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Twelfth Night: Review / Evaluation


Submitted By valscampos
Words 503
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Twelfth Night

Cast: Frances Barber, Christopher Ravenscroft, James Saxon, Abigail McKern, James Simmons, Anton Lesser, Caroline Langrishe, Richard Briers, Tim Barker, Christopher Hollis.

Director: Kenneth Branagh

Synopsis: Frances Barber starts the film as a woman who lost her brother (Christopher Hollis) and in an attempt to find money and a place to live without the inconvenience of her true identity, she uncovers herself in a man suit and prepares to work and live as a man. In this first version of the film, Branagh uses his intelligence to create a clever and funny film full of twists and mystery identities.


I recently saw Twelfth Night film version by Kenneth Branagh and honestly I can say I was very pleased by the outcome. It is really hard to transform one of Shakespeare’s best literary work into an interesting film version that keeps the true essence of the story and keeps you wondering and laughing at almost every scene. Shakespeare’s books were meant to be acted alive, to keep the audience intrigue by its cleverness, interesting and sometimes twisted scenes in which characters were involved in non so usual circumstances, and the fact that Kenneth managed himself to achieve that in a film version amazes me.

This movie is filled with amazing actors who truly represent the characters in the book. First, Frances Barber gives a really good performance acting as Viola, a woman who lost her brother but was convinced he was still alive and Cesario, Viola disguised as a man who falls in love with her master (Christopher Ravenscroft). The duke Orsino is represented by Christopher Ravenscroft who did an amazing job representing a man who was suffering for Olivia’s love, a man who was willing of giving all of his treasures in exchange of love. Anton Lesser also gives an amazing performance representing Feste, the fool of Illyria, who was indeed more than what he was willing to show. The casting of this movie was truly perfect, and the actors did not disappoint.

As mentioned, during this movie you will see mystery, lies, romance, and overall a lot of misunderstandings and issues that will lead you to endless outcomes throughout the whole movie; One of the best things of this movie is that you will live through moments that will make you laugh hysterically, and you will meet, if you haven’t yet, shakespearean language.

Finally, I can say I loved this movie from beginning to end. Since the beginning of the film the problems start to appear and they will keep appearing until the film is almost over, when it will untangle itself in the best way possible, living an open end in which you can figure out the end for each of the characters.

Overall, this is a great movie with a mix of tons of laughs and problem. if your looking for an old movie, a classic full of romance and hysterical scenes in which anything can happen this is it, Twelfth Night is the movie for you.

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