypes these advertisements perpetuate are that men are supposed to be taller, bigger, heartless, and tough. As for women, they have to be smaller, looked down upon, and even always being innocent. When it comes to race, a white boy has control over the white girl. But when it's a black boy and a white girl, the girl has the control. Go figure that race would have a part in advertisement. Another way race is involved in this is when it comes to colored women, they're seen as animals. They would dress up the colored models into an animal such as a tiger and have her pose as...
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...comparison between model in the past and the present, and how models become more restraints than before. Also we will talk about the advantage of using models and how they can make our life much easy. Models have evolved since the beginning of the century. There are many kinds of models for almost any system or item that exist. Each model uses short, long, simple or complex mathematics formula it depends of which case the models solve. However the models that are used in these recent years are very complex and have many numerous computations which make the only one that can handle it is the computer. These kinds of models are usually use in a wide variety of tasks, such as prevision of the decision made, and an effective answer to everyday problems. During time, models start to be more restraints than before. These kinds of restraints should have value or weight to make a model compatible with the case that model solve. There are several constraints or restraints in each models, one of the most important one is budget of the project. In other words the more wherewithal, the more model accuracy. Mark P. McDonald ( December 8, 2010). To use complex mathematical formula in the models it requires an educated staffs with a good knowledge of model branch, which make the model more expensive and take more time to solve it, comparing with computer time and cost. However the need of special educated persons is strictly required to conclude if the models created by computer...
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...superior performance in a given job, role, or situation.Competency modeling is the activity of determining the specific competencies that are characteristic of high performance and success in a given job. Competency modeling can be applied to a variety of human resource activities. This research paper will describe how organizations identify their core competencies and how they are applying this competency data to improve performance. It will also explain some emerging trends in competency modeling. Developing Competency Models Competencies enable employees to achieve results, thereby creating value. It follows that competencies aligned with business objectives help foster an organization's success. Organizations must understand their core competency needs - the skills, knowledge, behaviors, and abilities that are necessary for people in key roles to deliver business results.According to Boulter, et al (1998), there are six stages involved in defining a competency model for a given job role. These stages are: 1. Performance criteria - Defining the criteria for superior performance in the role. 2. Criterion sample - Choosing a sample of people performing the role for data collection. 3. Data collection - Collecting sample data about behaviors that lead to success. 4. Data analysis - Developing hypotheses about the competencies of outstanding performers and how these competencies work together to produce desired...
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...discovering similarity, maturity, and capability to measure, model asses and evolves the alignment level existing among business and technological assets of an enterprise. The top research issue for currently is the alignment between business processes and supporting software system. For the first time the issue was mention in the 1970 and then several studies and researches were conducted focused the alignment concerns. Actually this paper is aiming to review a proper analysis which considering the alignment topics. From the view of the business and technological alignment, it focuses on the degree of the information technology mission, objectives and plans, support and is supported by the business mission, objective and plans. To looking how the organization can achieve alignment, the traditional approaches have been used, however only a little contribution about how to identify and correct misalignment. To complete the alignment strategies, the modeling and measurement is a must. The phase of modeling is about the various entitled the alignment concept and the links between business and IT entities. Measurement of the alignment degree existing between the chosen assets for establishing if there is any improvement. The alignment is supported by an automatic support where it’s all the processes. There is several approaches was proposed to address issue from modeling to measurement. The approaches are Strategic Alignment Model (SAM) which used for financial service firms for determining...
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